Road to the Crown

Chapter 286: Reaching the deadline

7th September 1574

"How are the tests going?"

When the entire ploy aimed at buying us some time to prepare for the invasion of Ostros lands went into action, I actually dared to think that my days would become less frantic. Because who could've thought that the further we got away from the date during which the escape of the spy was arranged, the more and more matters continued to pop up, making me unable to have even a few minutes of rest outside of my sleeping time?

"The power unit and feeding system are already working, but we still need to improve the brakes handling. If everything will go according to our current schedule, the delay is estimated to decrease to only two days."

Not even bothering to look up from the stash of papers that occupied nearly his entire desk, Henry replied while scribbling some words on one of the many blueprints. Looking at the situation, I couldn't decide whether to be happy or sad.

From one side, the production and lying down of the train tracks between Tarnow and Krakow was already finished, the entire week before the scheduled deadline! But as great news as this was, the end model of the train still had some problems that had to be solved, before even its production could be started! 

On the other hand, just by looking at how diligently Henry was working on the blueprints that he created all by himself, made me feel like if the time where my personal input would be no longer necessary was already nearing. But rather than despairing over how I would lose the main point that drove my lands forward, I was actually happy!

After all, there was only so much that I could personally do. Draw several blueprints, decide on some laws, reply to some letters… At the current stage, I couldn't even find enough time to spend with my wife, so seeing how at least a part of this burden could soon be taken away from my shoulders was something that I was looking forward to!

"That's good then. We can't delay it any further though, otherwise the entire point of… Or wait a second…"

WIth how the day when the train would travel between two cities for the first time was already scheduled and missing the date would put a huge strain on the trust that people had in me delivering all my promises on time, in our current situation, I wasn't so sure whether this was something bad or not!

After all, if even this initial stage of the fake invasion plan were to be delayed, then Ostros might expect the main invasion to delay as well! But the question was, whether this kind of slight tactical advantage was worth all the potential losses that being late with my promises would create?

"Nevermind. Try your best to finish it all in time. If you do so, you can expect even greater funding for your projects."

This part was something that even I didn't expect that would happen so soon. This man was someone who started small, by setting his own paper factories, basing them on the perfect opportunity to do so with how my wood factory had a lot of wood scraps and dust left. But the longer he spent in my lands, the deeper he dived into the rabbit hole of development, coming up with new and new projects almost as soon as any of his private manpower finished working on the previous idea of his.

Right now, due to joining the city properly, all his businesses were under the direct ownership of the city, with only a small part of the profits supplying his personal stash. But as bad as it might sound, in exchange for joining hands with me, his projects were financed almost entirely from the tax that was slowly starting to grow to some unimaginable numbers!

Seeing that the man was more interested in looking for possible problems with his design rather than reporting in detail to me, I decided that there was no point in staying in his study. Thankfully, the next stop was relatively close for me, because if I were to traverse all my lands by foot, then my still painful injuries would never heal!

Moving out of the small building that was placed by the side of what was the defilade plaza just a few days ago, I could only gnash my teeth as I walked through the vast, open space. Looking around, I could see some of my guards keeping the respectful distance, ready to come to my aid if I were to feel any worse at any given moment, but otherwise allowing me to enjoy my little stroll.

"I guess the military is next…"

Looking at the space that used to be an open plain just about a month ago, that now turned into what I could call a proper army area. From the fence that surrounded the entire place, dotted with several guarding towers to prevent any attack from reaching this place unannounced, through the long housing buildings where the recruits would sleep and keep their private stuff, all the way to the enormous gym hall, where they would train during the absolutely worst weather. Looking at this place, only a small area in the middle and at the very back of the fenced-off part remained empty, as to allow the future soldiers to get used to the conditions they would face during the real conflict.

"Open the gate!"

Despite how annoying it was for the visitors and me especially, I didn't compromise on making more than just a single entrance. With how the discipline was the most important part of teaching those recruits, having only one way to enter or leave the area could serve as yet another important way to nail the absolute obedience into them while making the moment of off-time even more precious for them.


Nodding my head to the diligent guards that stood at attention as I passed through the guard's booth, I finally got inside the military part of the new development area.


Almost instantly as soon as I stepped inside, the nearest barrack building's door opened, releasing more people than I expected to see.

While the information that I would come for the inspection of the progress was openly known to the officers, I expected the entire thing to happen rather calmly, with me just watching how the training goes and how quickly do those new soldiers of mine improve.

But it seemed as if they were going to surprise me quite a bit!

One by one, entire units were running out from now not only the nearest but all of the barracks, quickly filling the entire free space between the buildings.

"Present weapon!"

In one instant, my vision was filled with more than a thousand soldiers, amounting to most likely every single recruit that was either in the process of basic training or already past it. Looking up towards this massive group, I couldn't help but smile.

"At ease, soldiers!"

Using the entire capacity of my lungs, I managed to calm down the entire company. Standing straight with their weapons hanging down from the belts around their shoulder, this force of mine looked as if they were willing to go and conquer the entire world for me if only I gave such order.

"Platoon leaders, step forth!"

Today wasn't just a simple inspection that I could conduct at any given moment. In its truest sense, I was here to receive the combined pledge of loyalty from the heads of every unit, marking their entry to the proper armed force of mine.

"To the oath, stand!"

The leading officer shouted, instantly prompting the twenty-five men to step forth. While it meant that even those recruits that have yet to finish their initial training would get to swear the oath, I didn't mind doing such exception.

After all, if we wanted Ostros to believe that our real aim was to quickly push with the invasion while officially only buying time, just the words wouldn't be enough to convince them. As such, even though it would be just another bit for the mosaic of Elia's scheme, every single recruit that would swear the oath today, would be moved to the advance barracks in the proper Tarnow, from where the invasion would officially start!

"We, the soldiers of Lord's Mike lands��"

Even though there wasn't much meaning in forcing those people to act like the modern military would, I found it strangely encouraging to have them act as such. With all the problems, enemies, wars and conflicts appearing on the horizon of the future, with each passing day, I only felt more and more overwhelmed by all the events that had me in their centre.

After all, I was only a normal human! There was a limit to how much stress and work I could handle.

And looking at those orderly rows of soldiers, flexing their muscles while all uniformly looking up at a specific angle, had some magic effect of calming my mind down!

"I hereby accept your oath! Go back to your units, not as recruits, but as the soldiers of Commonwealth!"

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