Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 232 – Learning to juggle through gravity

Liam turned towards the two Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin Warriors and the two Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverbacks that were trapped in the spell Blair had used. Each of them struggled against it, trying to get back to their feet. The Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverbacks used the strength in their arms to try and push their upper bodies up off the ground while the other two creatures tried to move their legs underneath them. The force of the gravity pushing down on them was powerful, but it looked like the creatures were still stronger as they slowly tried getting back up.

Liam knew this was the perfect opportunity to try and do as much damage as possible as they struggled. He pulled out two of his normal Bone Throwing Daggers and aimed for one of the Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin Warrior’s eyes. He then threw them as soon as he felt the aim was on point. He watched them enter the radius of the spell as they flew and was shocked as  the two flying daggers suddenly arced downwards, landing right in front of the monster.

Liam used Mana Manipulation to pull them out and noticed there was some difficulties. Instead of them flying up and towards his hands, they slid across the ground almost like something was forcibly keeping them down. After they escaped the radius they flew right up into the air and almost missed Liam’s grip.

Looks like this gravity spell effects everything inside the radius instead of just the targets. Liam thought as he stared at the monsters. That means this isn’t a higher level Gravitational Force Increase, but rather a different spell entirely. The radius is amazing as well. If that’s the case then I guess I’m going to have to adjust the trajectory of my throwing.

Liam aimed a little higher this time before throwing the two weapons. He used a little more strength in this attempt, trying to see if adding my force to the throw would get it farther as well as changing trajectory. He watched them go up in the air as they flew inside the area of the spell. He was right that both had helped in getting the weapons farther, however the amount of strength and the trajectory was slightly too much as the two daggers passed the monster’s head and dug right into its lower back. The sudden attack caused the Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin Warrior to fall back down to its stomach, zeroing out the progress it had made.

Liam clicked his tongue. He knew he wasn’t going to get it right off the bat, but he was hoping it would be closer than it was. He called them back using his Mana Manipulation and struggled to pull them out of the skin of the creature. He concentrated harder as he forced them to move. To his delight they did move, but instead of coming right out of the monster’s lower back they opened the wounds a little wider as the blades slid across its back a couple of inches before sliding right out and back to Liam.

Liam smiled. Even if he couldn’t hit the target where he wanted to, he could use the force of the gravity to cause more damage as he tried to recall his weapons. If he caused enough and opened enough wounds he could create a Bleeding Debuff on the creature and have it die due to blood loss.

Liam tried again, but this time he tried to use less strength in the throw and aimed a little lower than last time. This attempt was a complete failure as the daggers landed right in front of the monster’s shoulders.

As irritated as he was he knew he couldn’t waste time like this. After he retrieved the two weapons he made a decision. He threw these two after making some adjustments in his throwing. However, instead of manipulating them to come back, he pulled two more Bone Throwing Daggers and threw them as well. He didn’t stop there as he did this two more times.

To his surprise, six out of the ten daggers found purchase on different parts of the creature’s body. He took in a deep breath and readied himself as he manipulated two daggers to slide across the creature’s body and return to his hands. He threw them again and started manipulating the next pair.

After throwing this pair, Liam tried to pull the next pair towards him. The process started off slow. He was able to pull two daggers out of the creature right after throwing the two that reached his hands. Once he felt comfortable he tried to focus on a second pair of daggers to pull as one pair was slowly coming his way. He failed to accomplish this. No matter how hard he tried to get a second pair to come his way as he pulled a different pair right after throwing another set, he couldn’t make it happen.

Looks like trying to juggle more than four is too much for me right now. Liam thought as he threw another pair of daggers. He noticed as he continued his attempts, he was gradually getting faster with pulling them to him. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was getting more confident in this or if he had leveled up something, but he didn’t question it.

After repeating this five more times he heard a noise that he wasn’t expecting. It was a dying cry from the Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin Warrior. It had died before he realized it. Before he could move on to the next creature he heard Blair shout out, “A minute left until that spell is gone. If you’re going to try and kill them like that then that’s how long you have.”

“There’s still another minute left on this spell? How long is this spell?” Liam questioned, both shocked and amazed.

“Not time. Either attack them and try to kill them now or get ready to fight together,” Blair stated as she swung her axe across the neck of her opponent.

