Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 22



Arc IV Chapter 22



13th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Ludolf and Aurora were running around in circles, but much to his annoyance, she and her doll proved to be faster with Ludolf and his blade charging after her in hot pursuit. Her legs might short and her feet tiny, but small amounts of mana enhanced her endurance and stamina beyond the norm, allowing her to outpace her persistent pursuer despite his superior physique. Ludolf wouldn't get her in a lifetime!


“One! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four!” Maintaining a steady and comfortable pace in order to conserve energy and stamina, Aurora continued running in circles with her doll and her sword in her arms while keeping her opponent at a safe distance at all times. “Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four.”


“Huf ... Huf ... Huf ...” Ludolf was still chasing after her, yet his attempts at intercepting her bore little fruit. His movements were turning sluggish and his ragged breathing intensified by the minute as every futile step began to exact its toll. Exhaustion and fatigue befell him, the two nemeses of any soldier. It was only a matter of time before he would succumb to them.


“Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four.”


“Huff ... Stop … Huff ...  running away ... Huff ... from me, you damned brat! Huff ... Huff ... Huff ... Stop, you coward! Huff …” Ludolf shouted after her in a mixture of desperation and rage.


Aurora registered his impotent whining, but paid him no mind, choosing to ignore him instead. Her demoralising, playful chant meanwhile continued, “Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four.”


“Huff ... Huff ... Listen, … you…little twit…, Huff ... you can't bloody do this forever, Dolly! Huff ... Huff ...”


“I can. Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four.” Her legs were swift, and Aurora and her doll moved without tiring. Together, they were the fastest duo in the entire duchy!


“Huff ... Huff ... Huff ... Damn you…, Huff ... you coward! Huff ... Stop and fight me like a man, Dolly!!! Huff ...” Ludolf went on a rampage, brandishing his wooden blade in open frustration. He slowly came to realise that it was impossible to to catch her. He was forced to resort to persuasion and insults.


“I am not a man, though, you dolt. I am a girl, if you hadn’t noticed. I am small and weak. I am allowed to run away as I wish, you numpty. Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three, Four!” Aurora resumed her playful chant.


“... ... ...” Ludolf was at a loss, speechless and dumbstruck.


“Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup! Two! Three. Four. Hup. Two! Three. Four!”


“Huff ... Huff ... Huff ... I just need a ... Huff ... pause ... Huff ...” Ludolf finally ceased his pursuit, halting. Out of breath and out of energy, his lungs were panting heavily with his hands reaching for the safety of his knee. He needed a break after all this running. Her laps had driven him to the point of total exhaustion. “Huff ... Huff ... Huff ... Seriously, how the fuck are you so damn fast? I must give you one thing, girly, you know shit about how to fight, but you sure know how to run. You are slippery and fast like a little kitten!!!”


Aurora hugged her doll, beaming proudly. “Of course, I am. Kittens are cute. I am cute too. So obviously, I must be fast too.”


“...” A cold stare greeted Aurora. Ludolf didn't laugh, visibly nonplussed. “That makes virtually no sense, you know.”


Aurora and her doll answered with a smile. “Perhaps, perhaps not.”


“But seriously, how do you plan to win this fight? Because I know what you are trying to do.”


“Oh, you do?” Aurora reacted in mock surprise.


Ludolf levelled his blade at her. “Yes, you were biding your time. You were trying to exhaust me so that you can strike back when I am tired and vulnerable, weren't you?”

Aurora merely beamed. “You are such a smart boy! Apparently, you can use your precious head for once. Right, Dolly? He must be a smart numpty, mustn't he?” Her doll nodded, agreeing with her.


Ludolf smirked, unaffected by her provocation. “Your words will get you nowhere! I am no longer fooled by your little game now that I have seen through your ploy!”


Aurora started patting her doll. “Well, good for you, I have time on my side and I am patient. I enjoyed a nutritious breakfast this morning and I had a warm glass of milk. I have slept well and I am rested. It might take a few hours, maybe even a few days, but I think my chances are quite good that I will outlast you. I will just wait until you collapse from dehydration, starvation, exhaustion, or sleep deprivation. Whatever takes you first.”


“...” Ludolf was left speechless for a moment, blinking in disbelief before raising his sword against her, its point levelled at her. “Do you have no honour, girl? Your actions and your cowardice bring shame and dishonour upon your family and your ancestors!”


Aurora was rubbing her lips with a finger, thinking, contemplating pensively. “Shame ...? Dishonour ...? As if it was ever honourable to beat up a little girl and her doll. Your ancestors must be very proud of you, Ludolf, for picking on a little girl. Your legendary deed will be forever praised in song and poems by all minstrels wandering the land, forever recorded in the annals of our kingdom, I am sure.” Her patronising glance took her opponent by surprise, silencing him.


“...” Ludolf clicked his tongue before shooting back, “Tch, at least, I am not a coward. At least, I know how to fight. Unlike you, Dolly!”


His words amused Aurora. A chuckle graced her lips. “And who says so, Ludolf? Who was it that told you I cannot fight?”


Ludolf clicked his tongue once again. “Tch, don't make me laugh, Dolly. If you knew how to fight, then you wouldn’t run away all the time, you wouldn't give me all this trouble! You are unfit to wield even a wooden sword and we all here know it.”


Aurora beamed, her lips forming a beatific smile. “Well, if you think so, numpty, then what about if we make a little bet?”


The boy gripped his sword, distrusting her intentions yet not completely disinclined. “I am listening.”


Aurora smirked in secret. The trap was to be set. “I will fight you as you wish. I won’t run. But if I win, if I manage to defeat you, then you will not only apologise to my doll for insulting her, but you will also treat me with the proper respect I deserve.”


“Sure~.” A conceited grin flashed across his face. Ludolf scoffed at her proposition, dismissing, mocking her conditions. “And what if I win? What if I beat you, what then?”


“If.” Aurora smiled. A single cryptic word was her reply.


“Your arrogance will be your downfall! You will come to regret your words soon, girl.” Ludolf gripped his sword, gritting his teeth. Her slight went not unnoticed. He understood her message. “Listen, I will take your offer, but if you lose, you two, you and your doll, will become my personal maids for a week.”



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