Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

Chapter 110: Chapter 2445 The Dao Of Destiny Descends; Family Reunites

Fairy Bai Qing took a minute to let it all in.

Bai Qing turned to Feng Jiu Ge: "If Jin Huang doesn't want to become Great Dream what would you do?"

"Then I will do my best to stop her from becoming Great Dream," Feng Jiu Ge said as matter of fact.

Feng Jiu Ge was once in a similar position as Feng Jin Huang, the whole had expected him to do the right thing as Great Dream Immortal's Dao Guardian but who were they to place that on him?

Did he ask to be a Dao Guardian?

Did anyone ask him?

Why did they think that he should be 'honoured' to accept such a role when it was forced upon him?

As if it was natural to be ecstatic to receive.

Similarly, did anyone ask if Feng Jin Huang wanted to be Great Dream Immortal Venerable?

Though the power and prestige of a Venerable were alluring and out of reach for the vast majority of people, so what.

People talked as if it were natural to 'just make sacrifices' to achieve.

However, look at Feng Jin Huang now.

Her family was torn apart, she was no longer looked upon as a child with potential, instead, she was now almost unequivocally tied to Great Dream Immortal Venerable.

If she didn't become Great Dream, no one would care about her.

Feng Jiu Ge made his decision during the Fate Wars:

"No one can force I, Feng Jiu Ge, to do what I don't want to. Not even Fate!"

Fairy Bai Qing revealed a smile, one she had not been able to since her family was upended due to Fate: "Let's go get our daughter back."

Feng Jiu Ge nodded and teleported them back to the cliff that Feng Jin Huang was peering over.

"You're back," she spoke without ever turning her head: "Is mother with you?"

"It's me Xiao Huang, I'm here," Although Fairy Bai Qing could not see Feng Jin Huang's face, she knew how hard her daughter was hurting:

"It's this bad?" she thought: "What exactly has our daughter experienced?"

Fairy Bai Qing rushed up to her daughter and hugged her back, whispering in her ear: "You don't have to become Great Dream if you don't want to."

This time Feng Jin Huang couldn't keep it in anymore, tears began to stream down her beautiful eyes.

For so long, that's what she wanted to hear, support in her decision.

Everyone had placed the heavy burden of becoming Great Dream Immortal Venerable, so much so that they forgot about the person behind Great Dream, Feng Jin Huang.

Amidst a mix of tears and quivering lips: "I—I don't want to, b—b—but the world n---needs Great Dream."

Feng Jin Huang laid her heart bare to her Father and Mother.

She recounted the emotional trauma that came just from reading the first line of Great Dream Immortal Venerable's memories.

It seemed as if time had gone back, and she was just a little child crying to her parents.

This was the life that becoming Great Dream had robbed from her.

The touching scene of a family reuniting played out on that mountain top.

After hours of crying, Feng Jin Huang fell asleep, she was still a mortal after all.

Fairy Bai Qing was stroking the head of her daughter, while Feng Jiu Ge was singing, how he wished that time could go back to such simpler times, where he was not aware.

It was then that Feng Jiu Ge had a revelation, "This is part of Destiny, the hardships, trials and opportunities, we face were arranged by Fate, our family was meant to broken because of Fate just like…Ren Zhu! It is only once we grasp Fate in our hands can we then steer our own Destiny!"

Feng Jiu Ge stopped singing and got up.

"Hmm? Where are you going?"

Feng Jiu Ge's stepped forward to the cliff, his eyes went completely pitch black, he shouted out: "I will control Destiny!"

As soon as he shouted, Black Clouds filled the skies, as Black Lightning rumbled.

Across the Gu World, 6 pairs of eyes cast their gaze towards the Southern Border:

"Oh? This is unusual," Fang Yuan rubbed his chin: "Feng Jiu Ge had attracted a Chaotic Tribulation, yet he can't become a Venerable yet."

In Longevity Heaven,

"What is going on? Feng Jiu Ge shouldn't have been able to call a Chaotic Tribulation yet, he still hasn't acquired Supreme Grandmaster in any path, so why is there a…"

"Chaotic Tribulation!" Genesis Lotus exclaimed.

Star Constellation began deducing: "Oh? Now, this is truly interesting."

"What is it?"

Star Constellation displayed her deductions: "Have a look for yourself."

"This…is it even possible?" Genesis Lotus scratched his head.

"It's happening before us as we speak, isn't it?" Red Lotus chimed in: "The question now is, do we prevent it or assist it?"

Just then Heaven contacted Star Constellation: "Stop him!"

"Our partner doesn't seem too keen on it though," Star Constellation began making more deductions: "We still aren't sure where Feng Jiu Ge's allegiance lies, well no point mucking about it here let's go."

Before the 3 Venerables could leave, Heaven was already heading towards Feng Jiu Ge's position:

"I can't let the Great Dao of Destiny descend!" Heaven gritted his teeth: "Why is it even attracted to him!?"

Indeed, the reason for the Chaotic Tribulation that was surging around Feng Jiu Ge was because he had attracted the Great Dao of Destiny to himself!

"This suicide!" Heaven was incensed: "He doesn't even have Great-Grandmaster attainment in Destiny Path, Luck Path, or even Wisdom Path, the Great Dao will squash him completely!"

Heaven was not worried that Feng Jiu Ge would receive the Great Dao of Destiny, he was worried that by attracting it here, Fang Yuan would have a chance to obtain it!

"If Fang Yuan obtains the Dao of Destiny…" Heaven shuddered.

