Secret Dice

Chapter 26 The Road to Wealth

Sunday morning.

"It's been two weeks since I applied, why hasn't the landlord come to fix the toilet..."

In the narrow toilet, a shirtless Luo Jun pressed the failed flush button twice, picked up the washbasin, took the basin water from the faucet and flushed it into the toilet. He also sent an urging message to the landlord, but the result was only I received a perfunctory reply of "I understand."

"You're so lazy!"

Luo Jun complained and walked out of the toilet. In front of him was a narrow, dark single room. The entire space is more than 20 square meters, and the corners of the walls are stained with mildew caused by the return of moisture. The windows are also blocked by tall buildings, and the morning sun cannot be seen at all...

Even with this poor condition, the rent still costs six hundred yuan a month... However, Luo Jun has no choice. This is his home... at least temporarily.

Luo Jun's parents who passed away left him a house, but they sold it to pay for his grandfather's medical treatment. After that, he had to rent a house. He can simply apply for a rental subsidy. After all, the rent is only about 100 yuan. In addition, he usually works part-time, so the rent is not too big a burden on his life.

"You won't have to live in this shabby house for long!"

Luo Jun stretched out, his whole body filled with explosive power.

Yesterday, before getting off work, he had already deposited 50,000 yuan into the bank. Luo Jun's deposit amount reached a record high. When he thought of the numbers in the card, he couldn't help but feel silly.

Now, with the help of Tianji Dice and the cultivation of vitality, his future is no longer as gloomy as before. What awaits him is an extremely vast world. Lying in bed last night, Luo Jun kept thinking about the bright future, tossing and turning until four o'clock in the morning before falling asleep.

But even after a long night, I still feel refreshed and energetic when I wake up in the morning.

"Is this the benefit of high attributes and vitality?"

A bright light flashed in Luo Jun's eyes. The agility attribute made him more sensitive in controlling his body. The perception attribute made him sharp, strong and energetic, and also allowed him to recover faster from physical and mental fatigue!

Coupled with the circulation of vitality in the body, this feeling of being reborn is amazing!

With great pride in his heart, Luo Jun opened the empty refrigerator and curled his lips.

"Anyway, I'm going to have money soon. Let's go out to eat today!"

With that said, Luo Jun quickly changed his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

"Let's get a set of pancakes, add intestines, add an egg... put more green onions, add more spicy food!" As he said that, Luo Jun took out his phone with an exaggeratedly shattered screen and scanned the QR code.

This phone was taken away with the bonus when I left the branch yesterday. At that time, his mobile phone fell from the fifth floor with him. He thought it must be broken, but he didn't expect that only the screen was broken. It was still barely usable. It was a blessing in misfortune.

Holding the deluxe version of the pancake fruit, Luo Jun took a bite with satisfaction, feeling the pleasure of the hot sauce, eggs and ham mixing in his mouth, and hummed with happiness.

"I only have a deposit of 50,000 yuan, but I dare to add sausages and eggs. If I make 5 million yuan, I can't add a chicken steak!"

With a beautiful vision for the future, Luo Jun touched the wealth ring on his hand and turned to look at the lottery betting station on the street!

After going home last night, Luo Jun, in addition to using his vitality and imagining the future, also spent the whole night thinking about how to use the Tianji Dice System to obtain maximum benefits!

After thinking about it, buying lottery tickets is the most profitable!

With the Wealth Ring and primary attribute modification, he has at least a 10% success rate in matters related to money!

Coupled with the fact that my current luck level is level 6, the probability is more than 1 in 10, so it is perfect to use a lottery ticket with a very small probability of winning!

This is a great opportunity to make a fortune!

On average, you can win one in less than ten tickets, and you can win five million for about twenty dollars in two days. It's not very comfortable.

The agreement with Mr. Yuan was that tomorrow would be Monday. You couldn’t go empty-handed to see the master. Luo Jun pointed to today to earn a big gift!

Thinking of this, Luo Jun ate up the pancakes in his hand in two mouthfuls and strode into the lottery station.

"Boss, just play a lottery and choose by machine!"

At the same time as he said these words, the secret dice system in Luo Jun's mind had already started to activate!

“Buy a lottery ticket that could win the jackpot!”

After telling him what he requested, Luo Jun waited for the sweet sound of the dice turning.

However, what finally sounded was not the sound of the dice, but a cold prompt:

"Ding, the result of this event is not closely related to your current behavior, so it cannot be determined!"

"Relevance? What is this?"

Luo Jun was stunned, and then some information related to the rules of Tianji Dice appeared in his mind.

Relevance and complexity are the same attributes that affect the judgment of Tianji dice.

Relevance is mainly affected by two parts.

First of all, this system can only determine events in which Luo Jun is highly involved.

In other words, Luo Jun's behavior can play a certain role in this incident before he can use the secret dice.

Things that are not affected by him, such as whether it will rain or whether the train will be delayed, cannot be determined.

Secondly, things that cannot produce immediate results cannot be determined by the secret dice.

This is similar to complexity. Complexity is because there are too many steps required to achieve the goal, so it is impossible to determine events that will take effect after a period of time. But some things, even if they are not complicated, cannot be determined because of the delay in taking effect.

For example, when you are fighting someone, if you throw a banana peel at his feet, the secret dice will determine whether he can step on it.

But if you throw a banana peel on the road and ask if anyone will step on it tomorrow, the dice cannot tell.

The combination of participation and immediacy determines the correlation between Luo Jun's behavior and the outcome of the event. When the degree of correlation reaches a certain level, the Tianji Dice can make a judgment.

Looking at the lottery again, first of all, from the perspective of immediacy, it is no longer consistent with the lottery being drawn tomorrow. As for participation, it is unclear how much it has to do with whether he wins or not and which numbers he buys.

