Rise of the Immortal Black Dragon King

3. The Immortal Black Dragon King

Or so I'd thought. But I was completely drained. So I opted to quickly go to sleep. I'll have to visit the Shidous tomorrow.




I woke up late in the morning. It was already 9:45 when I was supposed to visit the Shidous at 10. So hastily got ready and went on my way to their home. Their home was quite far from my house.

So I got on a bus which stopped close to their home. I was quite baffled when I found some youkai and devils in there. They have completely merged with human society. A normal person can't tell them apart. After about 10 minutes I arrived at my store. It took me another 10 minutes to their home.

I knocked on the doors of the Shadows. I heard loud footsteps coming from inside. Irina shouted 'coming' with her sweet voice. The door opened with Mrs. Shidou with Irina by her side.

"Kou-kun, you're late!" said Irina while hugging me. I hugged her back.

"Welcome to our home Kouske-kun," said Mrs. Shidou. I gave her a polite bow as I replied, "Thank you for having me"

"It's OK. Come inside. Your Uncle's already on the dining table. Have breakfast with us"

"OK," I replied as Irina pulled me by my hands. I also greeted Uncle Touji. He replied with a nod while reading a newspaper. Uncle Touji has a serious and strict office worker vibe with his glasses on. He seems like a person who wouldn't take any nonsense. Coupled with his muscular features he's very intimidating for a normal person.

He says he's the new father for the Kuoh Church which was the reason they came here. Aunt Misumi is like an older version of Irina with an air of cheeriness around her.

Irina must have her personality from her. I don't know how I would react if she was similar to her grumpy father. We had a heavy breakfast with a lot of different dishes. It seems they prepared something special for my visit.

After having breakfast I tried helping Aunt to wash the dishes but she refused. Irina took me to her room. It was a very girly room I'd say. The entire room was colored pink with flower patterns in between.

There were a lot of stuffed animals and some toys. We played with them for a while. Then Aunt came to say we're all going out sightseeing. It was pretty fun hanging out with them. They are a happy family.

Irina was running around happily while holding my hand. She was very happy to go to the aquarium and see so many different types of sea creatures. We eventually went to the church as Uncle Touji had some work. I got to see the church was still stable.

It hadn't yet become that rundown in place in the anime. Irina was unhappy with her father and Aunt Misumi was also glaring at him. He could only smile awkwardly. He said goodbye to us.

The three of us were out for a bit longer. When it was time for lunch in a fine restaurant. After bidding farewell, I went home. I must admit it was fun going out once in a while.




I'm in my room right now. Trying to awaken Vritra's sacred gear. In the anime, Rias said to awaken a sacred gear one needs to imagine the strongest thing they can. It will react to the feelings and awaken. Right now I'm also trying to do the same.

I imagine Saitama while he's punching. He's the closest one to the strongest I can imagine. I would never want to be on the receiving end of his punch. I try hard for a couple of minutes but nothing happens. After another five minutes, black wings similar to Divine Dividing appear on my back. I feel a surge of power flowing through me.

"You did it Kouske! You also got wings. Now you can fly" chimed in the ever cheerful Clarice. I was starting to get worried as she never once said anything when I was at the Shidous.

"Yeah. It's good that it took the form of wings. Now I won't have to worry about aerial battles".Just imagine what it would be like to be the only one not being able to fly where almost all the supernatural can fly. However, I think I still could have the ability to fly in my balance breaker. But I cannot use it all the time.

"Kouske, your status! Check your status"

I almost forgot to check my status.

Kouske Miyamura

Race: Human-Dragon Hybrid

Age:6 years

Str: F+

End: F+

Ag: F-

Mana: E-


1.Summoning:-User can summon familiars you are contracted with. To make contracts familiars need to accept the contract willingly. Forcibly making contracts is also possible but it's not recommended as it will result in an unstable contract. The spirits/familiars' power is not limited because of the user's mana rank. The contracts are equal. User cannot force them to do anything against their will. With the user's current strength user can only be contracted to one wind spirit.

2.Taming:-Same kind of contracts can be made with subdued monsters, animals, insects, or any other creatures. In this type of contract, the contract may not be equal. So in an unequal contract, the contract may not go against the contractor's will. Users can tame as many times as the user want. User can also summon them whenever the user wants using the summoning skill.

3. Skill Sharing(D+):-Only one skill equal to or lower than the D+ rank can be shared between the master and the familiar. If the contract is severed the skill will also go away.

Currently Shared Skill:-N/A

4. Hypnosis(D):-Strong hypnosis ability can be used up to D-rank individuals.

5. Body Transformation(F):-The user's body and looks can be freely transformed. It consumes a high amount of mana upon usage. As long as mana is supplied the transformation remains.

