Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc II Chapter 2



Arc II Chapter 2 



4th Glacia Solar I AAC 747


In the distant past, another Aurora once dealt with her own little issues ...


Little Aurora wandered through a labyrinth of naked stone, exploring the Schwarz castle, a place far too large for a frail girl like her. Too many floors. Too many corridors. Too many rooms. Too many stairs. Too many corners. They all looked the same, indistinguishable from each other.


Her orientation skills were never her strength. She could never tell them apart. Everyone in her family knew that little Aurora getting lost was nothing extraordinary. Her maids were used to search for her after her frequent strolls. But in her defence, the entire castle looked the same, clad in black serene stone and shrouded in mystery. 


The castle was old, not to say ancient.  Since the dawn of history, their ancestral castle belonged to her family. Rumours claimed that untold secrets hid behind these black walls, only waiting to be uncovered after centuries. But rumours remained rumours and reality disappointed.


Her expeditions yielded no antique weapons, no holy swords, no cursed grimoires, no secret treasures, no sealed dragons. Aurora was a curious child, and she searched for years, but she never found anything. Time and time again, her expeditions ended in failure and with her getting lost, just like now. Today was not her day. She got lost, once again.  


Aurora cuddled her two cute dolls, keeping them close to her chest. They were both very very very important to her. Her heart cherished them with all her love, and she didn't want to risk losing them. Her dolls were a birthday present from her mother, and Aurora loved them dearly. Her dolls were always there for her. Even when alone, her dolls always stayed at her side. Her lips smiled and her mood improved. Her dolls never abandoned her. They were her friends.


Both of them were hand crafted, works of art by a master of the craft. No effort was spared in their creation. Her dolls were true perfection. They were more than met the eye, more than two simple porcelain dolls. They felt alive. Their lifelike appearance, their smiles, their eyes. Her dolls had a soul. They understood her.


One doll resembled her, which Aurora doubted was a coincidence and the reason she named her doll Aurora. Her doll was an Aurora. Just like her. They both, she and her doll, shared the same black hair typical and the same lovely purple eyes, both typical for members of the house Schwarz. That was what father said. Her doll also wore her favourite outfit, a cute petticoat with a black blouse and lots and lots of frills.


Felicia, on the other hand, was different, Aurora's polar opposite. Felicia had sparkling blonde hair and golden eyes. Felicia lacked her pale complexion. Compared to her, Felicia boasted a healthy tinge. All that made her envious from time to time. Nevertheless, she cherished Felicia. Just a bit less than Aurora ...


“Lady Aurora, what are you doing here?” A sudden voice startled her.


Her gaze spotted a familiar face down the corridor. It was Friedrich, Geralt's son, father's loyal retainers, and her chestnut haired, blue eyed saviour.


Aurora beamed. She was saved. Friedrich found her, and her odyssey was about to end. He would surely help her. He definitely knew where father was.


Armed with her dolls, Aurora closed the distance. “Lord Friedrich! Lord Friedrich! Lord Friedrich, can you help me~?”


Her request confused Friedrich. He didn't share her enthusiasm. He was busy, as usual. “I suppose so, but what are you doing here down in the archives? How did you even get here? Did you get lost again, Lady Aurora?”


Aurora fidgeted, avoiding his scrutinising gaze. His deep cerulean eyes resembled those of his father, yet they lack the same sense of coldness, exuding a much gentler aura instead. “Well, that might be potentially possible ...”


Friedrich sighed. “As expected. Anyway, how may I help you, Lady Aurora?”


Aurora beamed. “Lord Friedrich, do you know where father is~?”


 “I do, but why are you asking?” Friedrich furrowed an eyebrow.


“Because I want to play dolls with him!” Aurora sparkled with joy.






“Dolls?” Friedrich blinked. 


Aurora nodded, presenting Friedrich with her beloved dolls. “Yes, dolls. I want to ask him whether he has time to play with me~. Aren't they adorable~?”


Friedrich shook his head. “Aurora, as you might know, His Grace is a busy man.”


“...” Aurora lowered her eyes, saddened and already knowing what would come next. 


“I strongly doubt that he has time for you and your dolls.” Friedrich offered an apologetic smile, but the damage was done.


“I ... understand ...” Aurora hugged her dolls tighter with her eyes cast down at the cold, empty floor. Once again, disappointed struck. Nobody had time for her, as usual. Sadness and loneliness befell her.


Noticing his Lady's predicament, his bad conscience led Friedrich to cheer her up.


“Listen, why don't you ask someone else? The castle is full of people. Many will be glad to indulge you, Lady Aurora. Don't be shy, you just need to ask!”

Castle of Schwarzburg



Lady Aurora von Schwarz



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