Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 299: The Grand

"Philea, Ashby, did you find a place for us to stay tonight?" 

"Yes, Your Royal Highness" before Ashby could open his mouth, Philea rushed to answer Audrey.

"Good, tell me where?"

"You're not going to believe this, Your Royal Highness! King Don is opening his establishments today. That's where we are going to stay today " Philea sounded rather excited because until now, they were staying in taverns and inns like commoners as they couldn't find an inn or tavern suitable for Audrey's status in Everlight.

Although Audrey didn't complain much about her accommodations, she was not very happy with it. Therefore when Ashby and Philea heard Don is going to open his establishments today, they decided to try the place. Moreover, they heard the establishments were built targeting the nobles and rich people like them as their customer base.

"Establishments? What kind of establishments?" Usually, Audrey wouldn't be interested in things like this but when she heard it belongs to Don, her curiosity slightly piqued.

"One is a high-end restaurant with rooms, it's called The Grand. The other one is something I have never heard of, they call it the Glacier. It's like restaurants but instead of food, they're going to sell a new drink called tea and coffee" Philea frowned but Audrey raised her brows

"We should go there and try these, first, we should go to the Grand and check it out" 

"Follow me, your royal highness" Philea nodded and led the way while Ashby followed Audrey behind.

The capital looked different every day. There were constructions every day as long as it did not snow heavily, and there were always roads and houses repairs. Sometimes they were carried out at the same time. The buzzing with activities scene was hard to find even in Enarin. Audrey could notice some bickering between the elves and dwarves here and there but it didn't stop them from their work. Unlike the dwarves and the elves, the demi-humans didn't attract much attention from the humans.

"I've never seen this number of Astrels anywhere else, your royal highness" Philea curiously looked around the place and said.

"It's essentially a hunting ground for slave traders and hunters" Ashby exclaimed. Audrey or Philea didn't reply to Ashby but silently followed the crowd of people towards the Grand.

After walking for a few more minutes, a majestic three-story building appeared in their sight. Philea was shocked to see there is already a huge crowd in front of the building. Most of them wore fancy fur coats and had soldiers in armor beside them. She could see at least ten carriages and on the horizon, there were more carriages approaching.

"It seems like we are going to have a hard time getting a room"

"Forgive me, your royal highness. I never thought there would be this much crowd" Philea went to lower her head but Audrey placed her hand on Philea's shoulder and stopped her.

"It's alright, these must be nobles of Everlight and the nearby kingdoms. They probably came here to stay in King Don's good graces "

"Even after what happened with Mage Sears yesterday?"

"It's a rightful duel, Philea, so Cold Moon Palace won't intervene with what happened. At least not directly and who knows, Cold Moon Palace might even invite King Don to join them as an inner disciple " 

Just as Philea was about to ask something, the crowd immediately pointed up in the sky and cheered.

"Look, his majesty is here!"

"Captain Arwen!"

"Who is that goldy beside his majesty?"

"I don't know, I've never seen him before"

"Don't call him goldy, it's General Knight for you two"

"Forgive us, soldier sir"

The girls among the crowd couldn't take their eyes away from Don and the golden hair youngster beside him. It took them a couple of seconds to notice Arwen and eat him with their eyes.

"Lady Amaryll and Lady Arrora are so pretty!"

"Princess Amber looks okay compared to Lady Amaryll and Lady Arrora"

"Lady Reghys rocks!"

"Shhh, you idiot, do you want us to get killed?"

If the girls were checking out Don, Knight, and Arwen, the opposite gender started to salivate at the girls beside Don. Yet, none of them dared to look at them with bad intention as they feared the black-armored guards.

"Hmm?" while Don and his group were descending, Audrey noticed her space ring vibrating.

"Thunder, I can't let you out, stay inside for a few more minutes"

"Grrrggg" a soft cry emerged from the ring

"I promise I will let you out again and treat you to cooked deer meat, now stay inside!" Audrey talked with her space ring silently and fortunately for her, everyone's gaze was at Don and his group.

