Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 410 (END) - wish

Each section has a variety of theme restaurants, from the appearance to the inside are related to the current section.

Xi Weiyong and others went to the theme restaurant in the future era, and the sense of science fiction was very strong. From the outside, the theme restaurant is like a huge space ship landing on the ground. Through the transparent glass, you can vaguely see the furnishings and the tourists who are dining.

Entering the “space ship”, Wei Yong found that there were a lot of tourists in the restaurant, but there were still empty seats. It offers dinner, as well as snacks, desserts and drinks. It should be the peak of the meal now, so there are more people. If it is other periods, it should be quiet.

The desktop has a small holographic projection device. After clicking, you can view the menu and display the holographic projection of the dish on the holographic projection device.

展现 The display in this way is more intuitive, instead of having only one photo, it is prone to mismatched graphics.

All the dishes in the theme park are carefully planned. In addition to the regular dishes in all the theme restaurants, according to the different districts, each restaurant will also have some exclusive special dishes to provide players with different flavors.

For example, there are some antique dishes in the ancient building area, such as some Chinese classics, squirrel fish, and pastries. The special dishes in the future era are closer to the appearance of some science fiction works, and the tableware and dinner plates And so on are all types of technology.

As for the nightmare city area, there will be some scary “dark dishes”, such as black cakes full of gothic style, of course, they all have very good taste.

These special dishes are more of a change in appearance, and in terms of taste, they are basically the same as those of some high-end restaurants. But for most tourists, this is already very good.

The most important thing is that the price is not expensive. For Wei Yong and their students, it will be a little painful, but it is also completely acceptable.

After eating and drinking, a few people from Wei Yong came to the rest area near the future era area and the central square area, and sat for a while.

有 There are cafes, e-bookstores, game experience areas, and massage chairs for rest. These rest areas are located at the junction of the four major areas and the central square. Players can quickly come here to rest by balancing cars wherever they are tired.

After a short rest on the massage chair, the crowd continued to visit the two remaining areas.

After entering the nightmare city area, the surrounding area became dark, and the outside area was okay. Once inside, various terrifying atmospheres surrounded Wei Yong and others instantly.

The best part of the nightmare city is the horror house of “Resident Evil”. Although Wei Yong’s classmates have two guts, they are encouraged by the courage of others to come. Go inside the house.

After entering the lobby of the police station, many people found that the degree of reduction was simply too high!

Most of the people who have come to play have played “Resident Evil”, and the scene in the police station hall can be said to be fresh in memory. Electric shutter doors on both sides, combination locks in the office area, various statues … Many people were scared and scared when they solved the puzzles in the game before. Now it’s okay, we have to do it again in reality!

The tour of the entire area is a group of several people, with a relatively fixed process, and the difficulty is greatly shortened compared to the game. The main purpose is to create this horrible atmosphere, rather than really let the players solve the mystery.

的 Zombies that originally attacked players in the game have now been changed into organ props. They make hoarse snoring sounds while spreading their teeth in a few specific places. They are only used to scare tourists and will not really come up.

Moreover, players can also act separately, go to different areas to collect items, open some institutions, and successfully escape from here.

The most exciting thing is that the tyrants appear intermittently and randomly. When the tyrants appear, the hidden speakers in the entire scene will play the tyrant’s BGM. At this time, the player needs to find as many places as possible to hide.

Of course, tyrants ca n’t do anything, even if the tourists are swaying. The staff in charge is mostly pretending to be a deaf and passing by. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for tourists to beat the staff due to excessive fright.

The appearance of the tyrant is more to create a special atmosphere. Through heavy footsteps, the surrounding BGM will cause a certain scare to the player. At the same time, the player also needs to find a place to hide in order to maximize the role. effect.

After the players worked together to unlock various institutions and successfully escape through some props, the entire horror house adventure was over.

After that, as long as tourists who have experienced the “Resident Evil” horror house, they will receive a small gift as psychological comfort.

