Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 60

Chapter 58 The seventh world

With the dull wind, Yao Liang shrank his head in time to avoid the attack from above. The wooden board swung empty, and the attacker almost threw it out with force. A familiar face flashed by for a while, and disappeared in the dim space above as the body stabilized.

The young man put the phone in his pocket to avoid damage. He looked at the big hole that appeared on it, and there was a man who was shrinking on it nervously, ready to beat himself down like a gopher. He felt that the current situation was a bit wrong. .

Obviously he is looking for the person hiding on the ceiling of his…the original convenience store. The other party may be the murderer of a serial murder or an accomplice, and when he was discovered, he attacked himself fiercely, but why, this scene After ignoring the location, it looks a lot like you are trying to make a prostitute?

“Don’t you think you should greet the landlord friendly? Given that you have lived here for more than a month.”

Obviously, Yao Liang’s sense of humor has not been recognized by the other person. The expression on the other person’s face is even more tense, as if he is determined. He really intends to greet the landlord and food supplier who don’t know. He adjusted his standing position. , Changed the posture of holding the wooden board, and then used more force to aim at Yao Liang’s head and smash it down.

Yao Liang didn’t evade this time. Before the smile raised on the lips of the person opposite spread, the wooden plank in his hand was grabbed by one hand, and he didn’t hit the target he was aiming at.

That hand does not seem to have much strength, at least it is impossible for him to exhaust the strength of his whole body without being able to pull the board back. The young man standing on the two palm-wide water tanks does not move at all, his face is very relaxed, even He seemed to be holding it lightly, and there was no sign of whitening in the knuckles.

But he just couldn’t get the board back. He suddenly realized his mistake. At this time, dropping the weapon might cause the opponent to shake due to inertia, but his hand did not have time to process the information sent by the brain. He felt a force coming from the other end of the plank, causing him to lean forward and fall from the ceiling.

Yao Liang avoided the fallen body and some debris in time, watching the man hit the toilet lid first, then rolled to the ground, and then hit the bathroom door hard, before finally stopping, motionless. A slight pain overflowed from his lips. Yao Liang can be sure that this man who has suffered three shocks in a short period of time can no longer get up. Maybe there is a concussion?

Recalling the loud knock on the door before, he looked at the other side with some pity in his eyes. However, this did not prevent him from jumping on the ground, using the rope he carried to quickly tie up the other party’s five flowers.

“Let’s talk honestly about some things, such as why you are there, how long you have lived there, who is helping you, and why you deliberately appeared in front of me.”

Yao Liang squatted in front of the man, met his retreating gaze, and after looking up and down the tourist from Province C who had seen him several times, he showed a kind smile.

In fact, there is no need to ask too much. The other party explained everything about himself as if he poured beans in a bamboo tube.

This man named Niu Yong is indeed from Province C, but he is not a tourist, but a homeless man who goes out to work, but because he does not seek to make progress, he is reduced to sleeping on the road. After getting paid, he went to the Internet cafe to stay, play games and surf the Internet, take root in it, and then go out to work when he has no money. Even his ID card was sold for 100 yuan. As for what the person who bought it did, he didn’t care.

In this city, it is not uncommon for people like Niu Yong to swear to get ahead before leaving their hometown. When they start to struggle, they feel tired and they choose to pass by. In the later period, Niu Yong was addicted to games. In order to spend more time online, he even had to save food expenses from his teeth. At this time, he thought of stealing things.

Coincidentally, the first time he did it, he chose the original convenience store. He had no experience and chose to act at night when there were no guests. He was caught on the spot by Fang Ge on duty that day. However, after seeing that he took all his food and his image was not good, Fang Ge let him go and paid for it out of his own pocket. Make up for the loss.

Although Niu Yong lived indifferently, his conscience was not diminished at that time, and afterwards he would avoid the original store. After stealing another thing and being beaten, he went to the convenience store again, and it happened to be Fang Pigeon again. On duty, when the other party saw him, they gave him some food, alcohol swabs and band-aids.

After going back and forth, Niu Yongye and Fang Ge are a little familiar. He still chose to walk around the convenience store. However, after being beaten for theft again, Niu Yong, who was anxious to escape, knocked the angry owner down the stairs. The blood was cold, the dark red blood fainted from the back of his head, his face was pale, his legs were weak, and he knelt on the ground, not knowing whether to run or save someone for a while.

Just when his consciousness was pulled by two thoughts, a hand was placed on his shoulder, Niu Yong jumped up and shouted, “I didn’t mean it, it was not mine!”

“Calm down.” The visitor grabbed his shoulder forcefully, and a bit of tingling came from him, so that his mind was slightly awake, and he saw that the person in front of him was Fang Ge. And Fang Ge is not as kind in the convenience store, his expression and tone are very cold: “Don’t worry, I will help you.”

The panicked Niu Yong subconsciously grasped the life-saving straw that appeared. He looked at Fang Ge with confidence: “Are we going to call an ambulance?”

“No.” Fang Ge looked at him as if Niu Yong had two heads. He pointed to the owner’s body and motioned Niu Yong to look at his unsteady chest, “He is dead, you murdered.”

The word homicide defeated Niu Yong’s reason. He trembled in fear and couldn’t believe his ears. He tried to confirm it, but Fang Ge stubbornly grabbed his arm: “Don’t be afraid, we can deal with it. No one here saw this, the broken camera has not been restored, and no one knows that you killed someone, as long as you leave here now.”

At that time, Niu Yong, who was in a panic, forgot to think. He was afraid of the punishment that would follow, so he left the scene of the crime with Fang Ge. Fang Ge took him back to his home, borrowed the bathroom to bathe him, and paid him back. Changed clothes. Niu Yong was still very scared. Fang Ge told him the next night that the police had started looking for the murderer who had fled and they needed to change to a safer location.

