
Chapter 34: Friendly Elf

Deep into the forests surrounding Scorrest, Arierane calmly walks along a small trail leading to seemingly nowhere, cloaked and hooded. The only hints of where Ken could have gone are the footprints she is lucky to find or the dead bodies he’s left behind.

Soon after leaving the city limits, it was clear to Arierane that a group of mercenaries tried to follow and capture Ken in a last-ditch effort. The way she knows this is from the corpses along the trail. No gunshot wounds, only slash or stab wounds. However, what bothers her the most is the brutality in which some of the mercenaries were killed. It seems as if Ken was purposely, and rather sadistically, inflicting pain and suffering to those who chase after him. The mercenaries are bludgeoned and bloody. Most of the bodies are mutilated, missing arms, missing legs; some were even beheaded. The few who weren’t were left to die, hardly even breathing by the time Arierane found them. Whether this is a warning to her or not, Ken has revealed himself to have a threatening dark side.

Ever since Lady Thorne sheltered them, Arierane has continually tried to break into Ken’s mind. Every night she tried, and every time she failed. It was made impossible after discovering Ken’s injury caused memory loss, and his mind became a convoluted mess.

Now, as she walks through the forest chasing after Ken’s tracks, she has time to think. She tightly grips her wooden recurve bow, which she retrieved from a hidden location after Ken ran away. It may already be impossible to salvage her initial objective of taking control of Ken. Infiltrating Ardai Industries might have to be abandoned unless she finds another one of their people.

But then why is she still going after Ken? It might be because she feels sorry for him. Her greedy actions made him severely unstable and may have caused permanent damage. Every night she tried to force his memories to come back, she would hear him talk extensively in his sleep. Though she didn’t understand a lot of what Ken referenced, she understood the basic story. He was a warrior in some war-torn area. Thinking he was doing good by fighting evil, he became evil himself.

It’s inexplicable, she never cared much for people’s sob stories, but something about Ken makes Arierane sympathetic. Maybe it’s because she has a direct impact on his apparent suffering. It was always interesting to observe how calm and normal Ken was during the day while telling a traumatic horror story in his sleep.

Just what kind of person is Ken? Arierane feels conflicted. She is too prideful to care about someone, especially a human, but Ken is far more interesting than most people she meets. The only thing she knows for sure is that he’s dangerous, and she may be making a mistake by chasing after him. The dead mercenaries he left behind have cemented a dark image in Arierane’s mind. Few people are capable of inflicting such extensive damage to others.



The sky has become dark blue as the first signs of sunlight graze the atmosphere. It’s still a while before sunrise, but the early hours provide enough illumination to see without moonlight. After hours of tracking, Arierane has eventually come across coach wreckages, where the ambush took place. Wanting to scan the area before walking into it, she swiftly climbs onto a tree branch and observes.

“So this is where you came…” she whispers as she hides behind the thick leaves and tree trunk.

The area immediately around the ambush site is cleared of trees. Evidence of a battle is still there, but its evident nature has already started to heal. Ken sits on the ground with his knees up, leaning against the remains of the armored coach, still wearing the commoner clothes that Lady Throne gave him. They are stained with smudges of red. His hair is messy and unkempt, with multiple clumped strands of hair hanging in front of his face. Arierane can see he is depressed.

With the excitement of battle long past, the cool temperatures of the early morning become more noticeable. While Ken seems unbothered, Arierane wraps her cloak around herself tighter as she observes Ken for a few minutes.

Ken is staring at a small blue object he holds in front of his face. It’s the blue rose pin he wore, which he found lying in the dirt. He spins the pin in his fingers as his tired eyes mindlessly stare at it. He has otherwise been motionless, and he hardly even blinks.

Arierane holds her recurve bow and an arrow as if she is about to draw. She debates with herself about what she should do. Killing him crossed her mind but seeing how much her failed mind control attempts damaged him, she thinks otherwise. At the least, she can apologize to him.

Arierane jumps down from the tree without making any noise and slowly walks out from the trees and bushes and into the open.

As soon as he hears the sound of crunching leaves, Ken points his Glock 19 at Arierane without looking and pulls the trigger.

Arierane flinches and closes her eyes, but nothing happens. The gun only clicks, and Arierane lets out a heavy sigh of relief. That was stupid of her to put herself in danger, but she no longer wishes to fight.

