Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 513: Kai Zheng Vs A Jar Of Vinegar

"See, I have one too," he said as he now stood in front of Wen Qinxi showing off his necklace with a lock on it, "you now have the key to my heart..... so don't take it off." Just as he said this he crossed his thumb and index finger together to form a heart shape as he winked at Wen Qinxi. He then grabbed Wen Qinxi's laptop bag and said, "Let's go," to the stupefied nerd.

He might be smiling but he was sweating bullets internally. He hadn't wanted to mention the high school thing at least not yet. Qie Ranzhe wasn't certain what Wen Qinxi would think when he finds out that he had been secretly in love with him ever since high school and was too cowardly to confess.

"I love it... thank you," replied Wen Qinxi but his face was as hot as summer as he followed behind. For the rest of the day he was in a daze with the words 'a long time ago' echoing in his mind.

He remembered Wen Danzhe mentioning something about Qie Ranzhe liking him since high school but at the time he laughed his ass off thinking his brother had a great imagination to write novels. But now it was starting to look like he was the dense one. He decided to be the bigger man and consult the guru with a higher EQ than him.

Qinxi: That thing about Qie Ranzhe liking me since high school, how did you know?

Wen Qinxi didn't receive an immediate response so he locked his cellphone and continued with his work but not even five minutes later it started ringing. Thinking it was Wen Danzhe, he answered it without looking but he soon took out his earbuds with a pained expression when he realised it was his mother yelling through the phone.

"Cussing! You cussed in front of the girl, seriously?" yelled Mama Wen wishing she could get in through the phone and strangle him. When she asked him before about the date he had given her a perfunctory response but it seemed Auntie Lang had finally received feedback from his blind date and she didn't spare any detail.

"Ma, I am heartbroken so I swore on impulse" he replied but his cellphone started receiving several notifications so he swiped down only to find they were from Qie Ranzhe.

Thinking it was something important, he opened the messages as his mother reprimanded him. "Your ex also showed up at your blind date. How did she know huh? Mum will beat her up for you. She dares to not only hurt you but ruin your future courtships, I am going to fuck her up. Give me her address," she said but her son was currently covering his eyes with his hands while peeking at his cellphone screen.

Instead of working this CEO played truant and went to get himself a tattoo in the morning. These messages were pictures of a shirtless Qie Ranzhe standing in front of a mirror showing off a chest tattoo which was Wen Qinxi's name in Chinese characters. 

They were a dozen pictures sent with him in different poses each sexier than the next. How could Wen Qinxi keep calm after that? "Ma, don't be mad. That girl wasn't my type so it's a good thing it didn't work out," he said while typing a response to Qie Ranzhe.


Qinxi: Why?

Wen Qinxi placed his hand on his mouth while zooming into that picture as a blush crept up his face.

Mama Wen thought her son was repressing his feelings so she said, "Okay then what's your type? Mum will tell Auntie Lang."

Absentmindedly, Wen Qinxi responded, "Flat chest... packing down south and a sexy six... oh shit," he mumbled the latter part of his response as he woke up from his trance.

Mama Wen, "...."

"Flat chest, big butt? That's, that's an.... um.... interesting preference. I, I um... I will....," said Mama Wen taken aback. She didn't think her son would be this open about his preferences but since he made the effort to let her be a part of that significant aspect of his life she tried to accept it.

Honestly, when she asked that question she was talking about the blind date's personality and character, not physical appearance but she had been misunderstood.

Wen Qinxi felt so embarrassed he wanted to crawl under his desk and just play dead. Learn from this nerd. Never talk to your mother while looking at your lover's sexy pictures otherwise you might involuntarily expose yourself.

"Ma, I will call you later, okay?"

'I need to go find a hole to hide in,' he continued the sentence in his head.

Mama Wen had already short-circuited that she simply mumbled, "You go on," before cutting the line. They say fetishes are hereditary so did that mean her husband had the same preferences. Poor Mama Wen spent some time in the mirror scrutinizing her chest and ass with a raised brow.

While Wen Qinxi was comforting himself by chanting, "It wasn't that bad..... it's really not that bad.... its nothing to be embarrassed about," over and over again, Qie Ranzhe was in his office feeling smug. He planned on reaping the benefits of sending those pictures later tonight. This is why he was working so hard making up for the time he wasn't in the office.

But as the saying goes 'when you are too happy something bad is bound to happen' something vey irritating showed up at his office door. If it had been his father it would have been no problem. He would just kick the old man out without a hitch.

He could also kick out this person but the fact that it was his potential love rival made him even more upset. He had scratched Kai Zheng off the list of live streamers to try out Flagship despite having promised he would be the first to try it last year. 

After seeing Kai Zheng all over Wen Qinxi in Flagship he felt displeased so he went back on his word. He didn't know if Kai Zheng was into guys but he wasn't stupid enough to take that risk. So he kicked him to the curb with no hesitation but it seemed Kai Zheng wasn't going to take it lying down.

They ran in the same circles and met often in the past so Kai Zheng didn't see anything wrong with him dropping by unannounced. Just as he called his name Qie Ranzhe suddenly interrupted him saying, "Nope," in a resolute tone like he thought this through.

"Ah..... Ran Ran, why? Come on you know I am the man for this job plus you promised. When did you start going against your word?" complained Kai Zheng presenting his case to the court. Hopefully, he could convince Qie Ranzhe otherwise he would miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime.

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