Xi Weiyong and others were scared by accidental zombies and tyrants who patrolled from time to time. However, because of game experience and being divided into two small groups to cooperate, they quickly completed the customs clearance. But even then, everyone was scared, and after leaving, they still felt their heart beating.

离开 After leaving the horror house of “Resident Evil”, there are some other entertainment items, such as puzzle solving, simulated shooting to hit zombies, and so on.

Going forward, it is a roller coaster project inside Resident Evil. Tourists will play as special forces escaping the umbrella headquarters. Each person will wear special glasses and a gun simulator. These MR glasses can use the latest technology to show some non-existent monsters in real scenes, such as zombies climbing on the car, or mutant giant bosses that suddenly appear at the rear of the car.

Visitors can experience the exciting roller coaster while attacking these bosses with the gun simulator in their hands to get a very exciting dual experience.

After the trance, everyone entered the experience area of ​​”The Wolf”, where many familiar scenes were seen, such as the Aquatic Village, Yuanyuan Palace, etc., and many bosses (sculptures) who had abused themselves to death.

There are also some fun mini-games here, such as fighting with a special katana, one side chops, the other fights, and the system will ultimately determine which one wins; for example, there is also an experience zone for the mercy hand, there are many Ninja hand model, players can experience the feeling of using Ninja hand, such as hand axe, organ umbrella, fire torch and so on. Of course, these are carried out in the company of staff to ensure the safety of tourists during the experience.

After leaving the intense and exciting nightmare city area, everyone came to the last area of ​​the theme park, which is the fantasy world area.

The ancient architecture area is an appetizer, the sci-fi era area and the nightmare city area are a good way to stimulate players. In the fantasy world area, most tourists are already tired, so the rhythm here will be relatively relaxed.

The fantasy world area is the largest area, and the four sacred beasts in “Ink and Cloud” and the zodiac signs in “Guardian of the Zodiac” will all appear in this area, and they will continue to change their position. Tourists can even board these large institutions, such as holding long swords to stab at specific weaknesses of the zodiac signs and take pictures.

In the opera hall of “Ink and Cloud”, the opera will be performed according to different occasions. The opera reproduces the story of the scholars who have gone through all their hardships and eliminated the beasts by means of organs and actors. At the same time, the scholars have many skills, including painting, Skills such as calligraphy are also perfectly demonstrated in opera through special effects and organs.

After watching the opera of “Ink and Cloud”, Wei Yong and others came to other areas of the fantasy world.

Here are the holographic projection battles of “Self-Go Chess” and the two-player battle of “City Guard”. Although the gameplay is exactly the same as in the game, this kind of live battle plus a large holographic projection effect still gives people a kind of Refreshing feeling.

In addition, this area also has very exciting water coasters.

The roller coaster is the shape of Qinglong in “Ink and Cloud Smoke”. When riding the coaster, you need to change your overall clothes and put on swimwear and swimming trunks. The roller coaster will not only go straight into the clouds, but also stir up the waves on the water, which perfectly simulates the Qinglong wandering on the beach. , Flying into the air scene.

After all of these were experienced, Wei Yong and others looked at the time. It was too late, so they came to the rest area.

Some choose to lie down on the massage chair for a while, while others choose to play games on the simulator device or simply go to the cafe for a drink.

Although the evening is approaching, there are still a lot of tourists in the theme park, and visiting the nightmare city area at night can bring tourists a more thrilling experience.

Uh …

日常 In the Weiguang Huyu headquarters not far from the theme park, the daily work is proceeding methodically.

Tang Ying, Lin Xiaoguang, Fu Xing’an, Jia Jia, Hu Bin … These people are all surrounded by a special machine.

As for Zhong Ming, he is sitting inside the machine.

This is a brand new neural connection game cabin, which has completed some goals in stages, but it is still a long way from the real large-scale civilian use.