Ken lowers his gun as he’s reminded that he fired all the rounds already.

Arierane drops her bow onto the floor and lowers her hood to show she isn’t hostile.

“What do you want?” Ken asks. Fatigue is apparent in his tone.

“I just came to apologize—”

“Don’t. I don’t want your sympathy.”

Arierane carefully walks over to Ken and sits a few feet from him. She also leans against the destroyed armored coach. “How do you feel?”

“Do you care?”

Arierane says nothing, and they sit in silence. Ken continues to fiddle with the pin while Arierane watches.

“What does ‘somo… fer-saz… spes-ales’ mean?” Arierane asks.

Ken stops fiddling with the pin and stares into the distance. What did Arierane just say? It sounds familiar but butchered. After a brief moment of thinking, Ken thinks he knows what she said, but it only raises a question.

“Where did you hear that?”

“You talk a lot in your sleep. When we were in Lady Thorne’s estate, you said it many times.”

Ken looks back down at the pin before slowly saying, “It means ‘We are Special Forces’ in another language.”

“What language?”

“Spanish. You wouldn’t know it.”

Since the common tongue was widely adopted when the Glasse Era began, all previous languages faded away, but their records remain. Despite having access to plenty of historical and academic material when she lived in the Nanatian Empire, Spanish isn’t something she Arierane recognizes at all. How strange, she thinks.

“What happened to Rodrigo?”

Once again, Ken is surprised. He was never someone who talked during their sleep. He can only assume it’s because of Arierane’s interference.

“How much do you know?” Ken asks.

“I know you grew close to him and his mother. He likely saw you as a friend, perhaps even a father figure. I also know that he was lured into a trap by a criminal group. ‘Los Zetas’, was it?”

Ken nods in silence as Arierane recounts what she learned.

“I know not much of what you referenced, but I understand that Rodrigo was killed. I remember that well; you were panting and sweating as you voiced your frustrations to your fellow soldiers. You wanted to attack but were ordered not to, no matter how desperate you became.”

Ken tilts his head back and scans the sky, trying to stay calm. He hates remembering that exact moment. That single gunshot made him vicious and hateful.

“But, what happened after that? Was it so hard to witness? Surely as a soldier, you witnessed death before.”

“It wasn’t just his execution,” Ken softly says. He deeply breathes in and exhales before saying, “The following morning after they left, we went back to that place. I wanted to give him a burial. But, when we got there, we found something else. His body was left dismembered and with dozens of bullet wounds. Feet, legs, hands, and arms were cut off. His head too. Ears. Fingers. Those fuckers even cut through his abdomen and ripped out his organs. Nothing was recognizable when we went back. Just a pile of rotting flesh.” His voice almost cracks. A few tears fall from his eyes, and he tries to wipe them away. “For the next year, I decided to do to them what they did to Rodrigo. No mercy. No matter who it was, they would pay.”

Arierane listens, mortified. She has never heard such an act of evil before. Despite death being so common, no one ever went beyond simply killing someone. Not even in all the years of being a Royal Ranger, she’s never encountered anyone who came close to the same level of cruelty.

“A-and, Z-42? Who was he?”

“Z-42 is an alias. His name is Omar Treviño Morales, leader of Los Zetas. He was there when Rodrigo was executed, probably ordering his dismemberment too. I’m sure he knew he was an informant and that we were watching the execution, knowing we couldn’t do anything but watch.” Ken gives a heavy sigh in frustration. “We never got the chance to kill him. He was captured by another force not long after and should still be in prison.”

Arierane watches Ken continually rub his eyes. She is saddened by Ken’s experiences and can’t imagine having to go through all that. The frustration of Z-42 slipping away must be unbearable.

“And his mother?” she gently asks.

“She never knew what happened. To her, Rodrigo is just missing. After Z-42 was captured, we went back to kill off the Los Zetas group we monitored for so long—wiped it clean. Then we left; went to look for new targets in other areas. I couldn’t bear the thought of telling her what I’d done. Not after she gave me her homegrown roses and thanked me for taking care of her son.”

Ken flicks the rose pin towards Arierane, and it lands at her feet. She picks it up and examines the pin. It’s small but intricate, and Ken’s story gives it a heavy meaning.

“All because we thought they wouldn’t suspect a kid. I got him killed.”

