Chapter 2: Popular Science Reading: Seven Days of Creation
In the beginning, the Lord had not yet created the world.
The world was a point of Chaos.
It was extremely small, almost without any volume.
Yet it was incredibly heavy and burning hot, all mass and all energy converged within this point of Chaos.
At that time, there was no space and no time.
The Lord said, let there be light.
Thus, the point of Chaos exploded.
And there was light.
The process in between lasted about ten thousand years, but for the Lord, it was like the blink of an eye, merely a day.
Therefore, this was the first day.
The Lord separated light from darkness.
Light is visible, darkness is invisible.
When the light cooled down, it condensed into gas.
Darkness, however, continued to expand, causing Chaos to expand endlessly even to this very day.
The Lord said, gas can condense into water, water lies below gas; water can condense into soil, soil lies below water.
Water emerged, and He separated water from gas; then, soil appeared, and He separated soil and water. Thus, it was so.
The process in between took about four hundred thousand years, but for the Lord, it was still like the blink of an eye, merely a day.
Therefore, this was the second day.
The Lord said, gas, water, and soil should come together, and a force should attract them to each other.
Thus, gas, water, and soil gathered together, distributed in the depths of Chaos, bound by the attracting force, turning into vast clouds of dust.
The process in between took about seven hundred million years, but for the Lord, it was still like the blink of an eye, merely a day.
Therefore, this was the third day.
The Lord said, there shall be earth below and light bodies above. Earth cold and solid, light bodies providing light and heat.
Dust clouds continued to forcefully gather, the smaller compressing into earth, bearing water and soil.
The larger continued to compress until the materials collapsed, reforming into burning light bodies.
The light and heat from the light bodies shone down upon the earth, and the earth orbited and rotated around the light bodies, causing different places on the surface to experience varying light and heat at different times, thus there were the four seasons and the cycle of day and night. And it was so.
The process in between took about one hundred million years, but for the Lord, it was still like the blink of an eye, merely a day.
Therefore, this was the fourth day.
The Lord said, let the waters teem with living substances that can move freely.
Then, organic substances appeared in the water, followed by algae and bacteria, then eukaryotic organisms with nuclei.
Eukaryotic organisms proliferated and evolved in the water, gradually becoming fishes, mollusks, soft-bodied, and arthropod creatures, filling the waters of the seas.
The process in between took about one billion years, but for the Lord, it was still like the blink of an eye, merely a day.
Therefore, this was the fifth day.
The Lord said, let the creatures of the water come onto land and fill it as well.
Thus, marine creatures crawled onto land, gradually evolving into arthropods, and then giant reptiles.
They had horns and scales, claws and teeth, running across the land, some ate grass, others ate meat, each after its kind.
Lowlands on the land saw great forests arise, with seed-bearing vegetables and fruit-bearing trees.
The Lord was not satisfied, for they were too far from His image.
The Lord destroyed the old species and let new species refill the earth and the seas, then destroyed them again, and so forth.
Until the Lord, in His own image, created Homo sapiens from apes.
The process in between took about four hundred million years, but for the Lord, it still seemed like the blink of an eye, merely a day.
Therefore, this was the sixth day.
The Lord blessed Homo sapiens and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it."
"Rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every creature that moves on the ground."
"Regarding the beasts of the field and the birds of the sky, and all the living beings that crawl on the earth, I have given green plants as their food, and also to you as your sustenance."
By this time, all things in heaven and on earth had been created.
By the seventh day, the Lord then rested and ceased His work.
This is also why Sunday is known as the day of rest.
Dear Believer brothers, if you wish to learn more about the Lord's creation of the world, I recommend reading "The Big Bang" and "Species Evolution Theory" two classic works.
For more questions, please consult the Bishop in your local Diocese after his sermon ends.