Saharan Successor

Chapter 157 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 22

Chapter 157 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 22


Mathias returned home, welcomed by Granny Ann, Joel and the orphans who were excited to see him return early from the location he made-up that he will go, circling around him like buzzing bees, asking him various questions.

"Now, now, little ones, let's not make it hard for the young Lord. Doesn't this mean you don't like my stories?" inquired the madame, with her voice raising up a bit, sounding like a old witch which made the orphans meekly retreat.

"No, Granny. Your stories are great, but big brother's stories are greater." replied a courageous child, who stuck like a slug to Mathias's legs, making the young adult to chuckle, and caress the lovable head of the boy.

"Tsk, brat, I've been taking care of you for 2 weeks, and this is the treatment I receive? You want me to cry? Pity me. Joel, come make granny feel better."

"Ahem, grandma, your stories are old-fashioned. Big brother's stories have an interesting approach, he can tell girlish stories, but also those where valiant heroes go to challenge dangerous beasts."

"Right, right! Big sister knows the best." mentioned the boy, David, holding onto Mathias's legs, being quite territorial with someone he viewed like his father.

*Chuckle* "Don't worry guys, it will be okay."

"Such little jets, it seems that the temperature outside made you itchy to play around. Why don't you go outside to play around in the snow, while you still can? When I was your age, I would always spend all my time playing around with kids my age."

The kids looked at the old lady, who sighed but agreed with Mathias's point even though she knew it was dangerous to let the kids mess around Wallmort District.

In their excitement the kids went to change their clothes in a extension room created by Edwin for the kids where expanded beds similar to an orphanage was built, and just like what he intended to see, they went outside to enjoy their childhood, leaving only Mathias with the old lady.

"You know, madame, sometimes it is better we aren't protective of the young ones. Raising them in goose feathers will make them spoiled and weaklings."

"Young man, you know the situation inside Wallmort, those Syndicate bastards. Do you think they care about those kids, that they are young? If they mess something around, they will be hurt. This is what I want to avoid for them."

"From the house to Raven's Tavern, this is the boundary the Syndicates can't act. You are worrying too much. They aren't the type of kids to not understand what is dangerous or not, especially now that they are with little Joel."

"I guess. To be honest with you, little Mathias, I am glad that you've allowed me to stay around with the kids. My little girl, Joel, I can see her smile in a genuine way. She can integrate around just fine with kids around her age."

"Mhm, it wasn't my intent, but I am glad to hear things have turned that way."

"It doesn't matter. I am content with my new circumstances. Nolonger worrying about the next day and what bread I should place on the table for my little baby."

Mathias listened to the old lady, mentioning about how her daily activities went about since she become a guest to the Fay Night Shop, from making food to the children, to teaching them how to write and other disciples a wealthy child would be taught, which had Mathias ponder about the identity of the lady.

"Right, madame, I never asked you, something that's been on my mind."

"Go ahead, child."

"I don't know if you remember, but you mentioned to me in the past, when I just arrived in Titan, that I look familiar to you, about you finding me familiar because of a Saharan Prince you've met in the past. Can you tell me more about you?

Sorry, for asking you this late, but I've been busy, and this will not change anytime soon."

"Haha, don't stress yourself about this, little Mathias. This old hag is a nobody right now. I used to be a Merchant that traveled around the whole world with the Caravan of my Husband.

"My name is Annabel Rihel, I doubt it rings a bell since I am just an old hag right now, but my goods were the pristine quality desired by the Courts of Kings and even the Saharan Emperors."

"That's when I meet the Crown Prince, I think it should be your Grandfather if we go about seniority since I don't know which Prince you are."

"Hah, madam, I am just a bastard if we go about the succession line."

"You don't seem to act like a bastard at all, in fact, the dignity and charm you are showing in your acts are even above a Crown Prince. Since Emperor Juander took over the throne, I've never heard of a single one of his spawns to ever be bothered about the lives of the common people."

"For about 18 years, since the firstborn Roland come to life, I've never seen a single of them to visit the people, the common people, those that give them the power and money to act spoiled and arrogantly, floundering their prestige."

Mathias remained quiet, listening to the old lady talk about her experiences with the Saharan Imperial House, and how she viewed the newer generations of the Royals, who she had never seen with her own eyes.

Hearing such an opinion, made him not know how to respond, while inside his mind another old person was agreeing with everything the madame was remarking, on every bad side she saw on them.

{Young lady, you are fully right on everything you've said. A Monarch's responsibility is to protect and lead the simple people, to guide them to a better future, and this responsibility is directly transferred to the future monarchs, the Princes who have to listen to the common heath.}

{A Monarch leads by example}

{Otherwise, how could you be said to improve the lives of the people if you aren't even aware what hurts them?}

"Madame, I think you are a bit harsh on them. They are only a bunch of kids. Spoiled kids who haven't been pushed in their lives."

"That's right child, this is why I say that you, even though you consider yourself a bastard, are way above them in terms of Royalty. If I was once again the leader of the Rihel Trading Company, I wouldn't mind collaborating with a young prince like yourself."

