Chapter 100: Chapter 2435 Xie Han Mo I Love You
[1] Before reading this chapter, if you need to remember the events of what happened between Fang Yuan and Xie Han Mo, read chapters 1668 to about 1673.
As Fang Yuan concluded his conversation with the Frost Tribe Leader [1]
Xie Han Mo had just finished the song Fang Yuan gave her, she easily won over the competition and was pronounced the Saintess of the Merman tribe.
Days later in the Saintess's palace,
Xie Han Mo was enjoying tea, sitting across her was Fang Yuan.
"I cannot thank you enough, Fang Yuan," her eyes fluttered, causing any man to fall.
Fang Yuan shook his arms: "It was nothing, you saved my life and I'm merely repaying the favor, after all, you deserve to be the saintess anyway."
They sat together in silent smiles.
"You still feel it don't you?" Xie Han Mo suddenly asked.
"Hmm?" Fang Yuan paused drinking his tea, "Feel what?"
Xie Han Mo sighed: "Your last song really profoundly touched my heart; I too want to be as free as the person in the song. To no longer hide behind a mask, I want to help people, eliminate poverty and discrimination, even amongst Humans and Merman, I want all these things and yet…I lack the strength to achieve them."
She then turned to look Fang Yuan in the eyes: "But you're different. Even though you seemed fine when helping me pursue my dream, the true you is now before me."
"I…I" Fang Yuan looked at the cup of tea.
But Xie Han Mo stopped him: "I know. Your intentions were genuine and it's part of your principles to return favours. But that's how you live your life not why."
Xie Han Mo touched his hand: "If you were honest with yourself, you don't know what you're living for either. You chase after the highs of being alive, yet it never satisfies you. You have no meaning in your life."
Fang Yuan looked blankly at Xie Han Mo, her eyes were radiating kindness and seemed to shine more beautiful and brighter than anything in the world.
Xie Han Mo's second hand cupped his own, "Can I be your reason to be alive?"
Her smile seemed to eclipse the sun, though her face was redder than the sun.
Fang Yuan was taken aback by these words.
What began next, would leave a permeant mark in Fang Yuan's life.
You see for the first time in his long life, Fang Yuan experienced Love.
He was willing to throw away his life for Xie Han Mo, who was also willing to throw her life away for him.
That was what true Love entailed, self-sacrifice.
Fang Yuan did what he thought he would never do, he put a mask on himself!
Through all his experience in life, rich, poor, adored, hated, he had gained the valuable lesson that being able to be true to oneself is the greatest form of Freedom.
But because Xie Han Mo's true self was to be benevolent to all people, he had decided to put aside himself to accommodate her.
If before, he was living true to himself, because he wanted to repay a debt, now he was living life with a mask on his face.
But this wasn't entirely true as well.
You see while Fang Yuan had put on half a mask, Xie Han Mo had taken half her mask down as well. [2]
She began to do and act as she saw fit.
When she saw injustice or corruption, she tried to fix it.
This had stirred up plenty of enemies in the Merman court until…
One day, Xie Han Mo and Fang Yuan were fleeing from the Merman capital.
A coup had been staged against the Grand Elder of the Merman court, and it even involved Immortals!
Naturally, the rebellion involved the Frost Tribe, who was given the task of pursuing and killing the previous saintess.
"You can't run anymore." The Frost Tribe leader landed in front of Fang Yuan and Xie Han Mo.
"You bastards!" Fang Yuan shouted through his teeth.
The Frost Tribe leader looked coldly at Fang Yuan: "Hmph! Who asked you to choose the road to hell when a path to Heaven was presented in front of you. I warned you all those years ago during the saintess competition."
Xie Han Mo shouted: "Leave him out of this, I'm the one you're after are you not?"
The Frost Tribe leader cackled: "Indeed we were only sent to kill you, but I want to kill this bastard that ruined my plan!"
"You!" Xie Han Mo was furious but there was nothing she could do because the Frost Tribe Leader was a Rank 6 Immortal! [3]
"It's okay," Fang Yuan consoled her: "I wouldn't have left you to die anyway."
Xie Han Mo was touched by Fang Yuan's words: "I'm sorry I dragged you into this, I should have listened and been more selective with my battles, maybe things wouldn't have escalated or we would have the strength to protect ourselves I…"
But as Xie Han Mo wanted to continue blabbering Fang Yuan grabbed her chin and leaned in for a kiss, silencing her.
Xie Han Mo's face glowed beat red.
