Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 83


Let us momentarily rewind time to around this hour yesterday.

Three individuals, having moved away from the infirmary—where they might have been overheard—and into a secluded spot with few people around, decided to face each other again and resume their discussion. In fact, from an outward appearance, only two seemed to be present.

“First, let me state a fact. You will soon have an opportunity to go on a date with Erekaya del Pendragon, more quickly than you might expect.”

“…How on earth do you know that?”

“I possess an insight that allows me to perceive what ordinary people cannot.”

Serika smiled softly at Jin and tapped her temple lightly.

“As I glance into the future, it appears that tomorrow, an environment will naturally arise in the Student Council for you to go on a date with Erekaya del Pendragon at the amusement park. I will orchestrate everything, so all you need to do is sit back and subtly go along with what I say.”

“Isn’t it true that the future you foresee is fixed and cannot be changed by your power?”

When Jin asked, confused by Serika’s words, she nodded in acknowledgment.

“That is correct. The moment I become an observer of the current space-time and read the segments of time that compose the future, the initially mutable timeline becomes immutable. Since I am a character who undoubtedly exists in the present time, the act of peering into the future paradoxically solidifies that future as part of reality.”

“However, if we phrase it differently, it means that anything other than the future I’ve foreseen isn’t fixed. And if I come to understand the ‘cause’ behind whatever events may unfold in the future, then altering just the ‘results’ in that context becomes significantly easier, doesn’t it?”


To be honest, I didn’t quite understand what she meant. However, having watched over Serika for decades, I could vaguely grasp what she was trying to communicate.

“In other words, you are intending to foresee a future scenario that minimally benefits you, thereby solidifying only that advantageous future and then steering the resulting events according to your will.”

“Precisely. You truly are an astute one, as expected.”

To put it simply, Serika had foreseen that an opportunity for Erekaya and me to go on a date tomorrow in the Student Council could arise, and if she allowed herself to foresee anything beyond that, there was a risk it might lead to uncontrollable circumstances. Thus, she refrained from looking further ahead.

Understanding even a fragment of the future and its potential outcomes aligns with the ability to steer events in a favorable direction.

“Yet, before that, I want to ask you something, Master. What do you think ‘dating’ truly is?”


Caught off guard by Serika’s sudden question, I wore a somewhat bewildered expression but soon responded earnestly.

“Well, it’s a term used to describe when a man and woman spend quality time together, just the two of them, isn’t it?”

For reference, I thought of the romantic scenarios where one would book an entire upscale hotel restaurant and hide a diamond ring in champagne, or share their first kiss while watching the sunset on the deck of a cruiser.

– That’s an utterly naive viewpoint. How can someone of your age entertain such fantasies without a hint of shame?

“…What did you just say?”

How could someone who has remained a virgin until death criticize anyone else?

– Pay attention and listen well. Dating is not about having fun for oneself; it is an act performed to bring joy to one’s partner and to learn more about them.

– Humans inherently do not know much about each other. It is profoundly natural for people to find understanding difficult. After all, individuals cannot easily expose their true feelings to others, and opening up their hearts is no simple feat.

– This is precisely why dating begins with the desire to understand one’s partner more. It involves learning what they like, what they dislike, what interests them, and what excites them, ultimately culminating in the genuine wish to comprehend the other person.
– Moreover, in that process, any joy one feels is of no concern. For if one truly cares for the other, simply being together during that time would be the most blissful experience in the world.

“…If you know that so well, why haven’t you ever dated someone until now?”

From a theoretical standpoint, she could rival a doctoral candidate at a decent university.

“Her words are correct. Dating is an act aimed at getting to know the other person better and understanding them deeper. It is often said that the more time a man and a woman spend apart alone, the weaker their bond becomes. Thus, the more time they share together, the higher the likelihood that Erekaya will develop feelings for you, Master.”

It’s complicated. Were those couples casually walking the streets, watching movies, or taking cheerful couple photos all subconsciously calculating their feelings while on dates?

– I don’t want to admit it, but I can’t deny that that “amusement park date” proposed by her will likely be quite impactful for me. After all, I know next to nothing about entertainment and leisure at this moment, and since this will be my first time experiencing the joys of an amusement park, my feelings toward the guy next to me are bound to increase naturally, as well.

“Right, I understand what you’re saying, but… this whole date thing feels a bit sudden.”

During my time with Altina, we had a relationship that was as close to platonic as it could be, so I had never engaged in what could be considered a date; this would essentially be my very first one.

But could I really accept the fact that such a pure and innocent me is simply going to take my very first date in stride?

– Don’t worry. Of course, if you were to go on a date with me alone, it would most likely end in a disaster, but you have two capable supporters here, don’t you? True, one of them may not inspire much confidence.

