Chapter 75: Chapter 2410 Giant Sun Teams Up With Heavenly Court
Giant Sun sighed; he began preparing his Luck Path method to escape this entanglement.
"Friend Giant Sun, we're not here to fight otherwise we would have just killed you while you were asleep," Star Constellation said.
"Heh, do you really think I would leave myself completely unguarded? Do you really think that I was completely defenseless, you might have been right, but did you dare take the chance?"
Giant Sun did not trust Heavenly Court, if he was truly defenseless, they would have gutted him like a fish.
"True. We did debate it but ultimately we feel that there is a more pressing issue," Star Constellation's face turned serious: "Fang Yuan."
"Oh?" Giant Sun was intrigued.
Genesis Lotus's face was extremely grim and serious: "Since you've been asleep you might not have noticed but Fang Yuan has successfully retrieved Primordial Domain!"
Giant Sun's first reaction was that they were lying but a quick check into Treasure Yellow Heaven verified the facts.
"This…" Giant Sun was at a loss for words.
Many questions soon assaulted him,
How did Fang Yuan do it?
When did Fang Yuan have such a method?
Has he always had such a method, or did he just discover such a method?
If it's the former, why wait till now? And if it's the latter, how did he deduce a Heaven Path method?
SO many questions and possibilities flooded his mind.
"Giant Sun!"
Star Constellation's shout got his attention: "What matters right now is not how he did it, it's why."
"You should understand why a cautious person like Fang Yuan is acting now right?"
Giant Sun quickly put it together: "It's because he's safe right now and is no longer afraid of dealing with us after!"
Star Constellation nodded.
The only reason Fang Yuan acts is when he is certain that he will, firstly, live and secondly, profit!
Without either Fang Yuan will not move.
"He has good reason to believe so, after all, with Endless Night around us we can't act rashly, whereas he is free to move thanks to Defensive Dream Path methods."
"Then what do we,"
Star Constellation waved her hand: "That's not the worse part,"
"There's worst?!"
"Mhm, Genesis tell him"
Giant Sun turned to Genesis Lotus: "Mhm, as Star Constellation said Fang Yuan taking Primordial Domain is not the worst thing, but rather the outcome,"
"The outcome?" Giant Sun was puzzled.
"Think back, how hard was it for you to refine a Rank 9 Gu?"
Giant Sun thought back to how he had to seek out Long Hair Ancestor and spent years and years to develop a Rank 9 Gu:
"Your point?"
Genesis Lotus added: "See even for a Supreme Grandmaster Refinement Path cultivator with the best formation in the world would find it tricky to refine Rank 9 Gu, even if he were a Venerable Long Hair Ancestor would still be troubled in ensuring a success."
"But how can that be? He's already at the principle of Refinement Path, there are few methods that could surpass his own understanding, and that's the thing he only understands Refinement Path, not any of the other Paths and how they relate with one another."
"But what if a Refinement Path Supreme Grandmaster was also a Great-Grandmaster in a bunch of different paths as well?"
Giant Sun soon caught on: "he would be able to increase the likelihood of refining Rank 9 Gu…you don't think,"
Star Constellation cut in: "That Fang Yuan plans to use this opportunity where no one could disturb him to refine a Rank 9 Gu?"
Giant Sun was shocked, the plan was near full proof: "But so what if he refines a Rank 9 Gu, he already is able to make Killer Moves using Secluded Domains of Heaven and Earth and already posses both Rank 9 Reputation Gu and Strong Gu does it make a big difference?"
Giant Sun was still a little skeptical.
"It does if the Rank 9 Gu he makes is Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus."
Giant Sun was flabbergasted: "There's no way right?"
"He already possesses the Rank 8 version, as you know it was within Lang Ya Sect, not only that but I'm sure Long Hair ancestor possessed the recipe for Rank 9 or at least an attempt, with that, foundation it would probably be the easiest Rank 9 Gu for Fang Yuan to refine."
"Dammit!" Giant Sun hit the wall of the Painting World they were in, almost causing it to break: "We were careless."
Fang Yuan had truly picked the opportune moment to strike.
But Star Constellation shook her head: "It's not anyone's fault Fang Yuan is too crafty, but as the saying goes, Heaven always provides away."
Giant Sun looked up hopeful: "You mean you have away,"
"We might, why do you think we saved you? Genesis Lotus is the most familiar with the Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus and he theorizes that with the combined powers of our Wood, Wisdom, and Luck Path we could detect if a Rank 9 Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus exists or is coming into existence!"
"Once the method is setup we will keep monitoring until Genesis Lotus gets signs, which means it'll be our best time to act with this,"
Star Constellation pulled out a Gu, it was a pink needle that seemed incomparable sharp at its point.
"A Rank 8 Dream Path Gu?!" Giant Sun was shocked.