"Now I have no regrets." He smiled towards Xie Han Mo and looked fearlessly toward the Frost Tribe Leader: "Come. I want to see the strength of an Immortal."
"If its death you wish for then I shall oblige."
With just a flip of his palm, Fang Yuan was sent flying.
Blood was oozing out of every orifice in his body.
"Fang Yuan!" Xie Han Mo ran to his side: "I regret. I regret everything if only I had been less hasty if only I had more strength if only…"
As tears streaked down her eyes, a gentle finger wiped them away:
"Don't cry," Fang Yuan weakly said.
Xie Han Mo took out some Healing Gu Worms: "Hold still."
All the while the Frost Tribe Leader looked from afar coldly: "Good. Get up. I want to make you feel pain and despair."
But as soon as Fang Yuan's injuries were healed, Xie Han Mo took out a small blue Gu, it was completely unnoticeable, she held it behind her back, away from the Frost Tribe Leader's sigh:
"Hmph! Even if we die today, your plan will ultimately not come to fruition."
The Frost Tribe laughed so hard, he fell to the floor: "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA and what are you going to do about it?"
"This!" Xie Han Mo brought out the Gu, it was dim at first, but it began glowing and radiating.
The Frost Tribe Leader immediately grew serious: "Immortal Gu! And Space Path as well! You!"
Immediately the Frost Tribe Leader launched all the Killer Moves he had at Xie Han Mo, in an attempt to kill her before the Gu activated, but he was instantly shocked, then smiled.
Xie Han Mo turned her back to the incoming barrage of attacks and placed the Gu on Fang Yuan, the light began encompassing him, but before it could fully teleport him, Xie Han Mo was struck with the force of several Killer Moves.
Her last words to him: "Live on. So that I may live through you."
After being whisked away, the Frost Tribe Leader laughed: "Haha even in your final moments you chose to die for the sake of a human, how pitiful. Though it is regretfully I wasn't able to vent fully, if I ever see that bastard Fang Yuan, I will crush him under my heel.
Fang Yuan was whisked all the way back to Qing Mao Mountain.
He stood up and sighed: "So this was your plan all along."
Instantly, the world began shattering around him with a loud bang.
He had returned to the Void Sphere,
Fang Yuan's sight was greeted by Paradise Earth: "How was it?"
"Hmph," Fang Yuan snorted: "To think you would spend so much time and effort, to create a Dao Killer Move just to spark some tiny emotion in my heart."
Paradise Earth smiled: "So you can feel it."
Fang Yuan stared at Paradise Earth: "Was it worth missing a chance to kill me?"
Paradise Earth shrugged his shoulder: "It may have been, it may not only time will tell."
The cloud that was beneath Paradise Earth and Genesis Lotus began to levitate: "One last thing Fang Yuan, do you still love her?"
With that said, Paradise Earth and Genesis Lotus left the Void Sphere, causing numerous cracks to appear.
Leaving Fang Yuan alone to his thoughts.
Fang Yuan began reminiscing about his life with Xie Han Mo:
"I will seek Eternal Life as there is no longer a meaning in my life, I once lived my life for her and now I live for the sake of Eternity, for even hers was a glimpse, a speck in the grand scheme of things. I will always hold her dearly in my heart, but it cannot obstruct my path toward Eternity!"
His gaze turned towards the skies, and he howled out: "Only the pursuit of Eternity has any meaning in life! What's the point in having Love, if one day it dies? It is only a life spent chasing for Eternity that has any meaning or gratification, only once one achieves Eternity can the rest be enjoyed.
The Void Sphere shattered.
[2] Personally, I feel the author had developed FY too much at that current point in the story, Fang Yuan was already this mature, indifferent and aimless person when meeting Xie Han Mo, but I think it would make more sense that he was gravitating towards these ideals but was tempted to change because of Love and then after his Love died, he went straight back and further. Because if Fang Yuan did feel Love towards Xie Han Mo, then it should be of the same if not higher level than Red Lotus and Giant Sun, if not then it couldn't be 'love' but mere fondness. But the author uses the specific word love and the songs he had Xie Han Mo Sing :
Show that FY can hold fondness and longing for her. So I think it was a mistake to make FY basically the same level of maturity and outlook on life he had, so I'm sorry that I have to make FY a bit more immature during his younger days. But it just doesn't make sense to me otherwise.
[3] Can't remember if that's true in the OG or not but either way I would have elevated him to an Immortal