Rise From the Humble

Chapter 357: surprise

  Chapter 357 Unexpected joy

  The choice of fish and chicken, that is why.

  But facing Emperor Jiajing’s question, Zhu Ping’an couldn’t answer in this way. This kind of answer is too religious and utilitarian. Even if the answer is correct, it may not be a good one.

  As a believer, this kind of explanation and answer can satisfy the Pope!

  But as a subject, such an answer cannot satisfy the monarch! The answer of the courtier should be like a courtier.

"Chickens have five virtues. I was often taught by my mother at home. Since I was a child, my mother told me that chickens are the birds of the five virtues. When I was young, my family was poor. My mother exchanged chickens for eggs and bought pens, ink and paper. , for my minister to read and write, my minister is able to have today, thanks to the support of my parents, and I am also grateful for the chicken.

"The chicken is a bird of the five virtues. It has five virtues. There is a crown on the head of the chicken, and the crown is a gentleman. This is Wende; the chicken has toes behind its claws, which are sharp and sharp, and it is used for fighting. This is Wude; the chicken is strong and powerful. Not to be afraid, to face a strong enemy, to dare to fight, to fight bravely, to meet a narrow road, the brave wins, this is the virtue of bravery; after the chicken finds the food, it will not eat alone, but will invite its companions to peck together, benevolence is unparalleled, this is benevolence "The rooster announces the dawn, not afraid of the severe cold and heat, rain or shine, the dawn announces the dawn, and never loses faith for a day, and is punctual and trustworthy, this is faith."

   "Master has a saying, three people must have my teacher, I think this word applies to all things in the world."

"I choose the golden rooster to learn from its five virtues. A minister should live a day and learn a day, live a life and learn to be old, never put down the book, and the heart of literature and virtue will last forever; Although a literati, he also has a martial heart, and those who violate my Ming Dynasty will be punished even if they are far away. Although I am a civil servant, I have no strength to restrain a chicken, but I am willing to gallop on the battlefield to make meritorious deeds for your majesty. Planning in the midst of the strategy; the northern captives are tyrannical, and the southern Japanese are brutal, but I have the blood of a great man on my body, and I also have a heart of courage, and I am not afraid; I am grateful to your majesty for being promoted, and I have the heart of a benevolent person. From now on, no matter where the humble minister is, there will always be benevolence; people will not stand without faith, and the minister will always have faith, words must be done, and actions must be resolute."

   "These five virtues, I will keep in mind and put them into practice, so as to add bricks and tiles to your Majesty's splendid country."

  Holding the golden rooster in his hands, Zhu Ping'an was full of excitement, his eyes were full of sincerity, and his words were clear. He told the reason for choosing the golden rooster "truthfully" to Emperor Jiajing who was sitting high on the dragon chair.

  This reason can almost be a policy article.

  Theory of Five Virtues.

Live and learn.

   Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

   Add bricks and tiles to my splendid country.

How comfortable these words sound, the theory of the five virtues is well said, learn to live forever, these six words are concise, but they have far-reaching meanings; All the officers and soldiers have this heart, so why would Lao Shizi, the northern prisoner and the southern Japanese, beat Daming to death with me, take the lead! There is also adding bricks and tiles to my splendid country. They didn't talk about opening up territories, but only adding bricks and tiles. What they said was so sincere and not fake at all. How urgent it is to serve the country.

   Zhu Ping'an's words mixed with the words and phrases that have withstood the test of modern society conquered Jiajing.

   These words have reached Emperor Jiajing’s heart. Where can I find such a filial courtier, such a courtier who is eager to learn, such a courtier who is sensible, and who has such a heart to serve the country!

   After hearing what Zhu Pingan said, Huang Jin, who served beside Emperor Jiajing, involuntarily looked at Zhu Pingan again, and firmly remembered Zhu Pingan. This young man has an unlimited future, so he should pay more attention to it and form a good relationship in the future.

   "Be flat, Aiqing has a heart of filial piety." Emperor Jiajing sat on the dragon chair, and after listening to Zhu Ping'an's reply, he said with emotion.

   "Aiqing has a good mother."

   Emperor Jiajing finished feeling, and then said another sentence.

   Speaking of this, it's not over yet.

  Zhu Pingan listened to Emperor Jiajing's words of flattening, and after listening to Emperor Jiajing's emotion, he just got up, and then he fell to his knees again with a plop when he was uttered by Emperor Jiajing's next sentence.

   After Emperor Jiajing said that Aiqing had a good mother, he immediately said this sentence, and it was this sentence that made Zhu Ping'an fall to his knees on the ground with a plop.

"Huang Ban, choose a day to draft an imperial order. Zhu Ping'an's mother, Mrs. Chen, is good at accumulating in her body. On the dragon chair, he opened his golden mouth and rewarded Zhu Pingan's mother, Mrs. Chen, with an imperial order.

   "My lord, thank you for your grace."

  Zhu Ping'an knelt on the ground with a plop, and was a little out of control when he was overjoyed by this surprise.

  A surprise, definitely a big surprise. When Zhu Ping'an was at home, he said many times when coaxing his mother, Mrs. Chen, that she would fight for her mother's order to come back. Although I said so, of course I will work so hard, but the order is really not so easy to get.

  In Daming and even the entire feudal society, the imperial decree of the emperor called the officials of the first rank to the fifth rank, edict, edict; the officials of the sixth rank to the ninth rank were called edict, edict. Their mothers and wives also follow their ranks after receiving the imperial decree, which is what everyone often calls their wives.

   Madam Gaoming also has a rank and a salary, but she has no real power, but this honor is definitely enough to honor her ancestors and make her admired and hated by thousands of people.

The grades of the wives are divided in this way: the mother and wife of a third-rank official are granted the title of Shuren, which is also a third-rank; Pleasant, is also the fifth rank; the mother and wife of the sixth rank official, who is granted to An Ren, is also the sixth rank.

  Zhu Ping'an's mother was awarded the title of Anren, which is the sixth rank.

  However, Madam Gaoming does not mean that your son or your husband can be appointed as an official. This requires many conditions, and you will not be granted an imperial order for no reason.

  One of the very important conditions is: outstanding achievements. In other words, if you become an official, you must be very good at it, and you must have great achievements. The number of places is very limited.

  That's why when Zhu Pingan heard that Jiajing Feng's mother, Mrs. Chen, ordered his wife to be his wife, he was so surprised that he lost his composure. I just answered, I just wanted to be close to the reality, thank my parents, and take the opportunity to leave a good impression in front of Emperor Jiajing.

   Emperor Jiajing looked at Zhu Pingan's surprised expression, shook his head and smiled, this child is really sincere.

   "Okay, let's kneel down." Emperor Jiajing shook his head and smiled, and waved his hand.

   "Minister, thank you Lord Long En, and I will leave." Zhu Pingan once again knelt down to thank him, this time with absolute sincerity from the bottom of his heart, and then got up to leave.

  Zhu Pingan still felt a little unreal until he left the hall. This surprise was really unexpected.

   In other words, after receiving the imperial decree, mother Chen will definitely be in and out of the village, showing off her tricks non-stop.

  Just thinking about how the mother at home looked like when she received the imperial decree, the smile on Zhu Ping'an's face couldn't stop.

  (end of this chapter)

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