“That’s for me to say.”

– In any case, you needn’t worry at all. As long as you follow our preparations and instructions, there should be no reason for that date to fail.

Well… I’m skeptical about whether I can truly trust two girls who’ve never held hands with a guy before….

However, since there were no alternative plans, I reluctantly nodded in agreement.


In the Student Dormitory, inside Erekaya’s room.

Having returned to her room, but not even bothering to change out of her school uniform, she sat on the edge of her bed, murmuring to herself in a daze.

Erekaya is a lady of the noble court. Apart from the princess, she could be hailed as the most accomplished noblewoman in the empire, having grown up surrounded by caretakers while learning and maturing from a very young age.

Yet even she, despite her circumstances, understood everything one should at her age.

In stories, women who have been strictly raised in confinement are often depicted as being not only ignorant but entirely uninformed about matters of a sexual nature. However, that portrayal is far from reality.

Noblewomen are born with the duty of passing down their bloodlines, which necessitates a wealth of knowledge regarding relevant topics concerning sex.

To put it bluntly, it would be a scandal for them not to educate their daughters adequately and risk losing their purity through a careless dalliance with a scoundrel.

Thus, Erekaya possessed a wealth of knowledge about the various happenings between men and women, contrary to common perceptions.

Naturally, she was well aware of the term used to describe the act of a pair of young individuals going out together, just the two of them.


Indeed. No matter how many times I reconsider or analyze it, visiting the amusement park with Jin tomorrow is undeniably a date.

It’s not like I’ll be facing Jin as a classmate in Class A, or in the student council office as the Student Council President and secretary.

I will be there solely as a man and a woman, entirely faithful to those roles while standing at his side. What else could you possibly call that if not a date?
Moreover, there would be no uninvited guests intruding between the two as there usually would be. Not even Altina von Rudel Seryas or Claire Delphin Mascarena could accompany them on tomorrow’s excursion.

Because tomorrow was destined to be a day dedicated solely to… Erekaya and Jin, just the two of them, heading to the amusement park.


Of course, on the surface, she wasn’t simply going out with Jin for amusement or leisure. This was merely a carefully considered decision to address her own shortcomings in entertainment and recreation, while also fulfilling a mission assigned to her as the Student Council President.

And given her status, it was only natural for Jin to be her escort, providing support to someone unaccustomed to such outings.

…However, such backstories held no significance. They were irrelevant. She had no interest in them at all.

At this moment, all of her focus was solely on the date with Jin that would take place tomorrow.

Not long ago, she recalled walking alongside him under the pretext of purchasing supplies needed for the Student Council. At that time, she and Jin were not particularly close, and thus that occasion could hardly be considered a date.

They merely walked shoulder to shoulder, shared their thoughts on the items they bought, and after purchasing everything, they ended up sitting across from each other at a dessert shop, where she found herself gazing intently at his face, more than usual.

Moreover, due to unexpected intrusions from others, their time together had concluded rather poorly.

But tomorrow would be different.

From her own research, Erekaya had discovered that the amusement park they were visiting was quite expansive. Additionally, it offered a plethora of attractions and opportunities for enjoyment.

A larger park meant a significantly reduced chance of encountering someone she recognized, while a multitude of attractions indicated that there would be ample time for her to be with him.

Thus, the conclusion drawn from this situation could only be one.

Erekaya would be able to monopolize Jin for an entire day, without any distractions, just the two of them.

To possess all of him, to experience everything about him, and to relish the time spent solely in his presence.

Yes, exclusively Erekaya del Pendragon.


In truth, Erekaya wasn’t particularly interested in amusement parks. She was fundamentally an individual of little interest, deriving more joy from pursuing higher personal achievements than from trivial diversions aimed at alleviating boredom.

Yet, none of that mattered. In fact, she felt elated.

She couldn’t quite articulate why, but the mere thought of being alongside Jin for an entire day filled her with an ecstatic sensation that enveloped her.

My own joys are irrelevant. My own pleasures are unnecessary. The fact that I can share time with you and be in your company is my sole delight.


Erekaya carefully, yet passionately, caressed the necklace hanging around her neck.

With each gentle touch, she felt alive. She felt connected to him. Her entire being was saturated with the sensation of being together with him.

Is that why people give each other accessories as gifts?

To ask for one’s eternal remembrance and to alleviate their loneliness, even when they are not physically present.

Wrapped in the warm emotion that felt as though Jin was embracing her, Erekaya gently threw her body onto the bed without even changing out of her school uniform.

It seemed that she would find it difficult to fall asleep tonight due to the excitement of what awaited her tomorrow.

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