This was one of the strongest Daos in existence, the ability to directly control Cause and Effect.

You see while Karma was about profiting from the system, Destiny was the system!

Karma, and by extension Luck Path, was about manipulating the way the world worked in their favour, Destiny could literally bend the world to their will!

But to effectively use Destiny would require an astounding number of Paths, Luck and Wisdom were just the foundation, one also needed Time Path and Space Path just to be able to access the ability to affect Causality. [1]

"Wait a minute…" Heaven thought to himself: "How has Feng Jiu Ge been able to manipulate Cause and Effect? He doesn't have any attainment in Time Path or Space Path unless…"


Heaven thought back to all the strange times Feng Jiu Ge had managed to attract a tribulation or teleport:

"No! It's not just Red Lotus." Heaven was fuming: "It's Star Constellation as well! Only these 2 could give Feng Jiu Ge the ability to use the power of Cause to have an Effect on the present!"

Indeed, Heaven had managed to uncover the secret collaboration between Feng Jiu Ge and Star Constellation.

It was right after; Feng Jiu Ge had talked with Star Constellation about protecting his family in exchange for entering the Myriad Beast Fusion Color Heaven:

"I'll need something from you Lady Star Constellation,"

"Oh? What would you need?" Star Constellation casually sipped her tea.

"I need your Wisdom."

Feng Jiu Ge explained to Star Constellation how Red Lotus had given him 1 more inheritance.

It was a Human Path Inheritance, Great Heroes Live On In The Tales Of Bards.

It suited Feng Jiu Ge quite well as it was a Human Path Inheritance that mimicked Sound Path.

Which was Feng Jiu Ge's passion, music.

It comprised of 2 Killer Moves, Inscribing The World Through Song and, the Killer Move that gave the Human Path Inheritance its name, Great Heroes Live On In The Tales Of Bards.

The first Killer Move allowed one to transpose what they saw and heard into Music while the second one would turn the Music into reality, thus allowing the Gu Immortal to borrow the skills and attainment of people, as long as he could create a song of them.

But it had a condition, the song needed to be acknowledged by the person.

And it wasn't something as simple as saying yes.

The person's own heart had to truly recognize the song as a reflection of them.

Even for the ever-talented Feng Jiu Ge, condensing the morals, character and personality of a single individual into a song was incredibly difficult, much less a tale as epic as any of the Venerables.

The Move was not without its drawbacks, it could only mimic attainment up to the Quasi-Supreme Grandmaster level, this was because the final difference between Quasi and true Supreme Grandmaster, was not something one could just mimic.

It took years of revelation and insight on the Venerable's part to understand it.

While Quasi-Supreme is rare, it's not impossible.

Supreme is the demarcation line between everyone and a Venerable, it means to have surpassed the world itself!

The other drawback of this Killer Move was that one could only have 1 song's effect at any given time and only for the duration of the song.

Another drawback was the number of expanded thoughts and Immortal Essence used to maintain the song.

Because the Killer Move can only turn Music into reality, the Gu Immortal still has to be the one singing the song, though they don't have to sing out loud.

But despite its downsides, it was still an incredibly powerful Killer Move, especially in the hands of Feng Jiu Ge!

Star Constellation agreed to let Feng Jiu Ge try, and after a few attempts he created his second masterpiece:

The Tale of The Lonely Venerable: "From humble roots, she came, picked by grace. Her path was hard, the obstacles high, yet none could block her path. With friends in tow and master above, her journey was filled with hope. Now her master's gone and her friends no more. Her journey still goes on. For her master's sake, she abandoned love, to find a way. Her journey had never ended but her heart had surely faded. Giving it all to save the world, yet who will know what she gave?"

When Feng Jiu Ge finished the song, Star Constellation gave her approval and sent him off.

As soon as he left, Star Constellation's expression turned bitter: "To think I can still be affected by a mere song." She looked at her slightly shaky hands, clenching them into a fist to stop: "My path is my choice, I have no regrets."

With that Feng Jiu Ge was able to borrow attainment levels of Star Constellation and Red Lotus.

Seeing that Heaven, Star Constellation, Genesis Lotus and Red Lotus were headed towards the Southern Border.

Giant Sun contacted Fang Yuan, "We can't allow them to do as they please, even if they don't protect Feng Jiu Ge, being there would allow them to occupy the Southern Border Dao Marks!"

Indeed, there were 2 areas that hadn't been under any Venerable occupation, one was the Southern Border, the other was the Western Desert.

"You're right, let's go check it out," Fang Yuan responded: "After you."

"Tch," Giant Sun cut off communication and began flying to the Southern Border: "This damn Fang Yuan doesn't trust anybody, fine I can show this much sincerity."

It was only after Giant Sun flew close to the Southern Border, did Fang Yuan begin going.

"This guy!" Giant Sun cursed: "He's too cautious!"

[1] Basically, Destiny is about controlling cause and effect, without Time and Space Path you would only be able to affect the Future, if you possessed Time and Space on top of Luck and Wisdom, you could affect the present day as well.

[2] Putting this here to talk about the Killer Move, Great Heroes Live On In The Tales Of Bards, it only allows you to borrow their attainment. It does this by putting you in a state of my mind nearly completely the same as the person you are mimicking, the song takes one through nearly their entire life allowing them to have the same thinking as the person, though it all disappears once the song ends. In fact, you can think of it as similar to how Ren Zhu's Human Path inheritance contain profound insight that is hidden within.

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