Road to the Crown

Chapter 122: Problems at the construction site

22nd April 1574

After returning from this small trip to the village, I noticed that despite over two hours passing ever since we left, the pit that was slowly taking the form of a proper foundation wasn't even filled to the half of its height!

While some might consider it a disgrace, with how mixing and pouring the concrete should take a lot longer, from the panicked faces of the people standing above the pit I could tell that something was wrong.

"Sir! Thank Almighty that you are back! There is something wrong with that mortar!"

Without me to explain that the concrete was slightly different than the mortar two of the craftsmen who worked as stonemasons were used to, it was only natural that some problems would arise, yet with my drive to increase the speed of our progress, I actually forgot about this problem so clearly outlined in the system!

"Tell me what happened."

Instead of turning angry or disappointed, as some of the workers might expect from a noble who saw something going not how he planned it, I asked them to tell me the details that they observed and what actually happened. From what I saw it, the main reason behind their panic could be either the fact that the concrete was poured to the hole too slowly to properly solidify or the amount of water they sprinkled it with afterwards was simply too low.

As opposed to the older mortar, concrete was a real drinker. Even without the system reminding me about it, I could still recall watching videos on the popular platform how workers were throwing bucket after bucket of water at the drying concrete only for it to disappear before the next portion would come!

"Sir, just like always, we were slowly pouring some water to allow the mortar to properly turn solid, as when making one on the spot, that was the standard procedure. Yet out of nowhere, not only did it absorb all the water we gave it but even started cracking! Yet even after we filled the gaps with a fresh one to make sure the foundation would be as stable as possible, the process only continued!"

Hearing the recount of the workers who had to be instructed on the job by the stonemason due to the fact that he knew that even the old mortar had to get quite a lot of water to properly bind itself, I realised that it was the problem of the water indeed.

"Listen up guys, this is new kind of mortar, called concrete. It needs a lot more liquid to properly solidify. From what I saw back when I was first testing it, after laying out a layer about one hand wide, we will need to leave it for about an hour, pouring the water whenever we see it drying up. Only when it will stop absorbing it, will we be able to dry it off with a cloth and pour another layer. Now, get some more water on it before it completely crumbles apart!"

After fixing the first problem that appeared on the construction site, I moved to the open tent, aimed to shield people within from the natural elements rather than securing them a place to sleep or rest. While higher than the mass tents we set for the workers and even my own, it was only about four times bigger than the double tents that the craftsmen were using.

Coming inside, I saw all the skilled workers gathered over a simple table made out of some planks, nailed together and placed on top of small piles of all sort of rubble that could be easily found around the mines. On the said desk, a few, huge pieces of primitive paper was lying around, with all sorts of lines, markings and symbols indicating the distinctive places in the nearby area.

"I'm telling you! If we set the houses near the water, not only will it be hard to secure them against the flooding, but we will take the space that could be used for the shipping buildings as well!"

"But without doing so, creating any feasible canalisation system will be a nightmare!"

As it appeared, I walked in right on some kind of argument between the two stonemasons, that rather than inspecting the work I ordered them to take care off, couldn't come to an agreement regarding how would the housing for all the workers be set up in the area.

"Guys, stop it at once!"

Instead of letting them have their fun, I instantly infused the argument with my stern voice.

"I guess you didn't even realise that the mortar you used almost broke down!"

Saying those words, I almost couldn't stop a small smile appearing on my face. Pulling down the corners of my lips lifted by the sight of their terrified faces, I pointed at the entry to the tent.

"I already told the workers what to do, and won't blame you because this is a new kind of mortar, but I would like if rather than arguing over the things that are for me to decide, you would do your job properly!"

While I couldn't expect them to know that concrete required more water than the mortar they were used to, as people who worked with stones and mortars their entire life, I could bet that if they saw what was going on, they would realise the need to pour more water on it themselves, allowing me to blame them for leaving their duties for someone else. As for the part about deciding something myself, I inserted it in my mouth only to remind everyone that I wouldn't let them just do all the work in my stead, as I was the one most interested in making the entire project work!

"Listen up boys. We can't set the town directly near the river. We don't know how it floods, we don't know how high it can get, we don't know anything about it. The town will be placed deeper into the flatlands, about five to ten minutes walk from the shore of the river. And as for how to pull the water towards the town or how to settle the severs problem… You can trust me on this point… This town will be the first of its kind!"

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