Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 14



Arc IV Chapter 14



11th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Fumes of molten metal and burnt ash permeated the air. The black soot of industry and metallurgy hung thick over the metalworking quarters. Fuelled by the energy of wood, coal, and coke, the infernal fires of the forges and smithies never ceased their work, always craving for more ore, more metal, more steel. The furnaces and chimneys of Freyburg burned day and night without respite, producing an endless stream of goods and tools, of weapons and armour. Today it was her turn to make use of their services.


Bouncing around under Lambert's supervision, Aurora and her doll explored the workshop, while nagging her companion with incessant questions, much to the latter's visible annoyance. Yet she was but a curious child, and curious children ask questions.


“Uncle Lambert! Uncle Lambert, what are these? What are these?” Aurora and her faithful doll pointed at a pair of sparkling vambraces, her round purple eyes staring at the most curious object with a glimmer of childish curiosity. After all, she was a little girl with a doll, inexperienced in so many aspects, ignorant of the noble art of warfare and all matters pertaining to war. Little girls with dolls didn't understand anything about such dangerous and peculiar topics as weapons and armour. Obviously, she was thus fascinated even by the sight of a pair of polished vambraces. Lambert bought her act.


“Hmm?” Her raised a baffled eyebrow. “These are vambraces. They serve to protect your forearms. You can say that they are a more sturdy version of your leather bracers.”


“Oh!” Aurora gaped in awe, repeatedly poking the metal arm guards. They were displayed in the open on a shelf, surrounded by a wide assembly of weaponry and armour, to the point of making her feel like visiting an armoury. The forge offered a wide range of metallurgical products, ranging from humble swords to exquisite mail armour and gauntlets, from functional halberds to full sets of refined plate armour. The forge offered much and so much more. Yet none of such was destined to become hers. Unfortunately, their products were all beyond her means and the apparent willingness of Lambert's purse.


They had visited an adventurer shop, where they acquired more appropriate materiel for a girl of her stature and strength. He promised her to sponsor her efforts, and he kept his word, buying her a set of fresh clothes and some necessary gear and equipment for her future profession. A chestnut brown corset covered her chest with feather like strips of leather reaching from her waist to her mid thighs. Beneath, a long sleeved linen chemise caressed her soft skin from her lower waist up to her shoulders. Meanwhile, a pair of thigh high boots with an arrangement of cute dancing tassels adorned her legs, supported by a set of sturdy trousers and woollen stockings.


Not to mention, she was even able to secure, through various means, a set of fitting miniaturised clothes for her doll. Her request baffled the vendor and, yet her cuteness and much pleading persuaded both, the vendor and Lambert, of the immense and exceptional importance of her request. Stylistic uniformity must be maintained, no matter the cost! She and her doll required matching clothes and matching hairstyles. A few hours of waiting later, she accomplished her goal, and uniformity was restored. . All in all, it was a most productive morning. Adventurer girl Aurora was thus officially prepared for the summer season until winter was coming.


After obtaining a pair of matching clothes and gear, they were now visiting a forge for far more modest purposes. Stingy, or rather resourceful according to his opinion, as Lambert was, they were currently procuring a weapon appropriate for her petite hands.


“Uncle Lambert~, Uncle Lambert~, what is this?” Aurora and her doll pointed at a humongous two handed sword with a formidable a cross guard, impressive in size and weight, easily taller than her and her doll put together. The massive blade was obviously far too heavy and bulky for a small child of her stature, yet she asked.


“What is what?” Lambert followed her eyes. “Ehm  … … … this is a Zweihänder.”


“Oh ... A Zweihänder! Sounds dreadful!” Aurora marvelled at the giant blade in awe. 


“I would say ‘dreadful’ is a slight understatement when you are on the receiving end.”


“Uncle Lambert, and what are they used for?”


