Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 246 – A new Follower

The crazed laughter and gargled screams that Fazil and Calythtis let out right before Liam’s Devour ability swallowed them whole died out and was replaced with silence. Liam stared at the two spots. He didn’t have a smile, nor did he have a scowl on his face. He just had a look of concern.

 While Fazil’s response was what Liam had expect, Calythtis’ was a cause for concern. That look of pure ecstasy, her half crazed half elated laughter she kept up right until she was completely devoured made Liam think she knew something about the ability he didn’t. While he was still new to it, he didn’t think there were others that knew about it. The way Eri had reacted when he first used it made him think that. So watching Calythtis act the way she did left him confused.

Besides that he finally got an answer to Fazil’s race. He was a Golden Dokkaebi. Back on earth a Dokkaebi was a Korean word for Goblin. Many outside of the country knew them as Korean Goblins. So he was right when he thought the Demon-kin was a Golden Goblin.

Liam was brought out of his thoughts as he suddenly heard Roman yell out, “Take another step and I’ll knock you the hell out.”

Liam swiftly turned around and made his way back to the others. As he approached them he got a good look at Gimmel. He wasn’t sure if he was a Demon-kin in disguise and if he was honest he wasn’t in the mood to think about it. Instead he asked the one person who he believed had the answer.

Eri. Is that really Gimmel or is it an illusion to deceive us? Liam asked.

There’s no Illusion Magic being used. He does have the Field of Illusion, albeit at a higher level than Roman’s, but he isn’t using it. Eri responded.

Liam nodded as he thanked the goddess. “Roman, stand down. He isn’t a Demon-kin in disguise.”

Roman side eyed Liam as he replied, “Are you sure?”

Liam nodded. He saw Roman’s body slightly relax as he looked like someone had whispered something in his ear. However, his body didn’t completely relax as he stated, “He saw things though. He’s a part of that group and could tell them what he saw. He either needs to be silenced or we need to do something about that.”

Liam sighed at Roman’s response.

“He’s right,” Blair agreed. “He isn’t a part of our group and what he saw could end up hurting you in the long run if we let him go.”

Liam agreed with what she had said, but there was something they didn’t know. Liam came to a decision. First they needed to get rid of this nasty Debuff that was starting to make them grow irritable and angry by the second. “Artem could you do your thing first so we can clear our minds and approach this situation better?”

Artem nodded.

“Gimmel get closer. I assume you are suffering from the Raging Rabies too?” Liam asked.

Gimmel nodded and was about to take a step forward but stopped as Roman shouted, “Why are you…!”

“Don’t argue!” Liam suddenly yelled, his anger slipping out a bit.

Roman and Blair turned their faces at him and saw the struggled expression on his face. They realized what was going on as they recognize the icon by their information in the corner of their eye. Backing down, Roman dropped his fists and moved closer to the others.

“Hurry and get closer Gimmel,” Liam ordered.

Gimmel didn’t say anything. He just got as close as he could without provoking Roman or Blair. Once Artem felt he was close enough he started channeling some mana. Once the mana had built up enough he shouted out, “Pisces Zodiac Ability! Healer’s Territory – Absolute Restore!”

A pulse of aqua colored mana pushed out from Artem and washed over the five of them. Liam watched as the expressions on each of their faces lightened as their exhausted bodies started to feel rested. Darkish green liquid started to form on their exposed skin as it  was pushed out of their pores and fell to the ground. Liam watched as the Raging Rabies icons suddenly vanished while their health, mana, and stamina started to refill. To Liam’s sudden surprise his Spirit Pool was also filling back up.

He didn’t know how that was possible and was about to say something, but quickly snapped his mouth shut. His Spirit Pool was a mystery to himself, and he knew the others wouldn’t know anything about it either because they were new here too. As for Gimmel, he was still figuring out what all he could say and what he shouldn’t say. Before deciding that though he needed to find out why he had followed them here and how.

After Artem finished using his Zodiac ability, Liam waited a few seconds. His entire body felt refreshed and the lingering feelings of anger that had been threatening to try and take over his mind had disappeared entirely. He took in the feeling of relief and sucked in a deep breath slowly before letting it out while pulling his goggles up to his forehead and sitting on a piece of rubble that didn’t have any wooden spikes from breaks. He then looked at Gimmel and asked, “What the hell are you doing here Gimmel?”