Liam noticed all three had finished off their prey and were waiting for the spell to deactivate on the last three. Liam shook his head before refocusing on the ones before him. He had a minute to try and do as much damage as he could to these three. He could focus on one and try and kill it, but then the others would still be near full health.

He glances quickly at the others. Roman was shaking his arms as he bounced on the front of his feet, looking like he was either loosening them up or trying to wake them up from going numb. Liam leaned on the latter than the former due to the spell he used earlier. Artem and Blair drank what looked like a stamina potion, probably to regain the lost stamina they used for the next fight.

After getting a better idea of their current conditions Liam made a decision. He repositioned himself to a spot that made it easier for him. As his feet stepped down where he believed would be the best spot, he threw the two daggers he had in his hands at the Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverback to his left.

As he threw the daggers, he manipulated two of the eight daggers that still laid on the ground where he once stood. As they reached his hands he aimed as fast as he could right at the other Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverback to his right. He then pulled two more of the throwing daggers from that pile and aimed for the Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin Warrior that was slightly behind the other two creatures. The daggers fell short right in front of the monster.

Liam clicked his tongue before readjusting his trajectory again for this monster. After he determined it was better, he threw his weapons at the same monster again. This time it was a bit farther, but as they landed they dug right into the shoulder blades.

Liam didn’t waste any time after that. He pulled two more daggers from his scabbard across his chest and aimed for the Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverback to his left. After throwing these daggers and confirming they found their target he moved to the next creature.

He rotated between the three monsters as he threw each regular Bone Throwing Dagger he had. He missed a few times due to his haste, but he managed to land more as he got used to the memorizing the distance and strength needed to throw at each creature.

After thirty seconds had passed he pulled out his two Shadow Enchanted Runic Curved Throwing Bone Daggers and aimed for the Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverback to his left. After they entered the creature’s skin, he called them back using his Mana Manipulation. The two weapons slipped out of the creature’s body, while opening the wound more, and returned to his hands.

After they returned he aimed for the other Undead gorilla and struck it with them. After he repeated the same recall move with them, he aimed for the Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin and attack it as well. He attack each creature three more times, each recall faster than the last as he got better at pulling them under the gravity from the spell.

Each time after the first hit with these two special daggers, the creature let out a pained and confused howl. This told Liam that the Debuff these daggers caused, Hidden Whispers, activated and grew each time it activated. This effect was stackable up to seven times and unlike the other two daggers that stackable effects, these ones didn’t need to hit the same spot in order to activate.

Thanks to the notifications that appeared he found that the effect activated only twice. While having that effect activate was a bonus to him, what he was after was the twenty percent extra shadow damage they caused. With this his final attack against them was going to have even more damage caused.

He heard Blair shout out ten seconds left in the spell as the two weapons returned to his hands once more. He didn’t waste any more time on the dagger throw strategy as he pointed one of the daggers out and chanted, “O Moon, majestic and beautiful. I call upon thee to show how painful you can be. Manifest mediums that will serve to unleash your wave of power. Swarm together and into your target. Go forth and unleash your power. Lunar Swarm!”

A raven black orb formed in front of Liam as a pale white light shone down on it. The light soaked into it changing the color from black to the majestic color of the moon. After it had completely engulfed the orb it didn’t disappear nor stop. Instead five new smaller orbs formed around the bigger one.

As this was happening, the powerful force of the gravity crushing them down in the spot the creatures were in had released its hold on them. This allowed the dagger riddled creatures to slowly get back to their feet. Their ire and focus was on Liam as soon as they rose to their full height.

Artem and Roman were about to get ready to rush in and intercept them, but stopped as Blair extended her weapon in front of them. They were about to argue, but were cut off as Blair stated, “Let him finish his spell. It looks like its one of those Lunar ones. We don’t want to get caught up in that. If they aren’t dead after that then we’ll finish them off.”

Artem and Roman let out a grunt and nodded as they watched Liam’s spell finish forming. They were a bit anxious as the three monster went to make their move. The two Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverbacks started glowing red as they started forming their spells while the Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin Warrior gripped his long sword and started charging right for Liam.

