Saharan Successor

Chapter 180 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 45

Chapter 180 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 45


Not staying long to celebrate their victory, Mathias moved along with Sera, Bernard, and Eric deeper inside the slaving chamber, where the humans chained by rusty iron chains watched with relieved eyes their approach.

There he stumbles upon the humans that were bound in chains, standing on the ground with an attempt to recover their breaths, most of them were youngsters, in their early twenties, while only a small number of them were middle-aged men who glanced toward Mathias who watched back with an observant look, before they saw his body radiating with a dark-purple light, which spread around himself and even encompassing them.


"We should be fine for now, without any of those goblins detecting our location." commented Mathias while his eyes stopped on the middle-aged man called Trian.

"What happened to you? For how long have you guys been stuck in this place? Slaving for those inferior vermin?"

The middle-aged man with his bruised body, who had Mathias in his gaze since the fight against the Goblins began, remained silent, trying to collect his words for this person. On the other hand, the youngsters beside him who were captured also remained silent when facing Mathias, but when they dropped their heads, he knew what happened.

"Are you ashamed to tell me your story? Then why did I even bother trying to rescue you guys?" mentioned Mathias, having some hint of what might happen since all of those guys were high-level considering the average level for the player, standing at a range of 140-160 with Trian being the highest, at 167.

"Sigh, it's a long story, lord and I am not allowed to eat at your time, not in this current situation."

"Stop trying to avoid the story and tell me already man. Bernard, Eric, help me treat those guys after I get their rusted chains off." commented Mathias, who lowered down, using the key to release from slavery those humans, who didn't look your average commoner whatsoever.

"Thanks. I understand what you are asking me off, Lord. Then, from where should I start with the story?"

[Ding!][You have cleared the quest <Rescue the Shackled Humans>]


[The Event <The Duty of a Knight> will commence]


Mathias ignored those notifications, especially after getting in the zone with regard to his full immersion, viewing himself of the same flesh as those humans.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Trian of Ulber, serving under the House of Valashar, specifically my Young Lord. How did everything happen? It all started with that rainy day when the bells and cries of the people from the outskirts of the County could even reach the Capital City.

A raid of large proportions coming from the green skinned monsters lurking inside the Great Gravelmark Mountain. No one ever expected that such monsters would be so bold to descend down the mountain, especially after the excursions of the Red Knights. Nevertheless it happened.

As the Chaos began for the simple people in the outskirts of the County, the Young Lord heard among the first people those news, and without even questioning himself once, he went onward to stop the monsters. We, loyal Knights of Valashar House, bound to the young lord, could only follow along and help him in pushing back the monsters.

Yet? When we arrived from Valisharia to the base of the mountain, those green monsters already retreated with whatever they could plunder, from tools, food, money to even simple girls of those communities. A total shock for the young lord who never experienced such a situation, and he pushed to catch the green monsters, and it so happened that we caught them at their home-turf."

Mathias and the others listened calmly to the story told by Knight Trian with lots of emotions, as those darks were reignited inside of him, and it didn't take long for the party to understand what happened with those knights and their young lord.

"We were simply too weak to defeat those monsters. The young lord got taken by the monster while we were forced to become the plaything of the monsters. As you can see, slaving for them, into finding mineral-rich ores." ended Trian from telling his story, seeing how Mathias was nodding from time to time.

'A monster with human-like features, even standing closer to us in height? Monstrous power, and even magical powers. There exist such goblins, old Hay?'

{They exist, it's a mutation that happens when a goblin male impregnates a human woman or elven woman. But the magical capabilities are rarely encountered in humans, especially commoners, which only means that such a monster came from the binding of a goblin and an elven captured woman.}

'And what's the other possibility? Magical experimentation on goblins?'

{Yeah, even in my time, there were some nuts guys trying to experiment on the nature of the world, and making abominations.}

'Hah … It seems we are dealing with a monster.'