The question made Gimmel suddenly tense as he looked at the four. Artem and Blair took steps to stand next to and slightly behind Liam. Roman had crossed his arms and stood at the end next to Artem, a bit more in front of the tall Half-Orc. Gimmel felt their gazes on him. As intimidating as they were they only made him feel slightly uncomfortable. However, when he looked Liam he felt a pressure he hadn’t had before. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt like if he wanted to he could swallow him whole.

Liam’s eyes had thinned as he stared right into Gimmel’s. Gimmel felt like he could see right through him. A shiver ran through him. He gulped before starting, “I don’t know.”

Roman sneered as he said, “You don’t know?”

Liam brought a hand up to stop him from saying anything else. Roman stopped talking and watched the teenager.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Liam asked.

“When I first met you I couldn’t understand. Why would he take you under his wing? You, a Crafter,” Gimmel continued. He stopped for a brief moment as he noticed Artem, Blair, and Roman narrow their eyes on him. “You have to understand that while you all are New Arrivals, I was born and raised in this world. Those with the Crafter as a Class aren’t very combative. Everyone knows them as non-combative classes. So when you revealed to me and your friends that you were a Crafter it raised a lot of questions. Especially since you bear the symbol of being his apprentice on your ears.”

Artem, Blair, and Roman looked confused as they looked at Liam’s ears and noticed the earrings for the first time. They wanted to ask what he was talking about but stopped as Gimmel started back up.

“You seemed so confident even after I talked to you after that incident at the Adventurer’s Association. It baffled me. It stayed on my mind for a while,” Gimmel stated. “After we received word of you getting attack in the Green Dungeon, I watched as your friends, Knox and Waylon grew frantic. They tried searching for you to make sure you were alright. Chad of course kept saying you were dead. That someone like you, who didn’t understand their true place, bit off more than you could chew.”

Artem, Blair, Roman, and even Liam sneered at the mention of Chad.

“Your friends though believed you were still alive. They said that no matter how bad things had gotten in the past you always had an uncanny ability to make it out. Although they did admit the situations you and they faced weren’t anything near to the dangers this world held. However, they still believed you would be alive.”

Liam shook his head. He was glad to know that his friends believed that he would be fine, but it didn’t clear the way they treated him. Like he needed to be protected.

“That being said,” Gimmel said, bringing Liam out of his thoughts. “When you reappeared right before all this chaos happened. I saw how you perfectly threw that dagger and nailed that Toxo Corpse Control to the wall. After I saw that I thought to myself there was more to you than what you were letting us know. I grew curious.”

“Curious enough to follow us into the mouth of danger?” Liam questioned with a brow raised.

Gimmel looked at the ground. After a second he nodded. “Yes. I had a feeling that if I followed you then I would get my answer.”

“How did you follow us? Blair, Roman, and I should have been able to pick you up while you trailed us and yet…we weren’t able to,” Liam stated. He then asked Eri, Did you know he was following us the entire time?

“Yes. I did,” Eri stated matter-a-factly.

And you didn’t bother to tell us? Liam asked. Normally Eri would have warned him when he was followed. He would like to believe that she would have warned him before revealing his abilities since he would have survived. He believed he knew the answer but wanted to ask anyways.   

“I thought it would bring a bit of fun chaos to you,” Eri replied frankly.

He could feel a smile in her voice and an idea suddenly popped in his mind. Are you wanting to…

His question trailed off as Gimmel started back up again. “I have my Illusion magic past at level twenty five. I used and ability to mask myself from people’s sight and used another spell to mask my footsteps making me step just a couple of inches off the ground.”

The four raised an eyebrow at that.

“There’s magic that can do that?” Blair asked.

“That explains why I couldn’t feel the vibrations from your footsteps,” Roman muttered as he thought about it. “I’ll need to figure a way to counter that.”

“It’s good that we found how he was able to dodge our attempts from spotting him, but what are we going to do now?” Artem suddenly asked, surprising Blair, Liam, and Roman.

“He has seen us and you Liam use magic that we shouldn’t have,” Artem explained. “I know we weren’t out here during most of your fight, but if I’m right you probably used your Zodiac Ability and probably announced that you were Eri’s Champion. The world is hunting for Geminis and I’m sure no one really knows that Eri has a Champion yet right?”

Liam noticed Gimmel tense at Artem’s proclamation. He had every right to. Knowing that there was a Gemini right in front of you and not turning them in or informing the deity you worshipped would cause problems. At least, that’s what he was starting to believe from what he was told. However, the idea he was starting to form when he confirmed that Eri knew he followed them and didn’t say anything made him curious about something.

