Chapter 1: Sanji the Enchanting Chef
Chapter 43: Sanji
Luffy's POV
"Bro Zoro! Bro Luffy! Bro Usopp! Bro Nami! Here we are!!" call Yosaku or was it Johnny Luffy wasn't 100% sure, "The Ocean-going Restaurant!!"
"Food?!" Luffy yelled as he ran over to the front of the ship with excitement, along with Usopp.
"What do you think?" said Yosaku and Johnny in sync.
The ship looked like a huge fish with a restaurant in the centre.
"Wow!" Luffy heard Nami and Usopp say.
"It's so cool!!" Luffy cheered and began to chant, "Food! Food! Food!"
"Is food all you think about," said Nami, but Luffy just ignored her. However, that's when a naval ship pulled up beside them.
"Where'd it come from?!" Luffy said with surprise.
"I hope they don't blast us," Usopp said nervously hiding with Johnny and Yosaku.
That's when a guy with a weird-looking fist came out. "I'm Lt. Ironfist Fullbody, minister of the Navy." He called at their ship, "Who is the captain? Speak your name."
"Monky D. Luffy, we just made our pirate flag yesterday!" Luffy called to the Lt.
"Yesterday. Ha ha ha! Amateurs!" Yosaku and Johnny laughed appearing from their hiding place.
"Hmm. You two look familiar." said the Lt. Ironfist Something-or-other to Yosaku and Johnny, "You visit the government agencies a lot. You're those two-bit bounty hunters. Captured by pirates. Eh?"
"Yosaku, this bloke may have insulted us," said Johnny.
"Two-bit? He can't call us that. It's a matter of honour." said Yosaku, "Let's make Mr. Navy Fancy-pants revise his view of us."
That is when they both called out, "Brace yourself you navy popinjay." As they drew their swords about to strike. However, the fight was over in a second both Johnny and Yosaku lay on the deck, battered and bruised.
"Wow," said Luffy looking down at the two idiots, "Are you guys weak or what?"
"N-no he's really tough," said Yosaku.
"This is bad!!!" yelled Usopp at the top of his lungs, "They're aiming a cannon at us!!!"
"What!?" screams the rest of the crew.
"I'll handle it!!!" said Luffy as he stood on the bannister of the ship blocking the cannon. "Gum-Gum Balloon!!!" Luffy yelled, inflating his body, and catching the cannonball in it.
"What the…!!" he could hear Usopp, Johnny, Yosaku and the Lt. yell.
"Here's your cannonball!" Luffy said as the cannonball flung through the air however it went in the wrong direction.
"You return it to the wrong place, idiot!!" Zoro yelled.
As Luffy fell back in stun with tears in his eyes all he could hear was, "Great…" from Nami.
Sanji's POV
It was a pretty normal day at the Baratie the Oceangoing Restaurant. Just the day before the last waiter had jumped ship which was pretty normal actually most didn't last over a month. So Sanji the sous-chef was forced to play waiter again. There was a big boom that came from Head Chef Zeff's room not too long ago but other chefs were handling that situation. Let's just say canon fire wasn't that unusual either. So ya, it's just a normal day on the Baratie.
Sanji was currently serving a Marine Lt. Somebody-or-other and his date. The Lt. wasn't bad looking and a total snob, if he wasn't a marine Lt. let's just say he would be an easy choice for dinner. Sanji was currently starving he hadn't had a real meal in over a week. As he poured the Lt.'s wine he felt his mouth go dry. Once he was done serving, them he went to get their soup.
When he came back he heard the Marine Lt. mutter about the wine which was totally nonsense. "Am, I right waiter." The man was so cocky and had no manners.
"Correct sir," said Sanji with a fake smile, and playing nice.
That is when the Lt. got a good look at Sanji. Sanji himself was very good looking almost inhumanly so, he had very pale skin and mid-length golden hair tied back into a ponytail. Sanji was wearing a nice suit and blue striped shirt which the top buttons were open, around his neck was a choker, which hung a chain that at the other end was a silver cross which held a large-looking ruby.
The Lt. froze and hearts appeared in his eyes. "What is a beautiful waiter such as yourself doing in a dive like this."
'Oh yeah,' Sanji thought, 'I am going to suck this guy dry. Regardless of his status. I just can't resist and neither can he.' "Nothing much, and technically I'm the sous-chef, not a waiter. It's just the last waiter quit yesterday." Sanji placed the soup in front of the Lt. and his date, but Sanji was only focusing on the Lt. "Enjoy your soup. I made it personally myself."