“I do not think you should torture yourself as much as you do. You were only doing your job—”

“Really? Destroying a family?”

“Do you not think it is better to try than never try at all? It is a shame it didn’t work the way you wanted, but would it have been any better if someone else was in your place?

Ken stays silent. Words repeat in his mind, Arierane uses the same arguments he was constantly told. It was never the words he wanted to hear.

“I’ll tell you something. Elves have twice the lifespan of humans. I am fifty-two years old; I have over twenty years of combat experience, and I can tell you that you are nowhere near the worst that I’ve seen. No one has… mutilated bodies as extensively as you, but you at least recognize what is and isn’t wrong. You feel remorse and guilt, which is something not many people in this world are capable of. Even I have done things I never wanted but did anyway for the sake of my people.”

Ken glances at Arierane, forgetting that this isn’t Earth and is an entirely different fantastical world. He has forgotten that Arierane is an elf, despite looking so normal. It’s surreal to think she is twice his age while looking to be the same age.

Arierane moves to sit right next to Ken. They are side by side, and Arierane raises her hand toward Ken’s forehead.

“If you allow me, I want to show you something. I promise you no harm, no dirty tricks.”

Ken is tired. He has little energy to argue with her and simply lets her do whatever she wants to do.

An electrical arc sparks between Arierane’s fingers before her palm rests on Ken’s forehead. Suddenly a wave of emotions invades. He feels intense fear, dread, and vulnerability. The feeling of hopelessness and sadness swirls in his mind as he starts to panic from the sudden emotions.

Arierane’s mind control magic can’t let Ken see her memories or experiences, but she can show him her emotions during them. The scene in her mind is a distant childhood memory that has scarred her for years; it’s the source of her hatred for the Venesian Empire and why she became a Royal Ranger despite everyone’s disapproval.

Arierane lets go of Ken and allows him to digest what he felt.

“What was that?” he mutters, unsure of what occurred.

“That was what I went through once. Thirty-seven ago, I was roaming the coast of my homeland, far from any village.”


“The Nanatian Empire. It was during a time when countless kidnappings were rumored to be happening all over the Nurran continent. My best friends and I were attacked by a band of Venesian slavers who were waiting for us. We failed to notice their ship in the distance; we were too occupied with our games. They caught us, and we boarded their ship in chains and shackles. Then the slavers became bored as they searched for more unsuspecting elves, and they brought some of my friends to their quarters. For hours I heard them commit unspeakable acts, and I tried to escape. I had little control of my magic at that time, but I miraculously broke the chains that bound me, and I escaped. I couldn’t do anything to save my friends, and I haven’t heard of them since.”

No words are spoken. Ken played an image in his mind as Arierane narrated. It isn’t something he is unaware of either; he has also dealt with kidnappings. He’s even done it himself. Regardless, he empathizes with her experience. It’s unnerving that cruelty can exist anywhere, even in other worlds.

“I became a recluse in the following years, never wanting to leave my home for fear of experiencing it again. But as the years went by, I learned that it was useless. There was no point locking myself away to avoid being locked somewhere else. I still had a life to live. You are not evil, Ken, far from it. You only did what you could.”

“What a crazy world,” Ken mutters, “an elf showing empathy and lecturing me on life’s misfortunes.”

“Is that supposed to mean something?” Arierane asks.

Ken’s lips twitch, almost giving a small smile. Most depictions of elves he has seen show elves as arrogant supremacists, but Arierane doesn’t seem too bad. In fact, she is relatively friendly despite trying to scramble his mind.

“I was injured and taken out of action after everything went down,” Ken starts. “It was nearly fatal, and it made me reflect. After a whole year of nothing but killing those criminals, I was left with all the time in the world just to think. Lying in that bed and waiting to recover. Suicide crossed my mind many times, wishing the wounds I received killed me. I was close to turning a gun on myself, but then the opportunity to come here came. I decided to take it. Bury my past and live a new life here.”

Despite Ken speaking nearly with no filter, he doesn’t say anything too classified. Arierane can only assume that Ken comes from some faraway country few people know of. The only inconsistency is that she has no knowledge of any country that produces guns like the one Ken has, nor has she heard of any criminal organization called ‘Los Zetas’, and the language is a complete mystery.

