Chapter 102: Chapter 2437 Thieving Heaven's Inheritor
Heaven walked past Red Lotus and whispered: "Take that thing, and Genesis Lotus and go with Star Constellation I'll hold them back."
Intense Killing Path aura was radiating off Heaven.
"Oh?" Fang Yuan noticed Red Lotus disappearing with Genesis Lotus: "Who said you could leave."
Immortal Killer Move ---------- Spatial Confinement
But Red Lotus snorted: "Hmph!"
He jabbed his finger and broke the spatial confinement.
"Interesting." Fang Yuan was intrigued: "His Space Path attainment is not bad."
There were 3 ways for a Dao Emperor to get stronger:
Gu, Path and, Attainment.
A Dao Emperor has the ability to perfectly harmonize with the Paths their Dao is related to, even if they aren't all at the same level of proficiency, but there is a certain level required if they want to add a new Path to their Dao.
But all that is worthless if they can't communicate with the Heavenly Dao through Gu.
And finally, a Dao grows stronger the more Paths it takes in.
"Heaven, it's been too long, how's your back?" Fang Yuan said with arms open wide as if greeting an old friend.
"Hmph, save the theatrics," Heaven's Killing intent soared: "You're a threat to the very world itself!"
"Oh? And cultivating the Dao of Slaughter within Spectral Soul's body is what? A good idea?" Fang Yuan's voice oozed sarcasm: "I know, and you know, he's not dead yet so aren't you the one who is taking a risk?"
Heaven frowned at Fang Yuan.
Dao Killer Move ------------------- Killing Demons And Gods For Over 1000 Years; I Sentence You To Death! [1]
"So, this is the power of the Dao of Slaughter." Fang Yuan's face instantly turned grim.
Immortal Killer Move –---------- Heaven Disposes
Dao Killer Move --------- 7 Elements Come As 1, All Thing Return To Origin!
Instantly, the Pentagon in Fang Yuan's hand expanded into a 7-sided Heptagon, their combined energy gave off hints of, Order.
"Impossible!" Heaven grew outraged: "How do you know how to create Order!"
Heaven was already displeased that Reckless managed to acquire the Dao of Power, gaining access to Order.
Now Fang Yuan had it too!
But Heaven smirked: "Hehe, unfortunately, you're a couple of hundred years too young."
Heaven's Dao Killer Move eroded through Fang Yuan's!
"I'll have you know I'm over 500 years old!" instead of panicking Fang Yuan was smiling: "So that's what the Dao of Slaughter is comprised of."
Fang Yuan then turned to the Dao Killer Move, "I know how to deal with you now."
Immortal Killer Move ---------- Road Of Life.
The Road Of Life managed to intercept the Dao Killer Move, but in the process, the 3 Secluded Domains of Heaven and Earth were greatly damaged.
"How insidious is the Dao of Slaughter, by Killing you acquire everything that person haves, which raises your strength thus, allowing you to kill more." Fang Yuan shook his head: "Comprising of The Paths Soul, Kill, Death, and Food."
"You!" Heaven was mad that Fang Yuan managed to overcome his Killer Move, but he was even more infuriated that Fang Yuan was able to identify all the Paths in his Dao!
"Fang Yuan is an unprecedented genius with a deep understanding in nearly every Main Path, he can easily deduce Dao Killer Moves related to the Path of Slaughter now, thankfully Killing Path Gu are still non-existent, with the only one being Kill Gu!"
Indeed, Heaven was currently the only one capable of using Killing Path and thus, Slaughterer Path.
Although it seemed as if a lot of time had passed, in actuality only less than 5 minutes had occurred!
After their intense exchange, Giant Sun and Reputation Gu made it to Fang Yuan's side, Hei Lou Lan was sent back during the brief ceasefire between the Venerables when Heaven appeared:
"Hmph! Heaven your willingness to Slaughter shows that disposition towards Mortal Life." Giant Sun righteously said.
"Oh please," Heaven scoffed: "How can you even call Mortal Life, Life? It is but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things, let alone Venerables, Mortals are even less worthy of having been called 'alive'." [2]
Giant Sun gripped his hand in anger, though he hid it behind his back.
The 3, Fang Yuan, Giant Sun and, Reputation Gu, who was still mimicking Red Lotus.
Began fighting against Heaven.
Red Lotus was travelling throughout the various Stone Chambers.
"First stop, Mo Li, or I guess I should say Peng Da." He arrived in the chamber to witness the newly resurrected Peng Da, mediating.
