Road to the Crown

Chapter 274: Voloutary rental tax

15th August 1574

"Calm down, everyone. While I have to agree on one point, that foreseeing the future is the domain of God alone, there is no denying that within our limited means, we can try to read the situation in order to predict our next move. That's what strategy in war is just as much as a strategy in governing the state during the times of peace."

Seeing that the disagreement was slowly turning into a fully-fledged argument, Primate himself stood up from his chair and stepped in. In the end, if there were four more topics they wanted to question me about, allowing the ruckus to break the talks down before even moving on from the first topic would be rather counterproductive!

"With all due respect, your excellence. This topic might be hard to be discussed calmly, but it's something that is in general, necessary. I do not believe that the current military of Commonwealth is capable of protecting the country. Even if all those noble warriors can fend off the muscovites today, what about tomorrow? What about ten years from now? This topic is actually way deeper, so allow me to elaborate on my way of thinking."

Ignoring the advice or rather a plea from Elia, I used my crane to help myself stand up. The words that I was about to say were simply too important for me to miss this small dramatic effect. Even if it meant sacrificing my future ability to run for the sake of convincing the senators, I was willing to take this trade.

"Right now, every single important task in the country is managed by one group of people. It's nobles who manage the lands. It's nobles who take most of the spots in the administration of both the country at large and the cities or villages in detail. It's the nobles profiting off and organising our grain trade, but at the same time, it's also the nobles that you wish to send to the meatgrinder of war. While I could go on and on listing all sorts of professions that nobles occupy, I think you do get my point."

Slowly pacing around the middle square of the huge chamber, I noticed a nice painting hanging on the wall. With an idea suddenly appearing in my head, I stabilised my position before pointing my crane at the work of art.

"Respectable sirs, what would you think if I brought the great artist that painted this picture, only to forcefully push him into the military?"

Asking this question, I realised that I might have made a mistake. While using a painter as the example of specialised role in the society could work wonders to help senators understand my point, it would also turn the topic from the debate about the military to the potential talks about the society at large! Yes, as much as it worried me to do so, I couldn't take back the words that I said.

"It would be a waste to push someone so talented in the art to the front. I see your point, go on."

Rather than waiting for the senators to reply, the primate once again assumed the role of the leader of this meeting. With his approval and even pressing to continue, I once again started my journey from one end of the empty floor to its opposing side.

"Just like you admitted, your excellency, it would be a waste to push him to the military, especially during the times of war, if his talents could be used elsewhere for the greater good. To make it even simpler, a single picture painted by his hand, when sold, could bring enough money to pay for an entire unit of people dedicating their talents to the military alone!"

Suddenly stopping right in the middle of the floor, I struck the ground with the bottom of my crane to once again focus the attention of the senators on me.

"Just like with the artists, I do believe that people are better used when they are focused on just a single task, rather than spreading their talents thin, through varying topics. That's how the military worked in the ancient Rome, known from its prowess, but due to the different social and economic systems, Commonwealth simply had no money to pay for the standing army so far. And please, don't even get me started on the Quarterly Army. While the idea behind them is right, Crown lands simply lack the resources to maintain a proper number of units."

Quarterly Army, was something created just recently. In the last years of his reign, the last dynastical king of Commonwealth decided that a quarter of the income from the crownlands would be fully dedicated to creating and paying for a small standing army. Just the fact that they were constantly trained and used to the military lifestyle, made them the backbone of all the armies that Commonwealth would create in times of need.

Yet, the main problem still remained. Their numbers were simply too small! Ranging from a thousand to six thousand in the best times of this formation, they couldn't compare to regular armies of Commonwealth neighbours, often numbering in tens of thousands!

"Are you trying to suggest that you alone will be responsible for creating a new Quarterly Army, sir? Or rather, something based on the same idea, but finances fully by yourself?"

Speaking up once again, Senator Jacwin pointed out the greatest flaw of my current design. But little did he know, that his words allowed me to find a simple solution to the problem of a single person amassing more power than it was safe for the country as a whole!

"Sir Jacwin, I wish to thank you for pointing that out, while asking for forgiveness as my solution to this inevitable worry you brought up before will most likely start yet another topic. What I can propose right now, is to set a simple law."

This time, I didn't take a break to let the tension rise. Rather than that, I simply had to sort out what I wanted to say in my mind, as to make this rather complicated topic as simple as possible. 

"Right now, my lands are prospering mostly because of the innovative technology that I implemented. Initially, I wanted to rent the stuff that allowed me to amass such an insane wealth in such a short time. But hearing your doubts, made me realise that I should not act like those other great nobles, aiming to build their own power while ignoring the rest of the country. As we speak now, the fourth batch of the development officers should be finishing its training in my lands. They are taught the procedures that I'm using in my lands, along with how to use the machines that are the backbone of my growth." 

With the introduction to the idea done, I could finally move back to my chair. Slowly sitting down on it, I took my time to glance at the speechless senators, awaiting the proper part of my proposition. 

"I think you all already know that due to being falsely accused of treason, and later on because of my attempts to help form the army, I never had the time to push this project of mine forward. That's why, I'm willing to give you, respectable sirs, an offer. I will put all the machines that I intended to rent, on the open auction. Anyone will be able to rent it, although only a certain monthly quote will be up for the renting. Half of the profits from the rent will be used to support the Quarterly army and bolster its numbers, while the other half will be paid directly to my coffers."

After all this talking, I could finally enjoy the intentional break in a speech aimed at nothing more than increasing the tension. And I just couldn't get enough of those stunned expression of the nobles, unable or unwilling to acknowledge that I just voluntarily gave up half of the potentially enormous amount of money!

"And to make it simple for everyone to understand the idea. Ten out of a hundred of the profits that any project will bring with the use of my machines and thanks to the help of their trained crews, will be added to the cost of the rent so that if someone achieves success on par with mine, he won't be able to just shrug away at the base cost. But what is important in this offer of mine, is that it will be you, respectable sirs, that will be responsible for popularising the rent of my machines!"

In short words, rather than dealing with the rental agreement myself, I could push all the necessary efforts of the senate, while calming their worries about my army turning too big for the country's safety!

"While deciding whether or not to accept your surely generous deal will take time, I still don't see how would that stop you from achieving complete hegemony within the Commonwealth lands!"

As if allowing me to achieve even the smallest victory would mean losing his honour, Senator Jacwin instantly rebuked. Yet, anyone with eyes could see how his face was already red from the agitation, speaking wonders about his true intentions. To be quite frank, with how much he opposed the notion of improving my military, I couldn't help but start to suspect him of having some ties either to Ostros or Moscow!

"That's pretty simple."

Not giving him any more time to continue agitating others, I placed my crane right between my legs only to rest both of my hands on its handle and put my head right on top.

"As long as the proposed deal will be accepted, I'm willing to limit the number of my own troops to never cross the headcount of the Quarterly army supported and financed by this rental tax."

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