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Arc IV Chapter 4



Arc IV Chapter 4



6th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Iris silenced Aurora with her hand covering her mouth. “Forgive her, Your Lordship, she doesn’t know what she is saying. The girl is just a mere child. She has not the faintest concept of proper decorum and manners. Please don't judge her too harshly, Your Lordship!” Iris hastily bowed with her head low in utmost and misplaced deference.


Aurora disagreed with her opinion as vocally as humanely as possible. “Mmwhmat maremyoum domingmm? Ceammsem mthism minfmmringemmmmentm mimmedmmiatemmly!”


The young noble glared despite Iris’ pleas. “You must understand, offending the nobility is a matter of grave concern ...”


“Brother, no need to exceed father in sternness, show some forbearance.” His sister reprimanded him with her smile, hidden by her unfolded fan.


“Sister ...”


His sister chuckled, enjoying immensely the entertainment the two commoners provided. “Brother, restraint is a noble virtue bestowed upon us. Father would disapprove of your actions. The girl is just a mere commoner. She knows so precious little of the world.”


Her brother clicked his tongue, clearly unhappy. “...”


His sister clapped her hands together. “Patrizia.”


A servant appeared from behind, a maid in service to their masters, softly announcing, “Your tea, My Lady.”


“Excellent~, Patrizia. I am famished.” The maid deposited a silver tray, holding a precious tea kettle and a wide and luxurious assortment of ...


Aurora's eyes sparkled with childish glee, only having eyes for the delicious, mesmerising, siren-like cookies. Her heart wanted them. She needed them. The cookies … Their melodious voices … They were calling for her …  


“Cookies ...” Her lips leaked glee, filled with desire.


His sister, now dedicating her attention solely to the stray village girl, spread her fan. “You are amusing me, girl. And here I thought the rural province would offer nothing of interest beyond trees and farmland, yet I was mistaken. You are certainly a courageous lass, for a mere commoner. Unnaturally brave and direct.


A curious sight indeed. It takes a special kind of stupidity to be so frank and unrestrained with a noble of not even minor station. But let's put our differences aside. It was a long and arduous journey even for us. Apologise, and we might decide to graciously overlook your transgression.”


The noble girl folded her fan and smiled. “Not doing so would constitute a grave insult to nobility, and to the divine order of the gods.”


“...” Aurora tilted her head in confusion, not particularly convinced.


The girl noticed Aurora’s stare. Her eyes were visibly drawn to her biscuits. “If you apologise, you will even receive a biscuit.”




“A promise is a promise. I will honour my word.” The noble girl beamed with female charm.


Aurora fidgeted with her hands, conflicted. The child in her demanded yes, and her stomach was growling. Her pride said no. It was cookies, or her pride, a difficult choice. Cookies won out, as pride didn't fill your stomach.


“Sowwy for being so rude. I didn't mean to speak out of turn.” Aurora lowered her head with big kitten eyes.


“Good girl.” His sister was satisfied.


“Do I get my cookie now?” Aurora insisted, a proponent of law and biscuity justice.


“Of course, my dear. Here are your biscuits. ” Clarissa rewarded the drooling girl with her desired biscuits.


Aurora gladly accepted her remuneration, nomming like a newborn kitten on her well-earned … biscuits. Apparently, nobles called them biscuits, contrary to the terminology of the common folk. 


The noble girl beamed. “How adorable.”


Iris, in the meanwhile, watched their interaction in awe. Her eyes blinked. Cookies were the secret weapon of past legends to restrain the girl's cheekiness. A most obvious finding in hindsight.



Time passed and Lambert returned, announcing his reappearance with his trademark muttering, “Iris, where are you ..? Ah, there you are. We have completed restocking our provisions. It just took some mean haggling and persuasion, but we are now ready to move on … Iris, you are quite pale …. Have you seen a ghost, or what?”


“It’s nothing. Don’t worry, Lambert.” Iris calmed down, recuperating from the previous events.


Lambert furrowed his sceptical eyebrow, accepting her words. “If you say so, but are you really alright?”


Iris nodded. 


“Fair enough … I guess … Wait a moment, where did you get those cookies?” Lambert shifted his attention to a certain well-known culprit. His gaze narrowed.


“Cookies? Which cookies?” Aurora quickly hid her spoils behind her back, unaware of the sugary crumbs adorning her lips. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” 


“...” Lambert sighed. “You know what, forget it. I don't want to know, nor do I care at this point. As long as you don't get us into trouble, I am satisfied.”


Aurora celebrated her victory with a smile. After a moment, her hands tugged at Iris' robes. Her heart felt slightly guilty for involving Iris, causing her so much grievance, and worry. Iris didn't deserve such. She was a kind and gentle soul, considerate and friendly. Iris shouldn’t have to bear the consequences of one girl’s impish actions.


“What do you want now?” Iris despaired, a sigh of exasperation escaping her.


Delving into her pockets, Aurora retrieved a biscuit. Her arms extended, offering Iris a biscuit as atonement. “Sorry, Sister Iris. I didn't mean to cause you so much distress.”


Iris understood the meaning. She hesitated before accepting Aurora’s gift.


“Try them, big sis, they are tasty.”


Iris took a bite, nibbling on the cookie offered. The cookie tasted delicious. Sweet and buttery, crumbly and fat. “Thank you.”


Aurora beamed. “No problem. After all, sharing is caring.” Her doll nodded in earnest agreement.


The mysterious strangers, a bunch of brutish adventurers and a precocious brat with a thoughtless tongue, departed. Eugen used the opportunity to make his displeasure known. “Sister, why?”


Clarissa lowered her cup of tea. It was chamomile. Her favourite aroma. “Why, what, brother?”


“Why were you shielding her? I don't understand.”


Her cup of tea tapped her cheek. “I know you, brother, I know when you are bored, but picking on commoners is a bad habit and a terrible pastime. No need to dirty your hands over such a minor affair.”


Eugen clicked his tongue. “Sometimes you are a real nuisance, dear Sister.”


“Don't mind me. That is what a good sister is for.” Clarissa giggled, much to his annoyance. 


“I strongly doubt so.”  


Clarissa enjoyed her healthy portion of schadenfreude. “The girl provided a moment of entertainment. That alone is worth plenty.”


“Yes, entertainment at my expense”, Eugen grumbled.


“Exactly, isn't that the best form of entertainment?” Clarissa countered.


Eugen glared. “Once again, I must vehemently disagree with your notion.” Yet Clarissa was right, the commoner girl was a curious sight indeed.


He wondered what future would await her. Probably none of note. In the end, a commoner remained a commoner. It was their fate to never transcend the blemish of their low birth. Since ancient times, it was the sole privilege of nobility, of kings and queens, of heroes and conquerors, to guide the destiny of mankind.  The girl would be forgotten by history, destined to marry a man not of her choice and forever live her life of insignificance.



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