Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 84: to kill

While Camille was plotting something secretly, Ke Wen quickly drew up a design drawing.

The blueprint is very simple, just a set of arrangement and combination of runes.

Kewen handed over the drawings to Camille, and begged again: "Give this to Heimerdinger as well."

"Is this something that resists magic?"

Camille looked at the rune formula on the manuscript.

She also knows the knowledge of runes, can recognize all the runes in the design drawings, and knows the meaning of each rune.

But when combined together, Camille couldn't understand it at all.

In desperation, she had no choice but to fold the drawing and put it in her pocket.

Then she changed the subject: "How is the mine? Is the cleanup done?"

"not yet."

Ke Wen shook his head, and cleaned up the work table in twos and twos.

Then he went on to say: "The structure in the mine is too fragile to be suitable for fierce battles, so those people in the depths have been defending and resisting."

"Your mercy is worthless."

Camille's tone was cold: "Why do you want to save those criminals? Since they are unwilling to come out and accept the arrangement, let them be buried there with the collapse of the mine."

"Vander's idea."

Ke Wen chuckled: "Then your Grayson also agreed."

"They feel that the criminals are complicated. The people of Zaun there shouldn't die, and they should get a new choice in the 'New Zaun'."

"And Grayson felt that those criminals who were exiled from other countries did not deserve to die either."

Ke Wen leaned back on the table with his hands and sat on the edge of the work table.

"She fears that those exiles will receive pardons from their country in the future."

He went on to say: "Greyson is worried that it will be bad if we don't hand over those who are forgiven, and it will easily lead to diplomatic disputes."

"The benevolence of a woman." Camille said in a low voice: "The exiled criminals, even if they are tolerated, no one will turn against Shuangcheng because of their insignificant people in the future."

Ke Wen shrugged, tilted his head, curled his lips, and used a set of three movements to express his non-commentary.

And Camille asked: "Who is the leader of those rebels?"

"A Noxian named Urgot," Corwen replied.


Camille recalled it for a while, and then suddenly said: "Remember, in order to exile that person, Noxus even submitted a letter of credence to the Council of Piltover. That Urgot was exiled by Noxus Sri Lankan high-level convictions."

"I see!"

Camille's expression changed slightly as he said: "A few days ago, the Piltover Council received another diplomatic letter, and Noxus plans to send another exiled prisoner!"

"Liaison?" Ke Wen saw through the conspiracy after a little thought.

"It should be." Camille snorted lightly: "It seems that Noxus' temptations are not limited to the 'flying gate transfer station' over there, they have also made arrangements here!"

"They sent people called exiles who were actually liaisons to communicate the terms of the amnesty."

"They want Urgot to start a riot in the 'Sinking Ditch Mine', which will affect the structure of Zaun and Pierwater! It will be convenient for Noxus to take advantage of the chaos and take away our technology!"

Hearing this, Ke Wen nodded slowly.

Then he asked: "Where are people? I don't seem to have heard of any exiled prisoners being accepted by Zaun recently."

"I declined."

Camille replied: "At that time, I knew that the mine needed to be cleaned up and was not suitable for exile, so I asked the council to use the excuse of 'Zuan has become independent' to block it back, and did not accept the liaison officer. exile the prisoner."

"It's a crooked attack." Ke Wen said with a smile: "But Noxus probably won't let it go..."

Having said that, he turned his head and glanced at the wall clock on the wall.

"It's not too late." He suggested, "You should contact Shirko and ask."

Camille didn't respond, but raised his wrist directly.

While thinking, she activated the communication function of the teleportation bracelet.

After more than ten seconds, the communication was connected by the opposite party.

Silko's tired and exhausted face appeared on the magic screen.

"Ms. Ferros." Silko greeted her and asked again, "I contacted you so late, what happened?"

"I'm at Mr. Quinn's repair shop."

Camille first reminded the importance of the matter in this way.

