Remnants anomaly

Dark conversations

"Is he going to be ok?" pyrrha asked seeing jaune limp with his eyes closed and a copious amount of sweat coming out of him. when everyone looked away from jaune to leon however they were horrified to see that a line of blood had fallen down his face from his eyes. Ruby rushed over with her semblance in worry immediately. "areyouok!? whathappened!? canihelp!?" she asked three questions super fast in her panic while leon merely groaned and rubbed his eyelids from the dull pain he suddenly had in his eyes after hitting jaune with his illusion.

"Note to self , don't try to mess with someone's perception of time lightly." leon complained while rubbing his eyes. meanwhile jaune woke up with a start and looked ready to throw hands with the world in his own panic. "dying sucks doesn't?" leon stated seriously. jaune relaxed after seeing he was back in the real world and glared at leon. "how the hell do you even know what that's like!" he yelled at leon pissed and very worried. leon opened his eyes to stare jaune right in his eyes "personal experience." he said honestly. "don't ask , it doesn't matter what happened." he said before the next question could be spoken by jaune.

"Can one of you explain what the hell you are talking about?" weiss asked frustrated at not understanding the conversation. "the illusion i placed him under affected every one of jaune's senses including his perception of time. such an illusion was highly stressful on my eyes and as a result made several of my blood vessels burst. but in that short amount of time he was out jaune experienced the pain and sensation of being beaten to death by nora. to be more specific he experienced as very much dulled down version of dying." leon explained.

"The actual experience of dying is far worse though the small taste he got was plenty to fix his problem hitting one of you." leon added while magicking some water to clean the blood from his face. this was the biggest thing leon had done is the time that had passed , complete the system of magic for his infernal script. Once the most difficult first part was done leon had no trouble at all actualizing the spells into reality. in this case he made a small tweak to a water ball spell to make it harmless for his purpose.

There was a big down side to this indirect method of cast spells however in that the energy consumption was nearly three times higher than with hell fire. this meant that even for roughly equivalent power a spell would cost leon way more to cast than if he used hell fire. the versatility this type of magic gave leon however more than made up for it as far as he was concerned. "wait is that what you mean when you say personal experience , you've died before!?" yang asked in horror.

"No reason to get all dramatic about it but yes i have indeed died before though i was revived shortly afterwards." leon lied without any qualms about his experience with death. "as i said however it's not important what happened." leon  shut down that conversation. it was clear to everyone that while there was more to that story leon was done talking about it and they all backed off. ruby was still fussing about leons eyes but he told her them had already healed so she could stop worrying about it. "how could your eyes heal so fast when general ironwood took three days for even a single rupture much less the multiple you had?" weiss asked in disbelief.

"Oh that? my semblance gives me extreme regenerative abilities , i even regrew my arm at one point." leon said with a shrug. "you lost an arm!?" ruby exclaimed in horror while subconsciously looking at one of his hands. "lost it to a beowolf ambush but i grew it back a bit after that so it's fine." leon blew off their concerns since for him regrowing an arm is not even close to the limit of his semblance.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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