"Madame, I appreciate the way you see me, but I don't have control over those things. I am only a bastard child of the Saharan House. Not recognized by anyone, this is why I don't want to make my identity known to people."

"I understand where you are coming, child. But you shouldn't leave things to their natural flow, if you don't approach them to insert yourself in the picture, you will not be able to change anything in the Empire."

"I can't rush those things, madame. I have no one to back me, this is why I plan to build my wealth and prestige in my own ways. To build enough power to state my claim regardless if they love or hate me. I will have so much leverage over them that they will not be able to deny me."

"Mhmm, it seems you've thought a lot about this problem. However, because I want to see my little child have a bright future, I will give you some of my support."

"No need, lady Ann. I don't dare to disturb your peace with my problems. I am thankful enough for looking after the children in this new project of mine. The Wallmort Orphanage."

"That's why I want to help you even more because even though you didn't have so many funds, you've picked the orphans from the streets of this district, shield them, feed them, and taught them manners and matters of life."

"Still, I would rather have you look after the kids." mentioned Mathias in a humble manner looking at the old lady with a warm smile.

"No problem, I can also look after the kids. Tell me, boy, do you have an Administrator for that Tailoring Workshop of yours?"

"No, I still don't have someone I can trust enough of managing the operations."

"Why don't you let me help you with that Workshop of yours?"

"Pardon me? You, madame?"

"Yes, me. I have vast experience in leading a Trading Company renowned inside the Saharan Empire in my husband's golden days. With my experience and also your youthful mindset, I doubt I can screw your endeavor."

"Madame, the stress of having to deal with the number of orders, of making sense of that chaos. I really don't wish it on you at your esteemed age."

"I will not do it alone. I have my little girl with me, I will teach her the ropes of the trade, and once I feel I am overwhelmed by the amount of work, I will pass over the reins, with your approval to little Joel."

Looking at lady Ann's silver nameplate with golden lights around, and her friendly smile, resembling one of the grannies that you would wish to give a hug, made him get quiet while gazing at the old lady, making her ponder what he was thinking about.

"Come on, child. I am not offering you a bad deal. You will learn fast that doing things alone is not the optimal way of leading a business or an Empire for that matter."

{Come on, lad. This young lady is quite an interesting person. I am sure you'll not regret it, and you'll come to find a helping hand in this lady.}

'Okay, okay. You sound as if you have been infatuated by the madame.'

{To be honest, if  I remain in this elderly form of mine, I might not mind connecting with this young lady, and spending the rest of my elder years on a farm estate.}

'... If we ever get you a body, I will make sure that you get to that dream of yours.'

{Sure, but you have to make sure you aren't working her too much.}

Mathias shook his head, which made Lady Ann react until he clarified his answer.

"Lady Ann, it will be my pleasure to allow you to work for me. I will make sure to facilitate you with the best working conditions, and answers to any of your requirements for me as a factory owner."

"A smart choice, little boy. I will teach you the value of money. And how easily it is to dethrone the Arundell Family in their tailoring monopoly."

[Ding! You are the first player to have unlocked the Alliance-Collaboration System.]

[NPC: Annabel Rihel, has formed a Collaboration with you.]

[Player can view the members of the Alliance-Collaboration System]

[List: 1. Annabel Rihel (Role: Administrator)]

Seeing all those notifications getting into his ears, Mathias noticed that he could access the information details for the old lady in front of her, and without keeping his curiosity in check, he opened the details for Annabel.

The moment he did that, his almost lost his calmness when noticing how great of a person Lady Ann is, unlike his initial thoughts about her that she was a frail, old granny that required a lot of care from him, just like a loyal grandson would do regardless of the situation.




Name: Annabel Rihel

Age: 60    Gender: Female

Occupation: Teacher/Merchant/

Title: Leader of Merchants

* The best merchant of a past era. She had the ability to create demand even for simple rugs. Selling to even the most prestigious Royal Families of the Western Continent

Level: 305(▼)

Strength: 126(▼)    Stamina: 454▼)

Agility: 229(▼)    Intelligence: 2,141(▼)

Political Power: 100(▼)    Insight: 1,533(▼)  Wisdom: 753(▼)

Leadership: 312(▼)    Charm: 125(▼)

Skills: Social Sciences (B▼), Teaching(A▼), Composure (A+▼), Detection (A+▼), Administration (S+▼), Business Acumen (S+▼), Wisdom of a Great Merchant (SS+▼).

Illness: Depression(S-) (78/100 - Healing Process Underway)

Born inside a tribe of Caravan Traders in the deserts of the Saharan Empire, alongside her husband, they created one of the most proficient Trading Companies that brought the wealth of the East and West to the center of the World, Titan.

As a co-leader with her husband, Annabell always showed her wisdom in reaching advantageous deals for her Merchant Company, but along with the death of her husband, and also their son after the raids of the mysterious beings of the Lilton Desert, she descended into Depression, leaving all of her work to disintegrate, letting the greedy members of the company to devour everything while she mourned her husband and child's ends.