“So what is your plan now?” Liam asked. “Are you going to go back to Chad and the others?”

Gimmel looked perplexed. He looked like he was warring with something only he could see. After a few seconds had past, Gimmel nodded his head and looed resolved. “No. I’m not going back to them. What you said about him using me as a pack mule. I had an inkling that was the case, but a part of me was delusional and thought there was a chance for me to join them. Instead, I want to join you.”

Roman snarled and threw a hand out in a cutting motion as he said, “Nah uh. No way. I don’t believe him. Why would he want to join us?”

Gimmel looked at Roman. “I don’t want to join you. I want to join him.” Gimmel pointed at Roman first before pointing at Liam indicating who he wanted to follow.”

“And why do you want to follow him?” Blair questioned as she narrowed her eyes on the teenager.

“You wouldn’t understand,” Gimmel commented.

Artem placed a hand out to stop both Roman and Blair as he asked with a gentle tone, “Then explain it so we can.”

“I can’t. Unless you knew who I was talking about…,” Gimmel started, but stopped as Liam interrupted by saying, “They do.”

Gimmel looked at Liam. Artem, Blair, and Roman looked at him as well with a puzzled look on their faces.

“They know who he is, and he knows who they are. He in fact helped my teammates get to me during a time of crisis,” Liam stated without context.

“Really?” Gimmel questioned as he look at the other three with a new light.

“I’m sorry. Who are you talking about?” Roman asked.

“Nabal,” Liam answered.

“Your dagger instructor?” Artem inquired.

“My mentor now,” Liam corrected. He then placed a hand on the earrings and added, “I officially became his apprentice the moment I put these on.”

“Interesting,” Blair muttered.

“Then who is this kid to Nabal?” Roman asked.

Gimmel frowned and was about to make a comment, but stopped as Liam answered, “This is Nabal’s nephew.”

Artem, Blair, and Roman’s eyes widened as they looked at him once more. Gimmel made a pose looking a bit smug. That pose lasted a few seconds before Roman stated, “Be that as it may, he could be informing to a deity about all that he saw here. Nabal doesn’t even really know about this and…”

“My uncle doesn’t know about you being a Gemini and a Champion to an unknown deity?” Gimmel suddenly asked.

“No,” Liam stated as he gave Roman a glare. Roman groaned as he realized he said something that he probably shouldn’t have mentioned. Liam then looked back at Gimmel and added, “He doesn’t know anything about this.”

Gimmel eyed Liam and the others. For a long moment of silent he just stared. After that he asked with what sounded like skepticism, “So are you saying I know something that my uncle doesn’t know anything about?”

Liam nodded sharply watching and gauging the boy’s reaction.

Artem, Blair, and Roman felt their bodies tense for a brief moment before they almost stumbled from where they stood as Gimmel shouted, “Hell ya! I know something Uncle Nabal doesn’t!”

Liam stared at the teenager with a mixture of shock and disbelief. “Of all the things you focus on you’re saying you’re happy that you know something your uncle doesn’t?”

Gimmel stared back at Liam with a disapproving stare. That disapproving stare then turned into a grin as he explained, “You don’t understand. All my life Uncle Nabal has acted like a know it all. It seemed like there was nothing he didn’t know. Now, standing here, you have told me that I know something he doesn’t. You don’t understand how happy that makes me!”

The four looked confused as they looked at each other and then back at Gimmel. Before any of them could say anything Gimmel realized he didn’t refute Roman’s claim from earlier. He then looked at them and hurriedly explained, “As for you worries from earlier you don’t have to worry about me reporting anything to a deity.”

“Why’s that?” Blair asked.

“That’s because my clan doesn’t follow any of the deities,” Gimmel stated. He noticed the look of skepticism in their faces and cut them off by explaining, “It’s a rule that a much higher and more powerful clan we are under were given. No one is allowed to follow any of the current deities. Not unless instructed otherwise and no one has been instructed otherwise.”

Liam’s brow furrowed before he said, “You belong to the Suits Clan don’t you? I heard it’s a powerful assassin clan. What clan would have enough power to be able to tell your clan what to do?”

Gimmel looked surprised at Liam’s question. He thought about the question and decided he would answer. “Normally I wouldn’t be able to tell you since you’re not a part of either of the clans, but since you are my uncle’s apprentice you have every right to know. However…” Gimmel let the words hang as he looked at the other three.