As Sanji was leaving he heard the Lt. call "Wait!" after him, "Why don't you and me go to my ship?"
"Uhh. Fullbody?" said the Marine's date.
Chapter 44: Two Tough Cooks
With a smile all Sanji said was, "How about after your date you come to my room. It's the bedroom on the second floor at the end of the hall." As he began to walk away with a sway in his step however that's when Patty a big idiot and a terrible cook came up.
"Again Sanji!?!! Stop hitting on the customer!!!" yelled Patty, "You know you aren't supposed to hit on naval officers!!"
"He technically hit on me first, Crap-cooker," said Sanji, "And say my name with more respect I am the sous-chef."
"How dare you call me 'crap-cooker' crappy server," Patty said asking for a fight.
"How dare you say such a thing to this beauty!" yelled the Lt, "Do I need to teach you some respect."
"Now Lt. please don't fight over me. That idiot isn't worth it, why don't we just head up to my room," said Sanji getting in between the Lt. and Patty. With his hands raised saying to the Lt. to just forget him and a big fake smile on his face.
However, that was when the old geezer and some kid came crashing through the ceiling. Right on top of Patty.
Zoro's POV
As Zoro waited on the Going Mary with Usopp, Nami and injured Yosaku and Johnny as Luffy talked with the owner.
"Maybe they're going to make him wash dishes for a month," said Zoro.
"That honest fool. He should've blamed the navy ship," said Nami fidgeting. Zoro had noticed she was acting stranger than normal ever since the Marines shot the cannon at them.
"Wanna check on him?" asked Usopp to Nami and Zoro.
With a sigh, Zoro began to get up, "Wouldn't hurt," he said as he headed over to the restaurant.
As he got into the restaurant it was total chaos, Zoro found Luffy and some old guy yelling at each other, and Zoro assumed he must be the owner. "Hey Luffy, you okay?" calls Zoro to his captain. However, that's when he saw a handsome blonde waiter in a nice suit.
When their eyes met Zoro swore his heart stopped just for a second. He noticed that Lt. Fullbody the jerk that fired at them was holding the blond. Lt. Fullbody said something to the waiter and Zoro saw a fake smile appearing on the waiter's face as he responded but it was too loud to hear.
However, that's when the owner saw the scene. "Sanji!! Flirting with clients again?!"
"Zip it, crap-geezer," said Sanji as shame appeared on his face.
"He sure is!! And this one's a Lt. in the navy!!" said a big man with a buzz cut.
"Do you want to ruin me?!!" yelled the old man that's when he kicked Sanji in the face with his peg leg. Zoro felt a very small dull pain on the side of his face where Sanji was kicked.
"How dare you harm such a face!!" yelled the Lt. Fullbody ready to fight for the young man.
"You get out of here!!! And consider yourself lucky!" growled out the old man as he sent Lt. Fullbody flying.
Luffy's POV
"Do you want to ruin me?!!" yelled the owner Zed or Zefy or something, as he kicked a very pretty blond in the face.
Luffy was totally transfixed by the blond. 'Weird?' Luffy thought. As the Lt. Somebody was being thrown around the restaurant. Luffy walked up to the pretty blond. He was a good decent amount taller than him. He said "Wow! You're really pretty." That's when their eyes met Luffy could swear his heart stopped for just a second.
"Thanks," said the blond stranger with a smile directed at Luffy. Luffy felt his face heat up.
"The customers are not your playthings, got dat?!" yelled the big guy Luffy landed on.
"Hey, all is fair gain, when they flirt first." said the blond.
"Sanji!" growled out the old man, "You know…"
But Luffy wasn't paying attention. 'Sanji, Sanji, Sanji,' Luffy repeated over and over in his mind because he didn't want to forget this handsome stranger's name.
Sanji's POV
This was weird and bad. Sanji's heart stopped not just once but twice when his eyes met a green-haired swordsman who was carrying three swords and the other when the kid in a straw hat looked at him and said he was pretty. His mother's stories of soulbonds flooded his mind of how your heart was supposed to stop when you met yours.
However Sanji's thoughts were broken when the smell of blood hit his nose and a marine came running in yelling, "Lt. Fullbody… it's… it's terrible!!! Sorry sir!! He got away from the ship's brig!!!"