"What is it your royal highness, is Thunder okay?"

"Yeah, he just wants to get out and scratch his wings" Audrey shrugged. However, she had no idea that her pet Dragon wanted to warn her about another Dragon's presence again.

She didn't forget that Thunder acted strange when he returned from Don's castle after spying on them. Since Thunder still hadn't reached the stage where he could learn human language and communicate with her using natural language, Audrey was unable to understand most of his grumbles.

"Enjoy everything we have to offer in The Grand everyone" Audrey heard Don's voice and then, she looked up at the sky to see colorful fireworks lighting up the sky.

The colorful sparks formed the words 'The Grand' and 'The Glacier' as Don finally cut the ribbon and opened his establishments. The people immediately followed Don and his men to the inside. Audrey waited for most of the crowd to enter the place first. When Audrey finally stepped through the door, she was welcomed by a beautiful elven girl standing behind a skillfully crafted wooden table.

"Welcome to The Grand, Miss" Considering Audrey walked in front, the elven girl greeted her first.

"Miss, do you wish to book a table at our restaurant or book a room to stay?"

"I'd like to do both, first give me a table for three" the elven girl let out a beautiful smile and checked the list in her hand.

"Miss is very lucky, we have only one table remaining" Philea was stunned by the elven girl and peeked through the door beside the elven girl to get a glimpse of the dining area.

"Miss, the rooms on Sapphire floor is 50 gold per night and the suites on Diamond floor is 200 gold per night. We provide complimentary dinner for the Diamond floor customers"

"What?!" Philea almost shouted when she heard the rates but Ashby was quick to pinch her hand and lower her voice so she wouldn't embarrass her royal highness.

Of course, the price was too outrageous in Ashby's view as even the royal villas in rank 1 or 2 kingdoms cost less. However, for Audrey 200 gold was just a meager amount.

"Give us three rooms on the Diamond floor" 

"Your ro" Ashby and Philea wanted to stop her but Audrey's single glance made them shudder and shut their mouths before they ruin her disguise.

"I'm very sorry, Miss. There's only one room available on the Diamond floor but there four rooms available on the Sapphire floor" the elven girl previously worked in the Lavender of Mairis and she knew a rich one when she saw one. Therefore, she could tell the girl in front of her is extremely rich by looking at her space ring and the aura she was radiating.

And just like the elven girl expected, Audrey flicked her wrist as a pouch of gold coins appeared in her hand.

"One room on the Diamond floor and two rooms on Sapphire floors" Audrey could hear some sighs behind her as she got to the last room on the Diamond floor.

"Shalia" the elven girl called out after counting the gold coins. Then another beautiful elven girl came from the dining area and bowed at Audrey.

 "Miss, please follow Shalia to your table, enjoy your meals and rooms"

"Lord, you have to wait here until the tables become available again"

As Audrey was following Shalia, she heard the elven girl at the counter stopping the crowd.



Both Ashby and Philea were stunned the moment they stepped into the dining area. Even Audrey was momentarily struck by its beauty. She thought she was teleported to a noble gala hall because everywhere she turns, marble tiles, chandeliers, and fancy sofas made the place look majestic.

Many elven girls, half-elves, and demi-humans girls were running around the place carrying a tray full of delicacies. On the far side of the hall, she saw Don and his people sitting around a table and enjoying their meals.

He didn't notice Audrey as she followed Shalia to her table.


"Don, we have two things that need to evolve Catalie" Knight said after Amber went into the kitchen to check on Amaryll.

"I never expected the Energy of wickedness is actually the black energy inside me" Don said

"At least there's one thing came out good from being infected by Aathreya"

"I wonder how that pervert got his hands on the hair of goddess" Reghys rolled her eyes and thought about Sears and the undergarments he stole from Rosaline.

"I don't want to talk about that, Reghys, it's gross," Knight said as Don nodded.

"Next we open the Glacier and start the wine production"

"Yeah, I want our kingdom to become the number 1 rank 3 kingdoms in the ranking ceremony. We already achieved enough military power, we only need more economical growth"

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