Road to the Crown

Chapter 277: Dinner with Rafael

16th August 1574

"This sure is a fine wine."

Taking a sip from a crystal cup, I had no option but to admit that while the future offered a lot of interesting things, winemaking was a skill that simply vanished after a certain date. With the rich taste of the liquor that didn't overwhelm with the alcoholic trace, one could drink it like water, not even realising when he would turn completely drunk

'So that's why everyone is constantly drunk…'

Thinking to myself, I put the expensive cup back on the table. With my mouth and throat now properly wet, I could get back to the discussion.

"From my personal basement. But as proud as I am in this brew, there is no way to claim victory over this insane beer of yours, sir Bart."

Raising his cup a little bit above the table, Rafael swiftly put his drink near his mouth, instantly filling himself all the way to his stomach with the beer. Just a single look at this situation made me wonder about how this easily challenged the limits of the human body!

Because it's wasn't this old man's first nor second cup. Drinking without a care in the world ever since we meet, I wouldn't be surprised if half of the barrel I brough as a visiting gift would be already gone!

"But going back to the topic. What do you think about the current situation?"

While I had to admit that drinking made the senator in front of me way easier to talk with as all the formalities between us were already gone, I didn't expect him to bring such a risky topic up. Even though officially Henry was still a King of Commonwealth, with how he failed to return despite enemy attack, that by this time would be commonly known around the continent, I couldn't even imagine anyone actually supporting him anymore!

In the original timeline, it took quite a few months, extending the interregnum period for over a year and a half. Yet, in the current situation, with no way to properly organise an election, something else had to happen.

Picturing the entire situation in my head like just an event in the game, made me realise that Commonwealth, as it was right now, could either go with fully democratic or autocratic rule. If the senate ended up making the parliament the supreme power of the country, the qualities of Polish life would remain the same. In that scenario, there would be little to no power capable of stopping my rise, as with the proper introduction of the system, I could become one of the greatest candidates for the ruling sceptre.

Yet, despite that, I still believed it to be actually the worse idea. With how dire the current straits of the country were, without a proper leading figure, the burden of the entire war that was currently going and all the ones to come soon would be placed right on my shoulders!

It would take one or at most two battles during which my steam carriages would be introduced, for the focus of the war around the world to completely change. The early version of the steam tank was simply that efficient against the currently developed tactics and weaponry. 

And then from that point on, it would be my factories that would supply the entire Commonwealth military, forcing me to focus solely on this aspect of the development!

But doing so would be akin to exposing oneself to radiation. Someone wise once said that military is like an ugly bubble on top of one's hand. The bigger it was, the more people one could scare with it, but ultimately, it would end up consuming its owner vital power. 

Rather than clogging up all my factories with the production of the military equipment, I preferred to keep the momentum of introducing new technologies. Even though I could make a killing on selling those carriages initially to Commonwealth military and later on to anyone that had no vital interests in Commonwealth, it would put an immovable stop on my raise!

And ultimately, it would be this lost time that would put an end to my technological supremacy. With time, people would learn how to replicate the steam engines, then carriages, and within just a few years, the orders for more equipment would dry up. At the same time, all the possible enemies of Commonwealth and my personal ones would either buy off those carriages or develop their own, levelling the ground for any further conflict.

That's why, realistically speaking, it would be best for me to vouch for the quick election of a suitable King's candidate… But rationally reaching that conclusion and openly proposing to denounce the current king in favour of a candidate I can't even propose yet? Those were two different matters all together!

"You went completely silent, Mike. Is something on your mind?"

After letting me sort my thoughts for a long while, Leshyn knocked at the wine cup of mine with his cup. From how clear his eyes were, I could tell that even the amount of beer that he drank didn't dull down his senses and intelligence.

"I'm just thinking about what should we generally do right now."

I wasn't going to just reveal the state of my soul for no reason. Keeping the topic open and mildly ambiguous would give me some time to actually decide how I should approach this discussion.

"Huh? In a few hours, we will go to the Castle in order to participate in the next round of hearing. Or could it be…"

Suspending his voice for a moment, Rafale proved that the arcana of keeping the talks tense were no secret for him.

"... you have some other important plans?"

As expecting his initial words made me be, the way in which this old man finished was nothing short of a disappointment. After bringing such an important topic before and leading towards it once again right now, he couldn't at least reveal his cards while still at least a bit drunk?

"You should know that I meant it in another way… I just can't help but try to decide what we should do as the entire country. Keep the primate as the regent of his Majesty? Pick a new king? Reform the parliament and make do without the king all together? I would love if we had the time to deal with those burning issues calmly and in a timely manner, but with one war already devastating our borderlands and a few more brewing in the distance, we simply can't afford to do so!"

Just like this sly old man, I didn't reveal my hand. By bringing up all the possible routes, I avoided pointing out which one I would personally side with. In the end, as sympathetic as this old man could appear to be, he was still a tough politician, one of the few nobles of his households that were directly responsible for the booming growth of his clan!

"I see what you are trying to say… But to be perfectly honest, I'm kind of confused."

Suddenly raising up from his previous wobbly position, Rafael threw a sharp look right into my eyes, as if trying to trace my reaction to his words from the very depths of my soul.

"While your… let's say, enlighten actions aims at bringing more equality to the world, pointing at how you should support the very last option you brough up… I just can't help but have this strange feeling that you would rather opt for selecting a new king instead!"

Throwing the bomb without any regard for my mental health, Rafael smiled while seeing my panicked reaction. With how I was fully focused on meandering with my words to void giving any statements, seeing all of my attempts turning futile instantly rilled me up.

"And what is your own opinion on this matter, sir?"

Rather than allowing myself to be beaten up just like that, I instantly moved back to the offensive. Pushing the token back to the Senator in front of me, I used the time that I bought to regain my calm.

"Quite frankly, if we don't act fast now, we will be all doomed. With the most valuable local nobility already on their way to the army gathering, we can't hope for a mandate to our decision, no matter what it will come to be. That's why, rather than picking any of the sides right now, I can promise you, that I will support the party that has the best chances at stabilising the situation. Even if it will end up being the worse choice than the others, in Commonwealth current situation, we can't afford any indecisiveness."

I never in the world expected this man to just throw his hand in the open like that. With his cards now fully revealed, I couldn't help but start to ponder whether his words were honest, or just crafted in an attempt to lure me into a trap.

"For now, let's drop this topic. I still need to gauge what will be the limit of my actions during the rest of the hearings. Depending on how free I will be to implement my plans for reforming and enriching the country, the amount of influence I will harness will drastically change. Like you could imagine, with an army strong enough to rival the country itself, no matter how will we come out of the situation, I will be able to help to enforce it, as to at least prevent commonwealth from falling apart."

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