"Peng Da!" Red Lotus's shout surprised Peng Da, who leapt from his seat:
"Who are you?" Peng Da was cautious: "The Otherworldly Artificial Adaptive Suit Gu didn't even detect his presence."
Red Lotus rolled his eyes: "I'm not here for your life."
Peng Da was still not at ease.
"*Sigh* are all youths this mistrusting these days?" Red Lotus rubbed his temples: "Look, I'm Red Lotus and I'm here to send you out of here with a mission."
"Red Lotus!?"
"Yes. That's me."
"As in Red Lotus Demon Venerable?"
"Well, the Demon moniker is mischaracterized, though I guess from the Heavenly Dao's perspective I am, anyways yes I am Red Lotus Demon Venerable."
Peng Da was now even more cautious:
"Oh for crying out loud, what could you even do if I wanted to capture or kill you," Red Lotus grew annoyed.
He flipped his palm, causing Space and Time to lock itself around Peng Da, up to his neck.
"I-I can't move." Fear was in his voice.
"Believe me now? Your resistance is futile, so listen carefully, I want to work with you." Red Lotus snapped his fingers, causing Peng Da to collapse in exhaustion and fear.
"Go locate, the rest of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's inheritances, you already posses 2, another is in Zhao Lian Yun's hands and the other in Fang Yuan's. That leaves 6 more True Inheritances. [3]"
"Why should I," Peng Da responded: "If you're going to make me do all the hard work and then kill me, then just do it now, I refuse to be a slave."
Red Lotus sighed: "Ugh, do I have to spell it out to kids, I'm. Not. Interested. I rather have a powerful ally or subordinate with them, not have them myself, I'm too powerful, these objects do not entice me to the point of killing you for them, besides you're Thieving Heaven Venerable's chose successor."
Peng Da quickly gathered back his sense: "Suppose I do gather all these Inheritances, then what? How does it benefit you?"
Red Lotus grinned: "Now you're thinking along the right track, you want to know what's in it for me?"
Peng Da nodded.
"Simple. Fang Yuan doesn't get them!"
"…that's it?"
Red Lotus wagged his finger: "You didn't let me finish, and I get one more compatriot to fight against Fang Yuan."
"Fight against Fang Yuan!? Why don't you just kill me now!"
"Oh, stop being so dramatic."
Peng Da retorted: "Easy for you to say, fighting against Fang Yuan for you is not a guaranteed death, even if he was stronger, you could still run. Me? I would die in 1 hit."
Red Lotus sighed: "Currently, that may be the case, but what about after acquiring 8/10 of Thieving Heaven's inheritance? Besides, it's an opportunity you can't pass upon. You want to get stronger, don't you?"
"This…" Peng Da hesitated: "Only by becoming stronger can I avoid such scenarios from occurring."
"I'll do it, but under one condition, I want to be able to choose if I should fight Fang Yuan or not, you should be satisfied as long as these inheritances don't go to him right?"
Red Lotus suddenly turned serious: "Oh? You dare speak of conditions?"
The atmosphere turned oppressive but Peng Da stood his ground: "It's my bottom line, I don't want to be sent on a suicide mission!"
Although Peng Da's knees were wobbling he still looked firmly at Red Lotus.
The two stared at each other as the atmosphere grew more intense
"HAHAHHAHA, okay kid you got guts I like that it's a deal," Red Lotus roared with laughter and agreed.
"h-ha," Peng Da tried laughing too, but he collapsed in exhaustion.
Red Lotus then instilled a memory into Peng Da:
"There's only the location of one Inheritance here! Even if I find it and its pair, how am I going to locate the rest?"
"I don't know," Red Lotus shrugged his shoulder: "That's why it's a mission."
Peng Da wanted to cry but no tears left his face, Red Lotus gave him some spare Immortal Essence Stones that Heavenly Court still possessed and sent him into a Spatial Tunnel.
Red Lotus laughed to himself: "Hehe, you might not want to make Fang Yuan your enemy, but that doesn't mean Fang Yuan won't make you his."
This was part of Red Lotus's scheme; he knew Fang Yuan would not let Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's Inheritor go about freely.
Red Lotus then proceeded to the second Stone Chamber.
[1] Thank you Anyway_Assistant for the inspiration, I paraphrased a bit ;P
[2] In case you get confused, when I say 'Mortal' I don't mean mortal Gu Masters, I mean all living beings that aren't Dao Emperors, basically, anyone with a lifespan because from Heaven's eyes, even a Rank 6, 7, 8 and 9 Gu Immortal is still just a speck of dust.
[3] I don't count Fang Yuan's inheritance in Crazed Demon Cave as one because they are suppose to be in pairs