“You can trust them not to spread the information,” Liam stated. “I trust them and that’s all you need to know.”

Gimmel slowly nodded. He was hesitant to continue, but felt he needed to in order to get the others’ stare off of him. “The name of the clan we ‘listen’ to is the Valdis Clan.”

Liam’s eyes widened for a brief moment before he schooled his expression. He wasn’t sure if Gimmel caught it since he didn’t question it, but he quickly made a look that he was trying to think about the name.

“I’ve only recently learned about clans, so I have no clue what to make of this,” Roman suddenly stated. Liam internally thanked him for being so clueless at times. “However, I did hear there are immensely powerful and old Clan or families out there. Where does the two stand compared to them?”

Gimmel shook his head understanding why Roman was so clueless. “Our clan is powerful and is highly regarded amongst the other clans, but we aren’t the only powerful assassin clans out there. As for the Valdis clan…they are amongst the top fear clan. They have…” Gimmel shook his head. “No. I think for now that’s all you need to know for now.”

Roman was about to argue, but stopped as Artem said with a nod, “Thank you for enlightening us with that. However, we still need to figure out what we are going to do with you.” He then looked at Liam, who turned to look back at him. “He may be Nabal’s nephew, but your secrets and the secrets we are currently holding are something we can’t just allow anyone to know without full confidence they can or will betray us.”

Liam looked back at Gimmel. He understood Artem’s concerns. If they couldn’t come to an agreement that Gimmel was someone they could trust to hold their secret then they would either need to hold him as a prisoner or worse…kill him before they left the dungeon. Liam didn’t want to go down that route for more than obvious reasons. Gimmel was the nephew of his mentor. He was also someone, while not really knowing all of the facts, was someone who tried to lookout for him in his own way.

He was trying to think about what he should do until his thoughts went back to the idea he was forming earlier. It was a gamble on whether he was right or not, but he decided to trust his gut on it. Hiding the smile he was forming he looked at Gimmel and stated, “I don’t think it will be an issue. I think he won’t betray us, and I think he won’t go around telling anyone about what we’re currently capable of.”

Everyone looked at him with a confused expression.

“What do you mean?” Blair questioned.

“If you think about it,” Liam started as he turned his head to look at her. “Eri made a choice before this became an issue. In fact, I think she was planning on something after seeing that he was following us and not saying anything.”

Gimmel tilted his head with a confused look while the other three tried to think about what he meant. Roman, of course, didn’t come to the conclusion. Blair was starting to, but wasn’t fast enough as Artem asked, “Does she plan on making him…”

Liam nodded. “I think that’s what she’s planning to do.”

Gimmel was confused and was about to ask but stopped as he received a notification. His eyes widened as he read it and then grew uncomfortable. Before accepting or denying it he said, “But the rules of my clan…”

“Matter not in a situation like this,” Liam stated. “It is like the others have voiced. You have seen and know more than you should. Not only that, but I think Eri…or Eris, sees some potential in you. I mean you did leave a group that could…,” Liam made air quotes as he said, “Potentially’…make you a part of their group and Chad did boast about joining some guild or whatever. And yet…in the middle of all that you left them, and their stuff it looks like, to tail me. You even saved me by using…” Liam’s eyes furrowed as he remembered the wooden doll looking objects. “Dolls? Puppets? What were they?”

Gimmel blushed as he answered, “They were my puppets. My class is called Fantasy Puppeteer. I can use my Puppeteer Magic to control puppets. However, puppets can be expensive and very costly to maintain. I didn’t have enough money to get some quality ones for my level, so I had to buy the worn and torn ones.”

Liam and the others stared at him. He hadn’t heard about a class like that. He was very curious on how puppets were made and wanted to know, but he stopped his curiosity and coughed before saying, “I want to learn more about that, but that’s for later. What is being offered to you is something that not many have the opportunity to receive. You look up to your uncle yes?”

Gimmel nodded, not saying anything.

“Is that at a level where you want to be just like him or reach a level where you are respected like him?” Liam asked.