{You don't sound so down about your situation.}

'Nah, the stronger the opponent the stronger I will grow? Isn't it right, teacher?'

{Bhwahahaha, that's right.}


With Mathias taking the chains off the Knights and understanding their story, about how their Young Lord got captured, he couldn't help but be skeptical about a sensitive subject.

"How certain are you guys, this Young Lord of yours is still alive after being captured by the goblin abomination?"

This time it wasn't Trian who responded to Mathias, but multiple young knights who responded with emotions in their tone.

"There's no way Lord Riannon would allow himself to drop dead. As foolish as he can get at times, he isn't someone to die like that. I am sure he is waiting for us to get reinforcements and get him back."

"You say you guys come from Valisharia? Then, you might forget trying to get back and bring reinforcements. The journey back and the return here would take you about one week if you move swiftly to two weeks if you go slowly, and I don't see a way how you could move swiftly."

"We'll get reinforcements for sure. Thanks for getting those chains off our body, but we'll manage from here on." remarked a young knight, who had his body bruised with wounds, while others were in the same state, even containing some cutting wounds.

"In that state, you'll go? Hah, don't kid yourself, man." mentioned Bernard who didn't like how those Knights looked, being left in a messed-up state.

The knights tried to reprime what Bernard said, but they got silenced by the middle-aged knight, who only said a simple.

"I agree with you, adventurers. We are in no shape or form capable of reaching back to Valisharia and bringing the news to the Count. But this doesn't mean you aren't capable."

Seeing what Trian wanted to do, Mathias interjected quickly, placing a stop to a potential quest that would waste his time by acting like a blue arrow giving messages around important people.

"Sorry, but we can't do that. We are on a mission of clearing out this dungeon. Which includes killing the goblin abomination. It just so happens that you guys were trapped here, think of it as a coincidence."

"You want to face the goblins alone?" asked Trian, gritting his teeth from the pain he was suffering, touching his chest that contained a nasty wound, oozing with infection.

"Indeed, is there any problem?"

"No … not at all. I can still help you in killing some goblins before giving up on this life. What you just have seen is nothing compared to the full capacity of those goblins. They have prepared themselves for war against the Human Territories, and what stands in front of them is the County of Valashar, the one I swear to protect under a Knightly Oath."

"Ohh, interesting. You seem to know something more than you want to give out." added Mathias, following the knight's eyes as they dropped down, from nervousness.

"It's just a feeling I have after facing that monster, but that being it's still young. If it could do so much harm while not being a mature being, I don't want to imagine what would happen to the Empire once it matured. All the innocent lives that would be lost in the way."

"Don't worry, sir Trian. I think I can't move better than the rest of you, since my legs weren't harmed. Once I make my way from this cave, I will run with my entire being toward the County and announce Master Valashar."

"... Forget it. As the adventurers said, it might be too late. We have to act now and fast since two weeks have passed."

"This … damn, why do we have to face all those dangerous beings when we aren't even prepared to face them? What Red Knights are keeping the Empire Safe?" added a heavily wounded youngster, who looked not so able to move.

"Shhh, don't bad mouth the Red Knights, young Ellyron."

"Why not, sir Trian? It's not like I owe them anything. In fact, those fuckers owe me so much. It is us provincial Knights that truly protect the safety of the Empire. It is us, who protect the empire from those dangerous monsters, while the Red Knights only take on the fame after showing just about when the danger has been vanquished. Those damned Glory Stealers."

'Did the situation inside the Red Knights got so bad that they can't even function properly? The tools of political forces in the Empire, used on their wimps however they like?'

It was words that once again made Mathias aware of how corrupt and decayed the Military System of the Empire has turned over the years.

{The Empire has finally reached its full downfall. My friends have warned me in my younger days that maybe … the laws I've placed for the foundation of the Country are too lenient for the people.}

'It's too late to lament about what already happened. We can only work on a whole reformation of the Empire.'

