Secretly Meeting With My Boss

Chapter 23

A small brown stain remained on the white sheet. It was undoubtedly a bloodstain. Turning toward So-young, he asked,"Did you have your period?"


"I'm worried if something happened."

So-young's expression, which turned her eyes away from Taekyung, became strange. She stared at the stains left on the sheet and shook her head slowly.

"No, my period ended a week ago."


At that moment, Taekyung's expression changed rapidly. He looked as if he had heard thunderous news. He looked down at Soyoung with a hardened expression. She lowered her eyelids as if reassuring Taekyung.

Taekyung lifted his lips faintly.

"No way…"


"Was it your first time"?

And So-young saw what she didn't want to see the most.

It was none other than the pale face of Taekyung.

* * *

Taekyung felt like he became the main character in a ridiculous twist movie.

Was I Han Soyoung's first time?

The moment he recognized that fact, countless moments of misunderstanding passed through Taekyung's mind. He had no doubts that Soyoung was a sexually free woman, so he didn't hold bcm. As he recalls that he acted like a madman, Taekyung became pale.

What in the world have I done to a woman who doesn't know anything?….

Tae-kyung was able to act so boldly because So-yeong was a bold woman, and he assumed that the relationship between the two could be passed on to adults playing with fire.

Taekyung felt an indescribable emotion. It was embarrassing and humiliating. He felt ashamed of what he had done. The fact that he took the lead alone and acted the way he wanted was also insanely embarrassing.

He knew that there were many people who did not put meaning to their first experience. Taekyung was also not attached to past memories of his first time. However, it was unclear whether So-young would do the same like him.

What was important was the fact that no matter what Soyoung was, Taekyung should have respected her a little more.


What was Soyoung thinking?

Taekyung suddenly had such a question. It was not easy to understand whether it was possible to respond to this relationship smoothly and even reach out to her, who had no experience.

Don't tell me, you like me…

The thought that had been flowing without a reason touched a nerve that had never been thought of before. Taekyung felt the tip of his solar plexus tightening. The face, which had faded and turned white, turned slightly red. He stared at Soyoung in a slightly confused mood.

Thoughts that he never thought had flown through him. Taekyung felt his jaw tightened. Her face, which had turned white due to lack of blood, was slightly reddened. He stared at Soyoung with a slightly confused mood.

Soyoung covered her body with a sheet and quietly blinked as if she had never been bold. As their eyes met, her cheeks flushed and she lowered her head.

He don't know if I've gotten attached to her because he had sex with her, but So-young, who was shy, looked prettier than usual.

Taekyung laughed in vain because he felt absurd, but honestly, he didn't feel bad. When he found out that Soyoung didn't think of him as a tool for masturbation, he was rather excited.

It was a relationship that started to satisfy each other's sexual desire, but as time passed, unintended feelings sprouted. Feelings such as interest, favor, and intimacy.

So far, no one has stimulated Taekyung as much as Soyoung. He had never paid unnecessary attention to anyone other than her, nor had he acted like a beast. Only Soyoung was the exception.

So there would be no need to get caught up in the beginning. It's just the start, anyway, it didn't seem too bad to take this opportunity to start a serious relationship with Soyoung.

However, he said something wrong in this situation. There was a lot of room for it to be seen as a way to go out with someone because they had sex. Tae-kyung did not want to create unnecessary misunderstandings or hurt So-young's pride, so instead of speaking hastily, she remained silent.

However, in this situation, he might say something wrong like he wanted to date her just because they had sex. He didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings or offend Soyoung's pride, so Taekyung kept his silence instead of babbling.

Taekyung had no hesitation in making business decisions, but he was forced to be cautious because it was his first time having such a problem. In this case, there was usually no way to know how to respond to this.

Like that, the silence of falling into each person's thoughts flowed fiercely.

It was So-young who broke the close silence first.

"Team leader."

Taekyung, who had been struggling to the point where his head was about to burst with the number of thoughts, only raised his head. So-young smiled awkwardly when their eyes met, and covered the back of his hand a little hesitantly.

Just that much contact ignited the heat inside the body again. Tae-kyung looked into So-young's eyes as if possessed. Then the worries just now faded away, leaving only the urge to kiss her.

It was when Taekyung gently tilted his head according to his desires.

"You don't have to feel a sense of debt.”

Taekyung, who had only thought of kissing So-young, recognized her words one step later. But he didn't understand exactly what it meant.

"What did you just say?"

When Taekyung bit his upper body, Soyoung opened her mouth with a clearer look. The shyness that made her dizzy had disappeared cleanly. In the aftermath of sex, plump lips, she gave a clear answer.

"I wanted to sleep with the team leader today." So you don't have to feel pressured or responsible.”


Taekyung, who was dumbfounded by the unexpected response, looked stupid.

Taekyung was embarrassed, and he also felt embarrassed and ashamed. However, he did not know what kind of burden and responsibility he should feel in sex agreed upon among adults. He only vaguely recognized that the current situation was going differently than he expected.

"Wait, manager. I'm…."

Taekyung first thought that it would be necessary to clear up this confusing situation. Having cut off So-young's words hastily, unlike usual, he habitually disturbed her thoughts.

No matter how unpredictable So-young is, the response to this so coolly and calmly was strange. Taekyung thought so, but when he saw her calm without agitation again, he began to get confused whether she was really serious.

"The team leader is handsome."

What are you talking about?

So-young wedged into Taekyung's confusion. He couldn't hide his puzzled look and stared at her. So-young lowered her gaze and blushed a little more.

"And you're in good shape… It's really big. I even loved the sex that I thought would hurt."


"I've been wondering how it would be to sleep with a man like you."


"That's all."

Only then could Taekyung read So-young's mind, which had been blurry like fog. I felt like my stomach was being hit coldly.

"You were curious what it would be like to sleep…"

Taekyung twisted his lips with a cool, sunken face. As if he was embarrassed, his usual voice flowed on his lips that looked good.

“Is that really all there is to it? No matter how much I think about it, I don’t know what curiosity is enough to sleep with a man I don’t like.”

Despite the cynical response, So-young showed no significant change in expression. She looked worried as if she didn't know how to organize her words. The relaxation touched Taekyung's nerves.

"I mean…"


"Well, it was the first time I was physically attracted to someone, so I wanted to try it. I really didn't want to move forward to the relationship beyond that.”

It was not a sign of building her ego or lying. Having lost what to say, Taekyung stared at Soyoung with his mouth closed.

He also knew that So-young was attracted to his cock from the beginning. But he's been thinking lately that they have gotten pretty close, apart from the sexual side. It's because we've become close enough to share each other's daily life and go to work together.

Until now, Tae-kyung has been trying to diagnose his feelings toward So-young. It was because he wasn't sure if he was really just lusting for her or if deeper emotions were lurking behind it.

However, while Taekyung was wondering, Soyoung remained in place without any change. He was unaware of it and had wildly fantasized about a serious relationship.

So, to summarize this situation in one word…….

So-young just wanted to sleep with Taekyung.

When Taekyung realized that, he felt a strange feeling.

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