Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 42 – The Kobold Vek

Vol. 1 - Chapter 42 - The Kobold Vek




Getting on from the Dens entrance, he walked deeper while slaying more pesky monsters that weres of low level compared to him, rats, spiders and snakes, they were all sources of materials for him.

The cave was full of skeletons, from those of humans to smaller humanoid skeletons, which made Fayrene stop in place and look carefully around the zone.

"You got any idea what those skeletons belong to, Fay?"

"Yes, those smaller ones could belong to Kobolds, Gnomes or Goblins. I don't know for sure since it is my first time seeing one, but the books I've read about the different races confirm this thought of mine."

"Kobolds, gnomes or goblins? There is such a thing here?"

"Yes, dear. There are so many more races than us humans existing here. I'll let you read the book about those races and how they look." explained Fayrene before following Mathias as he walked slowly forward.

Then it was only moments later that the putrid smell hit them hard, and the figure of a bear which was full of putrid wounds, looked sinister as he was devouring some small creature that was screaming in pain, shouting in a language Mathias couldn't understand.

"Curses, you damn monstrosity! You will never get away from the Dragon's Wrath!"

Mathias saw that creature that looked like a kobold from the fantasy books and immediately acted, taking advantage of the fight by sending an 'Arcane Missile' straight for the monster's body which propelled him away from the small creature he was looking forward to devour.

[You have dealt 486 damage to the target.]

"What? Has Father Asgorath come down to save me?" said the small-sized creature in his native language as he opened his lizard-like eyes that were of a red color, only to notice that Mathias arrived next to him, picking him up.

"Father of Dragons Asgorath?" inquired the kobold, feeling confused for who Mathias could be?

"Quiet little kobold, there is no time for empty talk." said Mathias, ignoring the mentions of the kobold that seemed in a state of shock.

Getting back to Fayrene with the red kobold, he took a potion that he placed in the crocodile-like snout, downing it.

*Cough* *Cough* "This divine taste? Elixir of Life!!!" coughed the kobold, later calling out using human speech, with his draconian eyes getting large.

"Yeah, sure, you wish. Tell me who you are and how you got trapped by this monster?" asked Mathias responding to the kobold with an overly sarcastic response.

"I can't tell you. It would risk my clansman's safety. However, my name is Vek. Thank you for saving my life."

"Don't worry, little guy, if you can't fight, stay out of this and hide under some rocks." said Mathias, as he looked at the kobold and later at the bear monster that roared in a crazed manner.

Mathias looked serious as he noticed the amount of HP this monster had, along with its level. Making him the highest level monster he encountered so far, after Irenaeus and his gang, which were downscaled because of the instance.

[Iljnoks - Level 30 - 38560 HP]


"I can help you fight this abomination. Just give me a weapon. I am a Scout of my tribe. I have been trained by the Elder."

Then with the confession of the kobold, Mathias noticed a notification window asking to accept the party request from Vek, which he accepted without much fuss, revealing the kobobs level.

[You accepted the request of Kobold Scout Vek to enter your party.]


[Vek - Level 30] > Health: 1940/2270 / Mana:670/670



'This must be part of the instance, assisting the player who might fight this monster. So, I guess this kobold will be useful and might give more events if I keep him alive.' thought Mathias to himself, giving the kobold one 'Saharan Sword' and some normal-rated equipment he gained from killing the Clark thugs.

"Divine Equipment!! Saviour, I can't use such items." said Vek, whose eyes turned big the moment his lizard hands grabbed on the sword.

'Well, the sword rating is rare, which is the same as the one I use, granting him the basic sword skills.'

"Stop making a big thing of that equipment and put it on you so you can be of use in fighting this monster. Here it comes, Fayrene. Assist me from behind and keep in check your resources." said Mathias seeing the bear monster run in his direction with its mouth releasing green saliva.

His body was surrounded by the "Mana Barrier" he casted before the encounter began, and with Ragnius in hand, he struck first with a simple thrust going for the bear's large body before quickly doing a [Piercing Rain], making it seem like he was unleashing a 4 attack skill. Each of the attacks hit the bear with smaller damage which had Mathias confirm one thought.

[You have dealt 123 damage to the target.]

[You have dealt 230 damage to the target.]

[You have dealt 150 damage to the target.]

[You have dealt 200 damage to the target.]


'This monster has sufficient armor to defend against Ragnius damage. Even the magic attack did less than I expected.'

In that moment of contemplation, he retracted the spear, reading for another combination. The monster reacted fast and hit Mathias with his large claws sending him backward and shocked by the damage he suffered.

[You have suffered 770 damage.]

"My God, wouldn't this be a hit of 1500 something if I wasn't using the barrier and wasn't wearing Midnight and the rest of gear?"

