RWBY: Dragon's Heart

Chapter 65: Operation: Miko rescue


"Mmmh!" Yin huffed as Yasaka taught Ophis how to properly massage.

It seemed to be working too, as both sisters had their backs crack multiple times. And while the massage was rough at times, it definitely helped release their tension.

"Wow.. Here I thought the massager back home worked good." Yang, who was laying next to her sister, sighed in contentment.

"You have massagers? I might have to make a return sometime.." Yin replied.

"Yea-Haaah~-h. Summer has one in her drawer. It's weirdly shaped but I think it's a neck massager." Yang said, sighing as Yasaka kneaded her hands into her lower back.

"....." Yin decided to ignore the implications of that and simply enjoy the time they were spending together.

"So, what are we doing next? We're here for a while, right?" Yang tilted her head closer to Yin and asked.

"Hmm.. What do you wanna do? There's a lot to explore in this world, even taking out the Gods, Devils, Dragons and other beings that exist out there." Yin replied, looking into her sister's eager eyes.

"Well. I like what we did earlier. When we saved Shirone and Kuroka. The fight against Devils, the absolutely incredibly awesome Fusion we ended up doing. But I think.. I liked saving them most of all." Yang answered with a small smile.

Yasaka, who was behind Yang interjected, "Is that so? I'm sure they'd be very happy to hear that. I intend to give them their Mother's home, which is directly across my estate here, in Kyoto."

That was something Yin didn't know about the Nekoshou sisters. She knew their Mother was a Nekoshou, and brought them to Kyoto so they could be safe among the other Yokai. But this connection to Yasaka? The leader of the Kyoto Yokai Faction herself was giving them personal service because they saved the two sisters.

And there was Ophis..

Though Yin already knew why Ophis stuck around. Apparently, her most elusive aspect reminded her of the Dimensional Gap. To a certain extent, she could understand. But the exact nature of Ruin eluded her.

"I'm glad they'll finally have a home again. Is that what you want to do, Yang? Save more kids like that?" Yin asked, feeling Ophis massage her legs now.

"Mm...?" Yang propped her upper body up, unknowingly drawing Yin's eyes to her. "Good people in general. Why? You have any ideas?"

Yin subconsciously wet her lips and snorted in amusement. DxD had quite a few characters who needed help. Even disregarding the Slash Dog side story, there was the main cast.

"In Romania, there's two kids we could rescue from maniacal vampires. In Italy, we could rescue a nun and maybe even some poor kid experimented on by the church. Oh, close by there ought to be a girl we could save from being killed by her own clan." Yin propped her own upper body up and answered.

This time, Yang couldn't help but look and wet her lips before clearing her throat.

"Ahem~ The one close by we should probably do first. Sounds like she needs all the help she can get." Yang stated, despite the small blush she had.

Yasaka seemed pretty amused, "Well now aren't you two close? I suppose I can't say I haven't seen this before. After all, many of the Gods and Goddesses in the Shinto pantheon are the same~"

Yin blushed this time, knowing exactly what she meant. She was going to retort, to deny the idea. But she felt she couldn't. For some inexplicable reason, she couldn't refute her.

"Huh? What's that mean? We got somethin' in common with Gods?" Yang turned her head around to ask.

"Wait.." Yin paled and looked at the voluptuous Fox lady in panic.


Before she could answer though, Shia had abruptly opened the door with the most unsettling jealous aura surrounding her.

"Why... Why wasn't I called to massage Yin..!? I'm so... so..! ENVIOUS!" Hearing Shia's blatant perversion, Yin sighed in relief. Thankful Shia had such good timing.

Giving her a thumbs up, Yin complimented her, "Nice one, Shia."

"Eh..? What? Wait, nevermind that! Let me massage you too!" Shia demanded with a small line of drool escaping from the corner of her lips.

Yang gave her the strangest look she could as she rushed over to Yin. Ophis simply tilted her head and watched the rabbit girl with clear ulterior motives approach. Seeing that Yin was completely fine with her, she did nothing but complete the massage and look at Yasaka as if to ask 'I did good?'.

"Massage's done already, Shia. But I do remember I owe you something. What we talked about back in the hotspring. Remember?" Her words seemed to snap Shia out of her temporary horny-induced fever and bring her to clarity.

"You mean..?" Shia muttered before Yin nodded and placed her hand over Shia's.

"Go wait outside. I'll give it to you in private after talking with Yang. Okay?" Yin assured with a light smile that made Shia's pulse quicken.

"W-Wait.. really? Yes! Come soon, okay!?" Shia, forgetting her previous jealousy, ran out of the room.

"Fufu~ What an interesting girl." Yasaka chuckled to herself.

Ophis and Yang looked at Yin with confused faces. Yin sat up with a groan of satisfaction before explaining, "I promised her some of my blood. Our blood, Yang, is powerful. It can turn those we bestow it on into powerful warriors."

Ophis nodded, understanding immediately.

"Like Siegfried. He bathed in Dragon blood. Practically became one himself." Ophis added.

Yang paused and thought about it for a moment, before she too sat up. She snapped her finger and grinned, having gotten an idea.

"We should give Ruby both of our blood. Oh! Oh! Or we can have Equinox do it!" Yang proclaimed in excitement.

Yin hummed in consideration. She had no idea what would happen if someone ingested both of their blood. Equinox was another matter entirely. She was essentially a new being, made from both of them combining. The last thing she wanted was to cause poor Ruby to explode from too much power.

"I'll.. need to think about it. If we can do it safely, then I have no problem with it. For now.." Yin then turned to Yasaka, "Thank you for the massage. I feel pretty good."