Zoro's POV
"This place is a mad house," Zoro said.
"That pirate of Krieg's escaped!! We went to question him like you asked, but he beat up seven of us and got away!!"
"Impossible!! When we captured him three days ago he was half dead from starvation and we haven't fed him!!!" said the Lt.
As a place erupted in more chaos which Zoro wasn't sure possible. But his eyes were on Sanji as the man's body language changed once Lt. Fullbody said those words about the Krieg pirate starving. Sanji's body screamed of danger and Zoro wasn't sure why.
However, that's when a bang echoed through the restaurant. The marine was shot through the heart. When Zoro looked back at Sanji, the young man's body language had changed again, but this time in fear. But not because of the pirate Zoro was sure of that.
The whole restaurant grew silent after the chaos of screaming. Zoro recognized the pirate by his poster his name was Gin. Personally, Zoro never dealt with Krieg or his pirates. As Gin walked over to a now empty table he said, "Bring me food. Anything… This is a mess joint ain't it?!"
"Welcome, squid-face," said the big guy with the buzz cut, murmurs and gasps filling the restaurant.
"I'm only saying this once more so listen, I'm a customer bring me food," said Gin.
"That cook is dead meat." Zoro heard Lt. Fullbody say. Zoro scoffed at that it was clear to him that Gin wasted the last bit of energy on the marines.
"Pardon, monsewer, but can you pay?" asks the big cook.
"Do you take the lead?" Gin said as he pointed a gun at the cook.
"You don't ge money?" Rhetorically asked the cook before he hit him over the head with his two huge hands. As the restaurant interrupted in cheers. Zoro's eyes went back to Sanji but he was gone.
Sanji's POV
As that jerk, Patty beat up one of Krieg's men Sanji headed for the kitchen. His own stomach was growling for a meal. As he cooked his mind went back to the two men that made his heart stop. He needed to keep his distance from the two of them, he was scared he would lose control. However, that's when he nicked his finger with a knife. As red blood trickled from his finger, his stomach let out a huge growl. "God this wasn't gonna be easy," he thought.
Sanji walked out back where he was sure Patty threw the pirate out too. In one of his hands, a huge plate of fried rice and an open umbrella in the other. As Sanji sat on the ground he placed the food down in front of the pirate. "Eat," Sanji said.
"Food?" said the shocked pirate as he began to goblet it all up, "I'm not worthy!!" he yelled between swallows. "I never ever tasted nothin' so delicious!!!" Sanji could hear he was crying now.
"Good, eh?" Sanji said as he took out a cigarette and lighted it.
Chapter 45: Before the Storm (Part 1)
That's when Sanji and the pirate heard yelling from above. "You sure got lucky!! That food saved you!! Right, Zoro!! Ha ha ha!" yelled the kid, he and the green-haired swordsman were currently looking down at them. The kid had a huge smile on his face as he laughed then he said, "Hey Sanji!! Join us!! Be the cook for our pirate crew."
After the kid and the swordsman jumped down from the balcony above. They joined Sanji and the Krieg pirate.
"So you're pirates?!" asked Sanji however it really wasn't a question. "Why did you fire on us?"
"It was an accident. A stray cannonball launched in self-defence." Explained the kid with the straw hat.
"That makes no sense?" said Sanji.
"Trust me, he couldn't hit as ship a foot away," explained the swordsman, he didn't show much emotion on his face Sanji noticed, it was hard to tell if he was joking or not. When the kid stuck out his tongue at him. The swordsman asked the kid "You want a fight, captain?" as he reached for one of his blades.
"Now gentlemen. You'd best watch yourself around here. Chef Zeff used to cook for a famous pirate." said Sanji with a sweet smile.
"The old man was a pirate?" asked the kid with curiosity only children usually had, but he was clearly a teenager at least.
"Shush and listen," said Sanji as if he was about to tell them a story, "The Baratie is the old goat's treasure. And the cooks who flock to him are all hot-blooded pirate types. For a place frequented by pirates, they're perfect for the job. Some people just come to see the pirates and cooks go at it. And most waiters don't last a month and jump ship."
"Oh… so that's why he wants me to work for a year." said the kid.
"A year?" said the swordsman, "You have the worst aim in the world Luffy."
"Anyway," said the kid, "you should sail with us."
Sanji took a long drag from his cigarette before he said, "I decline. I've good reasons for staying here. Trust me, you wouldn't want me anyway."
