Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc II Chapter 21



Arc II Chapter 21



18th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753 AAC


High elves rarely meddled in human affairs, either because of disinterest, or simple apathy. The activities of minor races are of no concern. They cared little about the wants and needs of the lesser races, just as the falling rain cared little about the arid land below. It was the natural order of things, never questioned for centuries.


Their culture dictated reservation and restraint, but elven customs didn't forbid spying from afar.


Arwing leaned against a wall and eavesdropped. Her curiosity was piqued.


“You saw what I saw, didn't you?” Nelaeryn asked.


Arwing merely chuckled.


“What's so funny?” Nelaeryn frowned.


Arwing didn't cease her sheepish laughter. “Nothing. Seeing the great and wise Nelaeryn in such a state amuses me.


Nelaeryn's frown deepened. “...”


Arwing pressed her advantage. “Oh my, you are even showing your undignified side. How unbecoming of you. The prime and proper Nelaeryn, flustered by a human girl. What would your ancestors think? Such an unfilial son.”


Nelaeryn pinched the bridge of his nose. “Woman, you are trying my patience.”


Arwing stopped her teasing. “Don't worry, I would never besmirch my esteemed colleague. Nobody at home will ever know.”


Nelaeryn bit his lips. “I hope so, but I don't understand. Why do you shield her?”


“We are not here to interfere in human matters,  Whether the adventurers know, or not, is quite ... irrelevant.”


“I won't deny that, but why are you going to such lengths for the girl? The girl is spirit sensitive, possibly a magic user, without telling us. She is hiding something, Arwing. I don't trust her.”


Arwing offered a benign smile. “But I trust her. The girl elicits my academic curiosity. Such an interesting specimen. No need to spoil the fun by telling them, Nelaeryn. Give her the benefit of doubt.”


“... if you say so.” His gaze lingered on the girl. Her origins, her identity, remained shrouded in mystery.


The spirits convened around her. The sprites sought her vicinity, a testament to her unnaturally high aether compatibility. It displeased him. Her powers were a rare gift for a mere human, a rare gift even for an elf of noble birth.


The day ended and night arrived. Previous events had messed up his timetable considerably. The dread wolf attack and the explosion forced them to postpone their expedition into the arsenal. The entire mess cost them valuable time, and little persuasion was necessary to convince their elven friends.


Lambert grumbled. His mood wasn't the best. So many hassles. This was supposed to be a simple escort mission, a simple bread, and butter mission. How wrong he was. The world conspired against him and his party.


The mysterious amnesiac forest girl and her creepy doll. The ambushed carriage. The dread wolf and the mother of all explosions. The girl slowed them down. They lost half a day because of her, for sure. They were way behind schedule, and unfortunately, they weren't paid overtime.


At least, the provisions would last. The girl was a veritable glutton considering her age and height, consuming more than her petite stature would suggest. Always hungry, the girl devoured their supplies like a voracious caterpillar. Where was all the energy going?


They were lucky he had packed additional supplies as usual, more than strictly necessary. They had supplies to spare for the time being.


Lambert looked up from the bonfire and stared at the culprit. The girl and her doll fell sound asleep under their warm blanket. He bet she was dreaming about how to decimate their supplies further. He didn't put it beyond the evil little demon.   


“Lambert.” Iris finally appeared.


“There you are. I already thought you forgot about me”, Lambert joked.


Iris didn't laugh. Her serious expression remained unchanged.


“Not in the mood for jokes?”


“Lambert, ... we need to talk.”


Lambert's sense sharpened. This was serious. “What's the matter?”


Iris took a seat. “The girl ... I checked her mana level.”


Lambert raised an eyebrow. “Didn't you say you would check her when we return? I thought the matter could wait.”


“I thought so too, but things have changed, Lambert. The girl saw them.”


Lambert couldn't follow. “Saw whom?”


“That's the point, nobody saw them. Not you. Not Rudolf. Not Michael. Not even I!” Iris grew frustrated.


“Iris, I don't understand ...”


“Lambert, the girl is aether sensitive. She saw them. She was clearly aware of them. The aether, the spirits, surrounded her. The traces were faint, but I felt their presence.”




“Do you know what that means? Despite years of training and experience, her aether perception easily surpasses mine. This can't be the product of natural talent alone.”


Lambert moved the embers with a twig. “Did you tell her?”


“Obviously not. I told her I would check her for injuries after her confrontation with the dread wolf. She readily cooperated.”


“What did you find?”


Her tongue hesitated. “Nothing. I found nothing, absolutely nothing. My spells didn't react. No response whatsoever. Her mana reserves are laughable for her age. Mediocre at best. The girl is average. The average of average. The readings tell me that she is nothing but an ordinary girl. Perhaps ... I was wrong, and I am just imagining things ...”


Lambert was staring at the fire. “... Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this entire story. Mysterious girl. Forest. Creepy doll. Magic. Sounds like some horror story. My guts are telling me the girl will get us in a lot of trouble ...”


Lambert despaired. His shoulder slumped. “What was I thinking? Why did we pick her up?”


Iris rewarded poor Lambert with a shoulder pat. He deserved a little encouragement. “Don't be so harsh on yourself, Lambert. You did the right thing. You made the right choice. We couldn't leave a little girl all alone in the forest.”


Lambert despaired further. “True enough, but right choices don't pay bills. Right choices don't pay for lodging and food. Because I fear we will be stuck with her for a while.”



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