Items in effect:

1.Vritra's Sacred Gear(B+):-

Blaze Black Flare-Allows the user to create and control cursed black flames. (Unlocked)

Absorption Allows the user to create lines that can absorb the power of the person/thing it is connected to. (Locked)

Delete Allows the user to suppress an opponent's powers(Locked)

Shadow Prison-Allows the user to control black flames, which are used to restrain opponents(Locked)

Balance Breaker-Covers the user in a Black Dragon Armor(Locked)

Dragon Aura:-Aura of a Dragon King that enhances all bodily capabilities.

2. Fountain of Youth(A):-The Fountain of Youth is a sacred treasure of the Fairy Clan that grants anyone who drinks it eternal life.

Resistance:Poison Resistance(F+)


Overall Power: F+

"Wow! My overall power went up by a whole two ranks. I got a poison resistance skill and I can also use Blaze Black Flare."I immediately tried using Blaze Black Flare. A hot black ominous-looking flame appears in existence. It's said that Vritra's flame curses the victim's soul and it keeps burning it until Vritra or the victim dies.

The black flames were emitting a crisp-like sound. I was so thrilled to be able to use it that I almost burned my room. Thankfully Clarice reminded me where I was. As I couldn't contain my excitement, I rushed to the slime dungeon immediately. In my moments of excitement, I even forgot to summon my most trusted companion.

That day I had a blast blasting slimes with my Blaze Black Flare. I also understood how the dragon-type sacred gear influenced my body and mind. My physical strength and endurance had gone up by two ranks. I was relishing in destroying the slimes and setting fire to the forest.

Though I wonder if it was Vritra's influence or my blood lust. I encountered an earth elemental slime but it couldn't penetrate my defenses. So it wasn't that much of a hard fight like yesterday.

One time I let myself get injured a bit to see the effect of Fountain of Youth. It was immediately healed. It boosted my confidence. So I let all hell break loose in the dungeon.

After spending what felt like hours I returned home. Took a nice long bath and had my supper. Then I went to sleep all the while having a large grin on my face. But I had a feeling that I was forgetting something.

That night I had a dream. I saw a large 20-metre-long eastern serpentine dragon. It was purple with white flamel-like things extending from head to tail on both the upper and the lower portion of the body. Numerous pitch-black dragon scales cover its body. Its eyes were deep violet almost flickering light. Its teeth were sharp enough to cut through the hardest of metals easily. Seeing the being in front of me I knew who it was. I let out an almost inaudible sound.


"Indeed. It is I Vrita, the Black Dragon King also known as the Prison Dragon. It's a pleasure meeting you" said Vritra in an almost enchanting voice.

"Wait!Wait!Wait!You are a girl?!" I screamed out.

"Fufufu!Indeed. Not just any girl, I'm an extremely beautiful girl" said Vritra as she turned into an extremely beautiful girl. She had yellow long hair that reached her waist along with deep yellow eyes which were sometimes changing between deep violet and deep yellow. She had such a seductive body that looking at her curves even a monk would not be able to abstain from it. She was supernaturally beautiful. I held my breath as my eyes locked onto her visage.

"You're an interesting host. Even I was startled when suddenly all my soul pieces started merging. It feels like forever when I could feel so complete. None of my previous hosts were ever successful in merging all my souls. I sincerely thank you for what you have done. But I was pretty shocked going through your memories. I had to take my time to think it over."

Of course, she would see my memories! How could I forget that?!

"So you know all about me, huh? What are your thoughts about all that?"

"Hmm. You know we from the supernatural are not unfamiliar with the multiverse theory. Almost all the powerhouses know bits of information about that. But no one came in contact with people like you. Seeing your memories gave me hope that I could also attain new levels of power and eventually get out of this prison. It's ironic right? The Prison Dragon is imprisoned here. Damn Yahweh! Damn Indra!" said Vritra with clear disdain at the end.

I finally snapped out of my reverie at her cold words even though they weren't directed at me.

"So what name should we choose?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Fufufu!Our title.What else? You might even be able to surpass my original strength and with that immortality of yours, it might only be a matter of time before we surpass those Dragon Emperors or maybe even the Dragon Gods or even FURTHER!Don't you also want a cool title?"

I just thought are all Dragon Kings this eccentric?'

"Sure.Whatever you say."

"Then how about Immortal Black Dragon King?or Emperor?or God? Maybe all, with enough time. Today marks the start of the journey of The Immortal Black Dragon King!Fufufu!"

I could only smile wryly at that.

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