Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc V Chapter 3



Arc V Chapter 3



18th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Silence followed. The implications of Viktor's words were more than clear.


“Hmm ...” Friedrich leaned back in his armchair, his hands folded and a sigh escaping him. “Lord Viktor, ... so unless I am mistaken and if I understand correctly, I presume that you want me to help you with your little succession issues?”


Viktor returned a charming smile and a nod. “You presume correctly, Count Friedrich. This is indeed why we pay you a visit. We would like you to use your influence to convince the Duke to loosen his grip on Mähren and, if possible, drop his objections. There is no reason to drag out this matter further. It will be the best for us all that this affair is resolved quickly and quietly without much clamour. Your assistance; Count Friedrich, would be thus immensely appreciated. The House von Ehrbach would be forever grateful.”


“... ... ...” Friedrich stared into the empty void of nothingness in a futile attempt to ignore a certain someone's presence. “Lord Viktor, you offer me so many kind words, and yet I fail to see as to why exactly I should lend you my hand? As far as I remember, it is not as if our family owes you favour.”


Viktor mustered a slight smirk. “Do not worry, Count Friedrich, obviously, your efforts shall not go unrewarded. You and your house will be of course handsomely remunerated for your services. We are not parsimonious in our way, and we do not forget those who aid us in time of need.”


“... ... ...” Friedrich narrowed his eyes, his mood deteriorating noticeably. The temperature in the room fell. “Lord Viktor, with all due respect, but are you seriously trying what I think that you are trying? Are you trying to bribe me?”


Viktor was quick to respond, raising his arms in defence. “Oh, no, Count Friedrich, not at all. No need to resort to unfounded allegations. Consider it rather a small token of appreciation and gratitude. In fact, should the Duke have a change of heart and reconsider his stance on this matter, then the House von Ehrbach is more than willing to make a sizeable contribution to the ducal treasury.”


Friedrich studied Viktor, his gaze never faltering, his fingers drumming on the desk. “And about how sizeable are we talking here?”


“300 000. 300 000 gulden. That is the sum that our House is willing to provide should fortune favour us.”


“300 000 ... gulden ... That is a considerable ... sum ... indeed ... ... ...” Friedrich carefully pondered his words. “Tell me, where do you get so much money from?”


Viktor placed his index finger on his lips. “That's a secret, Count Friedrich, but rest assured, we have our sources and benefactors. The sum is real and our offer more than genuine. We thus hope that the Duke will honour our humble request, even if some monetary persuasion might be required.”


“We will see. We will see.” A sigh crossed Friedrich's lips. “Lord Viktor, I will consider your request and forward ... your most kind offer to the Duke. Whether he will accept it or not, though, is a different matter entirely.”


Viktor offered a polite bow. “Excellent. You have our sincere gratitude, Count Friedrich, we could have not wished for more.”




“Anyway, we must now take my leave. It was a pleasure to speak with you, Count Friedrich. I hope that our paths will cross again in the future. Until then, I wish you all the best and bid you farewell.”


The door had closed and silence befell the room. They were gone now. Finally.


Kasimir was the first to speak, “Are we going to inform the Duke?”


“We are.” Friedrich merely nodded, sunk in thoughts. “This is definitely a matter that deserves the Duke's attention, but considering his past actions, he already might have suspected so. They are clearly up to something. Not that I am surprised. As usual, their reputation precedes the Ehrbachs. To think that they would even go as far as trying to bribe me. Not to mention, 300 000 gulden ... That is an enormous sum ... Whoever is behind them, I guess that they must have some pretty powerful backers on board ...”


Scheming feet walked the castle with purpose, among them an intricate puppeteer in the making.


His aide took the word, breaking the ice of silence. “Do you think that he will take the bait?”


Viktor mustered a derisive smirk, clicking his tongue. “I doubt so, Felix. Friedrich is a von Styria. They are the stalwart wardens of the House von Schwarz. They are loyal to a fault, but as people say, it was worth a shot. Not that they weren't suspecting us already before. They aren't stupid. The Duke's action speak loud and clear. There is nothing we can do about the rumours but to wait. It is a nuisance, but we need to be patient. Time is on our side. The Duke will give sooner or later. It is only a matter of time before Mähren will be ours. We enjoy the support of lower nobility as well as the backing of Archchancellor Lucius. Father has informed me that the royal court looks with favour on our efforts.”


“... Does it?”


“Apparently.” Viktor was unable to suppress his gleeful grin. “We truly live in interesting times. The relationship between the crown and the House von Schwarz has deteriorated following Princess Felicia's untimely passing. The King has not yet forgotten his sister's death. Thus, the crown and the court have once again come to see the power of the Schwarz as a threat to the realm, and it is probably not just Duke Lucius that is making his move. Especially now that the House von Schwarz is suddenly left without an heir.”



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