Reverse world gacha system

Chap 11: shopping before the date

In a crowded mall, a group of boys is running through diffirent set of clothes. 

"Ooo, look at this. Ain't this cute ?" 

"Hey let's try this shirt on." 

"And this pants too." 

In all of this was Takumi, he was trying out all these clothes. Like a unwilling doll, he was put on display with all kind of style and diverse outfit. It should've been weird for him, going shoping and all but for some reason it wasn't. Seeing the reaction and the looks he received made him feel nice in a way. Honestly, he would have enjoyed it way more. If not for all the things that was forced on him. 

"Do you guys have anything that actually cover my body ?" Repiled Takumi with an bored gaze. 

They were constantly trying outffit that have some if not most of his body shown to the world. That made him feel very uncomfortable to wear, he don't get how these boy could be fine wearing such revealing clothes. 

"No, you have to wear it. How else would your new date fall in love with you." Nathan repiled. 

"She would like me for who i am ?" 

"Takumi, let me tell you. Woman only want one thing, do you know what it is ?" 

"Ehh, personality ?" 

"Wrong, it's your body. You have to hook her in with your body and trap her, that's how you get a girl." 

Takumi let out a long sigh, no way they going to stop pestering him. And he can't pick his style of clothes either. At this rate, he'll never able to leave.

Looking to the side, he glance at Ichika looking through some clothes for himself. 

"Hey Ichika." He called out.

"Yeah ?" 

"What kind of clothes would you wear ?" 

"Wait, you're assking him for fashion advice ?" Nathan suddenly suprised, turn to protested. 

"I mean, they do have similar body. It's not that hard imagining they could share the same style." Kagami raise his opinion. 

"Okay, then. But we'll still judge if what you wear is worthy." Nathan reluctantly agree.  

Seeing his friend dillema, Ichika went to chose some clothing and grab what he'll usually wear. 15 minutes later, he return with a rack myriad of choices.  

"Well this is an odd choice ?" Takumi said to no one in particular. 

There are lots of clothing he hadn't seen before in his world, or maybe he just never knew they existed.  

"Oh, what you don't have that one at home ?" Ichika raise it up to see if it matches Takumi body. 

The piece of clothes he held look likes a normal long sleeve shirt but with zipper to detach the sleeve.  

Ichika certainly have almost same taste in fashion to a boy in his world. The usuall pants and shirt with whatever brand or picture as long as it look cool on it. But with alot more feminine. 

"No, but i like the design. Might try it out." He give a compliments. 

"Yeah, perfect for both hot and cold weather. Here try this too." Ichika pick out another, this one look like a skirt.  

"No way man, you know i don't do dresses." He raise his arm in protest. 

"Look, trust me alright. Just take one try, and if you don't like it just take it off. But give it a chance ok ?" 

Takumi held the hanger of the skirt in his hand. The skirt he looking at has a hem around the waist, with the long smooth fabric legth to his knees. Which cover his backside perfectly but barely reach pass his crotch in the front. 

He bring the bundle of clothes in the fitting room, Takumi shut the door behind him and try on a few set. Looking in the mirror inside, the shirts was fine, the design made him feel comfortable. Some were a tad bit revealling but he can accept a loose shoulder here and there or a the show of abs in some case. All the pants were a nice fits, if not too tightly clung to him. It was still the skirt that made him hesitant to wear, he can't complain through, since he did ask for help. 

'Ok, just try on then get it over with.' He told himself. Before putting on the dress. 

"Ready yet, Takumi ?" Nathan call for him from outside. 

Him and the other are eagerly anticipate to see him. So closing his eye Takumi step out and unveiled himself. 


Was the unanimous reaction from everyone. Some of the other boys shopping there can't refrain from checking him out. 

"Oh my, you are so sexy!" Squealed Nathan as he take look from diffirent angle. 

"Try making a few posses?" Kagami asked, while held a phone up. Surely to share on social media. 

Even Ichika caught himself starring for a moment before getting his attention back to the clothes. 

"Ah-h, yes. See! I told you. It look great on you."   

Takumi long hair and cute face, with his androgynous feature, it easily made him pass as a woman. 

Takumi look was captivating, and judging from the gaze coming from both the guys and girls. The Tomgirl look fit him nicely, his ponytail and abs together made it so no one can resist him. A black and white shorts sleeve T-shirt accentuated his toned chest and abs but just enough so those gaze upon it would desire to see more. And he actually put on the dress, given that he also put on a underpants but he would argue that was the selling point, through the way it clung to Takumi crotch made it ever so sexy aura to the Tomgirl style he was wearing.   


"..." Takumi is left speechless. 

An staff member was on the floor, undoubtably because of him.

"I think i should change back before knocking another person out." Takumi said, quickly retreating back into the fitting room to change back to his old outfit. 


"Thanks for paying my stuff Nathan." Takumi express his gratitude. 

"Your welcome, what are friend for anyway. Besides, i'm loaded with my mothers money." He boasted. 

"I wish i could have that much money from my mom." Ichika commented, before hopping into the car. 

'Such is the rich privilige.' He said sillently in his mind.  

They were walking out carrying bags of newly bought clothes out of the mall to their car at the parking lot. When they're finishing loading the car with their shopping bags and were about to leave the parking lot is when Takumi felt a cold air running down his spine, with a sharp turn around he found nothing out of place.

The place was still packed, car was pulling in and out, people with bags walk to their car, from their car. It all seem normal, it was just like yesterday and Takumi mind was thinking if a curse was nearby or a soccerer prehaps ? 

The latter sound more unlikely but considering what happened the day before with his clone. He can't risk getting his friend hurt. His clone were not far from him but it would still take a long time to be here. 

"Takumi ? You're coming or what ?" Kagami asked, his hand on Takumi shoulder. 

"Y-yeah, be right there." He snapped out of his throught and got in. 

His throught transmited to the clone who are start moving right when his throught reach them. 


[Quest: stop a curse spirit outbreak from happening.]

here it is, you guys keep asking for more chap. Well here you go, see ya next week.

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