Re:Zero All Sins

Chapter 8: You have Divin Blessing? Bonus

Subaru run at Vanitas, as his daggers clash with her magic, as then as then Subaru ducked out of the way as swipe was ready too cut hsi head.

Ram sent a blast of air magic, ready too cut her as Subaru moved out of the way as he looked at her, he then used [Shadow Control] the shadow around Vanitas moves and tryed to consume her, but then she used on her holding her down as then she used her Atority as she changed the world as Subaru moved away as then he looked at Ram and Rem, as he sighed.

Subaru spoke in mind. "I gess I have too use your powers this time".

[Pandora spirit came out finthr witch garden as she rapped her arms around his neck as she spoke in his. "Do my beloved, kill this inferior version of".

Carmilla then spoke as well. "U-use my power as well".


[Vainglorious Illusion (7%)– [Enables the user to create and manipulate illusions.] Activated]


[Skill: Law of Deception (1%) – [Allows the host to bend reality within a limited scope, enabling illusions, false memories, and momentary rewrites of perceived events.] Activated]

Everyone was shocked as the airs and sound were starting to change as even Vanitas.

Vanitas looked around as she spoke. "W-what are you".

[Carmilla then spoke. "N-Now use my ability]


[Skill: Veil of Innocence (1%) – [Allows the user to momentarily erase their presence, emotions, and hostility, making them appear completely harmless or unnoticed.] Activated]

As then Subaru disappeared from everyone even from Ram and Rem, as they looked around a bit, as then Subaru was Infront of Vanitas as then then though she killed Subaru but he was just a illusion

"Your Easy to trick".

Then then got stabbed in the back by Vanitas, as she then started too look around as then she saw 5 more Subaru, they rushed at her, as Vanitas used her own Authority as she then destroyed the clones, as then hand was stabbed as she screams as she looked around as she was kicked breaking through a book shell, as Subaru walked up to her, as then his hand glows.

[Daphne then spoke. "She is gonna taste Bad Darling~]

Subaru hold her head as he use a [[Gluttonous Consumption], as she screamed as Subaru turned her back to a book


[Memory have been eaten]


[True name has been eaten]


[Ability have been eaten]


[No one but you will remember her or this fight]

[Pandora then spoke as she goes as she looked at Subaru. "Oh, I back too full powers, I gess she was the fragment I lost]

Subaru then stopped his [Vainglorious Illusion], [Law Of Deception] and [Vail Of Innocence]

Both Rem and Ram hold there head, as they looked at Subaru. As Ram then spoke. "As I said Barusu if you want that book you need to ask Roswaal".

Subaru then spoke in his mind. "They really don't remember anything".

[Echidna then sighed in his mind. "Of course, they don't. The moment you devoured her existence, the very concept of her was erased from their memories. It's a dangerous power, Subaru."]

[Satella whispered softly. "But it means you're safe… and that's all that matters."]

Subaru clenched his fist, looking at the book still in his hand. Vanitas—or whatever her real name had been—was gone. Not just dead, but completely erased. No one but him, and the Witches in his mind, even knew she had ever existed.

He exhaled slowly, shaking his head. Gotta keep moving. Dwelling on it wouldn't change anything.

Looking at Ram and Rem, who were still rubbing their temples in confusion, Subaru forced a grin. "Right, right. I'll just go ask Roswaal. No problem."

Ram raised an eyebrow, still suspicious, but shrugged. "Good. He will decide what to do with it."

Rem, on the other hand, smiled warmly. "If you need anything, Subaru-kun, just ask."

Subaru nodded, tucking the book under his arm. "Thanks, Rem."

As they left the library, Pandora's voice purred in his mind. ["My beloved, now that I'm whole again, I can do much more for you. You just need to ask~."]

Subaru sighed internally. Great. Just what I needed. A fully powered Witch of Vainglory whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

[Minerva then grumbled. "Tch. Don't let it go to your head, idiot. Power's fine and all, but don't forget to use that tiny brain of yours."]

Subaru smirked. "Wouldn't dream of it."

For now, he had a new goal—figure out what the hell was in this book and why Vanitas had been so desperate to protect it.

Later that day as Subaru was with Emilia.

Emilia looked at Subaru as she spoke. "Subaru do you know your Magic Element types".

Subaru scratch his head as he spoke. "Kinda".

Subaru if he thought about, with how much was happening he thinks his Magic Type is probably Yang, in this world Magic was Divin into 6 category, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ying and Yang. Emilia then looked as she spoke. "Kinda? Puck can help you check it".

[Typhon then spoke in Subaru mind. "Oh No"]

Subaru then spoke in his head. "What do you mean Oh No".

