Road to the Crown

Chapter 205: Candy Play (1)

11th July 1574

"How could she just go to sleep like that!"

Muttering under my breath, I had to watch the volume of my voice, wary of accidentally waking her up. While looking at the time of the day, or rather the early stages of the night, it wasn't that strange for Elia to already go to rest, especially with how I nagged her to take care of her body, but I couldn't help but be disappointed!

After all, nearly all men would enjoy the privilege of being their woman's first. Be it a first kiss, first intercourse, or the first time when she could enjoy a piece of nicely made chocolate! Yet just when I thought I could get to see a smile of delight on her face, I was met with such an utter disappointment!

Putting the wrapping with the chocolate to the shelf so that she wouldn't find it if she were to wake up first, leaving me all alone in the land of Morpheus, I kneeled in front of the bed and just gazed at her calm expression. 

While I wouldn't dare to forcefully pull Elia away from the dreamland, I couldn't help myself to play with her a bit. Slowly raising my hand above the bed as to not cause its sudden movement to startle Elia out of her sleep, I pushed it closer and closer, all the way to her cheek.

Starting with just a single finger, I slowly placed it on her skin. Successively adding the rest of its companions, I swiftly turned from just poking her face into lightly running the outer part of my palm on her delicate jaw. 

As if feeling my presence, Elia's sleepy hands suddenly rose to her cheek, instantly taking a hold of my hand and locking it under her head as if it was the finest pillow that she could imagine. With my wrist held tightly by her thin fingers and her cheek weighing down on the inner part of my palm, I had no other choice but to remain perfectly still, worried about waking her up.

But as I kept looking at her calm face while feeling its warmth on my hand, my own eyelids turned heavy, quickly forcing me to place my head on the side of the bed in order to feast on this sight. 

"Mike? Why aren't you in bed?"

Chasing away my drowsiness, I suddenly opened my eyes when prompted by Elia's voice, only to realise that it was far too dark to see anything, even if it was right in front of my very own eyes!

"Are you awake?"

While the fact that she was speaking was a testimony in itself that she was awake if her words were nothing more than sleep-talk, I didn't want her to wake up for such pointless reason!

"Momentairly, yeah."

Hearing the answer, I could finally free my hand, only to place it right back on Elia's cheek.

"Hold on for a moment, I have a small present for you."

With a funny idea born in my head, I navigated myself through the room by molesting all sorts of furniture and floor all the way to the small desk where I stored my confectionary package. Even though there was absolutely no light that could betray my ambitions, I still made sure to put myself directly on the line of Elia's potential sight, so that she would have no idea what to expect.

Taking the paper wrapping out of the now perfectly solidified chocolate, I tore away a small piece of paper only to use it as a holding for when I crushed away a small part of the chocolate from the rest of the bar. Yet my mischievous idea didn't end there!

Raising my hand in a slow manner, I put the chocolate piece in my mouth only to bit off a small chunk of it. While keeping the rest tightly secured by a scrap of paper in my fist, I did my very best to slow down the melting of the chocolate while moving back to the bed.

"Come here, I'm sleepy."

Sensing the rustling caused by my uncoordinated movements in the darkness, Elia helped me out by directing me with her voice. After finally reaching the bed after a bit of blind crawling around, I made sure put the wrapped piece of chocolate near the pillow, while grabbing Elia by her waist and pulling her closer to me.


With her eyes not even open, I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was right on the verge of falling back asleep! With the sweet taste of the cacao melting in my mouth and reminding me about my plan, I felt my determination rebuilding, allowing me to pull her entirely into my arms before rubbing my forehead against hers.

"Sweety, what's wrong?"

Feeling how despite the late hour I still sought her attention and at least a little affection, Elia angled her head a bit and reached out with her lips towards mine.

And that was what I was waiting for!

The moment our mouth touched, I made sure to pry her lips open, instantly overflowing her mouth with the sweet melt of the chocolate!

Holding her in my arms, I felt as if a gorilla suddenly replaced her when a powerful jolt twisted her body the moment her tongue came in contact with this miraculous liquid!

But rather than just letting her get the explanation she obviously wanted, I reached up with one of my hands and kept her head tightly locked between it and my lips, making it clear that this kiss would last for as long as I would wish for it to last!

Most likely catching the message, rather than trying to wreck herself free from my hold, Elia pushed her arms around my neck and pulled herself even closer, ravaging the insides of my jaw with her glib tongue, attempting to suck every last drop of the sweetness from my mouth!

"Ah, let's stop…mhmm…"

Feeling that there wasn't even the smallest bit of the precious candy in my mouth, I attempted to free myself from her lips as to gift her the chocolate in the normal way, yet she simply wouldn't take it!

Pushing her own body above me, Elia pinned me down to the bed with her own weight while locking her arms behind my neck. With her wet tongue once again venturing inside my mouth, I could feel her still sweet saliva being coated around every part of my jaws as if she wouldn't believe her own senses telling her that this sweet treasure was already gone!


Feeling that I could very well lose my consciousness from how air-deprived I was, I had no other choice than to reach for her bottom and squeeze it tightly. While Elia's actions were all aimed at recovering this insane sweetness, it didn't change the fact that kissing so deeply had its own aftereffect on her!

Gasping for air the moment my fingers sank in her naked flesh, I instantly turned my head around, reaching with the one free hand of mine to grab the remaining piece of the chocolate. 

But just as I was about to obediently pass it to my lady, I realised that whilst this kind of play was kind of rough, I like it quite a bit! 

Unwinding the paper cover with just a few moves of my fingers, I grabbed the chocolate and grabbed it with my teeth, while reaching with the fingers covered in the small part of the candy that melted towards Elia's face.

"What was tha…"

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