Manipulating minds isn’t the same as reading them. It does not mean she can see his memories. All she can learn from mind control is what she can make someone do or say.

“After sitting here and reflecting on that mess, I think you’re right,” Ken says after a long pause. “Shit happens. Just have to do what I can and hope for the best. I don’t know what voodoo magic you did to me, but I find it easier to say and accept that than ever before.”

“Me? I simply told you what I experienced. If magic helped you, it’s likely Grandmaster Geiszler’s doing. His magic overpowers mine. By the way, is the memory restoration still ongoing?”

Ken shakes his head. “No. It all came back to me while I sat here by myself. I remember everything.”

“I see. I suppose you must be angry with me.”

“A little bit, but in a way, I feel thankful that you forced me to deal with my problems. I would never have talked about it this thoroughly.” Ken rubs his tiresome eyes once more. “I think I’ll always carry the weight of what happened, but I think it at least won’t be as heavy.”

Arierane smiles and looks up at the sky. It’s turning red, dawn is here, and sunrise is not too far off.

Though Arierane still feels terrible about tampering with Ken’s mind, she’s happy that she helped him deal with his demons. She never thought she would be retelling her childhood trauma to someone else, a human no less. If nothing else, maybe she can befriend him. She may not achieve control as she intended, but she may gain an exciting and powerful ally.

At this time, Arierane hears an approaching carriage, and she turns her head to look down the road. In the distance, a luxurious stagecoach comes closer and closer.

“Someone’s coming,” she says.

“That looks like Lady Thorne’s coach.”

“That makes no sense. She should have no knowledge of our whereabouts.”

Both suspect something is wrong, and they stand up. Arierane picks up her bow and holds an arrow in her other hand.

“Don’t do anything yet, Aria. Lady Thorne hasn’t done anything so far.”

Lady Thorne’s coach comes to a stop, and the coachman knocks behind him. The curtains are briefly moved aside before the door opens. A tall man with a short black beard and long hair wearing a long and baggy cloak steps out. Arierane doesn’t recognize the man, and she becomes nervous. Soon after, another man with lighter and shorter hair steps out, equally unknown to her. Both carry weapons she’s never seen before, only very roughly resembling a musket. One of them slightly raises their gun as a precaution.

Arierane feels danger, but Ken just motions his hand to show restraint.

“Stay still, you two, no sudden movements.”

Ken grins, happy to see his teammates haven’t forgotten about him. “Oh, how happy I am to see you two again.”

“Kai,” Jax says, “is that really you?”

“I can’t be anyone else.”

“No shit? Are you all right? I thought your mind was supposed to be fucked?”

Jax happily holds his hand out. They shake hands and bump shoulders. Both are delighted to be reunited.

“It was, but I’m perfectly fine now. Who told you?”

“Grandmaster Geiszler,” Matt says, “we were worried you were compromised and deserted.”

Matt puts his hand on Ken’s shoulder and says in a lower tone, “We saw the two bodies back there. Are you sure you’re all right?”

Ken gently nods his head. He knows Matt worries about him despite how little he shows it. “It was heavy, but I think I’ll be fine.”

From behind Matt and Jax, Eleanor slowly approaches and smiles when Ken sees her. “You live.”

“Great to see you too, Eleanor. You miss me?”

“Only slightly,” she playfully says, “but I’m relieved you are well.”

“Who’s that?” Jax asks, pointing at Arierane, who watches their reunion with interest.

“That’s Aria.”

“Arierane,” she firmly corrects.

“These are my close friends,” Ken tells her, “no mind games.” Ken turns back to Matt. “She’s the elf who nearly got me killed.”

“Elf? You’re an elf?” Jax asks with curiosity.

Arierane is hesitant but responds by moving aside her hair to reveal her pointy ears. “I am.” Everyone watches with intrigue, which makes Arierane slightly uncomfortable. This is the first time Matt and Jax ever see an elf up close.

“The Grandmaster mentioned a Nanatian Royal Ranger. Is that you?” Eleanor questions.

“Yes, but please understand, I no longer wish to do any more harm to Ken.”

“Kai.” Matt gives a questioning glare to Ken as if asking if Arierane is dangerous.

“Aria’s not hostile, not anymore at least. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, of course. Once again, I apologize for the trouble I caused.”

“If we’re done here, we should go,” Matt comments.

“Go where? Efielge?” Ken questions.