Fayrene looked worried at Mathias, who was followed by the monster, and channeling her spells, she unleashed two arcane missiles, hitting the bear with a hit of [656] respectively [1312] which had it roar in pain, rushing for Mathias faster.

Being aware of the following monster, he activated 'Raven's Movement' and, using Ragnius's shaft, he raised up from where he landed, charging at the monster. With the bear's putrid smell reaching his face as he got closer to the bear, he made a swift move to get under its monstrous body and strike with [Sweep Thrust], cutting at its legs before escaping the collapsing bear.

Following his escape from what could squash him if he was slower, he stabbed with [Thrust] right on its stomach, failing to do a deep cut as when he was fighting ordinary beasts.

Following another [Piercing Rain] that dealt a total of  [690] damage, he saw the bear trying to move his body and slash him with his claws even if he was down, yet he was far from his reach to get hit. Following this body movement, as the monster started getting up, the kobold also arrived to stab with his newly gained sword.

[Your party member Vek has dealt 378 damage to Iljnoks.]

"Get away from there, you kobold!" said Mathias, who noticed the bear turn his head moving to bite down Vek, which wasn't expecting that.

Mathias quickly dashed toward Vek, and, sending a kick to the kobold, he entered the range of the bear that slashed him, taking a big chunk from his flesh, causing him to suffer from agonizing pain.

[You have suffered 1235 damage.]

Gritting his teeth, he unleashed one 'Arcane Missile' straight on the bear's eye, blasting it from the socket and with the opened window, he retreated away in the direction he sent the kobold flying with his kick, giving him 5 health potions, and along the way, downing one himself, recovering 1500 HP.

[Health: 1719/2224 / Mana:426/956]

"Lord, thank you for saving my life. We, Kobolds, are relatively weak against hits from powerful enemies."

"I've seen it myself. My kick almost killed you. Ahem, even if you died, I wouldn't be so saddened since I didn't expect you to be so weak to attacks."

"Lord, it is fine. Better alive than dead." commented the kobold, Vek, as he downed one potion, refiling his health back to full.

"Vek, if you want to be of help, attack when you see openings I create inside the monster. Not like how you did. I retreat for a reason, fully knowing the monster will try to fight back."

"Understood, Lord. I will follow your plan." said Vek, as he grasped the 'Saharan Sword' watching tightly as the bear was charging after them with crazed eyes.

Yet, his lizard eyes soon got blinded by two white-purple projectiles that struck the monster's head. Failing to blow it, the bear was stopped for brief seconds before turning his face at Fayrene roaring, shaking the rocks on the ground.

"Now, Vek. Follow me and stick close to me."

Saying that Mathias charged at the bear and began his assault with [Piercing Rain] that caused a total of [849] damage after triggering a critical hit, and with all his strength in the following attack, he pierced deep in the monster's body with [Thrust] causing [712] damage and proccing the 'Bleeding' debuff which dealt substantial damage to the monster, similar to what one of his basic attacks would do, around [200-250] damage.

Along with his end sequence, Vek also struck with three sword attacks before retreating, following Mathias, who encircled the bear, attacking its body from long range.



The fight continued with Mathias and Vek fighting from close range and Fayrene supporting them from behind until things changed dramatically. When the bear reached 40% HP, it started turning smaller in size and released a green aura from its body.

Checking his HP pots and MP pots, he had 4 HP pots remaining and 3 [Intermediate Mana Points] along with 6 [Basic Mana Potions] that he consumed as the fight continued and his resources expenditure grew bigger.

"Don't give him a breathing chance. Fay, let's attack from a distance with 'Magic Missile'!" shouted Mathias as he started channeling in both hands his spells, something Fayrene reacted quickly into channeling heir mana.

Then not long after he said that, 35 seconds later, four missiles flew in the direction of the monster bear that was morphing itself, getting smaller and sinister, later venting its frustration for not being able to kill Mathias, Fayrene and Vek by roaring.

[You have suffered 270 damage].

The moment that shockwave hit him, something that managed to bypass his barrier, Vek was also about to be blasted away from him, but grabbing him by the tail, he kept him safe.

"Lord! Look ahead, the bear dodged all the projectiles you and the Mistress have sent!" shouted the kobold pointing with his lizard hands toward the bear that moved with swift movements dodging the missiles and charging at Fayrene.

"Fayrene, start the barrage of missiles while I come to pick you up!" shouted Mathias with some alertness in his tone as he ran toward Fayrene with his legs constantly releasing black smokey raven feathers.

"I will try, love."

Conforming to Mathias the plan, Fayrene took a deep breath closing her eyes for a brief second, before opening them, releasing a radiant white-purple light and with the shape of her [Mana Core] being revealed even for Mathias.

It seemed that her core had exquisite details with all sorts of runes and with a clearer form and vibrant power that made his own core look like a frog, while Fayrene's was an elegant swan.