After the Hobgoblin took a couple of steps a pale white streak suddenly shot out from one of the smaller orbs and collided right into the monster’s chest. A second one shot out and hit one of the shoulders of the creature as a third shot struck its leg. These attacks caused the Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin Warrior to drop to a knee and stop in its tracks.

The other orbs started shooting streaks of pale white right at the mouth and one of the eyes of the Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverbacks, stopping their magical attack they were charging up for. More streaks of pale white light collided into their bodies, making them take raise their arms up to try and block the attacks from attacking their faces.

Artem and Roman were impressed with the damage that was being done. However, their reaction turned to surprise as they noticed two of the many daggers that riddled the body of one of the creatures start to move and slide across the side of the back. They then flew right towards Liam’s outstretched arms. After they landed in his hands, he threw them down and manipulated two more to come back.

It was a double attack he was doing. While pale white streaks of light collided against their bodies, the daggers that were still stuck in them were both opening the wounds already there and creating new ones as the blades licked fresh skin before racing towards his hands.

Then something the three had forgotten was possible, happened after the last of the daggers were called back. Right as the last bit of pale white lights crashed into their targets, a massive pale white light engulfed each of the creatures. The light was so powerful that their bodies within weren’t entirely visible. Instead only their forms had turned into shadows before completely dissipating into nothingness.

Liam huffed and breathed heavily as he stared at the spots the creatures once stood. He stared at the spot they once were at as notifications popped up.

[Attention! Conditions for special Lunar effect, Lunar Energy Burst, has been met!]

[Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverback has been slain!]

[Attention! Conditions for special Lunar effect, Lunar Energy Burst, has been met!]

[Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin Warrior has been slain!]

[Attention! Conditions for special Lunar effect, Lunar Energy Burst, has been met!]

[Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverback has been slain!]

[All loot from these creatures has entered your inventory]

Liam blinked a couple of times as he tried to steady his breath. He minimized the rest of the notifications, making a mental note to look at them later. I had completely forgotten that was a thing. He thought to himself before his three companions approached him.

“Holy shit man,” Roman started. “That was intense.”

“Great job,” Artem said with a smile. “Looks like you’ve gotten stronger.”

Blair gave him a nod in approval as well.

Liam gave them a sheepish smile before saying, “That wasn’t anything. If you want to see something cool I have some other things I can…”

Before he could finish what he was saying the ground shook a bit. Liam and the others turned to see what was going on to find one of the holes farther back that the bigger creatures came from exploded. Chunks of earth flew out as a form emerged from it.

It stood slightly shorter than the Possessed Zombified Hobgoblin and Possessed Zombified Infernal Silverback, but the width of the body was much bigger. It had eight smooth legs with the tips looking sharp. The rest of its body was smooth and had a greenish black hue all over. Its mouth was big enough that they were able to see razor sharp teeth hidden behind the mandibles as they opened up and screeched. Spital flew as it screamed at them while staring daggers at them through its many eights that covered its entire head.

Liam could feel Artem tense up as they stared at the massive spider. Liam assessed it.

[Toxo Corpse Controller Creator. 1,760/1,760 HP. 800/800 MP. Level – 19.]

Liam looked the creature up and down. He didn’t see anymore appear from the place it had come from nor from any other hole. Must be by itself. Oh well, this will do just fine. Liam smiled before looking back at his teammates. “I guess this is a good chance to show you that I learned some things while away from you guys. Like which of my spells work best as a combo and even a new spell.”

Liam turned back at the creature and took a couple of steps forward.

“What are you doing?” Artem suddenly asked, snapping out of his fear.

Liam raised a hand as he looked at him. “Give me a moment and I’ll show you.” He then looked back at the monster and chanted, “Hidden within the dark, I call upon you to bind my target. Grasp them with the tendrils you possess. Remind them why they should fear their own Shadow. Grasp of the Shadows!”

Before the Toxo Corpse Controller Creator could move the shadow beneath it quivered. Several shadowy tendrils shot out and thoroughly wrapped around its legs, abdomen and neck before tightening their grip, keeping it in place.

As soon as the tendrils locked the massive spider on the spot, Liam started his next chant, “Shadows so dark come forth, pierce through this pour creature’s sight, temporary blinding it with a pain it never knew existed, Blanket of Darkness!”