"No, I decline!!!" said the kids stubbornly. Sanji looked over at the green-haired swordsman who just did a facepalm.
"Decline what?" asked a confused Sanji.
"I decline your declination!!" said the kid, "You're a good cook, and you're joining my crew!!"
"Listen, I have my reasonings," said Sanji.
"What is it, then?" said the kid.
'Man,' Sanji thought, 'this kid is persistent.' "None of your business," Sanji said, looking away from the kid.
"You just told me to listen!" yelled Luffy.
"I mean, respect my wishes!! Trust me when I say this kid, you don't want me." Sanji growled out.
Zoro's POV
As Zoro watched the scene unfold between Sanji and his captain. He knew they weren't leaving without this cook if Luffy had a say in it. This strange cook complex, Zoro. Everything he did said to stay away I am dangerous but Zoro was transfixed by him and that weird feeling from earlier when their eyes met and how he felt Sanji's pain too. The two were arguing now about Luffy's hat.
That's when Gin spoke up, "Sorry to butt in, but…"
"What?!!" Sanji and Luffy yelled looking at Gin.
"I'm Gin, Krieg's right hand." explains Gin, "If you're really, pirates, what's your prize?"
"I'm after the one piece!" Luffy said with such confidence. "We're going to the Grand Line."
Zoro noticed Gin froze when Luffy said 'Grand Line' "If you don't have a cook you must not have much of a crew yet." said Gin very seriously.
"This guy makes five!" said Luffy with pride.
Zoro heard Sanji yell "Don't count me!" But his stubborn captain just ignored him, which caused Zoro to chuckle.
"You don't seem like a bad sort, so I'll give you a word of warning." said Gin to the three young men, "Whatever you do don't go to the grand line. You're young. Don't rush to your doom. The sea is vast. The Grand Line is just one narrow route. There's plenty safer waters to plunder."
"Do you know a lot about the Grand Line?" asked a curious Luffy.
"Not much, hardly anything at all. But enough so it scares me!!" Gin said as Zoro saw beads of sweat go down his neck.
"You're pretty chicken to be Krieg's right hand," said Zoro to Gin.
"Who's Krieg?" asked Luffy.
"He's not good." said Sanji, "No, offence Gin."
Zoro wasn't sure why Sanji apologized to Gin until a surprised look appeared on Gin's face. "How'd you know?" asked Gin.
"Simple most men act like fools when they see me except those that have already found their soulbond," Sanji said with a lopsided smile.
'So that's what I felt,' thought Zoro, he is my soulbond, so it is true your heart really stops for just a second when you meet yours. He wondered if Luffy found his too judging by the fact, that he didn't go after Sanji like the Lt. did.
"What are soulbonds?" Luffy asked.
This just made Sanji laugh, "It's best you don't know kid."
As Zoro watched Sanji get up off the floor, still holding the umbrella his eye caught Zoro's and a blush appeared on his face. 'So Sanji felt it too,' Zoro thought. But that didn't explain why he wouldn't tell Luffy what soulbonds were unless. No that would be impossible.
"There's a boat out back. It's mine you can have it." Sanji told Gin, snapping Zoro out of his thoughts.
"I really don't want to take your ship," said Gin, "You already saved my life."
"Don't worry about it. I don't need it." Sanji said.
Luffy's POV
After Sanji got his boat for Gin, and he was about to sail off. As more time passed, Luffy knew he wanted Sanji on his crew.
"Well, I hope you kids take my warning into account," said Gin to the Luffy and Zoro.
"We're still going to the ground line anyways," said Luffy with no fear.
"Ha ha… Do what you want. If you two wanna throw your life away it's your own business." said Gin, "Sanji thanks again for saving my life. The grub was fine. Can I come eat again?"
"Anytime," said Sanji however that's when they heard yelling from above.
"Chore Boy!! There you are!!" called the old man.
"Yikes!!" yelled Luffy freezing.
"Good luck, Gin," said Sanji with a sweet smile.
"You're gonna get heck now for giving me that free food," said Gin with a guilty look.
"What?" said Sanji in confusion, that is when a smile appeared over his face, as he picked up the dishes and let it splash into the sea, he said, "Free meal? Where's the proof?"
"Thank you again," Gin said on his hands and knees.
"Stay out of trouble Gin!" Sanji said waving his free hand.
"Sanji!!! Chore Boy!!! Get to work!!!" yelled the old man.