"If what you say, it's correct. Then, we truly are miserable. For now, let me help you with something and we'll continue afterwards."

Saying that he took out some of his healing potions which he passed to Sera, Bernard, and Eric to give it to the knights for consumption, a gesture that shocked them since those Healing Potions were at Medium Grade, with the potency of healing a lot of damage.

Looked at by the young knights with skeptical eyes, they lowered their guard when noticing Mathias who cut some decaying flesh from Trian's wounds, a hostile act from the crimson-haired youngster, requiring Trian's response to pacify them. Then he spread the healing elixir on his chest, and the rest remaining inside, he had him chug it down like some hot liquid.

"A Life Elixer. … Sorry, man … lord, we were wrong about you." said the young knights who noticed how thick the consistency of the Healing Potion used on Trian was.

'You guys aren't wrong entirely since it's a High-Grade Healing Potion I received from Jeanne since she told me "Take them, darling, if I am hurt, I will use my own powers to heal.". Hah, such a strong and independent woman, you rarely ever see them around, and what's more, she's my little muse that I will always fondle dearly.'

{Yes, yes. You better don't forget your duties as a man. Otherwise, she will just get bored of you, and find another man that can satisfy her.}

'Hmph, go fuck yourself, old man. You think I wouldn't have satisfied her if she was in Town? Haven't you heard Granny Ann, she went on with her own mission from the Church.'

With both young and old bickering about human relations, the effects of the potions given by Mathias to his teammates to heal the provincial knights went in an instant, shocking them. They never experienced such a miracle, and whats more, it happened straight with their bodies.

Trian himself was taken aback by the effects of the potions used by Mathias, as he saw his chest wound close up at naked eye speed, fully disappearing after some moments and while this happened Bernard, mentioned in the private group chat he had with Sera and Eric.

@Bernard: Was that really a High-Level Potion? Hahh, such a waste. He could have given the Knight just a Medium-Grade or Low-Grade it would suffice.

@Sera: I think it was on purpose. Looking at his level, he is 167, almost double our level. What if we actually needed those Knights to clear the Dungeon?

@Eric: Serry, you're not wrong. Such a setting reminds me of those old RPGs where such dungeons were cleared with some assistance from the NPCs. Now that takes me back in the past … As if I am some old man.

@Bernard: Stop bullshitting man, you are only 34. I doubt you could get your hands on those old RPGs.

@Eric: Sucks on you, my Old man has a big collection of RPGs on his Cloud Server.

As the group talked in private with one another, discussing initially the wastage made by Mathias by giving a High-Priced effective potion. It only continued building the grand and mysterious image of this Hidden High Ranked, who became someone like Kraugel for them.

"Lord, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I never was wounded by those monsters. How can I repay you back?"

"No need. But if you want to repay me? Just tag along on my descent down the tunnels. You might be able to save your Young Lord if you cooperate with me. What do you say?"

"... Sure, Lord. We see no problem in accompanying you and helping you fight off the green monsters." replied Trian after getting the confirmation of all the knights, since they were of the same mind when it came to rescuing their young lord.

"... One more thing, Lord. What should we call you? What is your name?"

"Just call me Octavian."

Mathias still went along with the nickname he chose to use in order to fool the Empress when he was masked.


While the Event was still onward with Mathias who finished treating all of the knights with the help of his teammates, as he was preparing to start the journey, Trian dropped on one knee, and bowed his head at Mathias, thanking him and the rest for rescuing them, and after he finished his thanks.

"We will be in your care, Lord Octavian."


[You have gained a new quest <[Rescue the Captive Noble]>]

It was another quest that appeared in front of Mathias's eyes, which had his eyes squint a little bit when reading what Rank this quest was, and when he shared the quest information with his teammates, they also stared with stunned eyes, at the rarity of the quest, at the rewards they would be gaining, and in general, how low of a chance one had to gain such quest.

