Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 98: plead

The whole reporting process of Jess Tallis seemed a bit confusing. There was no way, a twenty-nine-year-old single dog, how could he withstand the charm exuded by Midarda?

Even if the will resists, the male hormone in his body can't stand it.

It was Jess Tallis' best effort to make the whole report correct.

Therefore, after the report was finished, Jess Tallis hurriedly ran back to the auditorium in embarrassment.

He appeared to be sitting upright, but his flushed face and eyes that kept looking at Myrdarda all showed that he was not at peace.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was on the meeting, and most of them didn't notice anything strange about Jess Tallis.

Only Kewen glanced at him, and Midarda showed a more seductive smile.

Parliament continues.

Next it was Grayson's turn to speak.

She didn't say much, because she encountered the least problems.

Grayson just made a short and ordinary report, and finally made a joke to Vi with the mentality of an elder, allowing Wei to have more time to go to Picheng to help Picheng maintain law and order.

Everyone's laughter killed Wei She, and she hurriedly shouted for the next speech.

Myrdalda took up the conversation with dignity, and reported on the politics and people's livelihood in Pierwater, but the content was also lackluster.

At this point, the three councilors from Piltover had finished reporting, and they turned their attention to Zaun.

"I'll come first!"

Jinx looked very responsible, but she turned around and called Ike up.

Ike, not yet sixteen, was very reserved.

He stumbled and made a report for Jinx.

The continuous development of prosthetic technology, the replacement of flying skateboards, the supply of new weapons to the Shuangcheng Law Enforcement Bureau, and some wild ideas that Jinx came up with, etc.

He talked dryly for nearly half an hour, and finally finished a report.

When he returned to the auditorium, he was almost exhausted.

Ke Wen glanced at Xiao Douding, and he thought to himself, it's time to put more burdens on the little guy Ike.

Because the other party has that potential!

In the original fate, Ike became the leader of a gang at this time, and managed the gang well.

But now? Under the two high mountains of Wei and Jinx, Ike actually only showed his talent in technology, but his organizational ability and leadership talent never showed up.

This is not acceptable!

Ke Wen felt that it was necessary to tap out all of Ike's talents. When he fully grown up, Vi and Jinx would have another best helper, wouldn't they?

Thinking of this, Ke Wen couldn't help showing a mysterious smile to Ike.

Fortunately, no one noticed that smile, otherwise everyone who saw that smile would probably be terrified.

Parliament continues.

It was Marcos who was reporting.

Marcos' job has been a lot easier since the factional issues within the Enforcement Bureau were resolved.

So the content of his report today is very simple, just talking about how many criminals have been arrested recently, and how many outside spies are among them.

After the report, Marcos asked another question.

"My lords."

He looked around at all the congressmen and said: "After Zaun takes off, the only way to get in and out is to rely on the bridge island at the head of the Picheng bridge. Should we send more people there to maintain order and protect it?"

"It should be!"

Grayson and Vander spoke simultaneously, and then the two looked at each other with drawn eyes.

Their actions were noticed by everyone.

It's funny, it's funny, it rolled its eyes, and Jinx rubbed his arms in a very embarrassing way.

But the two parties didn't care.

Van der smiled and nodded to Grayson: "Let me tell you, I'm stupid, I can't tell."


Grayson responded, and then said to everyone: "Now, that bridge island has become an important place! Once it is destroyed, all the people of Zaun will be trapped in the floating city. When the materials are exhausted, the city of Zaun will be destroyed." It's very dangerous! So both of us must send more people there for protection!"

"I'll interrupt!"

Heimerdinger raised his short hand: "I was negligent. I didn't mention it in the previous report. In fact, the teleportation platform has no geographical restrictions. Just adjust the position of the runes in the Zaan teleportation platform. You can change the teleportation direction in Picheng at will."

"I see…"

Several congressmen who didn't know the details were stunned.

"Let's keep this topic for now."

Camille, who was also in the auditorium, suddenly interrupted.

She said softly: "I will come up with another proposal on this matter later."

Everyone was stunned and nodded again.

Then it was the turn of the next report to summarize.

Then Vander briefly said something about the happiness of the people of Zaun during this period, and then there was nothing for him to report.

After all, Van der's abilities are limited, and he is afraid that what he says will make mistakes, so it's better to continue to be a mascot honestly.

Finally it was Shirko's turn to speak.

Compared to the other three parliament **** on Zaun's side, Silko is much more responsible.

He not only reported on the sales of Shimmer Potion, but also talked about the livelihood issues that Van der could not take care of.

At this point, the parliament's review of the past is over, and it is time for the second stage of looking to the future.

Jinx immediately turned around and waved to Ke Wen: "Ke Wen, have I brought my plan?"

Ke Wen nodded, picked up a folder from the side and sent it to the conference table.

Jinx immediately projected the plan.

She pointed to the sketch of the future city in the projection and said, "Look, this is my draft for the second 'Five-Year Plan'."

Point to the upper layer of Zaun in the projection: "My plan is to flatten and rebuild the border market! Let the upper layer become a more beautiful technological city than Piltover!"

"The middle square remains the same, it is still an industrial area, and the future 'garbage treatment center' and other factories will be moved here."

"The last is the dark alley at the bottom."

Jinx pointed to the lower part of the projection screen: "The black alley is becoming the largest black market in the world! It is gradually becoming the center of contraband and smuggling! So the buildings inside also need to be rectified, the current city appearance is too dilapidated Already!"


She added: "Unless necessary, all Zaunites will no longer live in the middle and lower floors. When the upper floors are remodeled, all Zaunites will have a house in the upper floors!"