“As far as I know, they appeared first during the imperial era as a type of heavy mercenary sword, but these days, they are mainly wielded by heavy infantry and dismounted knights. Lambert, stroked his chin, rummaging through his memory. “Zweihänder are used to break tight pike formations and bludgeon the enemy to death if necessary. You jump straight into the enemy line, trying to wreak as much havoc as possible.”


“Oh! They sound useful!” Aurora gazed at the sword in awe, her hand reaching for the blade of her dreams.


“Uncle Lambert~, can I get one~? Can I get a Zweihänder?”






“…” Lambert blinked in disbelief at her after nearly choking.




“… …”


“…” Aurora tilted her head, dumbfounded.


“… … ... Are you serious?” His blank stare clearly questioned her mental sanity after exchanging a series of quick looks between the sword and her.


“…” Aurora nodded vigorously.


An annoyed sigh escaped his lips. “Listen, Edelgart, take a good look at the sword.” Lambert motioned at the blade. “Here Zweihänder ... Big sword ... Massive sword ... Heavy sword ... Do you follow me?” 


“…” Aurora nodded.


Lambert motioned at her. “Here Edelgart ... Small girl ... Little girl ... Weak girl ... Do you see any potential problem with this arrangement?”


“Hmm ...” Aurora tilted her head. “Not really, not that I can think of. But I guess you are right, the sword might be a tiny bit too heavy for me.”


Lambert seconded her opinion with a healthy potion of sarcasm. “Yes, just a tiny, tiny bit too heavy for you.”


“I am glad that you agree~.” Aurora beamed before moving on to the next shiny toys catching her interest, a group of very spiky looking sticks. “And what are these, Uncle Lambert~?”


“These are … halberds. Nasty weapons.”


“Oh, halberds, and these?” Aurora pointed at another row of equally pointy yet less spiky sticks. “Are these also halberds?”


“No, these are pikes”, Lambert corrected her.


“But they look the same”, Aurora mused. “What's the difference?”


Lambert grumbled, visibly annoyed by her multitude of nagging questions. “Halberds are shorter, less pointy and more spiky. Pikes are longer, more pointy and less spiky. That's the difference.”


“Oh, Uncle Lambert is such a wise uncle, right, Dolly?” Aurora consulted her doll. Her doll agreed. 


“... ... .... let's say, you learn one thing or two when your father was a soldier.” Lambert accepted her praise after some hesitation. He certainly didn't think her even for a second crazy and insane for talking with her doll.


“Oh, Uncle Lambert~, Uncle Lambert~, Uncle Lambert~, look, there is a sparkly armour there! Can I get this one?”


“What are you looking at now?” Lambert scowled before his eyes fell on a full set of ostentatious of sophisticated, polished plate armour. The mere sight of it nearly gave him a heart attack. 


“Uncle Lambert~, can I get this one? The armour looks very safe and sturdy. We should buy it! We also should paint it black  … Uncle Lambert?” A cold glare met her from behind.


“Are you trying to ruin me, or what, Edelgart?” Lambert looked less than amused.


“I am not.” Aurora shook her head, rejecting his baseless accusations. She never aimed to bankrupt him with her fanciful proposals. It was merely an unintended side effect.


“Then stop asking for ridiculous stuff.” His glare intensified. “Do you have any idea of how much a full set of plate armour costs?”


“Ehm, a lot?” Aurora made a guess.


“Yes, quite a lot.” Lambert sighed, his exasperation visible. “Actually, a little more than quite a lot.”


“Hmm”, Aurora and her doll mused in a pensive mood. “I guess plate armour must be expensive, then.”


Lambert pinched the bridge of his nose at the sight of so much foolishness. “... … … Sometimes, sometimes, I think you must really be a genius.”


“Thank you for the compliment, Uncle Lambert~!” Aurora beamed happily. “I always wanted to be a genius!”


“... … …” No comment from Uncle Lambert. Without a doubt, he must be lost for words, once more awed by her unparalleled intellectual prowess. According to her conclusions, she must be thus really a genius of unprecedented proportions. That sounded logical.






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