Road to the Crown

Chapter 263: Miracle

30th July 1574

"... heretic!"

"Nobody leaves!"

"Close the mansion!"

A plethora of voices surrounded me as I slowly started to regain my consciousness. With the clear noises of argument and the tumping sound of someone locking the main gate with the huge slab of wood, my vision was steadily coming back, along with the wave of pain. Whether my life was still in danger or not, I would be stupid to expect the lack of pain upon waking up. 


A groan of pain managed to squeeze out through my lips, alerting everyone that I was once again conscious. Opening my eyes, I could see Elia's concerned face, with tears still trickling down her eyes. 

"Mike… Are you…"

Despite all the commotion earlier on clearly indicating that my use of the system didn't go unnoticed, at this particular moment, I couldn't be bothered with such details. Using nearly all the strength I had in my body, I raised my hand towards Elia's cheek. Sadly, before I could achieve this fairly simple task, my body once again reminded my that I was in a rather critical state, cutting the supply of the energy to my arm, and making this hand of mine fall down.


Noticing my attempt, Elia caught my fingers and pressed it against her face. Not even for a moment did her stare left my eyes, as if she was worried that during a potential lapse of her attention, I would just die on her hands, or more precisely, her lap. 

"I… I know you…"

Despite being in the state that I was currently in, I still had to make sure that the matter concerning my use of the system would be covered, even if only for the next few days that I required to recover to a level where I could talk for myself.

"Shh… Don't speak. You need to rest now."

With my head resting on top of Elia's lap, I could feel the warmth of her stomach on my hair, as she placed her finger on my lips. Yet as tempting this offer was, I simply couldn't allow myself to ignore the reality around me.

If I were to just let the others take care of me, my chances of survival itself would be halved. Even despite how respectful I was towards the folk herbal medicine, just the sheer amount of unnecessary moving me around, attempting to fix my leg and all the other things that my subordinates were bound to do, would most likely result in either my entire limb getting amputated, if not my life being put to even greater danger than it was when I was shot!

On the other hand, if I allowed Elia to get even more stressed out with the entire situation, then the time where she would collapse just as well would come in just a few moments. In the end, just like always, if I wanted something to be dealt with properly, I had to do it myself.

"Medic… Where is…"

This time, rather than just covering my mouth with her finger, Elia moved her hand and pushed my jaw upwards, preventing me from speaking up any further. 


As funny as it was to hear this relatively calm and usually composed girl suddenly erupt like that, the sight of her tears still flowing out on her cheeks made it impossible for me to enjoy this moment. But as much as I wanted to just reach towards her and bring her into my embrace in order to let her know that everything would be okay, the sheer pain of my injuries made me unable to move even by a tiny little bit.

"I'm coming!"

At this moment, I had no strength nor time to wonder just why the heck did he leave my side in the first place. Even though I perfectly knew that I was only one out of many injured people that required medical attention as soon as possible, being the damned lord of this place still made me feel entitled to some special service!

"Dear, I know you want to speak, but I just can't let you do so."

Suddenly lowering her upper body above me, Elia nearly pressed her ear against my lips before adding.

���Just whisper what you need to say, save your strength."

As easy as it might be in her imagination for me to solve the entire situation with just a snap of my fingers, the truth was, I didn't really have any idea what I should do. What was this item in my hand? Some kind of disinfecting solution? Penicillin? Painkiller? Regeneration stimulant?

"Tell the medic to open my hand, take whatever it's in there and spread it on my wounds, before changing the bandages to clean ones. When he will be working on my leg, make him set my bone properly, but only after I will get some booze."

Whispering those words right into Elia's ear, in the next moment, I could hear her repeating them directly and openly to the officer that was serving as the one available medic. But rather than waiting for my next instructions, this officer of mine instantly fallen to his knees on my side, before prying the tightened fingers of my hand open!

"What is this thing…?"

Only after he picked it up high enough for me to see it, I could finally realise that one of my earlier guesses was correct. As little as I knew about stuff like modern medicine, this small pocket made with cloth, filled with very fine, white dust, couldn't be confused with anything else!


With how I already knew she wouldn't let me speak out anything out loud, I could only call for her lightly, almost instantly making her kowtow over my head, once again lending me her ear.

"Make him spread this powder on my wounds. In fact, let him use only half of it, then repeat the process when my bandages will be changed for the next time. Also, don't let anyone leave the mansion before I will properly wake up."

As little of my strength, I was using to pass those whispers of mine to Elia's ear, I could already feel my consciousness once again slipping away. While I knew that many nobles or even simple, commoner soldiers of the time would be able to keep going with this kind of injuries, with my modern mind occupying this noble body, even this small amount of pain…

Okay, nevermind. This wasn't a small amount of pain. Every passing second felt like if some devils were trying to tear my body apart. Yet that didn't change the fact that when compared to other people of this age, I could easily be called a weakling! But as much as I could hate this fact, rather than cursing at my own weakness, I had to make sure to use the remaining time before my consciousness would slip away to its greatest effect!

"It will all be done. But what I should tell everyone if the news spread before you will find a way to deal with them?"

Rather than moving up and passing my orders, Elia stayed in her position, moving her head ever so slightly to put her lips closer to my ear.

"Just call it a miracle or something. Simple folk will believe, nobles won't dare to dispute."

In the current situation, if the news about this strange occurrence were to spread, I could already see Ostros using this as the casus beli for all of their actions. After all, if they managed to successfully put me in the shoes of some kind of heretic contracting the demons to serve him, then this ultra-Christian times would obviously result in my condemnation!

"I have the orders from the Lord. First off, lock down the entire mansion. Anyone who dares to step outside without my personal approval is to be put to his death."

Hearing my wife instantly assuming the position of the leader while I personally was unable to do so, was truly a heart-warming experience. Yet as much as I hoped that it would change in the future, there was only one person that I could fully entrust managing this complicated situation with.

"Yes, dear?"

Using the lingering bits of my strength, I managed to tuck on Elia's robes, once again bringing her attention back to my lips.

"Send someone to fetch Jan here. Let him deal with the current situation for us."

This friendly governor of the entire province was the best bet for the safety of both me, Elia and this entire place altogether. He wasn't as stupid as to believe in the version that we would be initially passing were the crowds learn about the manifestation of my system, yet with the current state of the Commonwealth, I was sure that he wouldn't risk losing the prowess of my mind just because I was capable of doing something that he couldn't understand!

After all, this entire location was filled with wonders that were previously unimaginable and indiscernible from magic for those who failed to learn how did they operate. Considering how many times I had to explain him how certain stuff worked in order for him to actually accept it as reality rather than some kind of weird tricks aimed at winning him to my side, I was sure that he would just assume that this was just another trick of mine, that I would explain to him as soon as I would be once again capable of speaking comfortably.

"Dear, it will be done. But now, shut up, and let the medics do their damned job!"

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