Remnants anomaly

Flawless victory

This chapter was after the tournament of laws(2) chapter but for some reason didn't get posted here like i thought and only after seeing the incorrect number of chapters listed did i figure it out. i apologize for the inconvenience since i cant just rearrange the order on this site for some reason.

A circle of infernal script was imprinted into the ground around leon and his entire body was covered by a white bubble hiding him from view as he stripped off the gravity suit. the few students familiar with the scripts of the world frowned when looking at the infernal script as it was drastically different then anything they knew of. a minute later the circle deactivated and leon stepped out with his normal suit on and his gravity suit on draped over his arm. "alright then once i set this aside we will be all set." he said while summoning a locker with his scroll.

The target seeking rocket lockers that the various hunters used were very convenient as they meant hunters didn't always need to have their weapons with them. leon knew better than to go anywhere without his weapon however so he tended to ignore his own designated locker. in cases like this were he needed to store a small piece of tech that he wants to be absolutely sure no one gets their hands on it works perfectly. the locker landed on the ground in a vertical position and leon input the code to fast to memorize and stuffed the gravity suit into the empty container and sent it back.

"Well then miss schnee after you." leon said motioning to the cage arena that had reset. weiss sighed at her pride getting her into this mess and walked back into the arena again. leon just followed behind her with a carefree smile. yang and ruby both shivered when they saw the look on his face as he only made that face when he was feeling especially merciless in their spars. that face guaranteed a humiliating defeat and a lesson in the mistakes that were made.

The arena shifted after leon and weiss stepping into the center but the change was into a thick mud filled marsh that rose to weiss's knees. her face scrunched up at the mire she found herself standing in but leon didn't look bothered at all. "you may begin at your leisure." he said without even drawing his weapon. weiss created a glyph platform above the water and stepped out of the mire and sent a wave of ice through the air freezing the water below as it rapidly approached leon. to the surprise of everyone watching and weiss herself hell fire appeared in front of leon and stopped the ice attack effortlessly.

The silver and black flames roared as the water within five feet of leon rapidly began to evaporate leaving him standing on dry land. it was a miraculous sight as it was like the water was fearful to approach leon as he raised his foot and shot towards weiss like a blur. she panicked and used a speed boosting glyph to try and open the distance but she was not as fast as leon with the boost of only a single glyph. leon clotheslined her knocking the breath out of her lungs while the actual damage from the attack was negated by her aura shield.

Leon may have stopped but weiss was launched backwards by the momentum of the impact while half of her aura reserves dropped on the measuring device. leon stood next to weiss calmly as her chest heaved as she desperately gasped for air. she thought he was mocking her by allowing her the time to recover and used an impact glyph in a dirty backhanded strike. leon simply leaned his body out of the way before she even swung her arm and spartan kicked her under her armpit knocking the air out of only a single lung this time.

As if it was planned weiss's aura reserves dropped down to low levels but it was only her impacting the side of the area that wiped it out leaving her vulnerable , which by sparring rules meant she lost. weiss just stared at leon in horror and the other students weren't much better. "and that students is the distance between all of you and the most powerful hunters in the world , any questions?" leon asked calmly as he stepped out of the arena that had already began to shift again.



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