Re:Zero All Sins

Chapter 12: Arlan Village Bonus

Subaru was with that's of Rem, he was told too go and protect her while she went too Alarm Village, Alarm Village that in the Emilia camp, Roswaal believes that If Emilia can run this small Village then she can Run the Kingdoms in the future, or that is what he thinks at least, Subaru dagger was ready and his [Invisible Providence] just encase something would happen, he also remember that book Vanitas was trying too protect and he sound reading it.

Subaru spoke mentally. "This place is nice".

[Minerva then spoke in his head. "So are you going to talk too her, or just stay quiet"

Carmilla then spoke as will. "M-Minerva I-is right, you should t-talk t-to more people then just us"]

Subaru spoke mentally. "I am not good with people"

[Daphne then spoke looking at him. "You think we don't know, we checked your memory's, we are trying too help you darling".

Echidna then spoke in his head. "Also after going through your Memory's I just have one thing too say everyone in your middle school is in our shit list"]

Subaru sighed, rubbing his temple as he walked beside Rem, who was carefully scanning the surroundings.

"You know," Subaru muttered mentally, "It's kind of weird having a whole council of witches in my head."

["You'll get used to it, darling~," Pandora teased. "Besides, it's not like we're going anywhere."]

Subaru shook his head as he turned to Rem, who was now speaking with one of the villagers. He glanced around—Arlam Village was as peaceful as he remembered. Children ran through the dirt paths, merchants set up their stalls, and elderly folk rested under shaded areas. It was the kind of calm that felt almost foreign to him.

["You like it here," Carmilla observed softly. "Y-you feel safe."]

Subaru frowned. "Safe? I wouldn't go that far. It's more like... I don't want anything bad to happen here."

Rem finished her conversation and walked back to him. "Subaru, is something wrong?"

He snapped out of his thoughts. "Nope! Just thinking about what to eat later."

Rem narrowed her eyes slightly but didn't press further. "Let's continue. We need to check in with the village chief."

As they walked through the village, Subaru couldn't help but notice the way the villagers regarded him. Some gave him curious glances, others nodded in greeting, and a few children whispered excitedly before running off. It was a stark contrast to how people looked at him back in Japan—there, he was just another face in the crowd. Here, though? It felt like they actually acknowledged him.

["They see you as someone important," Minerva commented. "You're a part of Emilia's camp, after all."]

["I-it's n-not a bad t-thing," Carmilla added shyly. "H-having p-people w-who l-look at y-you w-with t-trust..."]

["Haaah~ sounds like a pain," Sekhmet yawned. "Too many expectations, too much responsibility."]

Subaru sighed internally. "I didn't ask for this."

["But you like it," Echidna smirked. "Admit it."]

Subaru ignored her as they reached the village chief's house. The elderly man greeted them with a warm smile.

"Ah, Lady Rem! And you must be Subaru, correct? I've heard much about you."

Subaru scratched his cheek. "Uh, all good things, I hope?"

The chief chuckled. "Mostly. Come, let's talk inside."

The discussion inside was relatively straightforward—Rem went over the latest supply requests, village concerns, and any security issues. Subaru only half-listened, glancing outside through the window. A few villagers were tending to livestock, others were chatting near the well, and he noticed a familiar figure—a small girl with long, dark-blue braided hair.

Subaru's eyes narrowed slightly.

Meili Portroute.

She wasn't doing anything suspicious. In fact, she was just sitting under a tree, playing with a small wooden carving of a dragon. But Subaru knew better than to take her presence lightly.

["She's... just a child," Carmilla whispered, conflicted. "B-but..."]

["A child who commands mabeasts," Echidna reminded. "She's not someone to underestimate."]

["Ooooh, what do we do, what do we do~?" Pandora giggled. "Do we say hi? Do we ignore her? Or maybe... we invite her to tea?"]

Subaru exhaled slowly. He wasn't going to cause a scene, but he wasn't going to ignore this either.

After the meeting wrapped up, Subaru turned to Rem. "Hey, you go ahead and check on the villagers. I'm gonna... take a walk."

Rem gave him a knowing look. "Subaru..."

"I'm not going to do anything stupid."

Rem studied him for a moment before sighing. "Fine. But be careful."

With that, Subaru made his way toward the tree where Meili was sitting.

She noticed him approaching but didn't react—she just kept playing with her wooden dragon, tracing her fingers over the tiny carvings.

Subaru sat down a few feet away, resting his arms on his knees. "Didn't expect to see you here."

Meili tilted her head slightly, still not looking at him. "Didn't expect you to notice."

Subaru scoffed. "Yeah, well, I'm good at noticing things that are out of place."

A brief silence.

Then Meili finally looked at him, her yellow-green eyes unreadable. "Are you going to try and stop me?"

Subaru stared at her for a moment before sighing. "Not yet. Right now, I just want to know what you're doing here."

Meili shrugged. "Just watching."

"Watching what?"

Meili's gaze flickered toward the villagers, the children playing, the merchants haggling. "I don't know."

Subaru looked at her as he spoke. "Will that ain't concerning".

Meili looked at him as she spoke. "So how did you figure me out"

Subaru looked at her and Actvued [Witch Lie]. "I have a six sense".

Another silence.