“The Countess’ estate. We met, and she told us what happened. She knows about Ardai Industries and wants to make some sort of deal.”

“All right then, I guess we’ll go.” Ken turns to Arierane before following Matt, Jax, and Eleanor to the stagecoach. “I guess you have other things to do.”

“Not at all. I would like to accompany you back to the city.”

Arierane follows everyone to the stagecoach, and they climb aboard. Though the stagecoach can fit nine people, it’s still reasonably cramped. The coachman signals the horses to walk, and the stagecoach leaves the area.

Throughout the duration of the trip, Ken is briefed on what everyone knows. Arierane sits in silence as Ken is told everything Lady Thorne and Grandmaster Geiszler told everyone. He already knew she was an elf who was likely from Nanatia, but her affiliation to the elite Royal Rangers was a bit of a surprise to him.

Despite everyone’s suspicion of Arierane, she insists she no longer has any ulterior motive or goal. Her original mission has already failed, and all she has left to do is return to Nanatia for a new assignment.

After everyone introduces themselves to each other, they rest and wait until they reach their destination. Ken falls asleep to get some much-needed rest. His mind is too exhausted to stay awake.




Hours later, the stagecoach arrives at Lady Thorne’s estate. They are greeted by Knights, maids, and the steward who awaited their arrival.

Inside a large extravagant dining room, Lady Thorne patiently waits as she swirls a glass of red wine. Always in a presentable state, she wears yet another fine dress. Standing beside her are Horton and Vara, the two young assassins who captured the Tabellarii agent for Lady Thorne.

When the gold-decorated double doors open, Lady Thorne is relieved that they decided to come. The lead Knight enters first, followed by the steward, Wilfred Hulle, and finally everyone else.

“Welcome, everyone,” Lady Thorne says. “I trust everything went well.”

“Perfectly,” Matt says.

“Kenneth, darling, may I ask what happened?”

“She happened,” he points at Arierane.

“So it seems. I would have expected more hostility between you two.”

“Yeah, we tried to kill each other, but in the end, she helped me deal with some personal stuff. So I guess we’re neutral.”

“What an interesting turn of events. I would have never thought I’d see a Royal Ranger fail their objective,” Lady Thorne smirks at Arierane.

“I had a change of heart. You see, Ken struggled with—”

“Pause it right there,” Ken interrupts. “No need to announce it.”


“Why have you returned, dear Arierane? A Royal Ranger must be busy, I’m sure.”

“Lady Thorne, I simply wanted to apologize for the trouble I caused and to thank you for the hospitality you showed us.”

“My oh my, this I didn’t expect. I suppose you are welcome, dear.”

“So, what was it you invited us for?” Matt asks.

Lady Thorne motions at the large table in the middle and invites everyone to sit down. Following her suggestion, everyone sits down around the table. Interestingly, Eleanor and Arierane decide to sit next to Ken, which Matt and Jax both notice.

“As I previously mentioned, I wish to establish a relationship with Ardai Industries.”

“What kind?” Matt asks.

“Business. Ardai Industries rises in prestige, and it is already causing a shift in Scorcia’s economy. So I offer my assistance to help your company grow. I’m sure your superiors would be quite interested.”

Matt, Jax, and Ken briefly glance at each other before turning their attention back to Lady Thorne. “Actually,” Ken says, “I’m the owner.”

“What?” Arierane blurts out, in complete surprise.

“Marvelous!” Lady Thorne says with a giggle. “Simply marvelous! I wouldn’t have guessed you to be the owner of Ardai Industries. That would explain the theories you presented to the Scorrest Academy.”

“So, what kind of assistance can you provide?” Matt asks, ignoring everyone’s brief surprise.

“Anything you may want, darling.”

“We appreciate it, but we are already expanding relatively quickly. I don’t think you could do much for us,” Jax comments.

“If I’m not mistaken,” Lady Thorne says, “Ardai Industries is headquartered in Efielge. We can both agree that a branch in Scorrest is likely, if not guaranteed. I offer to manage that branch and sponsor Ardai Industries as a whole.”

“Sponsor? We have no financial issues.”

“Not monetarily, darling. I offer my Coat of Arms. In case you have forgotten, I am a Countess. Despite not being as wealthy or as politically powerful, support and backing from the House of Thorne will undoubtedly grant you many benefits.”

