Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 109: The Fool Who Pities Capitalists

"This guy is still alive! He went in lying down and came out walking!"

"Doctor Charlotte is amazing! When he went in, he was barely hanging on to his last breath. He was almost bled dry, but he managed to save him."

"If you ever get injured, just go find Doctor Charlotte. Not only is he skilled, but his fees are also affordable. He's a savior for us poor folks!"

The crowd was buzzing as they watched Jonah, supported by Celia, come out of the door. Although his face was pale, it was clear that he had survived and would be back to his lively self after a few days of rest.

Jonah stood still at the door, gesturing for Celia to let go of him. Then, he suddenly opened the blanket wrapped around him and shouted, "Everyone, take a look! I was just hit by four arrows, and my foot was pierced through.

Doctor Charlotte used potions and performed surgery to save me from the hands of death. His medical skills are even more impressive than those doctors in the big clinics."

People looked at the wounds on Jonah's body, neatly stitched up, showing no signs of significant scars.

The testimony of a patient gave the onlookers a deeper understanding of Doctor Charlotte's medical skills.

The bald orc who had mocked earlier had a gloomy expression on his face and quietly slipped away.

Meanwhile, the patients waiting in line in front of the clinic had more confidence and hope in their eyes.

"Brother, let's go home," Celia helped cover Jonah with the sheet and supported him as they left.

Inside the clinic, Charlotte also heard Jonah's advertisement for the clinic. He chuckled and, in addition to finding the half-orc siblings amusing, his fondness for them increased.

Vivian cleaned up the operating room while Charlotte opened the clinic's door to receive the next patient.

With Jonah's case of being saved from the brink of death, Charlotte felt that today's patients showed much more respect towards him. Even their voices were toned down by a couple of degrees.

At first, Charlotte was a bit surprised, but then he understood why.

Doctors were scarce resources in the Abyss. In the past, if someone suffered a serious injury and couldn't afford to go to a big clinic, they could only wait at home to die.

But today, everyone discovered that it wasn't just the big clinics that could save lives. This inconspicuous little clinic, with Doctor Charlotte who couldn't perform magic but excelled at using potions, could also save lives.

Perhaps Jonah's publicity was too effective. The clinic was bustling with patients, and it wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that the last patient was seen.

Charlotte asked Vivian to close the door, and they both sat down on chairs, exhaling deeply. Then, they exchanged smiles.

"You did great today. In addition to your commission for concocting potions, you'll also receive a commission for treating patients every day. It will be 10% of the patient's medical expenses," Charlotte said to Vivian.

"Really?" Vivian's eyes lit up, and she jumped up from her chair. But soon, she felt a bit embarrassed and said, "But my medical skills are still poor, and I'm still learning. Are you giving me a commission?"

Charlotte encouraged her with a smile, saying, "Medical skills can be improved, and you're progressing rapidly. You can already handle wound dressing and changing bandages very well. Next, you just need to learn how to suture, and soon you'll be able to take care of all minor trauma patients."

Vivian had done a lot of work today, mostly handling minor trauma patients, while Charlotte took care of more severe cases like removing hidden weapons, arrows, and poisonous spikes, as well as suturing extensive wounds.

It was the right decision to keep Vivian. Without her help, Charlotte might not have been able to finish his work even until late at night.

"The reward you receive is what you earn through your hard work, not something someone gives you out of charity," Charlotte said, looking at her earnestly. "When the patients receive the care they need, the doctor earns their respect. That's the principle of our clinic."

"Yes," Vivian nodded vigorously, a smile on her lips, but tears filled her eyes for some unknown reason.

After resting for a while, Charlotte started counting the day's earnings.

Excluding the 4,930 copper coins owed by Jonah and his sister, today's earnings reached 12,400 copper coins! Additionally, there was a deposit of 1,300 copper coins.

The earnings reached a new high again.

The number of patients seen also reached 43.

After a short break, Charlotte and Vivian tidied up the clinic and then left, closing the door behind them.

"Wow, the construction is progressing so fast. The building is almost completed!" Vivian marveled at the clinic across the street reaching its roof.

"It's unbelievably fast," Charlotte also froze for a moment. But when he saw the dwarf mason throwing a stone pillar weighing over a thousand kilograms with one hand to the upper level, caught effortlessly by another worker, he immediately understood.

This was the construction ability in the magical world. Even for construction, the Mad Constructer had to give a thumbs up.

The progress bar was almost full in just four days, from demolition to the foundation and now to the roof.

Today, the main structure would be completed, and then they would work on decorations and interior details. According to this construction pace, it would only take a few more days before they could move into the new clinic.