A new tendril snaked out and around one of the legs from the shadows beneath the creature. Albeit, instead of being tied to the shadow the creature created, it cut itself off and swiftly made its way to the monster’s head. It then wrapped around the eyes and the back of the head until it was tight enough. As soon as it finished tightening, shadowy spikes formed and pierced the monster’s eyes.

Artem, Blair, and Roman watched this. They were a little confused since these two spells weren’t new to them. As he chanted these two they thought maybe they had reached new heights and had something different, but nothing seemed different. That was until he chanted his next two spells.

“Radiant and majestic, we admire you in the night. Deadly and poisonous, many don’t know your terrible might. Caress my target with your light like a gentle kiss. Remind them why you’re as dangerous as the abyss. Epidermis Luminescence.”

A painful scream escaped from the spider’s mouth as a flash of pale white light suddenly flashed from the back of its head. The monster’s head jerked down the moment it flashed almost as if it tried to get away from the pain.

Right after he finished the spell, Liam went right into the next one without wasting a single moment. “Hidden beneath and lying in wait, the unseen’s poison is never delivered late. Bellow out in a puff of smoke and slip into the stream. Corrupt the body, Corrupt the mind. Deliver the fear you wish to create. Shade’s Corruption.”

As soon as Liam finished chanting, an explosion of black smoke shot up from the Toxo Corpse Controller Creator’s shadow, engulfing the entire body into the blanket of smoke. The giant spider let out another painful screech as a feint flash of pale white light was spotted inside the dark smoke.

Artem, Blair, and Roman stared at the area the monster was in. Their eyes had slightly widened at the scene. Questions formed in their minds as they were curious what was going on. Before Blair and Roman could ask, Artem beat them to the punch by saying, “Those are two new spells. What are they about?”

Liam smiled as he looked at them. He then responded to Artem. “The one causing the pale white flashes is called Epidermis Luminescence. Its my new Lunar Affliction spell. When I cast it, it randomly picks a spot and causes a flash. Each flash creates a sharp pain as well as does damage. The spell that caused the shadow underneath it to explode into smoke is called Shade’s Corruption. It’s a new Shadow Affliction that I received recently. The smoke covers the area the target is in with a poisonous smoke called Shade Smoke. When the target inhales the Shade Smoke it is inflicted with it and causes damage ever five seconds just like the Lunar Affliction spell I cast before it. It also has a five percent chance to cause a Confusion Debuff.”

“Shit, that’s cool,” Roman stated.

“The best part is, when both are used on a target they cause bonus damage since they are opposite magics. So instead of taking normal damage from the two spells they are also taking extra damage on top of it with each tick,” Liam gave them a wicked grin before adding, “Add in the damage Blanket of Darkness causes…”

Blair stared at him for a long moment as the other two tried to find the right words. She then looked back at the black smoke that was slowly starting to disappear into the air before saying, “That’s nasty.”

“Nasty indeed,” Liam nodded in agreement. “You guys should be good to attack now, the flashes from Epidermis Luminescence shouldn’t have any negative or any effects on you at all. Just in case though, try not to look at the flashes if you can.”

“Not going to join us?” Roman asked.

Liam took another look at the boss’s health and saw it reach the halfway mark. He looked back at Roman and shook his head before saying, “I’m going to collect the souls of the creatures we just slayed really quick and top off my Mana a bit,” Liam replied. “At the rate that creature’s health is dropping from all three of my affliction spells a few good strikes or magical attacks from you guys should kill it soon.”

Roman shrugged as he said before running off, “Suit yourself.”

Artem and Blair rushed over to join him.

Liam waited for a moment to make sure there weren’t any last second surprises before calling upon his Spectral Lantern that rested on his hip. He pulled it away and muttered, “Soul Harvest.” The item shook a bit before one of the glass panels opened up. Soul Orbs manifested all around the dead bodies of the creatures they had slay from this wave and the last before floating over and circling around him. After a few seconds had passed the swirling Soul Orbs entered the Spectral Lantern one by one.

A slew of notifications popped up in front of him as each Soul Orb entered the lantern. Liam tried to minimize them as they appeared but stopped as a certain one, that had nothing to do with the Soul Orbs, appeared.

[Congratulations! Wave Boss 2: Toxo Corpse Controller Creator has been slain!]

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