After a while, Zhong Ming opened the game cabin door and got out of it.

“It’s a lot more perfect than you think, but … there is still a big gap between selling and selling. Many of the necessary functions still can’t be implemented well, keep working hard.” Zhong Ming paused, adding, ” However, as the prototype of a neural connection game cabin, its gaming experience is still good, you can try. ”

“I’m here, I’m here.”

Tang Yingying can’t wait to enter the game cabin.

The hatch door was closed, round buckles fixed her body, the helmet was automatically covered, and the neural connection equipment began to work.

At this time, Tang Ying found himself in a peculiar space, and in front of it was a long and narrow passage, which seemed to be a passageway of some temple ruins, with some gold coins scattered on it.

In the sky directly ahead, there is the title of the game: “Temple Escape”.

The entire game screen looks a bit rough, making Tang Ying, who is used to ultra-high-definition display, feel that he is looking at the mosaic of the screen. This rasterized picture has caused considerable damage to the game experience, which is exactly what Zhong Ming thinks this Reasons why this device is not yet available.

庙 “Temple Escape” is a game developed by Zhong Ming for this latest neural connection game cabin.

Limited by the function of the game cabin itself, it is currently impossible to accurately read some of the player’s action brainwave signals, so the characters in the game can only perform some very basic operations, such as jumping, sliding, shovel, etc. This is quite suitable for the game “Temple Runaway”.

As the game started, Tang Ying felt like she was running quickly. On the rugged path of the ruins, she had to constantly overcome obstacles, slide through the cave to drill through, and avoid the traps on the ground …

Behind her, there has been a rush of footsteps and a monster’s roar, as if a giant monster is chasing.

Lin Xiaoguang is not discouraged. Although the research and development of the neural connection game cabin has been going on for more than two years, so far it has not been able to control its cost well. There are also many problems in experience, but the progress is obvious.

Perhaps in the near future, with the breakthrough of a certain technology, the spiritually connected game cabin can officially enter the civilian stage, allowing each player to enter a virtual world and fully experience the immersive game. Come for fun.

“A bit like a reincarnation …” Zhong Ming said with emotion.

He still remembers that when mobile games in the previous life were just popular, the most popular games on smartphones were “Fruit Ninja” and “Temple Escape”, which are simple, simple, and fun games, but in the parallel world of advanced technology The prototype of the neural connection device appeared, and the first prototype game returned to this very retro gameplay again.

Until now, Zhong Ming’s goal of establishing Weiguang Studio has been basically achieved.

I hope that all game developers get rid of the air-conditioning, just go up, and don’t have to listen to arrogance.

Can do things, do things, vocalize, have a fever, a light.

Now, Weiguang Mutual Entertainment has grown into one of the giants in the entertainment industry. It has the world’s best game research and development studio, the largest live streaming platform in Huaxia District, and the world’s top game hardware manufacturers. It has developed many popular The classic game, UU Kanshu built a shimmer theme park, which has become the memory of many players.

For Zhong Ming, he has fully achieved his goal.

The night is gradually coming down. Through the Weiguang Mutual Entertainment Headquarters Building, you can see the bright lights in the low-light theme park not far away. At night, many entertainment projects will be more fun and exciting.

Looking at the bright lights of the shimmering theme park, Zhong Ming silently made a wish in her heart.

He had many regrets in his previous life, and now he has finally achieved his goal in the parallel world.

“I hope that in the world I used to be, there will also be a glimmer of mutual entertainment.”

希望 “I hope that in the world I used to be, everyone can see the game in the right way, and no longer see it as a beast.”

“I hope that in the world where I used to be, all those who work hard can get remuneration, and all the hard sweat can water beautiful flowers.”

“I hope that everyone who loves games will be treated tenderly by this world.”

谢谢 “Thank you, everyone who is with me.”

Wu Zhongming watched his face reflected on the window glass in the middle of the night, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, revealing a contented smile.

(End of book) …


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