Sure enough, Silko on the opposite side became serious in an instant.

"We want to ask." Camille continued: "Recently, the individuals and officials of Noxus have met with someone from Zaun?"


Silko frowned: "A few days ago, a diplomatic envoy from Zaun found me!"

"What did you say?" Camille asked quietly, "Did you promise them anything?"

"An exile!"

Silko replied solemnly: "They say: It has always been a Noxian tradition to exile prisoners to Zaun."

"You know, I had a good time working with Noxus on the 'Shimmer Potion', so I agreed to them!"

"Agreed?" Camille's expression was slightly dissatisfied: "So, you have already sent that so-called exile into the mine?"

"What happened?!"

Shirko moved his face closer to the screen: "Yes! I have already sent it in, and I also explained to them in advance that the mine is about to be scrapped and collapsed! But they said that the prisoner who was sent in did not deserve to die, even if he died in the mine. It doesn't matter!"

"Looks like it's too late."

Camille said something to Ke Wen, and then explained the situation to Silko in a short language.

After listening, Shirko couldn't help yelling on the other side!

Then the screen vibrated, and it was obvious that Shirko was moving.

After a while, Shirko looked at the communication screen again: "Is it still too late?! I plan to send someone to the entrance of the mine immediately to guard!"

"Do you want to call everyone for a meeting?!"

He continued: "I've said it a long time ago! Vandel and Grayson, who are flirting with each other, are too soft-hearted! The garbage in the mine is not worthy of sympathy at all!"

"No meeting."

There was some killing intent in Camille's tone: "That would be a waste of time, the problem of the mine needs to be resolved as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Camille looked at Kewen: "Ordinary actions are no longer appropriate. I plan to go there in person, how about you?"

"Then let's go." Ke Wen nodded: "Seeing that the big day is coming, we can't let the garbage under the mine make any trouble."

Camille gave an 'um' and informed Shirko again, and then she ended the communication.

Without further ado, Kewen and Camille climbed up to the roof again, walking in mid-air towards the mine.

Soon the two arrived at the entrance of the mine, but did not enter directly.

Because it takes trouble and a lot of chatter from the guards of the mine.

The two waited for more than ten minutes, and Shirko finally rushed over with a group of combatants wearing closed armor.

Cowen and Camille just showed up.

"Mr. Quinn, Ms. Philos!"

Shirko greeted out of breath, and immediately asked, "What are you two going to do?"

"Go in and behead." Camille responded indifferently.

Shirko looked at Kewen again.

Ke Wen also nodded slowly in agreement.

"That's good!" Silko's eyes were murderous: "I will bring these people in to cooperate with you two!"

"No need."

Corvin looked at those people brought by Silko.

The eyes of those people inside the armor were all glowing with purple light, and it was obvious that they had already used the shimmer potion.

Although the 'Hex purification' device keeps them awake, these people are too powerful.

In case of any accident, I am afraid that the fragile mine will be collapsed by these people.

So Ke Wen shook his head slightly and said: "You can take someone to guard outside, and Camille and I will go in."

"Is it okay?" Shirko asked a little worried.

"Problems only happen to the weak."

Camille walked towards the entrance of the mine with a 'dangdang': "It's just cleaning up some garbage, and it's just a waste of time drinking tea."

Ke Wen smiled when he heard the sarcasm.

He gave Silko a 'reassuring' look, and then followed up.

Silko was very speechless, so he had to assign people to surround the entrance of the mine.

the other side.

Kewen and Camille entered the mine, and the two went deep along the cave illuminated by the "chemical fluorescent lamp".

There was no one to be seen outside the mine, and the two of them went nearly 500 meters deep, only to find the miner in a large cave.

A dozen miners in the cave also discovered Kewen and Camille.

A miner whose arms had been modified by the "twilight prosthesis" took a step forward, and asked Ke Wen and Camille repulsively, "Who are you?! Today is not the time to turn over the mine!"

