Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 20



Arc IV Chapter 20



13th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Hartman scrutinised her figure, rubbing his stubble covered chin. “Are you suggesting that your doll is your friend? Is that the reason why she looks exactly like you? You both seem to share the same look …”


Aurora nodded vigorously in response. “Yes, Sir, we do! Dolly and I match. Isn't that cute?”


“... ... ... It isn't. In fact, having a doll that looks like yourself is highly unusual.” Hartman scowled, shaking his head in consternation as if he had already given up on her and her sanity. “Erika, do the guild regulations say anything about dolls?”


Erika hesitated. “Well ..., not much as far as I can recall. The guild regulations hardly contemplate dolls at all ...”


Hartman sighed. “I thought as much ... I guess you have permission to keep your dolly, Dolly. At least, for now. So take good care of her.”


Aurora beamed, hugging her doll protectively. “I will, Sir Hartman.”


“... I must say that you are a strange girl, Dolly.” Hartman shook his head in resignation before returning to the contents of his trusted beeswax tablet. “I have seen many things over the years, but a girl carrying her doll around these parts ... Well, that is a novelty. I guess that it's true that you never stop learning until you die. In fact, you make me wonder, Dolly, exactly who signed you up for my class? Your physique appears to be frail and puny at best, Dolly. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if it only takes a single strong gust to blow you over.”


“...” Aurora pouted in response, puffing out her cheeks in protest. Hey, she heard that! She might be puny, but not that puny! It took a bit more than a mere gust to blow her over!


Hartman ignored her meek protest. “Tell me, Dolly, who backed your application …”


“Ssssss. Ssssss. Ssssss. Sssssss. Ssssssss. Ssssssss. Ssssssss”, Erika whispered in his ear, coming to his assistance with some timely information.


“... What?” Hartman raised an eyebrow. Bewilderment was plainly written across his face. “Really? Him? Are you sure?”


Erika nodded in confirmation, always maintaining a polite smile. “Absolutely. I was present when he and the guildmaster discussed her application.”


“How ... interesting ...” Hartman redirected his scrutinising gaze at her. “Hmm ...”


“...” Aurora resisted his probing stare. She had a rough idea of what the duo was discussing. It was also obvious that Hartman was planning something. The gears in his head were turning in the manner of precision clockwork.


“Hmm ...” Hartman's stare intensified before his hands slammed his wax tablet shut. The wooden frames snapped together with a loud click. A gleeful smirk crossed his lips. “You know what, let's just skip the roll call for today. I know you and your young blood. You are full of energy. You burn with passion. You don't care about a boring roll call, right? You want some action, don't you?”


“...” Exchanging bewildered looks, her fellow adventurers were unsure of how to respond. Aurora, in particular, didn't like where this was going. She had a bad feeling about this entire affair.


Hartman grinned, his schemes coming to fruition, “I take that as a yes. Ludolf!” 


“Yes, Sir!” The boy stepped forwards as commanded.


“Dolly!” Hartman chose her next, much to Aurora's surprise, vindicating her bad feeling. Her instincts sensed trouble.


“...” Aurora bit her lips before mustering a less than enthusiastic response, “Yes, ... Sir?” 


“Dolly, Ludolf, I have something very special in mind for you two.” Hartman folded his arms behind his back. A wry smile accompanied his nefarious schemes. “Dolly, Ludolf, I have decided that you will face each other in a training match. A good old fight is the proper adventurer way to set your differences aside, not through words and endless discussions, but through your fists and your sword’s edge. Let your weapons speak for you, that's the adventurer’s way.” He genuinely believed in his own words.


“... ... ...” Aurora was less than amused by foolhardy Hartman's proposal. Personally, she would have preferred a less violent and more diplomatic means of conflict resolution, something that didn't involve her punching a fellow adventurer and didn't promote violence among children. It wasn't a suitable environment for her doll to grow up in.


Erika joined her side, attempting to reason with instructor Hartman, “Hartman, do you really think that this is a good idea? Isn't it a bit too early for them to fight each other without prior training?”


“Nah, nonsense, Erika.” Hartman dismissed her concerns with a wave of his hand. “They are children. I know children best, Erika. The little rascals are always eager to fight, to prove themselves, right? Dolly, Ludolf, you want to fight, don't you?”


Ludolf grinned with a sense of malicious glee, gazing at Aurora and her doll with the eyes of a predator. He thought them easy prey. So much was obvious. “Of course, Sir Hartman, it's as you have said, I am eager to prove myself! I am prepared to fight!”


Hartman approved of his words, clenching his fist. A satisfied smile ran across his face. “Hmm, that's the right adventurer spirit, Ludolf! Courage and fortitude! Never shy away from a challenge, that's the proper way!”


“... ... ...” Aurora and her doll stole a glance at the boy, as she had considerable doubts as to whether Ludolf would be as eager to fight her if she was a fire breathing dragon and not a little girl with her doll.


Hartman turned his attention to her. “And what about you, Dolly?”


Aurora hugged her doll. “Well, ... I second Erika's opinion. I think it unwise for us to fight yet ...”


“Tch, you are just scared of me, aren't you, girly?” Ludolf clicked his tongue, his voice oozing a loveable mixture of arrogance and misplaced smugness.


“...” Aurora chose to ignore his feeble provocations, unwilling to give in to the ramblings of a mere child. She was above such trifling matters ...


“You are scared because you know that you stand no chance against me, aren’t you, Dolly?” Ludolf smirked, crossing his arms. “That is why you refuse to fight me, but I don’t blame you. You are a talentless, useless girl. Better take your doll and run home back to your mama …”


“Silence!!! Hold your vituperative tongue, you uncultured brute!” Aurora’s voice rang out with indignation. Her icy glare shut the boy up, taking him by surprise. He hadn't expected her to fight back.“You are really trying hard to get on my bad side, boy. You know what, you surely have succeeded! You gravely insulted not only me, my honour, my family, but also my doll! You want me to fight?! You will get your fight!”


“Time to teach her a lesson! Time to show her what real adventurers are made of!” Ludolf clenched his fist, his hand already trembling in anticipation. Always the passionate warrior, his motivation was running high. “Shouldn't be too hard to teach her lesson, right, Erich? After all, she is just a little girl. What can she do?” Ludolf turned to him, his friend, for encouragement.


Erich crossed his arms. His eyes were studying the girl and her doll. They both made for a strange duo, but it was her calculating glare that elicited his attention. Her glare was far too intense for her tender age ... There was steel in her eyes ..., tempered steel ... “Be careful not to underestimate her, Ludolf. It wouldn't be the first time that you stumble over your own hubris. So better watch out! I don't want you to lose.”


Ludolf scoffed at his lack of faith in his abilities, visibly amused. “Watch out? For what, Erich? Come on, as if the girl could even scratch me. She is no match for me.”


Erich continued observing the girl, monitoring her movements. “You are probably right, but you know, Ludolf, better safe than sorry, better to err on the side of caution. Watch her footwork and don't act rash, Ludolf. Keep a calm mind and stay focused. Don't neglect your defence, and you will emerge victorious.”


Ludolf rolled his eyes. “Always the serious guy, aren't you? Relax, Erich. No need to worry, I won't lose against her.”


“I hope so.” Erich mustered a faint chuckle. “Also don't go too hard on her, Ludolf. In the end, she is just a little girl. No need to be vindictive. There is little honour in beating up a little girl.”


Ludolf smirked, cracking his knuckles in excitement. He couldn't wait any longer. “Right. I will keep that in mind, Erich. After I am done with her. It shouldn't take long.” 


His friend marched off, already certain of his victory.



Ludolf and Erich von Schwert



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