The only reason she didn't fully descend into Depression and commit the unthinkable, is because she lives for a little star, a little star she wants to see leading a prosperous life.



Reading the description the system offered to him about Lady Ann, with a look at the information and another one at the old lady standing not far from him, his lower lip trembled a bit, finding the history Granny Ann experienced rather tragic.

And without even thinking, he walked toward the old lady, and gave her a warm hug, experiencing a feeling he lost when he was younger, when his grandma passed, being called early by God.

"Grandma, so you know, you can always ask me anything you want ... Anything you want. I will be there for you and help you around."

"Mhmm, child. Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. I just felt like giving you a hug. What? You don't like it? The future Emperor of the Saharan Empire is treating you like his grandmother. You should feel good about it." remarked Mathias while still giving the old lady a hug, sensing her body trembling, while she caressed his head, later patting his back.

"That's more like it, child. I am looking forward to seeing my grandson become an Emperor and helping you place on the Imperial Regalia at your coronation.

Shu ... can you see your grandson from Lord Osiris palace? I believe you are smiling from there, proud of me that I have adopted the future Emperor."

Mathias could hear that the old lady was tearing up, and patting her back, he remained like that, even opening up his Red Energy, giving some comfort to the madame, which led to a new notification from the system, stating something that made him smile.

[Annabel's Depression Illness has declined to an (B-) stage. There are new signs of her health improving thanks to the user's Red Energy. The process of Annabel's status decline has been slowed down.]

"It will be fine, grandma. I am sure they will be able to see everything in the sky, especially at my coronation."

"Mhmm, child, remember those words. My depression almost makes me cry thinking how many steps you have to endure to reach that status."

"I will work on it, and if they don't recognise my status as the rightful successor to the Throne, I will step on the Crimson Throne with force. Making everyone understand that the Age of Decadence of the Empire is over."

"Good, good, that's how grandma loves to see you. Full of confidence." said Annabel with a smile beaming on her face, combing his crimson hair with her own hands.

Mathias took his time, spending it with Annabel discussing with her about casual things, reverting back the discussion to an easy-to-digest subject where he made the lady smile, at some of the silly things he was mentioning.

"Child, you've brought so many weapons and armors for the Kobolds? Are you trying to build your forces already? To help you claim the throne? Well, well, would you look at that? That's unexpected."

"It is not that grandma, I had an agreement with the Kobold Elder that I will assist their tribe with weapons and armors because of the gemstones they lent me. Their help needs to be repaid, this is why I intend to depart at night toward Gravelmark Mountain."

"Truly fascinating. Does this mean there is a friendly tribe of kobolds out there? I remember learning from my studies that the kobolds are mostly aggressive beings toward any group of people they see as invaders of their territory. This is why in most of the cases we humans hunt down kobold tribes that would start brewing chaos into villages."

"This tribe is totally different. It has been acclimated to a human living custom. They don't wish to enter into conflict with anyone, but they aren't weaklings by any means. Is a balanced way to say they live a sufficient life."

"Haven't they overpopulated?"

"No. Gravelmark Heights is a place of mysteries and true dangers. The predators of that place keep in balance the kobolds"

Granny Ann while talking with Mathias understood his stance on the kobolds, and how he viewed them like allies, instead of treating them like subjects even though their leader pledged his tribe's allegiance to him.

A smile perked up on her face that could be said to have regained some vitality, with many of her wrinkles vanishing.

"Why the smile?"

"Doesn't hold a meaning in particular. You can go with your heart eased up, child. I will look after the kids, and if you are still away by the time that brat, Edwin finishes the constructions, I will make sure to discuss with Nelmon with regard to the machine you've invented and begin housing the Workshop.

Nevertheless, I hope the little girl returns from her adventure. I haven't told you, but you have picked good girls. Both of them are hardworking girls, who aren't afraid of failure, striving to better themselves."

"Mhm, thank you. I heard Fayrene trained a lot while I was away, right?"

"She never managed to defeat that small dragon in all their sparring."

*Chuckle* "And she didn't quit?"

"No, she dusted off her fighting robe and hair and started working on the mistakes she was doing. I don't know about you, little Mathias, but it was an enjoyable watch seeing little Fayrene get herself humbled by that little dragon."

"Hahaha, good, good. She will probably return with her little nose all raised up and might challenge me. I will teach that little girl what it means to be the Saharan Successor."

"Sure, but don't make it too hard on her. You'll suffer later in marriage." joked the old lady, making Mathias to laugh in a hearty manner, waving his hands as if to dismiss such thought.

"I will play with her according to her level, but if I am surprised by her, it will be even better. Having a new sparring partner will make it easier on me. Beating that little kobold, and requiring me to raise his knowledge about fighting, is time-consuming."

"Her sword technique is atrocious. I wanted to give her some points while I watched from the window, but I abstained since what I know might not suit her style."

"Mhm, it will be fun playing around with Fayrene after I return."


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