"Is it mine?"

Camille slightly turned his head to look at Cowen beside him: "Fandre is indeed too weak, obviously he can starve to death all those who plot to resist here."

"It's because of worry."

Ke Wen said softly: "Fandre should be worried that the other party will die and the net will be broken. If the mine collapses, it will be bad, and it will cause the rift to collapse again."

"Lacks guts."

Camille's tone was slightly disdainful: "Why not poison the food, isn't Singed a master alchemist? How difficult is it to prepare a chronic poison?"

Scanning the dozen or so miners who were still confused about the situation, Camille went on to say: "Even if we can't poison everyone, but after most of them are poisoned, the rest of the people won't have time to collapse the mine. It’s time to bring someone to rush in for a thorough cleanup, what a simple thing, but it has been made so troublesome.”


! "

The miners finally reacted, and the miner with prosthetic limbs roared angrily: "You..."


Camille was too lazy to listen to the other party's long-winded words, so she shot a throwing knife suddenly.

A moment later, the flying knife accurately pierced the miner's throat, causing him to stop in shock and despair, and fell down with his hands covering his neck!

And Camille continued to attack after the shot.

She swooped down and covered a distance of more than twenty meters in an instant.

Rushing into the crowd of miners, Camille moved quickly like a dancing butterfly.

Fluorescent light flickered on a pair of leg blades.

After some short screams, Camille fell to the ground again with a 'ding'.

Plop! Plop!

The last two corpses with wide-eyed eyes made a sound of falling.

Camille glanced around indifferently, and then walked deeper into the mine while saying hello to Cowen: "Hurry up, the air here is disgusting."


Ke Wen responded and shook his hands, causing two pistols to appear in his hands.

After crossing the cave as an exchange point, the two entered another mine.

After advancing for more than a hundred meters, they saw the figure again.

Some miners are tapping on the rock wall, and all miners' bodies have undergone the transformation of "twilight prosthetic limbs", making their mining work extremely easy.

The appearance of Ke Wen and Camille surprised the miners.

Camille still doesn't talk too much, and immediately launched an attack without any fuss.

She shot two hook locks on her hip bones, making her figure fly around in the narrow mine.

The light of the knife flashed instantly when she passed all the miners, and the figure passed by, leaving only the corpses of the miners.

After the killing started, the miners farther away were still yelling and wanting to rush over for support.

But within a few steps, they were shocked by Camille's killing speed.

When Camille easily killed nearly twenty people, the remaining miners all screamed and turned around and ran away.

Camille snorted at that.

She shot the hook lock again, and the hook lock led her body to accelerate to the depths of the mine to catch up.

Ke Wen stopped watching, and he also accelerated slightly and charged.

The two chased the miner all the way deep, and chased to the next large cave.

This cave seems to be a rest area, and many small caves have been carved out of the mountain wall.

After Kewen and Camille chased the miners into the cave, many miners poked their heads out of the cave because of the disturbance.

Cowen and Camille did not stop watching.

Camille charged into the crowd, killing everything she saw.

The double guns in Ke Wen's hands also fired.

Amidst the series of gunshots, streamers of light shot out from the muzzle of the gun, helping Camille to eliminate the surrounding besiegers.

The killing speed of the two is too fast!

Every action of Camille must kill at least one person!

Ke Wen is not far His rhythm of gunfire is uninterrupted!

No one could get within ten meters of him, and there was even time to kill those miners who wanted to escape into several mines.

In just three minutes, the two killed more than two hundred miners in the cave.

Ke Wen stopped Camille, who wanted to find a mine at random and continue to go deeper.

Then he shook his hand abruptly.

A bullet drew an arc-shaped streamer in the air, and instantly penetrated into a cave on the mountain wall.

There was a corresponding scream.

Under Camille's astonished gaze, Kewen kept swinging his arms, and flew to different caves in arcs one after another, killing the miners hiding in them with their breath held...

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