He thought to himself: "Truly, Heavenly Court was the number one faction for 3 million years their accumulation is vast."
Indeed, while Heavenly Court had run out of resources due to the constant wars they were dragged into, that didn't mean that their entire 3 Million Year heritage was swept away, they kept a few key things such as their base filled with Dao Marks and their vast collection of rare Immortal Gu.
While it was nothing compared to Fang Yuan's it was still nothing to scoff at, especially since it contained only the rarest and most versatile Gu.
"This Gu is called Break Dream Gu, it's the core part of the Dream Path Killer Move, Wake Up! With some modifications, we should be able to dispel Great Dream's method and deal with an exposed Fang Yuan!"
"So how bout it Giant Sun are you in?"
"Do I have a choice?"
The two shook hands.
Meanwhile, deep within the Stone Continent,
Feng Jiu Ge, Zhao Lian Yun, Ying Guang Xin, and Light Emperor had made it into one of the floors.
From within the Myriad Year Flying Warship, they looked out:
"It seems to be pitch black out there," Ying Guang Xin said.
"Allow me then,"
Immortal Killer Move ---------- Shine Brightly!
A huge sphere of light appeared above the Warship lighting up the darkness.
They were then greeted with a horrifying sight.
In front of them stood the legendary Upslope Road Downslope Road!
But that wasn't what was horrifying the truly horrifying thing was what was happening on the Upslope Downslope Road.
They had arrived just in time to see one of the 10 Children of Human Path collapse on the Road in exhaustion.
Soon a predicament appeared where he lay and devoured his body, soul, aperture, everything.
If they had not arrived at that exact moment, there would have been no proof of his existence.
"How horrifying," Zhao Lian Yun had thought she was used to the Gu World's savagery, but this was something else.
Even Light Emperor and Ying Guang Xin who had seen some of the most brutal things in the world felt slightly disturbed.
Though not at the grotesqueness at the scene, there was something weird and eerie about this.
"They're using the fallen Gu Masters and Gu Immortals as a nutrient for something," as the oldest and wisest, Feng Jiu Ge was above such barbaric acts, though it was still slightly nauseating to look at.
"Whatever they're doing is something incredibly Demonic that even an old Demon like me can't help but feel a little…disturbed."
To think that even such a composed and genius person like Feng Jiu Ge was actually disturbed by this, it goes to show the true sinisterness of whatever was going on.
"You're finally here." A voice called out.
In the next instance, the 4 of them found themselves on the steps of the Upslope Downslope Road.
Their eyes were filled with shock!
"What the…how did we get here?" Light Emperor said.
Zhao Lian Yun was also confused, after all, she was easily the weakest person there.
Feng Jiu Ge and Ying Guang Xin: "Time Path!"
The jump between being on Myriad Year Flying Warship and being on Upslope Downslope Road had been too sudden.
Almost like a jump cut in a film.
Such change could only happen using Time Path methods or a combination of Time and Space Path methods.
Either way Time Path was absolutely necessary as they both knew Space Path wasn't involved as they did not feel the displacement that came with Space Path teleportation.
"Which can only mean…" Before Feng Jiu Ge finished, they saw floating above their heads the illusory will of Red Lotus Demon Venerable!
"I suggest you start moving or you'll end up like that kid you saw," Red Lotus made a gesturing motion to where the kid last stood.
The 4 of them frowned.
Should they listen or not?
Either way, Red Lotus didn't care and disappeared.
The team began to discuss,
"Should we listen to him? Moving further up will drain more and more of our strength and eventually…"
"Agreed, but if we don't move what if those predicaments just spawn? I say we should at least move a bit and think at the same time."
"Why don't we try fighting one of those predicaments? After all, that kid wasn't even a Gu Immortal yet, and…hey!"
While the others were debating, Feng Jiu Ge began to walk off: "We're not a team do what you want he said."
It was at that moment the 3 of them realized they were supposed to be enemies!
"Oh, wait," Feng Jiu Ge made a flick with his wrist and Zhao Lian Yun was whisked off her feet towards him: "Stay close to me if you can't bear the pressure anymore let me know."
Star Constellation had told him before going in: "Protect Zhao Lian Yun as much as possible, trust me she'll be important later on!"
Feng Jiu Ge didn't trust Star Constellation, but he could see the thick amount of Destiny connecting her and the Stone Continent.
But when Red Lotus was around her Destiny did not connect with Red Lotus:
"Either it doesn't work on his Will or it's not directly related to him…" Feng Jiu Ge was in deep thought as he made his way up.
He didn't need to care about the Upslope Downslope Road, it was nothing compared to the Path of Ascension, and he didn't even break a sweat there.
His goal for coming here was obviously to bring his daughter home, everyone else didn't matter.
Red Lotus's plans, not important.
Star Constellation's schemes? Forget about it.
All that mattered was bringing his daughter home.