Of course, the secret dice cannot determine this kind of event.

As for how high the degree of correlation is required, there is no clear standard for this, and Luo Jun needs to explore slowly.

At least for now, it is unlikely that he will become rich overnight through lottery tickets...

The dream of five million was shattered... But Luo Jun still didn't give up. He picked up the lottery ticket he just bought and set his eyes on a festive box next to him!

Inside is a scratch-off lottery ticket, also known as scratch-off lottery.

Hundreds of cards are coded in a red box. Customers can draw as many cards as they buy, just like lottery tickets, which is also a very popular way to play.

This should work!

In terms of correlation, there are hundreds of cards in a box, and he draws one based on his own feeling. Compared with lottery tickets, he has more initiative.

In terms of time limit, you can buy and scratch immediately, and the results will be available immediately, so it will not be timed out.

Five million is not enough, but three or four hundred thousand is fine!

Thinking of this, Luo Jun started the dice again on the box of scratch-off tickets, and the event took shape in his mind: "Buy a scratch-off ticket that can win a grand prize of more than 100,000 yuan!"

"Ding! This event is an inevitable event and the secret dice cannot be used!"

Damn, I forgot about this!

This is also easy to understand. Although it has not been scratched yet, the scratch-off tickets have been printed a long time ago, and the numbers and patterns below will not change. If there is no big prize in this box, the lucky dice cannot change the fact...

There is no grand prize in this box? So what if I try to get one thousand yuan?

However, the determination of inevitable events will also consume times. He only has four times left now.

After wasting an opportunity, I only got the news that there was no grand prize of 100,000 yuan in this box. What a big loss!

Based on this efficiency, even if he used it up five times, it would be in vain.

"Hey, what's up, young man?"

Seeing Luo Jun staring at the scratch-off game in a daze, sometimes holding his chin in his hand, sometimes winking, but not spending any money, the boss became impatient and urged him.

"'s okay, it's okay..." Luo Jun waved his hand and left the lottery station while thinking. The boss was confused and thought to himself, what's wrong with this kid?

Walking on the road, Luo Jun was thinking:

In other words, if you want to maximize the money-making function of Tianji Dice, you must meet three conditions.

First, it is best to use a lottery, where your actions will directly affect whether you win or not.

Second, the need is immediate and there is no time delay.

Third, we must ensure that there is indeed a grand prize in the prize pool of the lottery.

Where can I find activities that meet these three points?

Luo Jun was walking and thinking when he suddenly heard an advertisement coming from the street:

"Wandung Mall celebrates its anniversary by giving back to customers with a big prize draw. If you spend over NT$200, you will get a lottery ticket. There is a 100% winning rate. Various gifts are waiting for you. You can win a cash prize of up to NT$50,000!"

This advertisement made Luo Jun's ears twitch. He turned around and saw that a shopping mall not far away was decorated with lights and was holding an event.

"This is good, let's go take a look!" Luo Jun immediately quickened his pace and entered the mall. He saw a stage set up in the open space inside the main entrance. There was a transparent roller as tall as a person on it, with more than half a barrel of lottery tickets stuffed inside. Each one is only the size of a Band-Aid, and they look so densely packed that there might be tens of thousands of them.

At this time, a little girl stepped forward, grabbed the handle, and turned it a few times with difficulty. When she saw that the lottery tickets in the drum were shaking evenly, she opened the lottery port, reached in and pulled out three tickets.

The staff on the side drew the lottery on the spot, and the little girl won two sixth prizes and one fourth prize, and took away two paper draws and an umbrella...

Luo Jun ran to the publicity board under the stage, which read different levels of prizes. Among them, there was no limit on the number of the fourth, fifth and sixth prizes, and they were all worthless gadgets. The third prize is an air fryer with a maximum of ninety-nine servings, the second prize is a floor scrubber with a maximum of eighteen servings, and the first prize is a double-door refrigerator with a maximum of three servings. As for the special prize, it is the advertised 50,000 yuan in cash, and there is only one.

This is great, it meets the requirements perfectly!

Luo Jun's eyes lit up, and he turned to ask the staff responsible for registering and distributing lottery tickets: "Has the special prize been drawn now?"

"Not yet!" the staff replied with a smile: "Our event will be held for three days, and today is only the first day. The special prize is still in the roller and has not been taken away."

Luo Jun felt relieved after hearing this and continued to ask: "Then if I spend two thousand today and exchange for ten lottery tickets, can I draw four tickets today and the rest tomorrow?"

"This..." The staff member was stunned, and Luo Jun immediately explained: "I'm quite superstitious. If I draw a few cards but don't win, I think I'm unlucky today and I'll try again tomorrow."

"It's not impossible..." The staff member smiled and said: "Our lottery tickets can be exchanged with small tickets at the service desk. They are valid for the past few days. You can come and draw them at any time."

"Okay!" Luo Jun clasped his fists and bowed to the staff: "Thank you!" After saying that, he walked into the mall without looking back.

Luo Jun has calculated that he has at least a 10% chance of winning, which means he has a high probability of drawing within ten cards. In this case, I would have to buy something worth almost two thousand yuan.

To be honest, given Luo Jun's financial situation, the last time he spent such a high amount of money was when he rented a house and paid a deposit. Although he currently has more than 2,000 yuan in his card, it's really heartbreaking for him to spend it like this.

You have to spend money anyway, at least buy something useful...

Luo Jun thought for a while and took out the phone with a broken screen in his trouser pocket.

This was given to me as a gift when I was in my first year of high school with my phone bill. Even if it hadn’t been broken, it would probably be dead soon...

Thinking about a two thousand yuan mobile phone, I’m really excited!

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