Resetting Lady

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

The countess eyes as she looked at Carynne were cold. Good grief, Madam. Look at how swiftly your attitude changes. Faced with the countess fast change in attitude, Carynne could only laugh. Carynne wasnt being any help to the countess daughter, so look at how immediately Countess Elvas changing how shes regarding the younger woman.

This place was as cold as the war Raymond was facing. Besides that, theres nothing to gain here. Even so, the one whos saving her now was the wrong person.

Prince Lewis, are you going back on your promise to have your first dance with me?

No, thats not it.

Lady Lianne looked as if she was just about ready to burst into tears. At a loss, Lewis eyes trembled as he watched Lianne sob.

Right then, another nobleman stepped in.

Your Highness Lewis.

Ah, Baron Treill. Its been a while. Lady Soleia, youve also grown a lot taller in the time that we didnt see each other.

Baron Treill didnt seem all too pleased that the compliment his daughter received was about her height.

But wait a minute, Your Highness. Didnt you say that youll be having your first dance with my dear Soleia? That was certainly what Your Highness said when you were five.

When I was five

That was only five years ago, Your Highness!

Yes, but I was five

By any chance, Your Highness Youre not saying that you dont remember because you were young, are you?


He was, at most, ten years old right now. Even if hes the crown princes eldest son.

Carynne felt sorry for Prince Lewis, who was sweating profusely amidst the nobles. But that didnt mean Carynne would involve herself in this.

What am I supposed to do between those people? Congratulations, Your Royal Highness. Im quite sure you have lots of women hanging onto you for the rest of your life.

Ah, Carynne.

Dont talk to me.

But then Prince Lewis continued on, promptly ignoring Carynnes silent plea.

How did you meet Sir Raymond?

Ah Um Instead of me, Your Highness, I believe theres many other more important people whod like to talk to you.

Theres a countess over here and a marquis over there. Regardless however, Prince Lewis desperately turned his head and doggedly talked Carynne.

Ahaha, but you know, these days, theres only a few things more interesting than your love story with Sir Raymond. All the young ladies are also curious about the story. Isnt that right?

So, Prince Lewis urged the girls to agree with him, and this includes Lady Lianne and Lady Soleia. The girls pouted at first, as though they were protesting, but they soon agreed.

Yes Im curious.

Me, too

After making eye contact with each other, the two girls ignored their parents as they scrambled to ask Carynne, their voices overlapping together.

How did you meet

And how did you fall in love

Where did you have your first kiss

I-Its too soon for that, Miss Soleia!

Carynne turned to Prince Lewis and looked at him in protest, however the young prince just nodded back at her calmly. Soon, all the other young ladies around joined in, saying, me too, Im curious too.

Sure, her story was fairly interesting. Its a good story to serve as fuel for gossip.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman.

These men and women who were of age, namely the childrens parents, were looking at Carynne as though she was a rival. However, the girls just saw Carynne as a far older woman. She didnt feel negatively about this, but shes just a bit tired of it.

Please tell us!

Im curious as well.

She couldnt refuse here anymore. Carynne had no choice but to smile and open her lips to speak. Alright, lets tell a story. A story of love. A romantic story that children would love to hear. Something close to what she heard back in the day.

The first time we met, I was

Now that she thought about it though, how far exactly should she divulge? Should she say, While I was almost about to get raped, I got stabbed in the side by a dagger. Like that?

Carynne mulled over it. Should she also tell them that she saw an elephant?

I didnt listen to my father But when I snuck out, I got a bit lost.

Oh my goodness! You know that a woman shouldnt walk around alone, Carynne!

Thank you for the advice, Lady Lianne.

Maybe she should just say that she got lost like this and they met like that. Carynne nearly broke out in cold sweat as she agonized over how far she was supposed to tell these young ladies, whose eyes were twinkling as they waited eagerly.

* * *

Raymond slit a servants throat. The mans eyes turned over as he keeled over while clutching his neck.

Hhk, uh, hh.