“At first, when I was younger, I wanted to be just like him,” Gimmel started as he thought about it. “His class, his power, everything. However, after I found out what my affinities were I came to the realization that that wouldn’t happen. But still…I wanted more than anything to be just like him or at least go out and do what he would tell me. I grew up listening to the stories he’s told me about his adventures with his team. I was entranced with the fights the loot, everything. However, a person who has an affinity with Puppeteering is someone who comes with issues. Maintenance costs, collecting or ordering new Puppets…they cost a lot of money. I tried to learn how to make them, but the process to get far enough to be able to is just too time consuming. Not only that, but people see Puppeteers as money pits or expendable allies and use them as decoys or puppet shields. While there are some puppets meant for that not all of them are. There’s a purpose each one serves and people just don’t understand that.”

Liam grew curious. “What is it you need to learn in order to make puppets?”

“Puppet making is a sub-section and the first step to learning Golem Crafting which is a section in the Artificer Craft,” Gimmel answered.

Liam’s eyes sparkled at that. He was curious about what the Artificer Craft held and now he got his first look into it. He heard a cough coming from Artem and Blair which clamped down his urge to hear more.

Liam let out a cough himself as he said, “I can understand why you have concerns, but I have to ask once more maybe in different words…is your uncle your goal or is your goal much more than that?”

Gimmel stared at him for a long moment. After that moment had passed Gimmel stated, “Much more than that.” Then almost like a flood, Gimmel said, “I want to find a team, comrades that will go on adventures. I want to discover new things and experience them for myself. I want to be the one who comes to my uncle with stories. Stories about things he never experienced or seen before. I want him to be proud. But much more than that I want to pursue this path that I was given and not worry about the issues it comes with.”

Liam slowly grinned. “Then you should accept the offer that was given to you.”

Gimmel stared at Liam. His heart was beating fast as he continued to listen.

“If you accept that offer, you will be joining a group that, for better or for worse, comes across things or situations that many find weird or impossible. And with our goddess’ nature I don’t think that will ever change,” Liam said. “You will have a team that will look out for you as long as you look out for them. If you’re concerned about your puppets then we can figure something out. I have a feeling I know what your uncle is hoping you will do and if you know what this is then you can earn some extra money that way.”

Liam pulled out his Web Watch and let Gimmel take a good look at it. He knew it was a breach of protocol…or at least he thought it would be, but right now he didn’t care. The look Gimmel gave him was all the confirmation he needed. “That look says I’m right. Adding on to that. I am a crafter. I am extremely interested in the Artificer Craft and, when I am able to unlock that craft, could possibly help you craft puppets.”

Gimmel stared at him with wide eyes. He fought back the tears that were threatening to spill as he started to understand that Liam wasn’t telling him this to pressure him. He understood the man before him wasn’t saying all this out of pity or because of some obligation to his uncle since he was his apprentice. No. Liam was really looking at him. Really considering him for a potential that his deity was seeing in him. Many would scoff at the thought. Many would also disregard him after doing what their deity told them. However, he didn’t see any of that in Liam’s eyes. All he saw was curiosity and excitement. The excitement was for learning about the knowledge of Artificer Crafting, but he could respect that.

Gimmel looked back at the notification with consideration. He had his clan teachings, and the rules stuck in his head. However…what Liam said and what his Goddess was offering him tempted him greatly. If becoming a Follower of the Eris would give him the opportunity to do what he dreamed of…then why let his clan rules and teachings hold him back.

Really hoping he wasn’t making a mistake, Gimmel mentally accepted the offer. An aura suddenly washed over him. It was light and…weird. It felt like something he had never felt before. No. That wasn’t right. He had felt this feeling before recently. It was when he had first met Liam. A strange feeling had gently touched his skin right before Chad and that one Beast-folk had gotten into an argument.

A notification appeared shortly and made his eyes widen.

[Congratulations! You have accepted being a Follower of Eris, Goddess of Chaos!]

[You have received level two Gifts of Chaos!]

[You have received the ability Foolish Bravery!]

[You have received an ability from the Field of the Puppeteer – Puppet Reanimation!]

[Puppet Reanimation. Description – Any fallen puppets that had been broken or slightly destroyed will reassemble themselves for 30 seconds and attack the nearest target. After the 30 seconds are up they will fully disintegrate and will not be able to be fixed ever again. Please note: if any parts are completely destroyed before using this ability they will not reappear when the fallen puppet reassembles. Please note: when ability has been casted the controller of the puppets has no power or control over them. Mana Cost – 75 MP. Target: Single. Spell type: Chant.]

“Holy shi…,” Gimmel muttered as his eyes started to glisten at the description of the ability he received.

Liam smiled widely as he said with a jovial tone of voice, “Welcome to our group of chaotic misfits Gimmel.”

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