"[Mana Acceleration]" said Fayrene, activating one of her spells that increased her channeling speed on her spells, and in 10 seconds as she was retreating, distancing for the bear charging at her, she began casting 'Magic Missile' one after another until her face turned surprised, crying out.

"[Arcane Barrage]"

From her hands with the casting of that spell, three missiles were shot at the same time, a visible difference compared to the delay of each 'Arcane Missile'.

Mathias took a quick glance at Fayrene's resources and noticed she entered a dangerous range, with only [450] MP remaining and getting closer to the bear, he saw how he dodged two missiles and was hit by only one.

Fayrene noticed the bear getting closer and closer to her without a chance for her to escape, she faced head-on the monster channeling the remaining mana into two spells that she sent blasting on the bear's flesh before being attacked by a powerful claw attack which sent her flying hitting the back of the cave wall with her 'Arcane Barrier' shattering on the spot.

*ROAR* releasing another crazed roar, with blood and flesh dripping on the floor after all the attacks received.

It turned toward Fayrene, wanting to end her, but Mathias arrived and jumped on its back, getting on the air, and unleashing a powerful [Thurst] attack piercing the skull of the monster causing a critical hit.

[You have dealt 830 to the target.]

Trying to draw Ragnius from the monster's skull that didn't collapse even after a hit that could end anyone, he quickly began losing his balance as the monster was trying to shake him off.


Giving off another powerful roar that sent off a shockwave hitting Mathias directly, suffering [460] damage, he was dropped down because of the knockback effect of the monster ability, losing his hold on Ragnius that was stuck on the skull.

Following his dropping, the bear sent a powerful claw strike that blasted his 'Arcane Barrier' the same as Fayrene's, sending him flying straight to her, almost crashing on her. Apart from this, he also suffered from the impact with the cave wall.

[You have suffered 1224 damage.]


"Fay, how is your body? Did you get any bones broken?" asked Mathias, beginning to move his body and looking at Fayrene, who was on her knees.


[Fayrene: Heath: 357/1360 / Mana: 50/2500]


"No, luckily, my barrier was enough to block most of the impact of the beast and wall before shattering." said Fayrene as her lips began being colored in her blood before taking a health potion that recovered all her HP.

"How many potions do you still have?" asked Mathias, also taking another HP pot to recover his health, followed by drinking 3 [Basic Mana Potions], which recovered 300 MP each.


"I've used most of my mana potions, having only one intermediate, with the rest being health potions. Don't worry about my resources, I still have my 'Envocation', which I hope will suffice until the end of the fight.

"We are close to ending this monster. Very close." mentioned Mathias, who got his 'Saharan Sword' in hand.

Fayrene also got on her feet, beginning to cast her mana recovering spell, which had her body be covered in a white-purple aura where her [Mana Core] began pulsing.




Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the bear tried to get Ragnius off its head by shaking its head around violently, however Mathias planted it deep inside.

Vek, who saw as both Mathias and Fayrene got blasted by the monster, made up his courage, appearing closer to the bear and getting on its back.

"I have to get the Lord's weapon at all costs. Otherwise, my tribe will be endangered if this beast still lurks here."

Making his mind, he secured his balance by stabbing the sword on the monster's body he touched Ragnius's shaft, trying to get it off. The moment he touched the spear, he felt his hands going cold and heavy.

Gritting his teeth, he pursued the action while keeping his balance on the beast that dashed toward a wall with the intent of smashing Vek on the wall.

"Please come off! Father of Dragons Asgorath, I have to help those humans who are trying to fight this beast and save my people."

Praying to himself as he was holding Ragnius trying to get it from the head, he suddenly saw the image of a gigantic shadow with the outline of a being that made his scales raise up as if they were the hairs of a man who was scared of something.

The shadowy head of that being scoffed seemed to release some dark flames before Vek felt the vision ending and his moves being able to move Ragnius.

Taking off Ragnius, barely able to handle this long spear with his small-statured body, he jumped off the monster and sprinted toward Mathias and Fayrene, who were recovering.

"Lord!! I managed to get your spear back!"

Mathias was surprised by the display Vek put on trying to get Ragnius back, he nodded his head, receiving his weapon back, while asking himself.

'How could he move so freely with Ragnius? Did the ego slumbering inside Ragnius wake up?'

He didn't ponder much on this idea, instead turned his attention to the bear that roared in their direction, moving once again with murderous intent toward them, visible, only knowing this, to kill.

"Let's start the last round of fighting. Ready Fay? Vek?"

"Yes, Lord. I am ready. Your sword is really great compared to what I used so far."

"We can start, dear. My mana has recovered and still has some seconds to recover." mentioned Fayrene looking at Mathias and the kobold, Vek.

"Okay. Then let's move, Vek. Like we did so far, keep close to me and strike when you see openings."

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