"Even the poorest Zaunite can get a private room in an apartment building!"


As soon as Jinx's voice fell, Van der immediately fell into the pie.

He clapped his hands immediately without thinking.

"Very good!"

He looked forward to and admired: "The idea of ​​​​Bangbo is great! The people of Zaun should all live on the ground! Instead of living in the Rift Valley!"

"Etc., etc!"

Wei hurriedly patted the table and said, "I said Van der, don't be too busy praising her!"

With that said, Wei looked at Jinx, pointed at the projection and said angrily, "You call this a beautiful city?"

"That's right."

Jinx was very calm: "Is my design not beautiful enough?"

"Pretty ass!"

Wei said without restraint: "What you call beautiful is this kind of graffiti? Is it this kind of strange building?"

"You are so weird!" Jinx yelled at Wei: "Your wooden head doesn't know what high technology is! You don't know what a conceptual future is!"

"Come on." Wei snorted disdainfully: "It's just that you have a problem with your aesthetics. If you don't believe me, you can ask everyone?"

Jinx immediately looked at the others.

Everyone made an air of avoidance.

"Big head?" Jinx finally stared at Heimerdinger: "We know technology best, you must agree with my conceptual design?"


Heimerdinger pulled his beard in embarrassment, and in the end he could only sneer: "Jinx, our cognitive concept may be too advanced, and the public may find it difficult to accept it. I know some urban planners and architects, How about introducing you to discuss it later?"

This remark took Jinx's face into consideration, but Jinx didn't appreciate it.

She grimaced at Heimerdinger and let out a threatening hum.

After a show of hands, the minority obeyed the majority, and Jinx could only give up the right to urban design.

Following her general regional planning, the detailed planning of the city was taken over by Heimerdinger.

With the end of this topic, other people have put forward their own outlook and plans for the "Second Five-Year Plan".

Near midnight, all the proposals were finally resolved by everyone.

But no one announced the end of the meeting, because they all remembered Camille's previous speech, so the congressmen looked towards the gallery.

Camille didn't get up, she said a 'fishing plan' in a cold voice.

She is going to make some fuss about the teleportation platform on Picheng Bridge Island, intending to attract some people who have no good intentions towards the Twin Cities.

The proposal was quickly passed unanimously.

Camille verbally thanked lawmakers for their support of her plan.

While speaking, she casually glanced at Midarda.


Midarda immediately said with a weak posture: "I don't know if I should say something."


Jinx said impatiently: "Is there anything that cannot be said?"

"Excuse me first."

Myrdalda first bowed slightly, and then said: "Since the establishment of our council, except for the 'Hexgate' that made progress for both of us, all other work has been carried out around Zaun. .”

"People's livelihood, politics, environment, economy, public security."

She gave examples one by one: "Including all the work required for 'Zuan Takeoff', most of our thoughts are helping Zaun."

"What do you mean?!" Jinx patted the table in front of him: "It's because of you Pierwater?!"

It was said that Myrdalda did not give way to Jinx this time.

She still put on a weak posture, apologetically but sincerely said: "I know that my thoughts are very disruptive to unity, but as a Mrs. Pierwater, I have some things to say."

Myrdalda looked at Heimerdinger and Grayson, and quickly glanced at Jess Tallis in the auditorium.

She went on to say, "We are the Council of the Two Cities, not the Council that serves Zaun alone!"

"The content of the first 'Five-Year Plan' was to help Zaun take off, and now everyone has achieved it through the greatest cooperation and hard work!"

"This is an achievement worth celebrating."

Myrdalda looked at Jinx and complimented him: "The next 'five-year plan' proposed by Senator Jinx is also gratifying, because it represents a broader future for Zaun."


The turning point came.

Midarda smiled wryly.

She restored the projection screen of the conference table to the scene of the two cities, then pointed to the part of Pilt City and said, "I think, does Pierwater need to be taken care of by everyone?"

"Zuan has taken off and is about to become a high-tech city."

"And what about us at Pierwater?"

Midarda shook his head pitifully: "We can only have the title of 'City of Progress' for nothing, but we can't share the light of technology that Zaun possesses."

"Ladies and gentlemen."

She looked around the crowd slowly: "Two cities are separated by a strip of water. The premise of our establishment of this council is close cooperation."


Midarda finally looked at Ke Wen in the auditorium: "Can you bring us Pierwater in the second 'Five-Year Plan'?"

The voice fell, and the entire hall became silent.

Everyone has different expressions.

Heimerdinger felt guilty again, guilty of failing to grasp the balance between the two cities again.

Grayson, Jess Tallis, and Marcus.

They are from Pierwaterf, and they empathize with Myrdalda's words!

Vander is a man of the heart.

Coupled with his recent unclear relationship with Grayson, it caused a look of indebtedness on his face.

Jinx looked indifferent and had nothing to do with himself, while Wei was frowning and thinking.

Victor and Ike in the auditorium were both from Zaun, and they both had an attitude of not intending to worry about the issue that silenced the council.

They don't bother to think, they just do what they're told to do anyway.

Only Silko's expression is He has already dedicated all his loyalty to Zaun, and he is extremely cold outside.

Shirko doesn't care if Piltover gets better or worse.

Even, he still has a grudge against Piltover in his heart.

If Kewen hadn't told him that the council of the two cities needs to be united, I'm afraid that today, when Zaun has taken off, Silko couldn't help but plan to attack Piltover!

So Silko is sober now!

He analyzed Midarda's words, and quickly realized that the other party was pretending to be pitiful.

Myrdalda confuses the original tone of the Council of Two Cities by presenting herself as a weakling!

Midarda is subverting the concept...

(end of this chapter)

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