["This is interesting," Daphne mused. "She's... different from what we expected."]

["Maybe," Echidna murmured. "Or maybe she just doesn't know what to do next."]

Subaru leaned back against the tree. "Well, don't cause any trouble, okay?"

Meili gave him a small, almost amused smile. "No promises."

Subaru sighed. "Figures."

For now, he wouldn't push. But he'd keep an eye on her.

Then the dog in her hand bits Subaru hand, as the other kids looked at her

As Meili looked as she pulled her act with her best acting face. "Oh I am so sorry, my dog seems too not like you".


[Curse located Right Arm]

[Daphne then spoke in his head. "Allow me take care of that curse]

Daphne spirit then came out of trh witch garden and ate the curse as she then return, it was time like these he was happy no one but him can see the Witch Spirit, he looked at her and walked away.

Subaru sighed as he rubbed his now curse-free hand, glaring at the small dog that had just bitten him. He wasn't surprised—after all, he remembered what information he has about mabeast. But seeing Meili pull off her innocent act so effortlessly still annoyed him.

Meili tilted her head slightly, her yellow-green eyes glimmering with fake concern. "Are you okay, Mister Subaru?"

Subaru narrowed his eyes. "Yeah. Just peachy."

The other kids looked between the two, confused by the tension.

["Tch, stupid brat," Minerva muttered. "I should punch her for that."]

["O-or maybe w-we should just b-be c-careful?" Carmilla suggested hesitantly.]

["Bleeeeh, if we start attacking every brat that annoys us, Subaru will never have a peaceful day~," Pandora teased.]

Subaru ignored them, turning away from Meili without another word. There was no point in making a scene now. Besides, Daphne had already taken care of the curse.

["Heh, lucky you have me, darling," Daphne purred. "That would've been nasty~."]

Subaru sighed as he walked toward the village center, shaking his head.

Then Satella's voice echoed softly in his mind. ["Just like that, we have another name on our shit list."]

Subaru snorted. "Yeah, no kidding."

One thing was certain—Arlam Village wasn't as peaceful as it seemed. And if Meili was already making moves, then it was only a matter of time before things spiraled into chaos.

Later that night, Meili as she called for someone as Elsa cane infornt of her.

Meili then looker at Elsa as she spoke. "Found him".

Elsa raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. "Found The Guy you can't stop thinking about".

Elsa then spoke as she patted her head. "First of all good Job and second please choose your words better, and third the time for the plan haven't started yeat".

Meili pouted slightly, crossing her arms. "I know, I know. But it's him, Elsa! The one who ruined everything. The one who took away your skills. Aren't you even a little mad?"

Elsa tilted her head, her dark eyes gleaming in the dim moonlight. "Oh, I'm furious, darling~," she said with a smile that sent shivers down most people's spines. "But that's why I want to savor it. Rushing won't be any fun."

Meili sighed, kicking a small rock at her feet. "Tch. Fine. But I still don't get what he did to you. It wasn't some normal attack, right?"

Elsa's smile faltered for a split second before returning. "No, it wasn't. It wasn't strength or skill… it was something else. Something wrong." Her hand twitched slightly as she remembered the feeling—Subaru's touch, the unnatural light, the way her years of honed instincts had simply vanished.

Meili watched her carefully before nodding. "Alright then. I'll wait. But when the time comes—"

Elsa smirked, stepping forward and gently cupping Meili's cheek. "Oh, when the time comes, darling… we'll give him a night he'll never forget."

Meili grinned, stepping back. "Then I'll keep an eye on him."

Elsa chuckled. "Good girl."

With that, the two disappeared into the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Subaru was then in his room, as he looked at his arm. "I have a bad feeling"

[Pandora then spoke in his head. "Oh why is that"]

Subaru then narrows his eyes as he spoke. "Something tells, in a few days I gonna have a lot of things happen to be".

Meanwhile in a different place, a group of people were making they way to village, it will take them a few days but they will reach, they were not being lead by a particular person but a man with a box, almost like that Box was sensing something and guiding them, this was the Witch Cult. It was gonna be a few days too reach the place

Meanwhile with Subaru, as he spoke in his mind. "Either they are gonna be pain in my ass for very good help too me".

[Sekhmet then spoke as she yawn. "Why is the Suber.... Are you worried]

Subaru then spoke in his mind. "Yes, but I not sure why".

[Minerva then scoffed. "Tch. If your gut is telling you something, then listen to it, idiot."]

[Carmilla hesitated before speaking softly. "Y-you always downplay your instincts, Subaru. But y-you're rarely wrong..."]

Subaru sighed, running a hand through his hair. "That's the problem. I have no proof, just a bad feeling. And if I start acting paranoid without reason, people are gonna look at me weird."

[Echidna then smirked. "And when has that ever stopped you?"]

Subaru rolled his eyes. "Very funny."

He glanced at his arm again, where the curse had been. It was gone now, thanks to Daphne, but the incident still gnawed at him. That girl, Meili—something about her felt off. And now, this growing sense of unease…

Subaru got up from his bed and walked to the window, staring out at the quiet village. The stars above twinkled, as if mocking his worry. He wished he could ignore it, but deep down, he knew.

Something was coming.

Something big.

And he had to be ready.

To be continued

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