“Such as?”

“People are more inclined to buy from people backed by nobility than anything else. Furthermore, a deal with me will grant you access to nobility. More nobles are more likely to negotiate when the weight of another noble is behind them. Assassinations also become more difficult when nobility is involved, which I’m sure Kenneth may be interested in.”

Everyone thinks over Lady Thorne’s offer. Ardai Industries is advancing rapidly, and they have already looked into expanding to other cities. Backing from a noble house is actually a fascinating idea which no one has previously thought of. If Lady Thorne can propel Ardai Industries as she claims, it may be extremely beneficial.

The Venesian and STC problem also catches their attention. They have had to fight and defend against constant attacks that even one of their own risked death. If protection from a noble can reduce the chances of another ambush, it might be the most significant benefit of all. Considering how resistant the EIA is to sending more teams, Ken is very drawn into Lady Thorne’s offer. The only question is the price.

“What do you ask in return?” Eleanor asks on their behalf.

“The House of Thorne diminishes, darling. I am the only living Thorne, and everyone expects my House to become extinct. I believe Ardai Industries can revive the House of Thorne and restore the economic and political power we once wielded.”

“So you want to use us to restore your House?” Eleanor scoffs.

“I would be greatly indebted,” Lady Thorne says softly.

“Do you have any other assets or resources we could access?” Jax asks. “Anything that might be useful for us. Your knights, maybe? Any property? Or even those two assassins there?” Jax points at Vara and Horton, who have been completely silent the entire time. “Nice bow, by the way. I don’t remember us selling those.”

The one named Horton takes the compound bow from his shoulder and gently places it on the table. He then points at Ken and says in a monotone voice, “He sold it.”


Horton gently nods while he makes eye contact with Ken.

Since entering the estate, Ken felt familiarity when he saw the pair of young assassins. In a very goth-like aesthetic, Horton and Vara look familiar, and Vara’s unique red makeup around her dead eyes reminds him of Marc’s store in Efielge.

“Yeah, you two look familiar. Did you buy that at Lenning’s Armory in Efielge?”

“Yes. It’s a good bow,” Horton dully says.

“Glad you like it,” Ken says before making eye contact with Vara. “How’s the finger?”

Creating a very awkward moment, Vara stays completely silent, much like she did when she cut her finger playing with the karambit she bought. She looks pretty anti-social.

“Right…” Ken mutters.

“Rough,” Arierane giggles. “Terrible salesman you are to make them so dull.”

“I do have something that may interest you,” Lady Thorne asserts to get the discussion back on topic. “I have built up a vast network of spies and informants within Scorrest over the past few years. I have been using them to learn everything that goes on in the city.”

“Is it from your quest to learn why the King did what he did?” Ken asks, remembering Lady Thorne’s hunger for answers. He can distinctly remember Lady Thorne’s sad face when she told him about her family’s execution and the King’s contradictory action to allow her to live.

“Yes. They have served me well, and continue to do so. If information is what you crave, be it for economic advantage or to thwart STC plots, I can give you that information.”

“That would indeed be very useful,” Eleanor says. As a spy, any new source of information is always a plus for her.

“I think,” Jax says, “we should take the deal. We don’t lose anything.”

“Kai, your call. You know her more than us.”

“You don’t think I’m too unstable after what happened yesterday?”

“We trust you, Kai. You’re CEO, after all.”

After what he’s been through, Ken thought Matt or Jax would have taken control of Ringleader and Ardai until they were sure he was stable. This is a pleasant surprise for him; they still have trust in his judgment.

“Lady Thorne, I think we have a deal.”

“Splendid,” she happily replies. “Now, there is another matter I would like to discuss. Wilfred.”

The steward approaches the table as everyone observes. He carries a canvas sack with him which creates a metallic noise inside. He opens the bag and spills its contents onto the table. Its dozens of spent 5.56x45mm casings. Everyone’s heart drops, and the Ringleader team knows they have been caught. They were too preoccupied to care for the remains of the gunfight.

“We cleaned the site of battle, and these were scattered all over the street. Your firearms seem far too powerful and advanced, even for Ardai Industries. I know you hide them under your cloaks.”

Everyone sits in silence, unable to come up with a convincing argument. Even Arierane shows surprise. She has also wondered about the firearm Ken used during their fight. Again, with her extensive knowledge, she has never seen such weapons.