Whether he was trying to talk or run away, the man moved. He struggled, but this soon became meaningless. Raymond grabbed the man by the neck and bent it back. And, that was it.


Another maid. Raymond went over to the woman whose mouth was gaping. Then, he twisted her neck. That was it.


You scoundrel!

This time, it was a muscular man. A mercenary. In his hand was a rifle. However, the man found Raymond not in an ambush, but a chance encounter. Raymond was near the door, and so, the gun was useless. The distance was too close.


It was the wrong move to have brought a gun. The muscular man reached into his pocket to try and take out a dagger, but it was already too late.

Looking for this?

Raymond slashed the mans neck and chest at the same instant. In his other hand was the dagger that the man had been looking for. Raymond was a sniper, but this, too, was just another job. He had never failed to kill anyone. There was no hesitation in his movements, his vision, his breathing. Everything.

Zion, that stupid punk.

Raymond swept up his soaked hair. This was supposedly a place thats not frequented by a lot of people, but he had already come across three people in same time that he would have brewed a cup of tea. What an exceptionally unhelpful subordinate, that guy.

After killing three people in quick succession, Raymond looked down at his weapon. He didnt have much to go on for his report on it. He should start using it if its for the sake of testing. But really, Raymond was doubtful of how useful it was going to be.

Did they really mean for me to assassinate Duke Luthella alone?

If thats the order, then its nothing short of sending him to die. No matter how effective and outstanding the silencer of this new gun was, and no matter how efficient it was at killingthe number of bullets Raymond could bring with him was limited, and its impossible for one person to deal with a hundred people at the same time. If he was a mage from the olden times, then who knows, but that wasnt the case here.

You wont die. Absolutely not.

Indeed, it was an easy statement to make. Raymond shook his head. This wasnt the time for him to indulge in idle thoughts. Go to the dukes quarters now. Dont think of anything else.

* * *

Duke Luthella. Have you prepared a will?

Duke Lutella felt the cold metal against his temple. And, he realized who the owner of that voice was.

I didnt expect you to come alone.

Im not alone.

Raymond refuted it, but it seemed like Luthella could see right through him. The duke was about to open his mouth again, but Raymond pushed the dukes head harshly with his other hand.

There are a lot of people in this place. Do you think youll survive?

Your consideration is too kind, Duke.

This talk was going on for too long. Raymond hit the back of one of the dukes knees. At this, the old dukes body collapsed straight down. This great nobleman was kneeling on the ground. Clench. His teeth gritted together audibly.

Duke Luthellas first instinct was to get angry here, but instead, he just laughed in vain as he thought of his fate in the very near future.

My friends, my son, my men. They all died at your hands.

In the end, I know that I, too, will die in your hands.

Any last words?

Do I have time to leave a will?

Duke Luthella asked back calmly, and Raymond hesitated for a moment to gauge the situation. Whether he killed the duke now or later, it was of little consequence. But he had to calculate the right time for when Zion would be leading the subordinates in.

Duke, if youre trying to stall, then Im afraid you dont have any hope left. Theres no one else but us whos alive on the sixth and seventh floor.

Because I killed them all.

Raymond didnt say the last part anymore.

At that, Duke Luthella stared briefly into the empty air, then he hung his head. Raymond answered the dukes question nonetheless.

Still, if you want to leave a will, it wont be of much use. Im simply asking if you have any final words. I cant possibly sign as a witness for your will.

At Raymond's cold words, Duke Luthella looked up at the younger man, lifting his gaze but not his head. He opened his lips to speak.

What rank do you have now?

A captain, sir.

Not even a field-grade officer. What does my life amount to. freew(e)bnove(l)

Duke Luthella smiled bitterly. He thought that Raymond would have at least been a colonel. Surely enough, this country had given him a much higher rank. This young man could measure up to that much ability and popularity after all.

But Raymond just shrugged in response.

Is rank important when faced with a bullet?

What would you say if I offered you the rank of a general?

t/n: just a lil mass release to celebrate the manhwa launch hope you guys enjoyed~

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