That night, Fang Ge took Niu Yong to the convenience store. Because he was the only clerk, he could close the door, open the mechanism leading to the ceiling without being disturbed by others, and climb up with Niu Yong.

The space above is very strange. Generally speaking, there is at most a dozen centimeters of vacant space on the ceiling, but there is a full space of one meter above the convenience store, which is enough for him to bend over, and it should be designed during the decoration. , Not only has the import and export, but also the load-bearing aspect is also very good, there is no need to worry about collapsing.

This is how Niu Yong lived on the ceiling of the convenience store. At the beginning, he was worried that the police would find himself, and would let Fang Ge bring him new information every time, and Fang Ge told him that the police had opened a case for investigation. De Niu never dared to come out. Later, Fang Ge, with a look of apology, showed him a printed wanted order, which was a photo of Niu Yong.

Niu Yong, who had become a murderer, was so scared that he didn’t dare to show up, so he shrank in this hidden space. During this period, whenever Fang Ge was on duty at night, he would remind Niu Yong to let him come down and let him breathe. He also took away the food that was lost in the convenience store to eat.

At this point, Niu Yong was downcast, he did not go on, but apologized to Yao Liang seriously.

“Sorry, I stole a lot of things from you and took up the space above this.”

Although this apology was too late and his previous performance seemed too hypocritical, Yao Liang’s attention was not on this. He tried hard to think about the memory of the original body: “The murder case? It seems that I have never heard of it.”

Although N City is not small, the location Niu Yong said is so close to the convenience store that even the customers who are going to and from should mention some rumors, but there is nothing, but there is a customer who feels that the thief dared to defeat the owner. Even ran away, the owner was sent to the hospital by a kind person, but the thief could not be found. And there is no wanted order or something, and I don’t want to think about it. There is no surveillance there. It is based on the owner’s description how to find the wanted order with the photo printed.

Niu Yong was stunned, his eyes widened, his mouth was dumbfounded, as if his psychological defense was overwhelmed by the torrent of reality. He sat on the ground in a daze, Yao Liang called him several times, and then stretched out his hand in front of him and waved, Niu Yong There is no response.

Yao Liang didn’t care about him. He was already **** anyway. Don’t worry about escaping. He can first explore this mysterious space on the ceiling. After all, the original memory does not have such a weird decoration requirement.

He kicked his foot on the wall without using a rope. He easily grasped the edge of the hole and pushed himself up.

Although he had some psychological preparation, the space above was bigger than he thought. There were some messy quilt clothes piled on the edge, and there was a power strip for charging. It’s cleaner than he expected. There is a garbage bag with all kinds of food residues, but the smell in the air is not very good. There is a strong smell of air freshener, but it is mixed with other weird smells, but even worse. It’s unbearable.

Yao Liang bent down and tried his best not to hit the wall, and then searched the ground for things that might be useful, but there weren’t many important things except the traces of Niu Yong’s life, but he found that there was a light on the ceiling, so he fumbled. When the switch was pressed, the white light immediately filled the entire space, bright as day, and also made Yao Liang see some things that were not easy to find in the dark.

He half-kneeled and touched the dark stains on the ground with his hands, and slowly raised his head, he saw irregular dark spots on the top, and even the light bulb had dark marks that were rubbed apart from dust. Yao Liang tried to scrape it off with his hands, but it was already in the material, but judging from his years of experience, it can’t be wrong. These are blood stains.

Yao Liang came down from above in silence, Niu Yong seemed to have recovered from the shocking facts he was crying bitterly, cursing Fang Ge while crying.

“Isn’t it a good thing?” Yao Liang said to him with a smile, his smile was cold and not warm, his eyes flashed with dangerous light, “There is no murder, even if it is theft, there are not many consequences.”

Niu Yong just shook his head, repeating mechanically: “You don’t know, you don’t know, you won’t understand.”

“You helped him kill, right?”

The youth in front of him had a gentle tone, but it stimulated the man’s nerves. He yelled: “I didn’t, I just watched, I didn’t kill anyone, I just helped him do something.”

His face was as pale as dead gray. Yao Liang did not ask him about this. He already knew part of this story and found the scene of the first crime, but he was still interested in another thing: “You Why do you want to appear in front of me.”

“It’s his request.” Niu Yong laughed nervously, his eyes on Yao Liang were full of malice and sympathy, “That guy is a lunatic!”

In fact, the people in front of him looked more like crazy, Yao Liang walked out of the bathroom, and stopped ignoring Niu Yong. The phone that had been ignored in his pocket was finally remembered by his owner. After taking it out, there were already three or four missed calls, all from Huo Qianqian. Yao Liang called back, and the opposite quickly answered the sound.

“Your movements are fast.” The opposite is not the girl’s plain voice, but a familiar male voice, “Boss, you are much stronger than I thought.”

“Where are Huo Qianqian and Gui Yuan?”

Fang Ge did not answer his question. Instead, he laughed and hung up the phone. Almost at the same time, he received a text message on his mobile phone with an address written on it.

The feeling of being spied still lingered on him, and Yao Liang just remembered that he had overlooked a little, and there was no gap in the space on the ceiling to look down. His face was extremely cold, and he lipped at the camera and the person hiding behind, then turned and walked towards the address.

The author has something to say: Although it is terrifying to hide people in the ceiling, it is not a disadvantage for him to hide a few people because of Brother Liang’s strength.

By the way, no prize quiz is actually a multiple choice question. The gang commits the crime, and the secret will be revealed tomorrow.

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