Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 54

Chapter 52 The seventh world

The room where I lived is not very tidy, but the living room seems to be cleaned at least. Although there are many small debris, it is still visible. It took Yao Liang three hours to make them completely unable to settle.

Various paper **** were thrown on the ground, mixed with some printed photos, more than a dozen maps were hung or thrown on the ground, all the planes where things could be placed were piled with written papers and photos, only him The chair that was sitting on was spared.

Like the police, Yao Liang’s focus is also on the drama club that the victims joined together. This case has obvious characteristics, the dressing in the style of stage play. All the victims had only one wound on their bodies. The murderer not only washed the blood stains, but also put on clothes and beautiful and delicate makeup on the victims, even covering some horrible feelings.

He has spent so much time and effort to do these extra troublesome things, which must have special meaning, and the image of those characters knows that the murderer is imitating the well-known “Snow White”, perhaps this story also has special meaning to him. .

What is strange is that neither the original memory nor the police investigation results have planned the play in the drama club of their university. The fairy tale has only arranged two episodes of “Sleeping Beauty” and “The Little Mermaid”. The mention of Snow White was only made once during the comment period, and it was quickly rejected, and it was this time that it was proposed. The victim who played the queen could have an impression in the original memory because he was the only supporter.

Moreover, this is not the only place that is full of a sense of violation. If the intersection lies in the drama club, Yao Liang cannot think of anyone who has ever joined the club with criminal motives.

Although Yuanshi spends most of the time in the drama club paying attention to the girl he has a crush on, but he has also heard about other things. Although their drama club is not as close as a family, there are no lack of quarrels and fallouts, but you can say that you can hate it. There is absolutely no grievance to murder. Among them, the two girls who play the princess and the hunter, and even the gentle and good people in the eyes of everyone who have come into contact with them, will not be rejected if they need help with anything.

Among the eight people, some of the intersections were not particularly profound. Yao Liang searched through his memories, and couldn’t think of anyone who hated them at the same time, and planned to kill them after graduation.

No matter how Yao Liang analyzes it, he feels that something is wrong, as if this drama club is only used to interfere. But if this is the case, there is no way to explain why the murderer dressed the victim in the style of a stage play, and why the freezer was set up as a stage, it should just be that he did not find the deep meaning.

At present, he couldn’t figure out the connection inside, so he marked this as the key point, put it aside, and began to sort out the information of other victims.

The map marked with addresses and companies shows that these victims are almost all over N City, and the farthest one is an hour’s drive from the freezer. For the last display site chosen by the murderer, there is more information about whether the murderer was Is it near here, or is he a staff member of the supermarket himself?

If you are a staff member, you can know a few of the freezer warehouses that are not used or frequently used in the supermarket, and you will not be suspicious when you enter and leave. However, the police have also investigated the middle and high level of the supermarket or employees related to the freezer. None of them has anything to do with the victim of this case.

And this supermarket is also a combination lock, there is no goods in it, and the employees are not particularly concerned about it. If someone says that the person who has missed the mouth is heard by the caring person, it is also possible. When they add their password, it is very simple 4321, and there are also guesses and attempts. Maybe try it out, so it can’t prove that the murderer is hidden among the employees.

This is how the police clues were broken. Yao Liang sighed heavily, and scribbled in frustration on another piece of white paper with clues in his hand. After venting, he crumpled the paper into a ball, threw it away, and sent it away. Companion to the previous pile of waste paper.

“I’m really not good at this kind of thing.” He muttered and complained, and decided not to sit in the house and think for himself. After all, the clues he came up with often couldn’t be convinced by himself. It’s better to go out and take a look at the scenes of those discoveries. , Maybe we can still find anomalies in the passing pedestrians, maybe someday the murderer will come to “revisit the old place” and he happened to meet him.

Yao Liang thought very optimistically, took what he had prepared, and walked out of the room.

The first thing he went to was the park where the first victim was found. At this time, it had been nearly five months since the first corpse was found. During the day, the flow of people in the park also returned to normal. People walking and chatting in twos and threes were on both sides of the road. The benches were crowded with pedestrians.

However, Yao Liang’s destination is completely deserted from the surrounding crowd. Few people are willing to sit on that chair. Even the air has the illusion that it is colder than the surroundings. The traces left by the police when handling the case. It has disappeared. The shadow of the scene imprinted on people’s hearts cannot disappear. In addition, I don’t know who paints a small area on the chair, as if someone has been sitting on it. It makes people afraid to avoid it. Up.