“I do not intend to blackmail,” Lady Thorne says, “it’s just simple curiosity. If it relieves you, we can keep this a secret between everyone at this table.”



After the brief discussion with Lady Thorne, Ken requested they end the conversation and pick it up later. Lady Thorne allowed it and suggested they take all the time they needed. She has little motive to force them to reveal their true identities and only wants cooperation. She offered everyone a room in her mansion and suggested they take time to unwind for a few days as a sign of goodwill.

Birds chirp, winds blow, the sun shines on the neatly cut grass. The three Ringleader members and Eleanor discuss outside standing next to a fountain in the estate’s courtyard. They debate if they should tell Lady Thorne their identities. All Lady Thorne and Arierane know is their affiliation with Ardai Industries.


“I think it is fine,” she says. “She wouldn’t have helped us with the Tabellarii otherwise.”

“I’m still not convinced,” Matt mentions. “Our operations here are classified. It was a fluke that you figured it out, but telling the Countess when she doesn’t know can compromise us.”

“She hates the Venesians and has no stable relationship with the nobility here.”

“But she’s still a noble, not a spy.”

“I think I side with Eleanor,” Jax comments, “DED Command might be interested in working with nobility.”


Ken digests their arguments. Lady Thorne certainly seems reliable enough, and Jax might be right. More allies and connections give the EIA more space to move around on this side of the world.

“I think we should tell her. Matt, I’ll take the blame if it goes wrong.”

“Fine. What about the elf?”

“Aria,” Ken reminds them. “I know she tried to hijack my mind and screw with Ardai, but I think we can also bring her onboard.”

“Kai, we can’t go around recruiting everyone we meet. There has to be a reason,” Matt asserts.

“I believe there is reason,” Eleanor interjects. “I may even be able to vouch for her.”


“Because she’s Nanatian. Ravenia is on good terms with them. High King Elsinaire is relatively friendly with Emperor Truelson. Through a common enemy, they have previously worked together before. I believe Aria will have enough motive to work with us so long as she can deal damage to the Venesians and their cursed corporation. It would be a beneficial addition to our club of spies.”

“Club of spies?” Jax giggles. “Is that what we are?”

“Are we not? Agents of two Great Powers, a noble House, and knowledgeable paramilitary researchers from the new world. There can be no better combination to uproot Venesia’s grip in Scorcia.”

Matt scratches his head after thinking of the potential problems from Eleanor’s idea, but he cedes. “Whatever. We can either get praise for this or get reprimanded for leaking classified information. This better be worth it.”

“We can tell the eld right now,” Jax says, “she’s over there.”

A small distance away, Arierane has been conducting target practice with one of the assassins: Horton. She gave Ken and his friends privacy to discuss what is likely secret information.

Borrowing bullseyes from Lady Thorne’s knights, she has been curious to see how Horton’s compound bow compares to the one she has used as a Ranger. As expected from Ken’s unique scientific knowledge, the compound bow outperforms her bow in every aspect except range. It is large and looks clunky but is surprisingly light; she recognizes the metal is likely aluminum as iron or steel would make it unbearably heavy. Though she would like it to have a much higher draw weight for more range, she is surprised that it has a big let-off for a forgiving holding weight. It makes aiming easier as she doesn’t fatigue as fast. She would otherwise have to be constantly magically strengthening herself to maintain a heavy draw. Aiming is also easier with the sights it’s equipped with and is much more accurate. She might have to ask for a custom bow to replace her current one.

“Aria!” she hears Ken call out to her. It’s slightly annoying that he refuses to call her by her name. Is it really that hard to pronounce?

Arierane turns around and sees Ken waving at her to join the discussion. She hands back the compound bow to Horton and joins Ken and his friends.

Surprisingly, they decided to let her in on who they truly are, thoroughly telling her their origins. She listens carefully but without reaction. Considering what she already knew of Ken, the fact that they come from the new world from a country called Entesia isn’t too outrageous to think about. Most notable is that Eleanor is a Raven, whom she honestly had no idea operated in Scorcia.

“So, what do you think?” Ken asks after telling her everything.

“Well, I’m not too surprised,” she gently punches Ken’s shoulder as a tease. “I’d be glad to work with you, brother.”

“Don’t call me that.”

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