Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Chapter 61: Construct

   Seeing Ollivander admitted that the reason he was able to remember each wand and its owner was because of the effect of the'memory spell', Kewen couldn't help being a little too excited.

"You said Mrs. Pince in the college library will also..." Cowen thought of something at this time, and suddenly said: "No wonder! No wonder Mrs. Pince can easily point out the location of all the books! It was because she too. Know the advanced usage of the'memory spell'!"

"Well, that's right." Ollivander looked at Cowen's excitement and nodded amusedly: "A few more generations, my family and Mrs. Peaces' family are close relatives, so their family , And now he also masters the advanced usage of the'memory spell'."

   "Sir, I really can't wait!" After hearing the words, Kewen looked at the potion in Ollivander's hand with beaming eyes, and asked eagerly: "How do you use this potion? Drink it directly?"

   "That's right." Ollivander nodded and said with a smile: "The configuration of this potion is no less difficult than that of the'fuling potion'. You must remember a few steps before drinking this potion."

   "Sir, please say!" Kewen's expression became focused and serious.

   Ollivander was very satisfied with Cowen's seriousness. He was really afraid that Cowen had always been so impatient. It would not be conducive to the study of the'memory spell', and there was a high chance that the potion was wasted.

Seeing that Kewen calmed down, Ollifan began to exhort in German: "First of all, kid, you need to master the standard spell of the'memory spell'. Once the spell is mastered and mastered proficiently and correctly, you can drink the potion, yes. I applied a'memory spell' by myself."

   "I remember it!" Kewen nodded heavily.

"I haven't finished it yet." Ollivander let out a laugh, and continued: "The first time you finish drinking the potion, you have to conceive it in your mind, and use your consciousness to create a place to store your memories. Basically It’s the library, because the library is the most suitable."

   "So the effect of this potion is to immobilize the ‘library’ conceived by your consciousness. This is the most important step!"

   "Conceive..." Cowen pondered, then looked at Ollivander and said deliberately: "I think I have no problem. I can imitate a Hogwarts library."

"Very good." Ollivander nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "After the virtual library is fixed in consciousness, you have to partition the library step by step. My suggestion is to combine life, common sense, and knowledge. After the memories are sorted, they are grouped into different sections of the library."

   "Well, I remembered it!" Kewen seriously confirmed again.

   "I believe in you." Ollivander smiled and encouraged: "After all, I haven't seen a kid smarter than you."

   Kewen smiled modestly, but asked with some worry: "Mr. That, I mean, what if you fail?"

  Ollivander laughed when he heard the words, and then comforted: "Don't worry, there will be no hidden dangers other than wasting this precious potion."

   "That's okay." Kewen was relieved.

"No, that's not good." Ollivander kept smiling and shook his head: "Child, this potion is not easy to configure. After all, the formula of this potion is also confidential, and I don't have much luck in potion configuration. That’s why I want me to dispense another bottle of potion. I’m afraid I don’t know how long to wait or how much Jin Jialong will be wasted."

   "Huh?" Cowen was dumbfounded.

   "So boy, you have to be serious." Ollivander jokingly exhorted.

   "Well, I will!" Kewen replied somewhat solemnly.

   "Come on, let's learn the'memory spell' first, and I will teach you the correct reading of the spell." Ollivander put the potion aside first, and then said to Cowen.

   Kewen responded and raised the spirit of tenth.

   Next, Kewen followed Ollivander to recite the mantra of'Memory Mantra' over and over again. Even if he had ensured that he could read it correctly, Kewen continued to read it for a while.

Confirming that he could not make a mistake, Kewen went on to the next step and began to experiment with the common usage of the'memory spell'. After receiving a book on magic wand materials handed over by Ollivander, he began to use the'memory spell' to try it. memory.

   The result of the test was very successful.

   The content of the whole book, Kewen only read it roughly, and did not memorize it specifically.

   But under the effect of the'memory spell', after closing the book, Kewen still remembered the content of the whole book clearly.

   Ollivander took a page to ask a question, and Kewen answered all the questions correctly.

   At this point, the common usage of'Memory Mantra' has been completely mastered by Kewen, and the next important moment is coming.

   After taking a few deep breaths, Corvin was calm, and under Ollivander's attention, he unplugged the cork and drank the potion with his head up.

   "Okay! Now use your mind to build a virtual library in your mind!" Ollivander appeared to be a little nervous and reminded.

   Kewen nodded slightly seriously, then closed his eyes and focused more.

   But at the beginning of building a library in his mind, Kewen couldn't help but slip away for a moment.

  Because he thought of computers, he wondered if he could build a ‘virtual computer’ to With this idea, he couldn't help but get out of control.

   Yes, if you compare memory to data, then the computer can also distinguish the storage perfectly. Whether it is splitting disks or creating folders, isn't it more convenient and detailed than a library?

   And the computer can also be used as a calculator.

   Kewen divergent thinking: I just know a lot of algorithm formulas, etc. If you build a computer, can you use it to calculate it more easily?

   There are also magic spells that can be mastered. You can compare them to small programs. Then the computer can also run these programs with one click. If you change it to your body, can you successfully release the spell with a single thought?

  The more I think about it, the more Kewen feels that building a computer is better than building a library.

   Because of the concentration of thoughts, the corner of the library structure that Kewen had originally made up in his mind has disappeared unknowingly, and instead appeared the image of the computer interface.

   When Kewen reacted, he had already made up the picture of the hard disk partition almost in his mind.

   My heart aroused, my thoughts cleared.

   But there is no time to correct it, because he feels that the effect of the medicine in his body is quickly disappearing.

   From this, Kewen can only grit his teeth, and just use the computer mode without changing it.

However, there is not much time for the effectiveness of the medicine, and Kewen has no time to add the'calculator' program in detail, so he can only construct the partition of the hard disk first. As for the auxiliary programs such as'calculator' and'curse release', I can only wait to talk about it slowly in the future.

   It’s a big deal. If he can’t build a perfect one this time, he will study the potion configuration carefully in the future, configure the potion himself and apply the upgrade patch...

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