Remnants anomaly

Funny story that

It took leon a few hours to reach beacon from mount glen since despite his flight speed not being slow it wasn't stupidly fast either at only about twenty five miles per hour. that was fast if you were running sure but to flying creatures it was at most a little above average. without a sound leon landed at his home on the side of the plateau and pushed open the semi camouflaged red door and walked in. a quick shower and a shave later and leon headed back up the side of the plateau to inform ozpin of his return and face the music.

Leon knew that the hunters near mount glen definitely reported the grand display he did by clearing the city which meant ozpin is likely to grill him about it. a few students noticed leon's arrival at beacon and began to spread the news by word of mouth. it was funny really that it was only after leon vanished for a whole month that all the first year students realized how much they enjoyed his classes. it didn't hurt that there were quite a few females among the students who found leon attractive.

Just to mess with ozpin leon walked to the elevator which was a fairly standard thing that only had a few buttons. with a click leon pressed the circular button labeled headmasters office and waited for the square elevator to reach the set destination. ozpin had a confused expression on his face when he saw leon step out of the elevator and subconsciously looked at the large open window next to him. leon grinned knowing that his arrival through the normal way got to ozpin who seemed to think he would only show up through the window.

"Any particular reason you seemed to choose the elevator this time leon?" ozpin asked curiously. leon just grinned some more "i knew it would bother you." he said honestly. ozpin just chuckled and shook his head " you seem to enjoy doing things that give me a headache it would seem , i've gotten close to a dozen reports about a glowing being that burnt away the grim in mount glen." ozpin said with a sigh. " did you know your actions have inspired a new myth about the demon of mount glen?" ozpin asked rhetorically. "care to explain what actually happened during your month out there?" ozpin said less asking and more commanding. 

Leon sat on the plush leather couch and leaned back "well as i said i needed a challenge to break through my bottleneck. at first i did the terribly foolish thing and directly challenged a manmade swarm of grim by yelling at them as loud as i could. that certainly helped but wasn't nearly enough to let me advance again so instead i gave myself the challenge to clear out the entire mount glen city of grim. that light show you got reports on was just me doing exactly that to each of the quarters of the city." leon explained calmly.

"After the mass cleansing was done i spent most of the rest of the month killing the grim that were hiding inside buildings as well as in the underground area that i collapsed by the way." leon said casually like he wasn't talking about collapsing a whole city. "i see and did you at least complete your breakthrough then?" ozpin asked while maintaining his cool despite the frankly scary implications leons story had. leon nodded "yup bigger and stronger than ever." he said while flexing. 

"Might i ask if you already have anything planned out for this upcoming saturdays class?" ozpin asked deciding to change the subject to a less headache inducing one. "yeah , i was going to do a lesson on information gathering actually." leon said with a nod. ozpin raised and eyebrow "oh? and i take it this lesson will also not be of the standard type like your usual lessons?" he asked curiously. "oh yeah , in fact i was thinking of getting the other teachers involved in the lesson as well , see the plan is....." leon broke down his lesson idea and ozpin clapped in appreciation and gave him the go ahead and even promised to personally helped.


OK so someone already figured out that the familiar was from a monster hunter game so i'll narrow down that list for everyone as the last hint i'll give. monster hunter world

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