Road to the Crown

Chapter 307: Settling the deal

9th October 1574

Making deals with just words? That could only happen in the heat of the moment. After the initial agreement, both of the sides took a proper rest before sitting down in a room, a map and several barrels of Tarnowian beer. 

"So, your main interests lay within the marked zones, while the additionally marked lands are to be leased to you, right?"

With just the two of us, sitting at the table while sipping on the drink, a lot of the time usually spent on the formalities could be spared.

"Yeah. Those red marks are the locations of the possible mining areas, along with blue marks for the industrial areas. Between them, the yellow markings mean our intended path of the train, with black dots meaning train station."

Pointing my finger at the specific places on the map, I repeated the map's legend once again. 

Looking down on the paper, I was astounded with the possible outcome for my idea. By giving away overwhelming most of what I won, I could easily secure all the areas that I had any interest in. With each point of interests designed to be capable of housing the mining and basic industrial crew, along with all their necessary workplaces, I could greatly diversify the sources of my power. 

So far, without any real means of transportation, I was stuck in the two places where I invested anything in. In my hometown, more common business, turning the entire area into a huge trade hub. Nearly the entire trade that was already budding between New Tarnow and the rest of the country was going through this point. With the added incentive of it being the single place in the entire country when one could cheaply obtain Tarnowian Beer, even without any other ploys and schemes, this place was growing at an astounding rate.

On the other hand, New Tarnow wasn't as great as it supposed to be. This kind of problem was something that I met with only once in my past. As silly as it might sound, it happened in a certain building game. As easy as it was to start in a certain place, it often proved to be challenging to transition into the later parts of the development. And the same problem plagued this great city.

With no reliable and stationary source of fuel, the entire industry of New Tarnow was slowly reaching the point of no return. If not for the carriages that some genius recently turned into tree-cutting machines, the entire place might already starve out of the fuel. That's why I could stomach giving away the great majority of what I was privy to. 

Because for now, my priority was to establish coal mines as quickly as it would be humanly possible. Instead of adding even more industry in New Tarnow, most of the basic parts of it will be moved outside of the colony. By developing the conquered enclaves into small, industrial cities, all connected by the huge network of trains, not only could I turn the single city that I wanted in the deal, Ostrow, into the biggest raw materials trade hub, before moving most of it to the New Tarnow, where it would be further processed. 

In this way, anyone who would like to obtain cheap resources could go to one place, providing way more product than anyone could ever imagine being possible. With all the improvements to all the steam mining tech, mining was slowly turning from a clan's work to a proper industry as well. 

And if someone ever wanted to buy a product, that only New Tarnow will be capable of producing, they will have to go through the Tarnowian Market!

"But… Like, seriously? Don't you really care about the rest of the land?"

After taking a moment to think, Cheerio's patriarch looked at me before reaching for his cup and taking a mouthful. Only once his throat was flushed with this great drink, did he pick up where he left.

"Anyway, since you don't really care about the other lands outside for the right to set a trade post and rights to lay the roads, I think we should split it between other families around. In this way, everyone will be more willing to cooperate with you, and you will get an outlet for your products. Also, I would like if you could add those train stations to some of the cities in the province as well. I can see the potential behind this system, and I want to take part in it."

Raising his eyes at me, Cheerio's patriarch pointed at several places on the map.

"Doable, but keep in mind that all the construction efforts will most likely soon move towards winning the war. Instead of losing men to stop them, I would prefer loosing quickly fortified position with their men laying down their heads as the price!"

This was one of the worst aspects of development. As soon as just three or four mines would be connected, an early type of industrial area could be constructed. With coal to supply the vast energetic hunger of the place and the quick logistic created thanks to the trains and proper city-planning, the output of that single outpost would be more than enough to quickly turn the entire province into a damned industrial area!

It went without saying that this was most likely one of the most important aspects of the entire deal. By using other lords to settle the lands all around my property, then the reserves of workers will never dry up. Keeping a positive relationship with Cheerios just by overwhelming them with gold by letting them partake in the growth and dabble in the profits would mean that as long as there was gold in my coffers, I could hire anyone I wanted from the entire province!

With the possible production outcome from the industrial area, after it would properly start itself up, the growth could be geometric. By the time the third generation of industrial areas, settlements and trading outposts would appear, the entire province would be effectively in my clutches. 

"Yeah, I understand it. Also, I hope that you do take into account the fact, that if that deal goes through, then you won't need to worry about workers, money or resources?"

Suddenly dropping a huge bomb, the patriarch calmly took a sip of his beer as I rapidly turned my stare to his face. Unable to believe what I just heard a moment ago, I shook my head, trying to push this mirage out of my head. 

"I can see the potential of what you are doing and trying to promote. If my guess is right, once my farmers would adopt your inventions, the production would skyrocket, am I right?"

Putting his cards out in the open, the Patriarch put his glass away, now properly focusing his stare. But this proposition wasn't as surprising as one might think. From the moment that Cheerios officially declared their willingness and eagerness to participate in building the train, I knew that it was only a beginning. 

Just like with drugs, once one would experience a phase of uncontrollable growth caused by something age-breaking, there would be no stops for him. The thirst rises as we drink. Even without a single step was taken towards the idea that I hoped to achieve, this old man already was placing his dibs down on me!

"I believe that mutual cooperation of the highest degree would be for the best for both of our households. If not for the fact that you are married, I would gladly…"

Realising where the topic was heading to, I quickly cleared my head from the hock before raising my stare at the patriarch.

"Let's not dig this topic any deeper."

By defeating the Ostros, I finally sat at the big table. So far, even with all my exploits, I was nothing but a funny, new character. In the eyes of the monstrous magnate families, even though I made far more than some of them, my lands were simply too small to take me seriously. 

But right now, I could see in the Patriarch's eyes that I properly joined the big boys. From now on, there would be no small nobles meddling, pranking and annoying each other, doing quick raids of each other territory. Now, once the guards would be up and the fists swinging, the fight would be to the death.

That's why, in this moment of joining the real game, I had to set some rules. For people on this level, marriage was nothing but a diplomatic weapon. For them, divorcing or even killing a wife wouldn't pose as many problems as for anyone else. And I couldn't allow this kind of treatment. 

"Okay then. So, are you willing to sing the proposed terms?"

Raising from his chair and looking at me, the Patriarch suddenly moved his hand to the front.

"I am."

Standing as well, I reached across the table and shook hands with the Cheerio's family head. 

"Let's develop the shit of this place."

I could stop myself from adding as I took the first step towards advancing into an entirely new age of industrialisation.

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