Reverse world gacha system

Chap 5: just a train ride

hello my lovely reader, i'm back. Here's a chap of today, there might be a new chap tomorow too, (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ but who knows.

Anywho Enjoy

On the street, Takumi just left the dojo. With the sun still shining high on the sky through the cloud, he still had a long time before the end of the day to finish his new quest. 

[Quest started: Exorcised curse spirits 0/1] 

[Reward: 1 gacha pull]

Walking in the middle of the busy crowd, Takumi trying his best to ignore the world around while heading toward the train station.

He could feel the stare of womans aiming at his neck, collarbone line, some even at his heel. They're especialy focus on his crotch, Takumi don't like to atract attention, contrary to many main character who is in a world like this. But that is not what had bothered him the most. 

While the people around was also going to the train station just like him. It's the clothing these people wearing that are bothering him. 

Alot of the adult woman were walking in uniform clothing, office work suits, vest with tie and long skirt, which seemed normal, after all. It would made sense since they're the majority working class in this world. The man, on the other hand, was wearing clothes that are much more "open" to say the least. 

Croped shirt that only covered the top half of their body, leaving their belly wide open for the view and gaze of lustfull woman. Short pants showing their legs, and some of them intentionally wore pants that hugs tighly around the crotch, showing a bulge in it. 

In his old world, this would be something like a woman showing off her cleavage to get the attention of the boys. Takumi had a really hard time processing this sittuation, even after months. He can't get over it. 

'I swear i'm not gay, i'm not gay, i'm not gay, nope nope, not even a bit. No way, nuh uh.' He keep repeating this throught while Keeping a straight face as he walk passed a boy dressing like a femboy.

'That's like the 18th femboy i walked pass.' I commented on the fashion style of this world.

Similar to how a woman can wear both skirt and pants in his old world. Here is the reversed, with man can wear both pants and skirt as well. No way Takumi would wear something like this. The amount of men wearing a short skirt is outstanding, which add on to Takumi charms to woman that staring at him, seeing as he's the most notable male in sight wearing pants. 

This is why he try to have his clothes like his old wardrobe. Not too revealling but loose enough to be comfortable and still be easy to move in. Clothing like this is hard to find, harder since not much were made for men. 

As soon as he bought the ticket, Takumi got to into the train car and find a seat. fortunally for him, there was many open seat. Takumi take one seat in the far back, obscuring him in the coming crowd.

'System, show me my status.' 


[User status]

Name: Takumi Nejima 

Level 1 (22 points) 

Strenght: 18.2

Perception: 22.2

Agility: 13.0

Endurance: 18.4

Energy: 23.0

Luck: 11 (+10 ) The blessing of the gacha goddess. 


Takumi ponder in his seat about his stats point he gained in these past time. 

His physical stats can be gained when he train, [strenght] is how much power his body could exert. [Endurance] made his body more resilient and also affected how much stamina he has, he can gain them just from running. 

'System, how come my physical point is gaining so slow.' 

[User point are gained arcording to the assigned body, male physiology in this world are weaker  

Than that of female. As user is a male the system stats point reward are calculate so that user body can adapt as it continue to progress] 

'Are you saying it get low points because i'm a guy ?' 


'What the normal stats for a women in this world then?' 

[Female of this universe, share the low 20 points in both [Strenght] and [Endurance] on the average non-socerer. And on a high end have 30 point on both stat, a socercer is common to have these stats are peak human condition and also many case of grade 4-3 socerers.] 

It made sense, woman are the one to work in harsh condition instead of men. It is only reasonable that they have a better physically more than the male. 

'Hm....then what about my other stats?' 

[The male physiology in this world are oriented to working less stressfull job, the point user can gain is higher in those pecific stats] 

'So my that's why my other stats can be gained so easily' 

[Perception] is his reaction to his surrounding, and also affect the range and clarity he can see object. To gain points from it he just need to practice something like throwing dart or.....even sewing. 

Yes, Takumi has found that doing thing woman do in his old world give him points. Like how he can gain points in [Agility] just from doing simple yoga. [Agility] is how well he can move his body. 

And it give him more points too. Different from the physical point which he work hard as hell every single day just to gather a 0.1 or 0.2, [Perception] and [Agility] give him almost a full 1.0 point. Which explain why Takumi stats is so balance overall. 

Next is his [Energy] stat, which in this case is his curse energy. Starting out at a measly 2, now his curse energy has increase in 20 times over. 

Which not only change how much curse energy his body can hold but can also how much he can discharge. 

For the most of his stats, Takumi know how to gain, strenght and endurance already in his daily training. Perception and agility do require a bit more focus but still doable. It's only the [Luck] stats that Takumi can't figure out.

'Hey system, help me out ?'


'Leaving me hanging again. Fine, i'll figure this out by myself.' He could only sigh inwardly. 

As any rate, he still need to get stronger to be ready for future events. Through being this far back in the past before any of the story take place does give him some sense of safety. 

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