Puck touched Subaru head, as he closes his after a few second he floated back with shocked as he screamed loud enough for everyone in the machine to hear it. "You have all 6 Magic Types".

Subaru spoke in his head. "How the hell"

[Sekhmet then spoke in his head. "That is because of us]

Emilia then looked her mind coming to only on conclusion. "Do you have a Divin Blessing".

Subaru sweet as he wonder what too say. [Satella spoke in his head. "Just let them believe it, we will some how make it work"]

Subaru looked at her as she spoke the first thing that came too his head. "Yeah, I have one, it is called the Divin Blessings Of Sorcery".

Puck was even more shocked aa he looked at him. "That is Unique Divin Blessing that is like in 1 in 1 million chance and even more for this specific one".

[Echidna then scoffed in Subaru's mind. "Oh, please. A 'one in a million' chance? More like 'impossible without interference from us.' You're welcome, by the way."]

[Pandora giggled. "Beloved, you always manage to get yourself into the most interesting situations~."]

Subaru sighed internally. Great. Now I have to keep up this Divine Blessing act forever.

Emilia, however, looked amazed. "Subaru, that's incredible! That means you can use all six elements? Have you ever tried casting different kinds of magic?"

Subaru scratched the back of his head. "Uh, I mean… not really? I just kind of do things when I need to, y'know?"

Puck was still staring at him. "You just do things? Subaru, if you actually have this Divine Blessing, you could be one of the most powerful magic users in the world! You need to train!"

[Minerva groaned. "Ugh, just what we need. A training arc."]

[Daphne giggled. "Ohhh, but won't it be fun? Watching him struggle~?"]

[Typhon cheered. "Break some bones! That's how you get stronger!"]

Subaru grumbled mentally. I swear, my life just keeps getting more and more complicated…

Emilia, meanwhile, was beaming. "This is amazing! I'll help you train, Subaru! And Puck can teach you too!"

Puck nodded. "Absolutely! We'll start tomorrow! You need to understand your affinities and how to use them properly!"

Subaru forced a smile. "Great… Looking forward to it…"

[Satella then whispered. "You'll be fine, Subaru. We'll help you."]

Subaru exhaled, nodding. Well, if nothing else, at least I won't be training alone…

Roswaal then walked out as he heard everything. "Now please tell I heard that wrong right, is that the reason you ran from your home land, they tryed too make your there weapon".

Subaru continues with this lie. "Yeah something like that".

Roswaal narrowed his eyes, analyzing Subaru's words carefully. "Hmmm… a Divine Blessing that grants all six elements? That's beyond rare. No wonder your homeland wanted to keep you as their special weapon."

Subaru scratched the back of his head, acting sheepish. "Yeah, well… I wasn't exactly thrilled about it, so I ran. Thought I'd live a nice, quiet life, but, well…" He gestured around. "I guess fate had other plans."

[Echidna spoke in his mind, amusement lacing her voice. "Oh, you're quite the little liar, aren't you? This is rather fun to watch."]

[Pandora giggled. "He really does look adorable when he's bluffing~."]

[Satella's voice, soft and reassuring, whispered. "You're doing fine, Subaru. Just be careful."]

Roswaal took a step closer, his ever-present smirk twitching slightly. "You ran? And they didn't chase you?"

Subaru's heart skipped a beat, but he forced himself to grin. "Oh, they did. But let's just say I had a few… advantages that helped me escape."

[Sekhmet yawned in his head. "Tch. He's trying to sniff out inconsistencies. Watch your words, kid."]

Roswaal hummed, his heterochromatic eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Fascinating. Truly fascinating." He then chuckled, waving a hand. "Well! No matter. A blessing is a blessing! And as a member of my household, we must make use of your incredible abilities, yes~?"

Subaru forced a laugh. "Haha… yeah… can't wait…"

[Minerva groaned. "Ugh. I don't like this clown."]

[Carmilla murmured. "He… unnerves me…"]

[Pandora smirked. "He's certainly entertaining… but we should be careful, beloved. He's very, very smart."]

Subaru nodded subtly. Yeah. I know…

Emilia, unaware of the tension, clapped her hands together. "That just means Subaru's training is even more important! We'll start tomorrow!"

Subaru sighed, already feeling the exhaustion settle in. Training with Emilia, keeping up my lies, and making sure Roswaal doesn't suspect anything… Yeah. My life just keeps getting harder.

To be continued

Sense you guys got me too 50 Power stones here is your Two Bonus Ch see if you guys can get mee too 100, also thank you for all the support and give me more powers stone's

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