"Yeah, thanks! I think I have all my energy back.." Yang muttered the last part, impressed.

As they were getting up, Yin gave an inquisitive look at Yasaka before asking, "I may need your help with what we're planning next. You know the Himejima clan?"

A subtle scowl fluttered across Yasaka's face before it abruptly disappeared. She knew them, of course. They were part of the same Pantheon after all. They tolerated each other, but the human clans were prejudiced against all of the non-humans.

"I do. And going off what you mentioned before.. There was an incident a few years ago regarding the Himejima. One of their members had effectively been cast out for getting together with a non-human. One from another Pantheon, even. Is that what you're referring to?" Yasaka asked.

Yin stood up and put on her black and red kimono, provided by Yasaka. She nodded at her question but also corrected her, "Yes and no. I think Shuri might be dead. But her child is wandering Japan, alone. Living off her services as a Miko."

Yasaka's expression darkened as Yang sprung up off the bed and quickly got dressed.

"Sis, we gotta go grab her before her clan can kill her. What kind of assholes kill someone for something they can't help?" Yang scoffed angrily.

"I share those sentiments. Since she is a Himejima, therefore a part of the Japanese Pantheon and also a non-human, I believe I can take her in with no issue. But I have no idea where she could be." Yasaka stated with a small frown.

There was a period of thoughtful silence before Ophis spoke.

"You want.. my help? I will. For my daughter." Ophis declared while hugging Yin from behind.

Yang and Yasaka gave them both a peculiar look. It was already a little odd Ophis came along with her. But what kind of development was this? Yin just shook her head with a shrug.

"Okay. Search for a half Fallen Angel, half human somewhere in Japan. Hopefully we can get to her faster than a certain redhead.." Yin instructed.

"I understand. I'll let you know once I find her." Ophis replied, seeming to simply stare into space for a while.

"Alright. Grab Ember Celica and any other clothing you'll wear. I need to go give Shia her gift before we go. Can I count on you to watch over her while we're gone? She'll be in some pain for a while but nothing very extreme should happen." Yin looked at Yasaka and requested.

The blonde Kitsune smiled and clasped her hands together.

"My~ It'll be interesting to see such a transformation. Don't worry about a thing. You've been helping those neglected in my Pantheon. I'm sure Amaterasu-sama would also appreciate this as well."

"Mn. No problem." She was mainly doing this for Yang anyway, so being praised and thanked felt strange.

"Stay with Yang for a few minutes. I'll be back." Yin told Ophis before coming out of Yasaka's room.

She soon laid eyes on Shia, who had been patiently waiting in the hall outside. Shia immediately walked over with an anxious expression.

"Y-Yin.. um.. will it hurt? You know..? The whole transformation?" Shia asked tentatively.

Yin felt a little smirk make its way on her face. Rarely did she see Shia truly nervous like this. Yin brushed her pale blue hair back and decided to properly reward her, with something she truly desired from her.

"Some pain's expected. But you're going through this with a very good physique, Shia. You'll be just fine. Now, where's your room? We should have some privacy." Yin stated, giving Shia a look that gave her pleasant goosebumps.

"U-Uh.. right here...? Oh, I guess you wouldn't wanna get blood everywhere huh?" Shia scratched the back of her head nervously before guiding Yin to the room she had been assigned.

As soon as they entered Shia's room, Yin had wrapped her arm around her waist and rested her head beside hers.

"Lay down. This is your reward. For your loyalty, your efforts and your rather persistent affection." Shia's face heated up as she obeyed, being guided to her bed by an assertive Yin.

"I.. I thought you were.. That this would wait until.." Shia gulped anxiously as Yin straddled her lap.

"We're not going that far. And no, I don't feel the same 'excitement' you're feeling yet. But that doesn't mean this can't happen." Yin's face hovered over Shia's as she snorted in amusement.

Watching Shia have a mini freak out was pretty entertaining. But she didn't have all day to tease the lovely bunny girl. Yin dragged her long tongue along the tip of her sharp canine tooth, drawing blood.

"Eh? Your mouth is-MMFH!" Shia's confusion was quickly silenced when Yin's lips locked with her own.

Shia's heart began beating furiously. She failed to register what was actually happening until she felt Yin's invasive tongue prod and poke her own. Along with that, a sweet, metallic tasting liquid dripped down her throat.

"Mmmh~ Mhhh-chh~" Shia squirmed as Yin held her down and continued. She had an extremely hard time keeping her hands to herself, especially when she felt practically everything when Yin pressed her body into her own.

Lost in the sensation of kissing the object of her affection, she noticed a scorching heat build up in her chest. The transformation had started, but she still wanted to exploit all the time she still had left.

"Mmmfh~ Mhh~ Haauh... Can't... go on..!" Shia grasped the bed as pain took hold over pleasure.

A gradual change was starting to take place. And Yin could already tell by the slow change in the appearance of her eyes. Shia's pupils were becoming oblong shaped.

"Haauh...! It's so... strong..." Shia grunted, watching as Yin pulled her face away and stroked her hair.

"You'll be okay. Yang and I will be back soon. Yasaka will watch over you until I come back. Isn't that right?" Yin turned to the door, seeing Yasaka peeking through the crack.

"Fufufu~ You caught me. Don't worry. I'll take care of her. Perhaps even give some good kissing advice for the future." Yasaka teased with a mischievous smirk.

"K..Kay... be care..ful out there.." Shia managed to say whilst groaning.

Yin smiled and pet her ears.

"See you soon."

[AN: Lotta dialogue here. Sorry bout that. I try to balance it a bit. Anyway, now to work on Reaper, then Sov. Next week I'll hold another vote for February]

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