He pretended to be playing with a mobile phone and took a few photos. During the time he stayed, he could feel the eyes of the shop owners around him, so Yao Liang did not stand for too long, but I walked to a newsstand and bought a bottle of water: “Boss, why is no one sitting on that chair?”

He pretended to be confused and asked. After the boss looked at him for a few times, he mysteriously lowered his voice; “Do you know the case some time ago?”

After being popularized by a lot of knowledge about the case, and after listening to the boss’s processing of his heroic performance when he found the victim and various unreliable guesses, Yao Liang took his own merchandise and left with an expression of sudden realization. Here, he did not find any relevant clues, except for the most diligent snack bar owner opposite to open the door an hour later than usual.

Yao Liang turned to the second place, the bus station. There were fewer traces here than in the park. After a few months, there was no mark left. Yao Liang also saw a boy carrying a schoolbag without shy. Leaning on the stop sign, lowered his head and moved his fingers quickly on the phone screen.

As for the third location, the clothing store is no longer visible. If something like this happened, the business must have plummeted, and the shop assistants resigned one after another, and they closed in less than a week. But now there are new people taking over the store, it is being renovated, and I don’t know how the new store’s business will be.

He took a few photos of the shop, his back to the shop, and the shop where the victim was facing. While looking at the phone while walking to the side, I accidentally ran into a young man holding a camera, and the other person seemed to be traveling.

“Sorry.” Yao Liang and each other said almost at the same time. The two looked at each other, laughed, and at the same time said “It’s okay/It’s okay”, and they passed by in a friendly manner.

He did not hold any hope at the penultimate intersection. This kind of place would only leave fewer traces than the bus station. However, Yao Liang called for a taxi and sat in the co-pilot to drive everyone at this intersection. I walked all the routes and recorded them all.

Then he got out of the car with a confused expression on the driver’s face and started walking to the last place.

This place is almost entirely a warehouse, and most of the people who come and go are employees of various companies. Yao Liang seems a little out of place in a bunch of uniforms of various colors, but he is not the only outsider. There are also many pedestrians or shortcuts here. The bolder who was interested in that case arrived, Yao Liang walked slowly, and when he passed a warehouse closer to the freezer, he saw a figure that was somewhat familiar.

Casual wear, with a SLR camera hanging around their necks, looking like young tourists, they ran into each other at the door of the mall an hour ago. If you think about it seriously, it seems that I saw him in the park. When I was chatting with the shop manager, the other party walked and patted, and chatted with the owner of the opposite shop. At the bus stop, I seemed to have seen him too. , But I didn’t meet him at the intersection before, but it was a coincidence that four of the five locations could be met.

Yao Liang couldn’t help but divide his attention to this young man. The other party really stopped in front of the freezer. At this time, there were other people staying, but he couldn’t see how special he and other people were. The reaction was almost the same. He was surprised by the gossip for a year. If he hadn’t met him too many times in one day, Yao Liang would not have been alert.

At this time, perhaps because of his sight, the young man keenly found Yao Liang in the crowd. The other party’s eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was no previous friendship. It seemed that he was a little confused about Yao Liang’s presence here, and then turned his head, unable to see his expression, but this kind of performance only aggravated Yao Liang’s suspicion.

Yao Liang walked around the closed freezer. In the process, he saw the young man again. Too many coincidences became deliberate. He simply changed his course and followed the other party openly.

The back of the person he was following was stiff, and the hand holding the camera was a little unnatural, and the other hand that was hanging down opened and closed as if he wanted to grab something, and he looked very anxious. And the environment around them became more and more remote. The young people began to take Yao Liang to the depths of the factory warehouse. Even the surrounding workers gradually couldn’t find a shadow, only the two of them.

Until the deepest point, the young man stopped and turned around abruptly, even with an angry expression on his face. This made Yao Liang feel that things didn’t seem to be what he thought, but he hadn’t had time to think about it. He spoke fiercely: “What is your purpose?”

“I should ask you this sentence.” Yao Liang looked at the other party up and down. If this impulsive performance is not a disguise, then he may indeed find the wrong person. People with such a personality can’t plan this kind of case, but neither Eliminate the possibility that the murderer disguised himself, “Why do you wander in these places, do you have anything to do with that case?”

The young man was taken aback and seemed to become even more angry. He glared at Yao Liang, and the two men almost said in unison again: “If you don’t answer, I will call the police.”


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