@Bernard: GODDAMN! I really don't regret tagging along with you Octavian. Two important quests in one day, rolling in EXP like I did a bank heist.

@Eric: Thanks for sharing with us the quest.

Sera: Indeed, I also thank you for belonging willing to share such quests with strangers you only knew for some hours.

???: Sure, for nothing. So, you guys are up to completing the quest?

@Sera, Bernard, Eric: Are you even asking? Let's do it!


'Heh? Let's do it. Sure, I don't mind.'

[Ding!] [You have accepted the quest!]


[Rescue the Captive Noble]

Rating: S

In a place where light barely touches, in the deeper crevices of tunnels dug with a lot of precision and dedication, a young bright soul waits patiently for his rescuers.

You, the adventurer who discovered the War Base of the Goblins who raided the County of Valashar, you who slayed countless enemies in your way to, later on, reach the brave knights of Valashar House. It has now come, the turn to change the situation.

Quest Clear Condition: Rescue the Nobleman: Riannon Valashar

Quest Reward: Gain +3 levels; The chance of selecting a Unique Rated Item; Gain Title: "A Noble Rescuer"

Quest Failure: The Event "A Monster Awakens." will commence


Title: [A Noble Rescuer] -> Gain +10 Stats to all Primary Stats


"You brave and proud Knights suffered a lot on this challenge thrown by the Gods, but never backed down from a challenge. Also, the future will be uncertain, and I hope to see a future where everyone could place their trust in the Red Knight. And it will happen for that I am certain, I just wish that you proud people of Saharan remain patient."

Such an inspiring remark from the crimson-haired man, left the Knight with mixed feelings because most of them choose to become a Knight in pursuit of reaching the Grand Status of a Red Knight. The dream of any Knight and aspiring Knight in the entire Empire.

"Hopefully. If I knew how downright bad those Red Knights were, I wouldn't have wasted and sacrificed so much to become a Knight." commented the one called Ellyron who had mixed feelings in regard to the Red Knights and the current Empire.

"Lord Octavian, since you'll for sure need our help. We have to tell you this. Deeper in the tunnels, there might be an armory where the green monster keeps all the weapons and armor they might have gained from their scouring. We need them to fight for you. Otherwise, we can't be of any help." remarked Trian looking at Mathias who appeared like a proud hero in his eyes.

"There is no need for that. At least for now. Here, see if those armors and weapons can be of any help to you."

Mathias, who had plenty of weapons and armor at hand from the long journey he took to reach the cave, and especially after killing the goblins, he was like a walking armory. As such, each Knight managed to find something suitable for themselves, with Mathias successfully gearing up an entire group of 12 Knights for the harder parts of his challenge.

The knights didn't expect for Mathias to show such a magnanimous heart and share some gear that seemed to be rather expensive such as the weapons crafted by Craftsman Nelmon.

"This is more than we can ask of, Lord Octavian. It's perfect for me."

Trian found his match since he was someone who was specializing in dual wielding, and to try the first feeling of the weapons he slashed around one large dagger that was similar to a small sword, along with a One-Handed Sword that moved rather swiftly.

Another middle-aged Knight, that was level 160, called Golkin was specializing in Longswords, to which Mathias gave him the Saharan Sword that from him, later on, found was exactly his own weapon.,

"Wait?? Isn't this my sword? By the Goddess, my sword returned home."

@Bernard: Poor guy, you are even willing to part with your gear.

@???: Trust me, I don't need those items. The stronger those Knights are, the better for me, and by extension for you.

Looking at all the Knights geared up, even though their items weren't a perfect match, it didn't matter as long as there were the stats, power, and defensive side of them.

With all preparations over, Mathias extended his hand to the ceiling and the dark-purple light veil encompassing most of the gallery section was slowly disintegrating.

"Gentleman … Lady, it is time to get some revenge."

"Revenge! I will get it on fully from that abomination this time." called out Trian, feeling spirited after receiving Mathias's help and his supporting words.

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