"Mrs. Landlady promised the hard furnishings, but we still need to take care of the soft furnishings ourselves. Many pieces of equipment need to be upgraded as well, such as the shadowless lamp in the operating room. It's crucial, and we must arrange it before moving into the new clinic," Charlotte contemplated in his mind.

Dim candlelight and oil lamps in a circle were a disaster for precision surgeries.

Changing the lighting in the operating room had been on his mind for a while, and now that the new clinic was about to be completed, it was the perfect opportunity to arrange it.

In addition, he needed to purchase some new furniture and prepare a new set of surgical knives and suturing tools for Vivian.

After all, the suturing needle with infinite suture thread was a system reward, and there was only one set.

And the surgical knives, one large and one small, were for Charlotte's use.

All of this required money.

After all, these were work tools. He couldn't let Vivian spend her own money to buy them, even if she was a capitalist. He couldn't do something like that.

"Go buy two black bread rolls," Charlotte handed two copper coins to Vivian.

"Shouldn't we go back to the estate for a meal?" Vivian reached out to take the copper coins but hesitated and asked.

After getting used to the rich meals at the Harriman Estate, eating black bread seemed less appetizing.

"It's already past mealtime. If we go back now, we'll only be scraping the bottom of the pot," Charlotte laughed. "Also, I need to go somewhere else to buy some things. We can have dinner directly when we return to the estate."

"Okay," Vivian complied obediently and walked quickly to the clinic across the street. She soon returned with two black bread rolls wrapped in oiled paper.

"Boss, where are we going next?" Vivian took a bite of the black bread, her words somewhat muffled.

"First, we'll go to the blacksmith's workshop to have a set of surgical knives and suturing needles customized for you," Charlotte took a bite of the dry and hard black bread.

Although he was hungry, he couldn't taste the sweetness that Vivian felt.

He regretted it a bit. He should have given her an extra copper coin so she could buy some soft bread scraps. He couldn't handle eating something hard now.

"Really!" Vivian's eyes brightened.

Charlotte nodded, "Yes, you need a set of suitable tools. Besides, the new clinic will be completed soon, and we need to purchase some new furniture and equipment.

It will cost quite a bit of money, and we might have to eat more black bread in the future."

"Boss, you're really... I'm so touched..." Vivian looked at Charlotte with a pained expression, and suddenly, the black bread in her hands became incredibly sweet.

"This fool, pitying the capitalist," Charlotte said, looking at the silly and adorable Vivian. He found it quite amusing.

If she were sold, he would probably have to count the money happily for the buyer, right?

Buddy arranged a carriage for them, driven by a fox guard.

Charlotte first went to the blacksmith's workshop on the street.

When he entered, Guy and Ab were in the forge, hammering iron. To Charlotte's surprise, Klee was there too, bending down to add coal to the furnace.

"Doctor Charlotte, why are you here?" Klee turned around when he heard the noise. Seeing that it was Charlotte, his face immediately lit up with joy.

"I'm here to have Guy customize a new set of surgical knives and suturing needles," Charlotte explained with a smile, also taking a look at Klee.

After a few days, Klee looked much better than when he was in the small black room. He had gained some weight, but compared to a dwarf blacksmith, he was still too thin and weak.

However, his eyes were bright and filled with hope, which was what Charlotte was most happy to see.

It was like he had been reborn.

"How are you feeling? Is your health improving?" Charlotte asked.

"Much better. Thanks to you, I can move normally now. I'm just physically weak and need some more time to recover. I'll see if I can still swing a hammer." Klee rubbed his darkened hands on his apron, a mix of joy and embarrassment on his face.

Guy and Ab heard their conversation and came out of the forge.

"Doctor, hello!" Ab, upon seeing Charlotte, immediately showed a smile and bowed deeply to greet him.

"Hello, young Ab," Charlotte smiled and patted Ab's head. After a few days, he hadn't grown taller but had visibly gained some muscles. He was wearing a vest, and his arms had developed muscles.

"Doctor Charlotte, why are you here? I heard a few days ago that you were attacked. I was worried for a long time, but seeing you unharmed is great,"

Guy also came forward with a joyful expression, explaining, "Tova Street has been chaotic recently, and it's not safe for Ab to go home every day. Klee also wanted to do something outside, so I temporarily let them stay here."

"That's good. At least it's safe here," Charlotte nodded. He knew why Tova Street was chaotic; the culprit was here.

However, Guy was indeed a person of strong loyalty and righteousness. It was rare to see such qualities in the Abyss.

"I came today to ask you to customize another set of surgical knives and a set of suturing needles," Charlotte said to Guy.

"Did the previous surgical knives break?" Guy exclaimed.

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