Road to the Crown

Chapter 239: Calm before the storm

17th July 1574

"Hurry up, we are really close!"

After the frantic retreat from the battlefield, it didn't take us long to reach back the marketplace. As slow as one has to move when traversing the forest, cutting the path and setting the traps during our first journey made it far easier to shake off any form of immediate pursue.

Raising my eyes, I could see that during our absence, the two small armies that were left back at the marketplace, wasn't idle either. As little as they could do with the sparse building materials and the wish to keep the general outline of the place unchanged, the effect of their work was still impressive.

Thinking about it, I had to admit that engineering works were surprisingly my biggest advantage in this very moment. Due to how most of my troops was recruited from the workforce of my projects, most of them were used to handling both the heavy, physical labour and capable of using materials like concrete for a great effect!

Looking back at the history of the militaries around the world, Romans used to train their troops first, then teach them how to build their fortified camps. On the other hand, I created perfect labourers first, and then turned them into soldiers!

"Don't waste any time, get to the city and take positions!"

As huge as our distance advantage over Ostros troops was, I wasn't willing to just waste time going willy-nilly in the fake sphere of safety around the town. Only when all the fortifications would be manned, rifles prepared to shoot, soldiers fed and guns reloaded, then and only then I could finally relax!

Yet just like reports from before, even after all my men moved beyond the makeshift barricades created by clunks of rubbish and furniture glued together with a bit of concrete, even after I got to have a peaceful dinner with Elia, the enemies were still nowhere to be seen!

"I wonder what takes them so long… It's not like those traps of ours were that hard to uncover…"

Sitting at the chair inside my private chamber at the top of the administrative centre of the marketplace, I stared at the window that allowed me to peek at the line of trees from beyond which the enemy troops were supposed to appear any moment now.

"Maybe they went around the entire forest? As shitty as it would feel to have our enemies move faster than we would like by using the roads that we built, we still have to consider that possibility."

Resting in my place before the start of the real battle could be worse only if Elia wasn't there. As much as I hated the fact that I had to bring most likely a pregnant wife of mine to the battlefield, with how the entire country was currently focused on our movements, leaving her anywhere else than beside me, would only put her in even greater danger!

"Even if they do so, with the way it meanders through all sorts of obstacles, it will still take them a fair bit of time."

While the road itself already connected the city to the marketplace long ago, rather than cutting a straight path through the forest or remodelling the terrain that we were forced to work with, I decided that it would be better to just make the road longer, but adapt it to the place we were given. That's why, although travelling through my road allowed one to cover the distance without a problem, doing so required almost twice as long as someone else would take to just go with the tricky, forest paths!


"Come in!"

In moments like that, as much as I would love to just sit and relax with Elia, I had to be ready for the response at any given time. After all, the enemy wouldn't wait for me to finish my food!

"Sir, they have finally appeared! The scouts report that they appear to move majority of their troops from the Tarnow to us!"

And just like that, the peacefulness of this afternoon was broken.

"Elia, I will be going then. Keep the fort here for me, okay?"

Even if Ostros troops would be attacking the fortifications at this very moment, I wouldn't dare to leave my wife here without a parting kiss!

Leaning over the table, I grabbed her little chin, before pulling her face a bit closer. As our lips pressed against each other, I could feel Elia's breath smothering over my face, as she kept her eyes open and directed into my own gaze.

"Be safe."

After our lips finally parted, my dearest pressed on my shoulders, forcing me to straighten up before softly whispering.

"I will."

Finally moving out of the room, it took me only a few moments to reach the building's balcony, giving me a clear view of everything around. And as soon as I scanned the entire area in search of the enemies, I had the feeling of just grabbing the messenger and smashing his head against the wall.

"And just where the heck are they? What's the point of notifying me if they are not even in sight?!"

Seeing the instant burst of fear on the face of the young soldier, I relaxed my arms and rested my weight against the balcony railing.

"S-sir… Y-you can see the c-cloud of smoke in the d-distance!"

Still unable to get over the fact that I myself shouted at him, the messenger reached to the side with his arm, pointing at a certain place with his extended finger. Following his arms with my eyes, I looked to the south-east, quickly locating a cloud of dust lingering just slightly above the line of the horizon. With the uneven ground around this area, it could only mean the enemy troops!

"Okay, I see now. Go and order everyone to prepare. All reapers nests are to be stocked with munitions and people, all smaller openings with rifles and troops. All that's left for us now, is to await the enemy charge!"

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